
2019版高考英語二輪復習 第3板塊 專題6 書面表達 第1節(jié) 八大寫作技法學案(含解析)

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2019版高考英語二輪復習 第3板塊 專題6 書面表達 第1節(jié) 八大寫作技法學案(含解析)_第1頁
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2019版高考英語二輪復習 第3板塊 專題6 書面表達 第1節(jié) 八大寫作技法學案(含解析)_第2頁
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2019版高考英語二輪復習 第3板塊 專題6 書面表達 第1節(jié) 八大寫作技法學案(含解析)_第3頁
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《2019版高考英語二輪復習 第3板塊 專題6 書面表達 第1節(jié) 八大寫作技法學案(含解析)》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《2019版高考英語二輪復習 第3板塊 專題6 書面表達 第1節(jié) 八大寫作技法學案(含解析)(28頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、第1節(jié) 八大寫作技法技法一認真審題,擬全要點1審體裁,避免格式錯誤無論書信還是通知都有各自的格式,寫對格式是考生寫作成功的第一步。(1)書信的格式:Dear , Yours,Li Hua(2)通知的格式:書面通知:在正文之前的正中位置寫Notice字樣。結尾要寫明通知發(fā)布單位??陬^通知:固定的開場白;Ladies and gentlemen/Boys and girls,may I have your attention please?常用的結束語;Thats all.Thank you.2審時間,避免時態(tài)錯誤要正確判斷謂語動詞的時態(tài),這是句子的核心。例如2018全國卷書信的主體時態(tài)是一般現(xiàn)在

2、時;2018全國卷通知的時態(tài)以一般將來時和一般現(xiàn)在時為主。3審內(nèi)容,避免要點缺失遺漏要點是寫作大忌。如要點不全,即使語言正確,結構合理,連貫通順,也不可能得高分。(2018全國卷)假定你是李華,你的新西蘭朋友Terry將去中國朋友家做客,發(fā)郵件向你詢問有關習俗。請你回復郵件,內(nèi)容包括:1到達時間;2.合適的禮物;3.餐桌禮儀。注意:1詞數(shù)100左右;2可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。 考生作文名師點評作文提升My friend Terry,I am delighted to know your Chinese friend has invited you to a dinner party.I

3、t is a really good opportunity to experience Chinese culture.Now Id like to offer you some advices.First of all,you should arrive on time because it is polite to be on time in China.Secondly,you should bring a small gift,such as a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolates if they have young children.M

4、ost importantly,the elderly are usually the first to eat the food served on the table because they are well respected in China.Lastly,you should praise your friend for the delicious food he offers.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua 總體來說,此篇作文人稱、時態(tài)、詞數(shù)都符合要求。(1)格式欠妥:此篇作文開頭格式不符合要求。(2)要點不當:此

5、篇作文在結尾處應是希望對方過得愉快,而不是希望對方回信。(3)用詞錯誤:advice是不可數(shù)名詞,不能加-s。(4)重復用詞:此篇作文用了三次you should和兩次on time。應采用多樣化的表達方式。(5)有些詞匯可進行提升:例如eat,polite等,可尋求更高級的表達。(6)句式方面也可進行提升:第一段中的主動語態(tài)可變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài);另外可以用which引導的定語從句把兩個句子合成一個復合句。Dear Terry,I am delighted to know you are invited to a dinner party by your Chinese friend,which i

6、s a really good opportunity to experience Chinese culture.Here are some tips for you.First of all,you should arrive on time because it is good manners to be punctual in China.Secondly,you are supposed to bring a small gift,such as a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolates if they have young children

7、.Most importantly,the elderly are usually the first to taste the food served on the table because they are well respected in China.Lastly,dont forget to praise your friend for the delicious food he offers.I hope you will have a good time.Yours,Li Hua.結合下列寫作要求,完成謀篇及擬點任務假設你是李華,你的外國網(wǎng)友Peter因迷戀手機游戲而被父母批評

