
2019高考英語一輪選練習題 模塊3 Unit 1 The world of our senses(含解析)牛津譯林版

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2019高考英語一輪選練習題 模塊3 Unit 1 The world of our senses(含解析)牛津譯林版_第1頁
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《2019高考英語一輪選練習題 模塊3 Unit 1 The world of our senses(含解析)牛津譯林版》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《2019高考英語一輪選練習題 模塊3 Unit 1 The world of our senses(含解析)牛津譯林版(12頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、The world of our senses李仕才一、閱讀理解。Amazing Facts About Elf Owls Brief Introduction The elf owl (a kind of owl) is mostly found in the southwestern parts of the United States and Mexico.During the spring and summer seasons,it moves to Arizona and New Mexico.It returns to Mexico for the winter.The elf o

2、wl doesnt build its nest.It lives in tree holes. Features The elf owl is a yellow bird.Its wings are dark and about 48-61 centimeters long.Its eyes are bright yellow.Its feet are large.It is the smallest owl of the species.It is about 12.5-14.5 centimeters long.It is also the worlds lightest owl,wei

3、ghing not more than 40 grams.In general,female elf owls weigh more than male ones. The female usually lays three eggs at a time.After the young elf owls are born,their mother will feed them with worms(蠕蟲) for up to 3-4 weeks.After 10 weeks,the young ones are fully grown and ready to take flight. Liv

4、ing Habits The elf owls are not aggressive birds.When danger comes,they will fly away in the other direction,rather than staying and facing the danger or the enemies.Besides flying,the elf owl can also walk and climb like a parrot.The elf owl is most active after dusk,during the night,and just befor

5、e dawn.It can produce many different kinds of sounds.It can live for 3-6 years in the wild.If they are kept in cages,they can live for 10-14 years.The elf owls are now in danger because of the loss of habitat.Cutting down trees will result in lack of places for them to live in.1.According to the fir

6、st and second paragraphs,an elf owl may_.A.build its nest in treesB.have yellow wingsC.have big and dark eyesD.live in Mexico in winter2.What can we learn from the text?A.The female elf owl takes care of her children for about four weeks.B.The elf owl sleeps at night and looks for food during the da

7、ytime.C.The female elf owl lays one egg at one time.D.The elf owl can live no longer than six years.3.What is the character of the elf owl?A.Shy.B.Peace-loving.C.Hard-working.D.Selfish.參考答案: 1.D; 2.A; 3.B解析: 本文對瀕臨滅絕的姬鵠的外貌及生活習性進行了詳細的介紹。1.D 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“It returns to Mexico for the winter.”可知,姬鵠在冬天的時候可能會居

8、住在墨西哥。2.A 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“After the young elf owls are born,their mother will feed them with worms(蠕蟲) for up to 3-4 weeks.”可知,雌姬鵠會照顧它們的幼鳥大約四個星期。3.B 推理判斷題。根據(jù)“The elf owls are not aggressive birds.”可知,姬鵠是一種愛好和平的鳥。二、單項選擇。1.The US should _ the three Sino-Us joint Communiques and the basic norms of internation

9、al relations.A. approve B. observeC. accomplish D. accelerate【答案】B【解析】句意:美國應(yīng)遵守中美三個聯(lián)合公報和國際關(guān)系基本準則。observe意為“遵守”,符合句意。approve批準;accomplish完成;accelerate促進。2.The mother was filled with _ that her daughter might be disabled by the accident. A. demand B. curiosityC. anxiety D. arrangement【答案】C【解析】demand需求;

10、curiosity好奇心;anxiety焦慮;arrangement安排。句意:這個媽媽充滿焦慮,她的女兒可能會在這場車禍中落下殘疾。 3.Successful people make a plan to deal with each new problem rather than denying or _ that it exists.A. realizing B. prayingC. judging D. ignoring 【答案】D【解析】句意:成功人士會制定計劃來解決每一個新的問題,而不是對存在的問題視而不見。realizing意識;praying祈禱;judging判斷;ignori

11、ng忽視。4.Do keep _ in an emergency, or things will get even worse.A. calmB. stillC. quietD. silent【答案】A【解析】句意:在遇到緊急情況時一定要保持鎮(zhèn)定,否則情況會更糟。keep calm保持鎮(zhèn)定。15In the Middle Ages, merchants _ “town criers” to read public messages aloud to promote their goods.A. carried B. exposed C. employed D. handled【答案】C【解析】

