
2022年高考英語二輪專題復習 專題八 定語從句練習

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1、2022年高考英語二輪專題復習 專題八 定語從句練習1(xx課標卷)When I arrived, Bryan took me to see the house _ I would be staying.Awhat BwhenCwhere Dwhich解析:句意:當我到達時,Bryan帶我去看了我將要住的房子。本題考查定語從句。先行詞the house表示地點,還原到從句中為:I would be staying in the house.故應(yīng)使用關(guān)鍵副詞where引導定語從句。答案:C2(xx北京卷)Many countries are now setting up national par

2、ks _ animals and plants can be protected.Awhen BwhichCwhose Dwhere解析:句意:很多國家現(xiàn)在都在建立國家公園,在那里動物和植物能夠受到保護。本題考查定語從句。先行詞為national parks,代入從句中為:In the national parks animals and plants can be protected.應(yīng)該使用表示地點的關(guān)系副詞,故選D項。答案:D3(xx天津卷)We have launched another manmade satellite,_ is announced in todays newspa

3、per.Athat BwhichCwho Dwhat解析:句意:我們又發(fā)射了一顆人造衛(wèi)星,這件事是在今天的報紙上宣布的。本題考查非限制性定語從句。首先排除A項,因that不能引導非限制性定語從句;先行詞為前面一句話,先行詞在定語從句中作主語,且表示“事物”,故用which引導。who只用于指人;what不能引導定語從句。答案:B4(xx山東卷)There is no simple answer, _ is often the case in science.Aas BthatCwhen Dwhere解析:句意:科學往往如此,它沒有一個簡單的答案。本題考查定語從句。設(shè)空處前有逗號,故判斷設(shè)空處引

4、導非限制性定語從句??崭裉幍囊龑г~在從句中作主語,排除C、D兩項;that不能引導非限制性定語從句。答案:A5(xx浙江卷)The museum will open in the spring with an exhibition and a viewing platform _ visitors can watch the big glasshouses being built.Awhat BwhereCwhen Dwhy解析:句意:博物館將在春天開放,屆時將有一個展覽和一個觀光平臺。參觀者可以從這個平臺觀看正在建設(shè)的大溫室。本題考查定語從句。先行詞為platform,代入定語從句后為:Vi

5、sitors can watch the big glasshouses being built on the platform.由此可見關(guān)系詞在定語從句中作地點狀語,故用where。答案:B6(xx江蘇卷)The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for China, _ he remembers staring as early as his childhood.Awhere BwhichCwhat Dwhen解析:句意:世界銀行主席說他對中國有一種情結(jié),他記得這種情結(jié)始于他的兒童時代。本題考查定語從句。先行詞是a pass

6、ion for China,在定語從句中作start的賓語,要用關(guān)系代詞,所以選B項。答案:B7(xx安徽卷)Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in xx, _ made one of the Chinese peoples longheld dreams e true.Ait BthatCwhat Dwhich解析:句意:莫言被授予xx年諾貝爾文學獎,這使中國人長久以來擁有的夢想之一變成現(xiàn)實。本題考查非限制性定語從句。A、B和C項都不引導非限制性定語從句。關(guān)系詞指代前面整個主句(即Mo Yan was awarded.in x

7、x),關(guān)系詞在定語從句中作主語,故選D項。答案:D8(xx湖南卷)Happiness and success often e to those _ are good at recognizing their own strengths.Awhom BwhoCwhat Dwhich解析:句意:幸福和成功經(jīng)常青睞那些善于意識到自己長處的人。本題考查定語從句。先行詞為those,將先行詞代入定語從句后為:Those are good at recognizing their own strengths.由此可見,先行詞在定語從句中作主語,且表示“人”,故選B項。答案:B9(xx四川卷)Nowaday

8、s people are more concerned about the environment _ they live.Awhat BwhichCwhen Dwhere解析:句意:現(xiàn)在人們更加關(guān)心他們居住的環(huán)境。本題考查定語從句。先行詞是environment,將先行詞代入定語從句后為:They live in the environment.由此可見關(guān)系詞在定語從句中作地點狀語,故用where引導定語從句。答案:D10(xx江西卷)He wrote a letter _ he explained what had happened in the accident.Awhat Bwhich

