
高考英語一輪總復(fù)習(xí) 語法專項突破 考點精講 第一節(jié) 名詞和冠詞

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高考英語一輪總復(fù)習(xí) 語法專項突破 考點精講 第一節(jié) 名詞和冠詞_第1頁
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高考英語一輪總復(fù)習(xí) 語法專項突破 考點精講 第一節(jié) 名詞和冠詞_第2頁
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高考英語一輪總復(fù)習(xí) 語法專項突破 考點精講 第一節(jié) 名詞和冠詞_第3頁
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《高考英語一輪總復(fù)習(xí) 語法專項突破 考點精講 第一節(jié) 名詞和冠詞》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《高考英語一輪總復(fù)習(xí) 語法專項突破 考點精講 第一節(jié) 名詞和冠詞(7頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、高考英語一輪總復(fù)習(xí) 語法專項突破 考點精講 第一節(jié) 名詞和冠詞(對應(yīng)學(xué)生用書第225頁)考點一名詞的數(shù)與名詞的格1抽象名詞具體化常見的抽象名詞具體化的詞有抽象名詞具體化的名詞success成功a success 一位成功的人或一件成功的事failure 失敗a failure 一個失敗的人或一件失敗的事fort安慰;慰藉a fort 一件令人感到安慰的事surprise 驚奇a surprise 一件令人驚奇的事experience 經(jīng)驗an experience 一次經(jīng)歷difficulty 困難a difficulty 一件難事beauty 美麗a beauty 一個美人或一件美事must

2、 必須a must 一件必要的事Failure is the mother of success. 失敗是成功之母。His new book is quite a success. 他的新書獲得了巨大成功。2有些物質(zhì)名詞可具體化為可數(shù)名詞,常見的有物質(zhì)名詞可數(shù)名詞drink 飲料two drinks 兩杯飲料coffee 咖啡a coffee 一杯咖啡tea 茶two teas 兩杯茶Would you like some coffee? 你想喝點咖啡嗎?Id like a coffee and two beers.我想要一杯咖啡兩瓶啤酒。3名詞作定語(1)名詞作定語時,大多數(shù)情況用單數(shù)形式。

3、例如:a shoe store 一家鞋店(2)man,woman修飾名詞時,隨名詞單復(fù)數(shù)的變化而變化。 a man teacher 一位男老師 two men teachers兩位男老師a boy student 一位男生 two boy students兩位男生 (3)有些名詞作定語時用復(fù)數(shù)形式,常見的有:a clothes shop 一家服裝店;a goods car 一輛貨車;a customers officer 一位海關(guān)官員。4名詞的格(1)所有格的構(gòu)成:不以s結(jié)尾的單數(shù)名詞后加s;以s結(jié)尾的復(fù)數(shù)名詞后加;以s結(jié)尾的單數(shù)名詞后加s或均可。(2)表示各自所屬關(guān)系時,各名詞末尾均需加s,

4、例如:Janes and Marys bikes 簡的自行車和瑪麗的自行車。(3)表示共有的所屬關(guān)系時,在最后一詞后加s,例如:Jane and Marys father 簡和瑪麗的父親(是同一個人)考點二名詞的詞義辨析近些年對名詞的考查以詞義辨析為主,在辨析時要注意名詞的固定搭配以及一詞多義。下面是常見的兩組名詞詞義辨析:1cause,reason,excusecause指直接導(dǎo)致事情發(fā)生的原因,與所發(fā)生的事有因果關(guān)系,后接介詞of。reason強(qiáng)調(diào)從邏輯推理上得出的結(jié)論性原因,不直接說明起因,后接介詞for。excuse指為自己辯解,希望得到諒解時所提出的種種借口、理由,后接介詞for。第

5、一節(jié)名詞和冠詞(這是邊文,請據(jù)需要手工刪加)高三一輪總復(fù)習(xí)英語()(這是邊文,請據(jù)需要手工刪加)Drunken driving is often the cause of accidents.酒后駕駛經(jīng)常是事故的起因。The reason for my absence was that I was ill.我沒來的原因是由于病了。Late again! Whats your excuse this time?又遲到了!這次是什么借口?2damage,ruin,harm,injurydamage既可以作及物動詞,也可以作不可數(shù)名詞;只是針對物的傷害,即其對象只是sth.,比如bridge/far

6、m/road等;一般不是徹底的傷害,是可以恢復(fù)/復(fù)原的。結(jié)構(gòu):damage sth.;do/cause damage to sth.。injury是指意外事故等對人體機(jī)能造成的傷害,比如傷腿/手/眼等;它只能作名詞,動詞是injure。harm可指各種各樣的傷害,類似于hurt,既可作不可數(shù)名詞,也可以作及物動詞。結(jié)構(gòu):harm sb./sth.;do harm to sb./sth.。ruin既可以作動詞,也可以作名詞。多用于借喻之中,經(jīng)常指把某物損壞到了不能再使用的程度,表示“使破產(chǎn);糟蹋掉”的意思。作名詞時指毀滅成廢墟狀態(tài),或指破產(chǎn)、垮臺、身敗名裂等。Smoking can do gre

