
2022九年級英語下冊 Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future教案 (新版)冀教版

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1、2022九年級英語下冊 Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future教案 (新版)冀教版I. Learning aims:Master the new words: boss, manage, doubt, wealth, astronaut II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) You like painting, and you are good at it.2) I love cooking, and I like creating new dishes myself.3) Astronauts need to

2、 know a lot about science, Danny.4) I think you should be a basketball player.Language Points:1. improve【用法】作及物動詞,意為“提高、改進、改善”,后加名詞或代詞作賓語?!九e例】You must improve your pronunciation. 你必須提高發(fā)音水平?!居梅ā孔鞑患拔飫釉~,意為“做得更好、改進、改善”?!九e例】Policy can improve today. 現行政策也有改進的余地。2. I love cooking, and I like creating new

3、dishes myself. 我喜歡烹飪,并且我自己喜歡發(fā)明創(chuàng)造新的飯菜?!居梅ā烤渲械膍yself是反身代詞作主語同位語,此時可放在句尾,也可放在主語后,故這句話還可說為:I love cooking, and I myself like creating new dishes.【舉例】We can solve all the problems ourselves now. = We ourselves can solve all the problems. 現在我們自己能解決所有問題了。3. Astronauts need to know a lot about science, Dann

4、y. 宇航員需要對科學有深入的了解,丹尼?!居梅ā窟@句話中的need 起實義動詞作用,后面的動詞用不定式,表示“需要做”;另,句中的a lot起副詞作用,用在動詞know后作狀語,與very much同義;about science 是介詞短語作狀語?!九e例】 You can learn a lot about music in this school. 在這所學校你可以學到很多有關音樂的知識。Lesson 56: Manage Your TimeI. Learning aims:Master the new words: Besides, weekday, primary, asleep,

5、notebook, review, itself II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) You are such a busy kid!2)Can you do all of these things and get enough rest to sty healthy?3)If not, decide what things must be done and what can be dropped from your list.4) Take a few minutes every evening to check how your

6、plan is going. Language Points:1. besides【用法】作介詞,意為“除之外(但包括)”,后加名詞或代詞作介詞賓語?!九e例】Besides Jill, Tony went to the park, too. 除了吉爾之外,托尼也去了公園。(Jill和Tony都去了公園)【拓展】except也是介詞,意為“除之外(但不包括)”,后加名詞或代詞作介詞賓語?!九e例】We went to the park except Jill. 除了吉爾外,我們都去了公園。(Jill沒有去公園)2. If not, decide what things must be done a

7、nd what can be dropped from your list. 如果不是這樣,就要決定一下什么事情必須做,什么事情要從你的列表中去掉?!居梅ā烤渲械膍ust be done和can be dropped 都是帶有情態(tài)動詞的被動語態(tài),構成方法是“情態(tài)動詞 + be + 及物動詞過去分詞”?!九e例】All the rooms must be cleaned every day. 所有的房間每天都必須打掃。3. Take a few minutes every evening to check how your plan is going. 每天早晨花費幾分鐘的時間檢查一下你的計劃的進

8、展情況?!居梅ā烤渲械膭釉~take表示“花費”,這是一句祈使句,聽話人是對方,也就是這句話是用表示人的詞作主語,而用take表示“花費”的含義?!九e例】We will take a week to paint the offices. 我們要用一周的時間把辦公室粉刷一遍?!就卣埂縯ake 表示“花費”還可用用 it作形式主語,而將真正主語(動詞不定式)放在后面。也可用表示動作的詞作主語?!九e例】 It takes me half an hour to finish my homework every day. Lesson 57: Best WishesI. Learning aims:Mas

9、ter the new words: wallet, owner, row, senior II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) Did you really think it work, Danny?2) Be sure to always stay in touch!3) Though we are going to part, our friendship will always remain.4) We all have big plans for the future, and Im confident that well a

10、ll do very well.Language Points:1. memory,【用法】作可數名詞,意為“記憶、回憶、記憶力、存儲器”,復數形式是memories?!九e例】 You can store the information into the memory. 你可以把信息存儲在存儲器中。2. Be sure to always stay in touch! 一定要保持聯系!【用法】句式be sure to意為“一定、務必”,后加不定式表示“一定要做某事”?!九e例】Are you sure to e on time next time? 下次你一定能按時來嗎?【拓展】句式be sur

11、e of則表示“對有把握”?!九e例】We are quite sure of this exam. 我們對這次考試很有把握。3. We all have big plans for the future, and Im confident that well all do very well. 我們都有未來的大計劃,并且我相信我們能做好?!居梅ā烤涫絙e confident 意為“有信心”,在這里加賓語從句。【舉例】She is confident that she can keep up with others. 她相信她能趕上別人?!就卣埂烤涫絙e confident of則表示“對有信心