9、Cwhere Dhow解析:句意:他寫了一封信,信中他解釋了事故中發(fā)生了什么。本題考查定語從句。從空格處到句尾是定語從句,修飾先行詞letter。將先行詞代入從句為:He explained what had happened in the accident in the letter.由此可知從句中缺少狀語,應(yīng)該用關(guān)系副詞where,相當于in which。答案:C1(xx臨沂質(zhì)檢)There used to be much shade of an old tree in the middle of the yard, _ gave us much cool in summer.Athat

10、BwhichCwhat Dwhere解析:句意:過去,院子中央的一棵古樹遮成的大片樹蔭使我們在夏季非常涼爽。本題考查定語從句。先行詞為shade,代入定語從句后為:The shade gave us much cool in summer.由此可見關(guān)系詞在定語從句中作主語,且定語從句為非限制性定語從句,故用which引導。答案:B2(xx江南聯(lián)考)Suppose we meet with a situation _ none of us can deal with, what then?Awhere BwhenCwhat Dthat解析:句意:假設(shè)我們遇到我們中沒人能處理的情況,那會怎樣?本題

11、考查定語從句的用法。先行詞為situation,將先行詞代入定語從句后為:None of us can deal with the situation.由此可見先行詞在定語從句中作賓語,故用that引導。本題易誤選A項,考生誤以為關(guān)系詞在定語從句中作狀語。答案:D3(xx石家莊質(zhì)檢)Its reported that over 70 different emotions are used in text messages,_ happy:) is the most popular.Ato which BthatCof which Dwhich解析:句意:據(jù)報道有70多種不同的情感符號在文本信息

12、中使用,其中幸福符號:)最受歡迎。本題考查定語從句。先行詞為emotions,代入定語從句后為:Happy:) is the most popular of the emotions.由此可見答案為C項。答案:C4(xx南昌一模)Recent accidents, _ fortyfive people lost their lives, have renewed concerns over the safety of overnight buses.Athat BwhichCwhere Dwhen解析:句意:在最近的事故中,有四十五個人失去了生命,這又一次喚起了人們對夜班公交車安全問題的擔憂。

13、本題考查定語從句。先行詞為accidents,將先行詞代入定語從句后為:Fortyfive people lost their lives in the accidents.由此可見從句中缺地點狀語,故用where引導。答案:C5(xx江西二聯(lián))The fact is that everyone has to grow up and mature, _ e some growing pains.Awith which BwhenCthat Dwhat解析:句意:事實上,每個人都要長大、成熟,隨之而來的是一些青春期的感情焦慮。本題考查定語從句的用法。which代指“everyone has to

14、 grow up and mature”,后面的定語從句采用了倒裝語序,相當于并列句“and some growing pains e with it”,其中的with表示伴隨。答案:A6(xx大連雙基)His younger sister may already be in high school now, in _ case this picture book is too childish for her.Athat BwhichCwhose Dwhat解析:句意:他的妹妹現(xiàn)在可能已經(jīng)上高中了,那樣的話這本圖畫書對她來說太幼稚了。本題考查定語從句。在定語從句中,有時為了表達的意思更清楚,

15、可用“which名詞”引導定語從句,本句中為了更清楚地表達“在他妹妹已經(jīng)上高中的那種情況下”,故用in which case。答案:B7(xx寶雞二模)The British are not so familiar with different culture and other ways of doing things, _ is often the case in other countries.Athat BwhoCwhere Das解析:句意:英國人對于不同的文化和別的行為方式不是很熟悉,在其他國家情況也是如此。本題考查定語從句。先行詞為前面的一句話,先行詞在定語從句中作主語,且該定語

16、從句為非限制性定語從句,故答案為D項。本題易誤選A項,考生誤以為本題考查“so.that.”句型,首先“so.that.”句型中的that從句前不必加逗號,此外,“so.that.”句型中that從句為結(jié)果狀語從句,結(jié)果狀語從句句子應(yīng)完整,而本句中“is often the case in other countries”并不完整,且意思也不對,故排除A項。答案:D8(xx江蘇一模)Time is of no importance to great thoughts, _ are as fresh today as when they first passed through their au