8、,他為此寫信向你抱怨。請給他寫一封回信,要點包括:1對Peter受到批評表示遺憾;2指出Peter的錯誤;3給出建議。注意:1詞數(shù)100左右;2可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。 一、認真審題1本文為信件,屬于應用文,應注意書信的格式。2時態(tài)以一般現(xiàn)在時為主。3人稱以第二和第一人稱為主。二、擬全要點1聽到你受到父母的批評我感到很遺憾。2老實說,你確實該受責備。3作為學生,我們的首要任務是努力學習而不是沉迷于手機游戲。4你父母的所作所為都是因為他們關心你。5你非常有必要合理安排學習和休閑時間。6你絕不該再沉迷于手機游戲從而讓你父母失望。三、范文填充Dear Peter,Im sorry to he

9、ar that you were scolded by your parents.But to be honest,1.it is indeed you that are to blame.To start with,it is the primary task 2.to study hard rather than stay addicted to phone games.In addition,the reason why your parents criticised you is 3.that they care about you.How I wish you could put y

10、ourself in their shoes! Whats more,it is necessary that 4.you arrange your time for study and leisure wisely.At no time should you let phone games absorb you again and disappoint your parents.Hope what I say will cheer you up.Yours sincerely, Li Hua.書面表達(邀請信)(2018包頭市模擬)假定你是李華,你們學校將要舉辦“中華經(jīng)典文學誦讀比賽”(Ch

11、inese Classics Reciting Contest),你的英國好友Peter對中國文化很感興趣,請你根據(jù)以下信息,給他寫一封信,邀請他參加比賽。要點如下:1舉辦時間和地點;2朗誦內(nèi)容與形式;3期待參與。注意:1詞數(shù)100左右;2可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。 【參考范文】Dear Peter,A Chinese Classics Reciting Contest will be hosted in my school.Knowing that you are really into Chinese culture,Im writing to invite you to parti

12、cipate in the contest.It will be held in the school lecture hall from 2:00 to 4:00 on the afternoon of April 15.All the competitors are required to recite several Chinese poems or essays within given time.The forms of the activity are various,reciting on your own,in pairs or in groups.The prizes wil

13、l go to the best five performers.Im sure it will be great fun and beneficial to your language learning.Hope you can join us.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua技法二引人入勝的開篇語1如何寫好開頭?開頭一般來說要做到開門見山,使讀者了解文章要談什么,最好能立刻引起讀者的興趣。(1)背景法說明事件發(fā)生的時間、地點等背景。典例Last week,a group of international students vi

14、sited our school.(2018北京高考書面表達)(2)數(shù)據(jù)法引用已經(jīng)證實的統(tǒng)計數(shù)字來引出話題。典例The box-office income of Chinese movies witnessed a constant increase from about 17 billion yuan in 2012 to over 40 billion in 2015.(2017江蘇高考書面表達)(3)主題句法提出一個觀點或論據(jù)作為文章要闡明和論述的主題。典例When it comes to the season I like best,summer will always occur t

15、o me in no time.(2016四川高考書面表達)(4)實例法通過一個實例或現(xiàn)象引出話題。典例Online voting becomes increasingly popular,and many competitions get people involved in it.(2016江蘇高考書面表達)(5)問題法用提出問題的方法來引出文章的內(nèi)容,以吸引讀者的注意力。典例Why do we go to university? Different people have different opinions.(6)引語法摘錄或引用某些名人的名言或常見的習語、諺語作為文章的開端。典例Th

16、ere is an old English saying,“Gain time,gain life”Then what is time? Time is a kind of thing that we cant see or touch,but we can feel it pass by.2書信的開頭英語書信的特點是開門見山,在寫作中我們常用Im writing to do sth.來表達目的;用Id like to do sth.來表示打算。求職信可說:Im writing to apply for the position .或Learning from.,Id like to appl

17、y for the post .咨詢信可說:Im writing to inquire/ask for some information about .感謝信可說:Im writing to express my thanks for .或Id like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for .建議信可說:Im writing to express my view concerning .投訴信可說:Im writing to complain about .道歉信可說:Im writing to make an apology to you for

18、 .邀請信可說:Im writing to tell you something about .Would you like to .?3通知的開頭直接說明通知內(nèi)容,常用there be句式或被動語態(tài)。典例1There will be a short English clubGrowing Together this weekend.(2018全國卷書面表達)典例2An exciting event “Innovations on Campus”is around the corner.Every one of you is expected to be part of the event w