12、”,后加名詞或代詞作介詞賓語?!九e例】Are you confident of yourself? 你對自己有信心嗎?Lesson 58: Ms. Lius SpeechI. Learning aims:Master the new words: speech, period, valuable, achieve, behalf, congratulation II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) Some of them made me laugh and some almost brought tears to my eyes.2)

13、 All of you have some great memories of this period of your life, and so do I.3) No matter how high you rise, there be times when you fall down.4) Id like to give our best wishes and congratulations to the graduating class!Language Points:1. brave【用法】作形容詞,意為“勇敢的、有勇氣的”,在句中作定語或表語?!九e例】I think this is a

14、 brave decision.我想這是一個有勇氣的決定。How brave our soldiers are! 我們的戰(zhàn)士多勇敢??!【拓展】bravely是副詞,意為“勇敢地”,在句中作狀語?!九e例】You should face these problems bravely. 你們應該勇敢地面對這些問題。2. All of you have some great memories of this period of your life, and so do I. 你們所有人都會有生活中這個階段的美好記憶,我也是?!居梅ā咳绻笳叩那闆r也適用于前者可用句式:so + 助動詞、系詞、情態(tài)動詞

15、+ 主語;如果前面的陳述句是否定形式,則用neither 或nor 替代so?!九e例】She has finished her homework and so have I. 她已經完成作業(yè)了,我也完成了。3. No matter how high you rise, there be times when you fall down. 無論你上升得有多高,你也有下降的時候?!居梅ā烤渲械膎o matter意為“無論”,后加疑問詞之后,再加從句在句中作狀語,多用于句首?!九e例】 No matter when you e, well wele you. 無論你什么時候來,我們都會歡迎你。Less

16、on 59: Keep Your Choices OpenI. Learning aims:Master the new words: choice, education, decision, professor, merchant, successful II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) You want to keep your choice open.2) So when grow up, you can be what you want.3) Do you want to work for the government?4)

17、 Do you want to be a pilot?Language Points:1. choice【用法】作可數名詞,意為“選擇、選擇權”,復數形式是choices?!九e例】Danny, there are two choices ahead of you. 丹尼,在你面前有兩個選擇?!就卣埂繕嫵删涫絟ave no choice but to do 意為“沒有選擇只能做”。注意but后要加動詞不定式?!九e例】I have no choice but to accept it. 我沒有別的選擇只能接受它。2. You want to keep your choice open. 你想要把你

18、的選擇公開?!居梅ā窟@句話的主語是you,want是謂語動詞,后面的不定式to keep your choice open作動詞賓語。在不定式中,keep 是動詞,your choice是賓語,open是形容詞作賓語補足語?!九e例】Everyone should keep the classroom clean and tidy. 人人都應該把教室保持整潔?!就卣埂縿釉~keep后面還可加介詞短語、副詞、現在分詞、過去分詞作賓語補足語,意思是“使保持某種狀態(tài)”。【舉例】 His illness kept him in bed for months. 他因病臥床好幾個月。3. So when gr

19、ow up, you can be what you want. 所以當你長大的時候,你就能成為你想成為的人?!居梅ā烤涫絞row up 意為“長大”,類似句式grow into表示“成長為”?!九e例】 She wants to be a singer when she grows up. 她長大后想當歌手。Lesson 60: Get a Good EducationI. Learning aims:Master the new words: imagine, introduce, immediately, faint, chance, definitelyII. Learning impo

20、rtant and difficult points: 1) I told him that he is my hero and that I want to be an astronaut some day.2) He invited me to have a cup of tea with him.3) He laughed and said that he dreamed of visiting space when he was young.4) Finally, I asked him for advice on how to bee an astronaut.Language Po

21、ints:1.introduce【用法】作及物動詞,意為“介紹”,后加名詞或代詞作賓語。如表示“給介紹”用句式introduce to?!九e例】Now let me introduce myself. 現在讓我做個自我介紹吧!【拓展】表示“給介紹”用句式introduce to?!九e例】Can you introduce the new product to us? 你能把新發(fā)明給我們介紹一下嗎?2. He laughed and said that he dreamed of visiting space when he was young. 他笑了,說他小的時候就夢想到太空中去參觀?!居梅?/p>

22、】句中的he dreamed of visiting space when he was young 用在動詞said之后,是賓語從句;賓語從句中的when he was young 又是時間狀語從句?!九e例】She said she would help me when she was free. 她說她有空的時候會幫助我?!居梅ā烤涫絛ream of doing something 表示“夢想做某事”,這里用動名詞作介詞賓語?!九e例】Her sister dreams of being a singer. 她姐姐夢想成為一名歌手。3. Finally, I asked him for advice on how to bee an astronaut. 最后,我向他請教如何成為宇航員的建議?!居梅ā烤涫絘sk somebody advice意為“向某人請教”;后面的介詞短語on how to bee an astronaut 用在名詞advice 后作定語,對advice 起修飾作用。另,句式give somebody advice 表示“給某人提出建議”?!九e例】My teacher gave me some advice on my study. 老師在我的學習方面為我提出了一些建議。

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