7、at harm to your health.吸煙對你的健康有害。The city of Pompeii is totally in a ruin.龐培城成了一片廢墟。The earthquake has caused great damage to the city.地震給這個城市造成了巨大傷害。Will you dress this injury?請包扎這個傷口好嗎?考點三冠詞的用法1不定冠詞a/an的用法(1)表示數(shù)量“一個;同一;每一;某一”,意思相當(dāng)于one,the same,every或a certain。Rome is not built in a day. (諺)羅馬非一日建成

8、。The children are of an age.這些孩子們年齡一樣大。We have meals three times a day.我們每天吃三頓飯。A Mr. Li is waiting for you. 一位李先生在等你。(2)放在單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前,泛指一類人和物。A horse is a useful animal. 馬是一種有用的動物。(3)用在某些抽象名詞前,表示“一陣,一場,一種”等。What a heavy rain! 雨下得真大!(4)用于有形容詞修飾的一日三餐前,或有形容詞修飾的季節(jié)、日期或星期幾前,表泛指。Im sure the outing will last l

9、ong. Please bring a packed lunch.我敢肯定這次郊游時間比較長,請帶上自備的午餐。We had a hot summer last year.我們?nèi)ツ甓冗^了一個酷暑。(5)序數(shù)詞前可加不定冠詞,表示“另一個”或“又一個”。Can you give me a second chance?你再給我一次機(jī)會好嗎?(6)用在一些固定搭配中,如 all of a sudden,at a loss,make a living,tell a lie等。I was at a loss what to do. 我不知道該怎么辦。2定冠詞的用法(1)用于彼此都知道所指的人或物時,表示

10、特指。Do you know the man standing there? 你認(rèn)得那邊站著的那個人嗎?(2)和形容詞連用,代表一類人或事物。The wounded were sent to the hospital immediately. 受傷者馬上被送往了醫(yī)院。(3)用在世界上獨一無二的人或物、自然現(xiàn)象、發(fā)明物之前。Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876.亞歷山大貝爾于1876年發(fā)明了電話?!军c津】有些物體實際上也是獨一無二的,但習(xí)慣上不用冠詞,如space,nature,man(人類)。(4)用在序數(shù)詞、形容詞最高級前。還可用在對兩個

11、人或物進(jìn)行比較時起特定作用的比較級前。He is the older of the two.他是兩人中年長的那一個。(5)用在姓氏復(fù)數(shù)名詞前,表示全家人或這一姓氏的夫婦倆。The Greens are on holiday now. 現(xiàn)在格林一家(夫婦)正在度假。(6)用在逢10的數(shù)詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式之前,指世紀(jì)的某個年代,如in the 1990s在二十世紀(jì)九十年代。(7)用在以festival組成的中國傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日之前,但以day組成的節(jié)日前不加定冠詞;在表示演奏的西洋樂器的名詞前通常用定冠詞,但中國傳統(tǒng)樂器前不加定冠詞。試比較:in the Spring Festival 在春節(jié);on Chris

12、tmas Day 在圣誕節(jié)play the piano 彈鋼琴;play erhu 演奏二胡(8)用在表示計量的名詞前,如by the day,by the hour,by the dozen等,表示“按照”;但如果表示單位的名詞為不可數(shù)名詞前面不加定冠詞,如by weight,by height等。(9)用在一些固定搭配中,如in the end,on the whole,on the spot等。The thief was caught on the spot. 小偷當(dāng)場被抓。3零冠詞的用法(1)季節(jié)、月份、星期、節(jié)日、學(xué)科名稱、球類、棋類名詞前不加冠詞。January 1st is Ne

13、w Years Day. 一月一日是新年。I like physics though it is a little difficult.我喜歡物理,盡管學(xué)起來有些難。(2)表示獨一無二的職位、職務(wù)的名詞用作表語、同位語或補(bǔ)足語時。We made Jack monitor of our class.我們選杰克為班長。(3)連系動詞turn后的表語單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前不用冠詞,但名詞前若有形容詞作定語時,則必須用冠詞。Lu Xun was a doctor before he turned writer.魯迅成為作家前是醫(yī)生。(4)表示交通工具的名詞與by連用,不指具體某輛車,而是作為工具時。He go

14、es to school by bike every day.他每天騎自行車上學(xué)。(5)as,though引導(dǎo)的倒裝的讓步狀語從句中的名詞移至句首時不用冠詞。Child as he is, he plays the violin very well.盡管他是個孩子,但小提琴拉得很好。(6)用在一些固定搭配中,如at war,in place of,take place等。I will give you this lesson in place of Mr. Wang. 我代替王老師給你們上這堂課。4一些短語中有無冠詞的區(qū)別at table在吃飯;at the table在桌子旁 at scho