19、hich encourages creative minds and gives full play to your DIY skills.(2014遼寧高考書面表達)典例3An English Club will be set up on September 16,2017 in our school.典例4There will be a lecture on American culture in our school on Friday evening.(2018全國卷)你受學生會委托,為學校宣傳欄“英語天地”寫一則通知,請大家觀看Growing Together,內(nèi)容包括:1短片內(nèi)容:

20、學校的發(fā)展;2放映時間、地點;3歡迎對短片提出意見。注意:1詞數(shù)100左右;2可以適當增添細節(jié),以使行文連貫。 考生作文(開頭)名師點評作文提升There is going to have a short English film this weekend.Its name is Growing Together.Its mainly about the development of our school.(1)文中there be結構使用錯誤。(2)開篇用了三個簡單句,讓閱卷人一看就覺得是初級水平,應采用高級句式進行提升。(3)有些單詞如about也可以進行優(yōu)化。There is going

21、 to be a short English film named Growing Together this weekend,which is mainly related to the development of our school.請用上述開頭法翻譯下列句子1上周日,我和同學們?nèi)チ讼闵焦珗@。Last Sunday,my classmates and I went to Xiangshan Park.(以背景開篇)2眼下,街談巷議,人們的熱門話題總離不開“三貴”:買房貴、上學貴、看病貴。Nowadays people often talk about three things that

22、 few can afford:houses,school education and medical treatment.(以主題句開篇)3當有那么多方式可以與學生家長溝通時,家訪還有必要嗎?Are home visits necessary when there are so many ways to communicate with students parents?(以問題開篇)4正如諺語所說的那樣“時間就是金錢”,是的,情況確實就是這樣。As the saying goes,“Time is money.”Yes,its indeed the case.(以引語開篇)5最近的研究表明

23、,有50%的學生不吃早飯。A recent study shows that 50% of the school kids dont have breakfast.(以數(shù)據(jù)開篇)6當今,很多大城市的人們在抱怨交通擁擠,這已經(jīng)嚴重影響了人們的日常生活和經(jīng)濟發(fā)展。Nowadays,people in many big cities are complaining about heavy traffic.It has seriously influenced peoples daily life and economic development.(以實例開篇).書面表達(建議信)(2018濟南市模擬

24、)假定你是李華,你的英國朋友Leslie打算到中國成都大熊貓繁育研究基地(Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding)參觀,給他一些建議。內(nèi)容包括:1出行方式;2出游季節(jié);3其他注意事項。注意:1詞數(shù)100左右;2可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。 【參考范文】Dear Leslie,Im more than glad to receive your letter where you said you would pay a visit to Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Chin

25、a and asked me for some advice.The following are my suggestions.First,its convenient for you to travel either by airplane or by high-speed train because it is very easy to get to the base from the nearby airport and station.Second,it is a good idea that you take a tour in fall,when you may have a ch

26、ance to watch newly-born baby pandas.At last,do remember to wear walking shoes because you need to do some climbing sometimes.Hope you will have a good time in China.Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely, Li Hua技法三豐富充實的細節(jié)信息高考書面表達多為開放性作文,題目要求中的提示內(nèi)容很少。如果只是簡單翻譯提示內(nèi)容,詞數(shù)肯定不夠,因此在寫作時需要適當充實一些與提示內(nèi)容相關聯(lián)

27、的細節(jié)信息。1列舉具體的實例進行補充說明。例1我要花一些時間和父母在一起。Ill spend some time staying with my parents.Ill spend some time staying with my parents,chatting with them and doing some housework.例2我看到了一些不良行為。I found some bad behaviour.I found some bad behaviour.Some people scribbled on the wall; some played on the lawn and s

28、ome threw rubbish everywhere.2增添相關的神態(tài)、動作、心理描寫以及背景渲染等內(nèi)容。例1旅行了一周后,他回到了家。After a weeks trip,he returned home.After a weeks trip,he returned home,tired but happy.例2我有時去村西的小河游泳。I went swimming in the river to the west of the village now and then.I went swimming in the river to the west of the village now