17、thors minds,ages ago.Awhat BthatCwhich Dwhere解析:句意:對于偉大的思想來說時間沒有任何的重要性,這些思想在多年前第一次在它們的作者頭腦中閃過的時候和現(xiàn)在一樣新鮮。本題考查非限制性定語從句。先行詞是great thoughts,which引導非限制性定語從句,補充說明先行詞,which在從句中作主語。答案:C9(xx紹興檢測)A good many proposals were raised by the delegates in the meeting, _ was to be expected.Athat BwhatCso Das解析:句意:正如

18、預期的那樣,代表們在會議上提出了很多建議。本題考查as引導非限制性定語從句。as作為定語從句的引導詞可以放在句首或句中用來引導定語從句,并有“正如”的意思,故選D。答案:D10(xx安徽聯(lián)考)Although artists generally arent known for their wealth, there is always a handful _ pieces sell for unusual and shocking large amounts of money.Awhich BwhatCthat Dwhose解析:先行詞為“a handful”,指少數(shù)的藝術(shù)家,因關(guān)系詞在從句中

19、作定語,修飾“pieces”,故用關(guān)系代詞whose引導定語從句。答案:D11(xx長春調(diào)研)London is the only city in the world _ taking a taxi is an interesting experience for tourists.Awhere BthatCwhich Dwhose解析:考查定語從句。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,“_ taking a taxi is an interesting experience for tourists”是定語從句,空處在定語從句中作地點狀語,故用where。答案:A12(xx咸陽模擬)Mr.David has

20、been to many cities in China, _ Xian has impressed him most.Aof which Bin which Cwith which Don which解析:語意:大衛(wèi)先生去過中國的很多城市,在這些城市中西安留給他的印象最深刻。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,“_ Xian has impressed him most”是定語從句,“Xian”是“many cities”中的一個,故空處用of which。答案:A13(xx豫西五校)You are creating something out of nothing, _ means, in one sens

21、e, _ none of it is true.Athat;that Bwhich; that Cwhich;which Dthat; which解析:語意:你是在無中生有,從某種意義上說,那意味著一點都不真實。第一空在句中作主語,且引導非限制性定語從句,故用which;第二空,“_ none of it is true”是賓語從句,從句中不缺少任何成分,故用that。答案:B14(xx洛陽統(tǒng)考)If you e across a word _ meaning you have forgotten, please look it up in the dictionary.Ain which B

22、which Cwhose Dthat解析:分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,“_ meaning you have forgotten”是定語從句,且空處與meaning之間是所屬關(guān)系,故用關(guān)系代詞whose。答案:C15(xx黃山聯(lián)考)When people talk about the famous scenic spot in Anhui, the first _ es into mind is the Yellow Mountain.Awhich BthatCone Dplace解析:此句是復合句,逗號前是由when引導的時間狀語從句,逗號后面的主句部分含有定語從句,“_ es into mind”修

23、飾先行詞the first。當先行詞是序數(shù)詞時引導詞用that。答案:B1On October 20, 2011, government troops surrounded the place _ Gaddafi and his supporters were staying. Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dwhere解析:該定語從句中缺少地點狀語,故用關(guān)系副詞where引導。該定語從句修飾先行詞the place。答案:D2A high school in Henan Province recently set a code of behavior for students to

24、bee “macho boys” and “cute and clever girls”, _ has bee a hot topic among local teachers and students.Athat BwhichCwho Dwhere解析:語意:最近,河南省一所高中制訂了“陽剛男生”和“秀慧女生”的行為標準,引發(fā)當?shù)乩蠋熀蛯W生的熱議。which引導一個非限制性定語從句,指代前面的所有內(nèi)容。答案:B3Lauren Berger started out as a clueless college freshman at the University of Central Flori

25、da, _ only work experience was serving at a seafood restaurant. Awhich Bwhen Cwhose Dwhere解析:語意:Lauren Berger起初是中佛羅里達大學的一名(對職場)一無所知的大一新生。她唯一的工作經(jīng)驗就是在一家海鮮餐廳當服務(wù)員。work experience和先行詞Lauren Berger之間存在所屬關(guān)系,故用whose引導定語從句。答案:C4The film, part of _ was shot in Shanghai, tells the story of a generation of wome

26、n. Awhom Bwhat Cwhich Dthat解析:語意:這部電影的部分畫面是在上海拍攝的,講述了一代女人的故事。which引導非限制性定語從句,指代The film。答案:C5Everyone needs a few good friends, _ they can share their thoughts and secrets. Aof which Bfor which Cwith whom Dto whom解析:語意:每個人都需要有幾個能一起分享想法和秘密的好朋友。此處考查“介詞關(guān)系代詞”引導的定語從句,先行詞為friends,引導詞應(yīng)選擇whom,又根據(jù)share sth.