12、employ雇傭。句意:在中世紀,商人為了促銷他們的貨物雇用街頭公告員來大聲地讀公告。6.Taking a walk after meals, _ common wisdom, doesnt necessarily do good to our health.A. according to B. as to C. due to D. contrary to【答案】D【解析】contrary to與相反。句意:和大家認為的相反,飯后立即散步對健康未必有好處。according to根據(jù);as to至于,關(guān)于;due to由于,因為。7.Is there any news for the miss

13、ing boy?Yes, he was observed _ computer games at eight oclock yesterday in a net bar.A. play B. playedC. to play D. playing【答案】D【解析】observe+sb.+doing的結(jié)構(gòu)。playing作主語補足語。句意:“有沒有那個失蹤男孩的什么消息???”“有了。有人看到他昨天8點鐘正在一家網(wǎng)吧玩電腦游戲?!?.The parents will be _ unless they know that their children are safe and sound.A. ea

14、gerB. nervousC. anxiousD. conscious【答案】C【解析】句意:除非父母知道孩子們安然無恙,否則他們會一直擔心。anxious擔心的,符合題意。eager渴望的;nervous緊張的;conscious意識到的。9.People dont like to ask questions for fear of appearing _. A. anxiousB. curious C. gentleD. ignorant【答案】D【解析】ignorant無知。句意:人們不喜歡問問題,害怕自己會顯得很無知。10.After hearing what the teacher

15、said, the class was completely _. The students all picked up their books and left the room silently. A. stillB. silentC. quietD. calm【答案】C【解析】still靜止的,不動的;silent沉默的;quiet安靜的;calm冷靜的,平靜的,風平浪靜的。聽了老師的話之后,教室里一片安靜。學生們拿起他們的書默默地離開了教室。11.What do you think of cloning? Is it harmful to human beings?Well, _ in

16、 a proper way, this technology can contribute to the development of mankind.A. made B. employed C. volunteered D. tested【答案】B12._ what many people think, HIV cannot be spread through mosquitoes, a cough or sneeze, or by merely touching someone with Aids. A. Except forB. Contrary to C. Apart fromD. R

17、egardless of 【答案】B【解析】contrary to和相反。句意:與許多人所想象的不同,艾滋病毒不會通過蚊子叮咬、咳嗽、打噴嚏或只是觸碰艾滋病人而傳播。 13.Talking about the future, I prefer _ a businessman _ be an official.A. beingto B. to betoC. to berather than D. beingmore than【答案】C【解析】句意:談到將來,我更想成為一個商人而不愿當一名政府官員。prefer to do sth寧愿做某事,排除A、D;prefer to do sth. rath

18、er than do sth. else寧愿做某事而不愿做另一件事。14.What makes online shopping so popular is _ it shortens the distance between manufacturers and consumers. A. how B. that C. whether D. why【答案】B【解析】句意:使在線購物如此受歡迎的是它縮短了制造商和消費者之間的距離。is 后是表語從句,在表語從句中,that不做任何成分但又不可缺少。how表方式;whether是否;why為什么。15.At first he hated the ne

19、w job but decided to give himself a few months to see _ it got any better. 5uA. when B. how C. why D. if 【答案】D【解析】根據(jù)句意“起先他討厭這個新工作, 但決定給自己幾個月時間看看是否能感覺好點?!庇胕f引導賓語從句。三、完形填空。Life is full of miracles. They surroundus every day. One of these miracles _1_ me recently. I was filling my car at a gas station.

20、 Not sleeping well the night before, I felt _2_. After paying for the gas I turned my car towards the main road. I looked right and left then my brain sent the _3_ for my foot to push on the gas pedal but nothing happened. _4_, I shook my head to _5_ it and gazed down at my foot.Just as I did, _6_,

21、a semitruck roared past my car doing 60 mph. When I had looked just two seconds _7_, my weary eyes hadnt seen it. If I had been driving onto the road when I should have been my car would have been _8_ and I would have most likely been killed. I sat there for a long time quietly thanking God for _9_

22、my life before _10_ on the road and heading home. This time both my brain and foot worked _11_.As I looked back on that moment later I still couldnt understand it. Did God _12_ my brains signal from _13_ my foot? Did an angel grab my toes to keep them from _14_ on the gas? One question kept coming b

23、ack into my mind as well: why did I get this miracle? Finally, I felt the answer _15_ deep within my heart and mind. I heard the _16_coming from my soul saying: “You still have more to do. Your work is not done yet!”Richard Bach wrote: “Here is the _17_ to find if your mission on Earth is finished:

24、if you are alive it isnt.” _18_ up each day then knowing that your mission isnt done yet. You have more love to _19_, more people to help, more kindness to give. You have one more day to be the miracle God _20_ for you to be.語篇解讀:作者在剛加完油準備駛?cè)胫髀窌r,由于前一天睡眠不好,腦子和腳不協(xié)調(diào)沒有踩加速油門,這個遲鈍的動作讓他躲過了卡車,救了他一命。作者由此感謝上蒼給