29、 and then,in which the water was very clear. 3增添相關信息的時間、地點等內(nèi)容。例1我要去超市購物。Im going to do some shopping in the supermarket.Im going to do some shopping in the supermarket and wont be back until 5: 00 oclock in the afternoon.例2我已經(jīng)帶來了你讓我歸還的這兩本書。I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return.I

30、have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the City Library.4增添相關的原因、結果、條件、讓步、手段、目的等內(nèi)容。例1我將參加一些社會活動。I will take part in some social activities.If possible, I will take part in some social activities so that I can know more about society.例2我需要好好休息,我要做些閱讀。I need a good rest.Ill do some

31、 reading.I need a good rest because I do feel tired after the hard work of all these years. Ill do some reading for fun,as well as for knowledge.5結尾適當發(fā)揮,寫出個人感受、評價、愿望、倡議等。例1Although I was very tired this summer holiday,I felt very happy for what I did.(個人感受)盡管我這個暑假很累,但是我為我做的感到高興。例2I think such activi

32、ties are necessary and meaningful.(評價)我認為這樣的活動很有必要也很有意義。例3I sincerely hope my advice can be helpful to you and that you can enjoy your new school life.(愿望)我衷心希望我的建議能夠?qū)δ阌兴鶐椭?,你能夠享受你在新學校的生活。例4It is a duty for us students to protect our school environment and make it clean.(倡議)作為學生,保護我們校園的環(huán)境并使之干凈是我們的職責。

33、(2017全國卷)假定你是李華,想邀請外教Henry一起參觀中國剪紙(paper-cutting)藝術展。請給他寫封郵件,內(nèi)容包括:1展覽時間、地點;2展覽內(nèi)容。注意:1詞數(shù)100左右;2可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。 考生作文名師點評作文提升Dear Henry,I am Li Hua.There will be a Chinese paper-cutting exhibition.It will be held in the art gallery in our city center.The time is from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.Im writing to i

34、nvite you to see the Chinese paper-cutting exhibition.Paper-cutting is a traditional art form in China.It has a long history.In the exhibition you can see many kinds of paper-cutting works.Some famous paper-cutting artists will perform how to cut paper on the spot.Looking forward to your early reply

35、.Yours,Li Hua(1)作文的詞數(shù)偏少一些,主要是對于展覽內(nèi)容的描寫沒能適當增加細節(jié)所致。例如悠久的歷史可以具體到時間有多長,剪紙有什么用途,你會有什么收獲等。另外,結尾處可以增加個人的愿望等。(2)第一段用了五個簡單句,可用較復雜的句式進行優(yōu)化。(3)第二段中的一些句子也可以進行優(yōu)化。例如可以用復合句,there be結構等。Dear Henry,Im writing to invite you to attend the Chinese paper-cutting exhibition to be held in the art gallery from 8:00 am to 5:

36、00 pm next Sunday in our city center.Paper-cutting is a traditional art form in China,which has a history of more than 1,500 years.People often beautify their homes with paper-cutting during festivals and weddings. In the exhibition you can see paper-cutting works of various patterns.In addition,the

37、re are famous artists who will perform how to cut paper on the spot.Through the exhibition,not only can you enjoy the folk art works,but also learn a lot.I hope that you can grasp this opportunity to learn traditional Chinese culture further.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua.根據(jù)括號內(nèi)的提示完

38、成句子1However,it seems that people are not aware of the negative effects of mobile phones on communication.For example,many people begin to pay less attention to face-to-face communication(例如,很多人越來越不重視面對面的交流)2At that moment,I became the focus of the whole class and was full of great pride and confiden

39、ce(充滿了自豪和自信)3Several minutes had gone by(幾分鐘過去了),but the whole class was still in complete silence.4Besides,remember to speak slowly and clearly so that you can leave a good impression on the audience and judges(以便你能夠給觀眾和裁判留下良好的印象)5Lets develop good habits of saving energy in our daily life and try

40、to make more contributions to a better environment(盡力為環(huán)境的改善做出更多貢獻).書面表達(申請信)(2018成都市模擬)假設你是李華,從網(wǎng)上得知英國某校的孔子課堂(the Confucius Classroom)正在招募漢語教學助教。請根據(jù)以下提示給對方寫一封郵件,申請獲得這個職位:1你對國際漢語教學的認識;2你所具備的條件;3你對獲得錄用的愿望。注意:1詞數(shù) 100 左右;2可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。 【參考范文】Dear Sir/Madam,Im Li Hua,a graduate from China.Interested in