27、with sb.“與某人分享某物”可知,應(yīng)選C項。答案:C6Many people plain that housing prices have gone beyond the point _ they make sense. Awhen BwhichCwhat Dwhere解析:先行詞為point,這里用作抽象地點名詞,所以用關(guān)系副詞where引導定語從句。答案:D7Li Na returned to Wuhan after the Games, _, as is known to us, she had been brought up and trained to be a gold me

28、dalist of tennis. Awhen Bthat Cwhich Dwhere解析:語意:李娜在比賽之后回到了武漢,眾所周知,她是在那里成長并被培養(yǎng)成為網(wǎng)球冠軍的。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,先行詞為地點狀語Wuhan,故選D。答案:D8Has there been an occasion _ learning from the past allowed you to do something more happily? Awho BwhichCwhy Dwhen解析:語意:有過從過去中學習讓你更快樂地做事的時候嗎?先行詞為an occasion,用關(guān)系副詞when引導定語從句。答案:D9The

29、 city has a few typhoon spells during the year, none of _ in recent years have caused considerable damage. Awhom Bwhat Cthat Dwhich解析:語意:這個城市一年中有幾次臺風,但近年來都沒有造成大的破壞。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,此處為非限制性定語從句,故用which代指先行詞typhoon spells,選D。答案:D10The realname policy for train tickets has been applied to all trains since Janu

30、ary 1, 2012 in China, _ I think will make it easy for people to get tickets.Awhich Bwhen Cwhat Dwhere解析:語意:自xx年1月1日起,火車票實名制政策適用于中國的所有火車,我認為這將使人們購票容易。此處which引導非限制性定語從句,指代前句的內(nèi)容,并在從句中作主語。答案:A11But its hard to get the public focused on a form of pollution thats invisible and _ effects unfold over decade

31、s rather than days.Awhich Bthat Cwhen Dwhose解析:語意:但是,這種不可見的污染卻很難成為公眾關(guān)注的焦點,這種污染的影響要數(shù)十年才能顯現(xiàn)出來,而不是幾天(就能顯現(xiàn)出來)。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,pollution后為and連接的兩個定語從句,且根據(jù)語意可知此處為所屬關(guān)系,故選whose在從句中作定語。答案:D12In front of the city hall stands a statue of a monkey, _ is said to bring good fortune to those who pat its head.Athat Bit Cw

32、hich Done解析:語意:在大會堂前面有一個猴子雕塑,據(jù)說它會給拍它頭的人帶來好運。which引導非限定性定語從句,代替先行詞a statue of a monkey,在定語從句中作主語。答案:C13Microblog is a platform _ people can express their thoughts, show their daily life and municate with each other by sending posts.Awhat BwhichCwhere Dwhen解析:分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,此處platform表示地點“平臺”,故引導詞用where在從句中

33、作狀語,相當于on which。答案:C14The old man has two sons, _ lives with him. So he has always felt lonely since his wifes death.Aboth of them Bboth of whomCneither of them Dneither of whom解析:語意:這個老人有兩個兒子,這兩個兒子都沒有和他住在一起。所以自打他的妻子過世后他總是感到寂寞。句子中無連詞,排除A項和C項。定語從句的謂語動詞lives為第三人稱單數(shù)形式,故選D項。答案:D15Can you show me a case _ this phrase is often misused by Chinese students, Mr. Brown?Awhen Bthat Cwhere Dwhat解析:case在此意為“情況;情形”。當先行詞為case, point, situation, stage, position, condition等名詞,表示“情形、條件、狀況”等時,常用關(guān)系副詞where引導定語從句,關(guān)系副詞在定語從句中充當狀語。答案:C

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