25、了他眷顧,認為這是一個奇跡。1. A. refers to B. appears toC. occurstoD. comes across 【答案】C2. A. disturbed B. tired C. annoyed D. refreshed【答案】B【解析】根據(jù)上文。上句話說“我”前一天晚上沒有睡好覺,因此應(yīng)該感到疲憊。A. disturbed 感到不安的;B. tired疲倦的;C. annoyed惱怒的;D. refreshed恢復(fù)了的,振作的。3. A. symbol B. order C. message D. signal【答案】D【解析】根據(jù)句意,此處意思應(yīng)該是“大腦發(fā)出信號

26、讓腳踩油門”。A. symbol象征;標志; B. order命令;秩序;C. message信息,消息;D. signal信號,暗號。4. A. Discouraged B. Embarrassed C. Disappointed D. Puzzled【答案】D【解析】根據(jù)上文選擇。上一句話意思是“大腦發(fā)出信號讓腳踩油門,但什么事情都沒有發(fā)生?!币虼舜颂帯拔摇睉?yīng)該感到困惑并向下看。A. Discouraged泄氣的;B. Embarrassed尷尬的,局促不安的,為難的;C. Disappointed失望的,沮喪的;D. Puzzled困惑的,糊涂的。5. A. clean B. clear

27、 C. inspire D. remove【答案】B6. A. instead B. though C. therefore D. besides【答案】B【解析】根據(jù)詞意辨析。A. instead代替,而不是;B. though 雖然,盡管,或用于句末補充說明,表示不過、可是;C. therefore因此,所以;D. besides 除之外(還),況且。 “可是,正當我低頭看的時候,一輛卡車呼嘯而過?!?. A. earlier B. later C. faster D. slower【答案】A【解析】根據(jù)上下文,此句句意是“兩秒前,我還用疲憊的雙眼,視線模糊的看了,并沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)這一情況?!敝?/p>

28、有選A .earlier使句子通順,故選A。8. A. damaged B. crashed C. scratched D. stuck【答案】B【解析】根據(jù)上下文此句句意指:“但凡當時我的車駛上主路一點點,那現(xiàn)在我的小車肯定被撞了個稀巴爛,我也已經(jīng)很可能一命嗚呼了?!盇. damaged被損壞的;B. crashed撞毀的;C. scratched抓傷的;D. stuck動不了的,被卡住的。9. A. sparing B. taking C. rescuing D. claiming【答案】A 【解析】根據(jù)上下文,此處句意應(yīng)是“我感謝上帝饒了我一命”。A. sparing饒恕、赦免的。spa

29、re ones life饒某人一命;B. taking帶走,拿走;C. rescuing營救、救援;D. claiming奪去(某人的命)。10. A. picking up B. breaking down C. pulling out D. setting sail 【答案】C 【解析】根據(jù)上下文,上文中講到“我加完了油,正要駛向主路”,所以本句句意是“在駛向主路之前祈禱”。A. picking up 改善,重新開始;B. breaking down出故障。失??;C. pulling out駛向路邊;D. setting sail 起航。11. A. passively B. poorly

30、 C. perfectly D. curiously【答案】C【解析】A. passively 被動地,順從地;B. poorly 窮困地,差勁地;C. perfectly完美地,理想地;D. curiously .好奇地。根據(jù)詞意可知,只有選C使句意通順,表示“這次我的大腦和腳配合默契”。12. A. protect B. prevent C. defend D. differ 【答案】B 【解析】根據(jù)上文可知,這句話是作者感嘆“難道是上帝阻止了大腦的信號傳到腳上”,從而我沒有踩下油門,沒有遭遇事故。prevent sb/sth (from doing sth)阻止、阻礙,故選B。13. A

31、. attacking B. lifting C. touching D. reaching 【答案】D 14. A. pressing B. depending C. putting D. focusing 【答案】A 【解析】句意:“難道是有天使拉住了我的腳不讓它踩油門?”只有press有壓、壓迫的意思,故選A。15. A. forming B. resulting C. disappearing D. surviving 【答案】A 【解析】根據(jù)句意,“我感覺到答案從內(nèi)心深處浮現(xiàn)”。A. forming(使)形成 B. resulting (from sth)(因)發(fā)生;C. disap