15、ol上學(xué);at the school在學(xué)校in hospital/prison住院/坐牢;in the hospital/prison在醫(yī)院/在監(jiān)獄里by day白天; by the day按日計算take place發(fā)生;take the place of取代in charge of掌管;in the charge of在掌管之中 in front of在的前面;in the front of在的前面部分out of question毫無疑問;out of the question不可能 He is in charge of the factory. 他負(fù)責(zé)這個工廠。The factory

16、is in the charge of him.這個工廠由他負(fù)責(zé)。(對應(yīng)學(xué)生用書第228頁).用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1All it takes is courage and _(mit)2Doctors spent several hours doing an _(operate) for her.3But Jane knew from past experience that her _(choose) of ties hardly ever pleased her father.4They have designed a Yshaped solar house bining six

17、 recycled shipping _(contain)5There are many different kinds of _(marry) ceremonies practiced around the world.6She gave me a smile with _(satisfy) and gratitude in her eyes.7Seeking material _(succeed)is beginning to trouble large numbers of people around the world.8The _(achieve)of Sally Ride,Amer

18、icas first woman astronaut to fly into space,made this flight especially memorable.9The _(pete)began and someone jumped the gun.So all the runners had to go back to the starting line.10Try recording yourself whenever you canpare your _(pronounce)with the master version(版本),see how you can do better

19、and have another go.11He knew much about _(poor),hunger and hopelessness and made a long,moving _(speak)All the students were impressed with his passionate ideas.12David Tom Daley,a 13yearold diver yesterday won his ticket to Beijing with a top _(perform)in a qualifying event(選拔賽)13One summer someth

20、ing did go wrong with the power plant that supplied New York with _(electric)14A quake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale(里氏震級)shook the area suddenly,resulting in over 10,000 _(die)by far.15Kenny is one of the typical _(beg)He sleeps rough in an underground passage,“Bessing for money is very embarr

21、assing,”says Kenny,“but Ive got to live too.”16Goldman Sachs Group,the international investment banking pany,has started a new program to provide ten thousand poor women with business _(educate),says Dina Powell,the managing _(direct)of Goldman Sachs Group.17Like most writers,Willa Cather wrote book

22、s not for the money that they brought her,but rather for the _(please)that came in the writing.18This February,he made a _(decide)to leave Tsinghua University after failing five courses.He returned to the middle school again.19She took me from a poor,unhappy college student and brought me into her w

23、orld:a world of smiles love and _(warm)20Last week,our school held a _(sport)meeting on the playground.【答案】1mitment2.operation3.choice4.containers5.marriage6.satisfaction7.success8.achievement9petition10.pronunciation11.poverty;speech12.performance13electricity14.deaths15.beggars16.education;directo

24、r17.pleasure18.decision19warmth20.sports.用適當(dāng)?shù)墓谠~完成下列句子1India attained _ independence in 1947,after _ long struggle.【答案】不填;a2Four and _ half hours of discussion took us up to midnight,and _ break for cheese,chocolate and tea with sugar.【答案】a;a3It was _ cold winter night and the moon was shining bright

25、ly across _ night sky.【答案】a;the4The “Chinese Dream” is _ dream to improve peoples wellbeing and _ dream of harmony,peace and development.【答案】a;a5The parents were shocked by _ news that their son needed _ operation on his knee.【答案】the;an6People develop _ preference for a particular style of learning

26、at _ early age and these preferences affect learning.【答案】a;an7Carl is studying _ food science at college and hopes to open up _ meat processing factory of his own one day.【答案】不填;a8The Smiths dont usually like staying at _ hotels,but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by _ sea.【答案

27、】不填;the9In _ face of more and more “dropout factories”,many people prefer to be paid on _ daily basis.【答案】the;a10It came as _ shock that _ fire broke out in Shanghai yesterday,killing at least 5 people.【答案】a;a.用適當(dāng)?shù)墓谠~填空Villages in developing countries often lack many things.Books.Clean water.Electric

28、ity.These shortages are easy to see.But _1_ different kind of shortage is not easy to see.That is _2_ shortage of experts.Many villages have no doctors,engineers or scientists.They have no one who knows how to treat unusual medical problems or design _3_ new energy system.There is _4_ way to ease _5

29、_ problem.You can do it with puters.In _6_ past few years,puter scientists around _7_ world have developed what they call “expert systems”_8_ expert system is _9_ special kind of puter program.In some situations,it can take _10_ place of a human expert.【答案】1a此處表示泛指,指另一種不同的缺乏。2the此處特指“專家的缺乏”,故用定冠詞the。3a此處指“一種新的能源系統(tǒng)”,表示泛指,故用不定冠詞。4a這兒有一種解決這個問題的方法,表示泛指,故用不定冠詞a。5the此處特指上文提到的這個問題,故用定冠詞the。6thein the past few years “在過去的幾年里”為固定結(jié)構(gòu),故用the。7thearound the world“世界各地”,world前常用定冠詞the。8An此處表示泛指,且expert以元音音標(biāo)開頭,故用不定冠詞an。9a一種特殊的電腦程序,此處表示泛指。10thetake the place of “代替;取代”為固定句式。

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