41、 the position advertised on your website,Im now writing to apply for it.As far as I am concerned,teaching Chinese is a good way for me to communicate with foreign friends.Besides,I can introduce the Chinese culture to children in England,which will surely promote the understanding between the two na

42、tions.I am confident to perform well in the job.Firstly,I am fluent in both Chinese and English.Additionally,I am cooperative and creative in my work,which I believe will give me an advantage over other applicants.I have been dreaming of working for the Confucius Classroom,so Id really appreciate it

43、 if you take me into consideration.Yours,Li Hua技法四巧妙的過渡,連貫的銜接為使作文的上下文語義連貫,邏輯關系清晰,在句與句之間,段與段之間恰當?shù)厥褂靡恍┏猩蠁⑾碌倪B接(過渡)性詞語是非常必要的。1表示起始關系的過渡性詞語above all,first of all,to begin with,according to,as you know/as is known,as is shown in,when it comes to等。例1First of all,I think it important to make more friends ab

44、road.例2As is shown in the picture,a tree is knocked down by the strong wind,while the grass stays as it is.2表示時間順序的過渡性詞語first(ly),second(ly),third(ly),then,later,in the end,finally,at last,after that,afterwards,since then,meanwhile等。例1Secondly, we should get up early to memorize idioms and useful ex

45、pressions.例2Meanwhile, we all enjoyed the beauty of nature.例3I had a bad cold last week.First, I had a running nose,but I did not take it seriously.Then I began to cough.After that,I had a fever and felt weak.Finally, I was sent to hospital and had to lie in bed for three days.3表示并列關系的過渡性詞語and,or,al

46、so,as well as,neither .nor .,not only .but also .,either .or .,not .but .等。例1Work hard,and you will be admitted to a key university.例2Swimming not only benefits our health,but also helps us to become strong-minded.4表示轉(zhuǎn)折關系的過渡性詞語例1However,not until the match was over did we realize that we became the

47、loser.例2On the contrary,smart phones not only take up our valuable time,but also do great harm to our health.5表示因果關系的過渡性詞語because,as,since,for,thanks to,due to,as a result of,so,therefore,as a result/consequence等。例1Thanks to the doctors timely treatment,he was saved.例2Therefore,I suggest we should b

48、e given more time for sports and sleep.6表示條件關系的過渡性詞語例1I would be very grateful if you can meet him at the airport.例2As long as you dont lose heart,youre sure to succeed.7表示遞進關系的過渡性詞語besides,in addition,whats more,furthermore,moreover,whats worse,still less,to make matters worse,worse still,on (the)o

49、ne hand .on the other (hand).,for one thing .for another .等。例1In addition, we shouldnt neglect the fact that everyone wants a friendly and peaceful society.例2On the other hand, online shopping also has many disadvantages.8表示列舉事實的過渡性詞語such as,for example/instance,take .for example,that is to say,as f

50、ollows,in other words等。例1Take Beijing for example,it is one of the oldest cities in the world.例2That is to say,if you want to succeed,you have to believe in yourself.9表示觀點的過渡性詞語in my opinion,in my view,in my point of view,as far as I am concerned,as for me,personally (speaking),I think .等。例1As far a

51、s I am concerned,I love wealth,but I value health more.例2In my opinion,people shall not smoke in public places.10表示總結的過渡性詞語in short,in brief,in conclusion,in a/one word,to sum up,all in all,on the whole,in general,generally speaking等。例1In a word, success is important,and so is failure,because its th

52、e mother of success.例2All in all, traveling is the best choice to recharge ourselves and get ready for the new challenges.(2018全國卷)假定你是李華,你的英國朋友Peter 來信詢問你校學生體育運動情況。請給他回信,內(nèi)容包括:1學校的體育場館;2主要的運動項目;3你喜歡的項目。注意:1詞數(shù)100左右;2可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。 考生作文名師點評作文提升Dear Peter,I am delighted to hear from you.In your letter you asked me about the physical exercise in our school.Id like to tell y

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