32、pearing不見,消失;D. surviving幸存,活下來。16. A. words B. commands C. suggestions D. expectations 【答案】A 【解析】A. words 話,諾言;B. commands命令;C. suggestions建議;D. expectations期望的事情。根據(jù)詞意,應(yīng)選A,表示“我聽到靈魂在說話”。17. A. solution B. advice C. test D. belief【答案】C 【解析】此句句意指“有個方法可以檢驗?zāi)阍谑郎系娜蝿?wù)有沒有完成,只要你還活著,那就說明還沒有?!?,只有選C. test符合句意。18

33、. A. Wake B. Stay C. Hurry D. Cheer【答案】A 【解析】A. Wake up醒來;B. Stay up熬夜;C. Hurry up 快一點;D. Cheer up 振作起來。參看上題解析。表達“每一天醒來,你就知道你的任務(wù)還沒有完成”,故選A。19. A. share B. gather C. donate D. preserve.【答案】A 【解析】A. share分享,分配;B. gather收集,聚集;C. donate捐贈;D. preserve保護,保持。根據(jù)上下文,此處選share 表示“跟人們分享更多的愛,即你要更博愛”最能符合句意,故選A。你要

34、更博愛、施助、仁慈。20. A. applied B. compensated C. meant D. allowed【答案】C 四、七選五。Ways to get rid of jealousy Jealousy is like a poison. It is difficult to avoid such moments in life. Sometimes, this feeling comes from the sensation of envy that we tend to experience when we notice others better lives, appeara

35、nces, successes, and so on. 1 . It can ruin relationships, friendships, as well as a sense of satisfaction. Here are some tips to help get rid of jealousy.Be confident.Not all of us are born with confidence. It takes years of practice to find self-assurance. Follow the fake it till you makes its met

36、hod. 2 Day by day, confidence forms. If you feel confident in yourself, you are less likely to feel inferior to others.Dont compare yourself.Comparison is the most significant aspect of jealousy. If you are able to avoid comparing yourself to others, you will experience a new-found sense of freedom.

37、A good way to judge this is by valuing imperfection. 3 We are all constantly growing and improving throughout our lives, which is value in failure. 4 When you are feeling upset, remind yourself of your positive qualities. Reflecting on what you do well puts your life into perspective, which is alway

38、s a plus! A positive spin can be placed on almost anything that you may see as a negative event. There is always a way to find a positive angle.Make a healthy change.Most of us wish to change, especially faced with something that we are forced to accept. However, most of the things that people tend

39、to feel jealous about can in fact change in a healthy way. If you feel jealous of someone elses accomplishments, use it as motivation to work harder to achieve your own goals. Just remember, if the change you want to make is healthy, go for it. 5 A. Act positively.B. Think positively.C. Jealousy is

40、like a snake.D. Jealousy has the potential to kill happiness .E. Use the feelings of jealousy as motivation to improve yourself.F. If you take it as a part of your routine, it will gradually become natural to you.G. Use your weakness as a learning experience, rather than as a chance to make you feel

41、 bad.【語篇解讀】本文主要介紹了嫉妒對人們的危害,并給人們提出了擺脫嫉妒的三點建議。1.D 【解析】根據(jù)前文的Jealousy is like a poison.及空后的It can ruin relationships, friendships, as well as a sense of satisfaction.可知嫉妒就像毒藥,它會毀掉關(guān)系、友誼和滿足感,故此處應(yīng)指嫉妒有扼殺幸福的潛在力量。故選D。3.G 【解析】根據(jù)前文的A good way to judge this is by valuing imperfection.(通過重視不完美是一個很好的方法)及空后We are a

42、ll constantly growing and improving throughout our lives, which is value in failure.(整個一生中,我們都在不斷地成長和改進,這也正是失敗的價值所在。)可知此處應(yīng)指我們應(yīng)該把我們的不足當成一種學習的經(jīng)歷,而不是讓它成為讓我們感覺糟糕的因素。故選G。4.B 【解析】根據(jù)段落中的When you are feeling upset, remind yourself of your positive qualities. Reflecting on what you do well(當你感覺郁悶時,讓自己想一想自己身上

43、積極的品質(zhì)?;貞浺幌履闵瞄L的事情)可知,本段的主題應(yīng)是思想要積極。故選B。5.E 【解析】根據(jù)前文的If you feel jealous of someone elses accomplishments, use it as motivation to work harder to achieve your own goals. Just remember, if the change you want to make is healthy, go for it.(如果你對別人的成績感到嫉妒時,要把它作為更加努力地工作去實現(xiàn)自己目標的動力。只要記住,如果你想要的改變是健康的,那就去做它。)可知,此處應(yīng)指我們應(yīng)該把嫉妒感當成自我發(fā)展的動力。故選E。12

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