
五年級英語下冊 Module 10 Unit 2《I played on the beach》教案 外研版

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1、五年級英語下冊 Module 10 Unit 2I played on the beach教案 外研版課 題I played on the beach.課 時教學目標New words and drills. Talking with the past tense and future tense.Drawing their interests and training their habits.德育教學目標培養(yǎng)孩子們不同的季節(jié)做不同的事情。拓展知識面。教學重點New words and drills教學難點 Using the past tense and future tense corr

2、ectly.教學準備 Tape, recorder, student book, activity book教學板塊教與學預設(師生活動)教學重構(修改意見)前置性作業(yè)1.Freely talk to the dialogue.2.Find out the new words and learn the Chinese meaning. 教學過程課前3分鐘內容:Show the pictures about four seasons and talk about that we can do something. Warmer1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girl

3、s. S: Hello, teacher.Free talk. Ask and answer some questions about the text in unit 1.PresentationThe title: I played on the beach.Ask the children to guess: What did I do last summer?T: I played on the beach.Listen to the tape and try to answer some questions about the text. Practice Listen and re

4、peat.Practice to read the text in the groups.Try to recite the text.Look at the pictures. Ask and answer in pairs.A: What is she/he doing? B: She/He is Listen to the chant and learn to sing the chant.Production.Say the chant together.Write some sentences:V. SummaryWhat did you do last summer?1. The

5、main points.2. Dictation.聽音,聽音選詞。(選擇你聽到的單詞或詞組) ( )1. A driveB droveC dress ( )2. A sausage B sandwich C egg( ) 3. A in a office B. in a factory C in a hospital( ) 4. A borrow books B do homeworkC talk to your friend ( ) 5. A warm B. cold C cooAsk the children to sum up the main points.Have a dictati

6、on about the new words and sentences板書設計 M10 U2 I played on the beach.Module10 unit21. in July2. go-went made-make 3. have a good time教后隨記2019年(春)五年級英語下冊 Module 2 Unit 1What did she have for lunch教案1 外研版教學目標 1.掌握目標語句:What did she have for breakfast / lunch/ dinner? She had 2.學習新詞:email,sausages, san

7、dwich ,delicious 并能用目標語句練習說: She had eggs and sausages. She had sandwiches. She had fish and chips.3.理解文章的內容,能將學到的生詞都放進目標語句, 進行練習,能熟讀重點句型,并有感情的表演對話。4.通過小組活動, 培養(yǎng)合作意識;和學生一起了解English food,激發(fā)學生學習英語的積極性, 培養(yǎng)學生的文化意識,提高跨文化交際的能力。教學重點 詞匯:email,sausages, sandwich , delicious目標語句: What did she have for breakfas

8、t? She had What did she have for lunch? She had What did she have for dinner? She had 教學難點 如何熟練掌握本課的重點句型。如何用英國傳統(tǒng)的食物回答別人的問題。教學準備錄音機,頭飾,單詞卡片,實物,POWERPOINT 課件。教學流程 一、Warm- up: ( 熱身活動)1. Free talk.T:My name is Lianshuanghong , I e from Dalian. Do you want to know more information about me? Please ask me

9、 some questions.Ss: How are you?Whats the weather like in Dalian ?Whats your favorite ? 二、Presentation (任務呈現)T: Good, you know a lot about me now; can I ask you a question?Do you like games?Ss: YesT: Ok, here is a game. Please guess what word it is.(教師在大屏幕上展示出一張幻燈片, 上面四有個字母o/o/f/d 請學生猜出一個單詞來).S: Foo

10、d.T: Right. Its food. (教師展示出:food )Today we are going to learn something about food. Lets read together.(齊讀課題)Ss: What did she have for lunch?T: “She” here is Lingling, she is in England now, yesterday, she had some English food. Do you want to know the food? Ss: Yes.T: Ok, lets watch the CD ROM and

11、 know the details. ( 引入今天的新課文)三、Text teaching(課文教學)1. Listen and answer questions:T: Do you know some English food now? Ok, I have some questions for you. Please listen to the dialogue again and try to find the answers.(教師大屏幕展示三個問題)What did she have for breakfast?What did she have for lunch?What did

12、 she have for dinner?(同時放錄音, 讓學生聽音找出答案,教師在黑板上板書這三個問題。) (學生聽完音后,同桌問答一下, 教師請學生回答三個問題)2. Learn new words in the answers.S: (回答第一個問題):She had eggs and sausages.T: Yes, you are right. Do you know had here?(大屏幕展示) had -have Ate -eat“Had” here means“ate”; its the past tense of “Have”.(接著展示兩個句子)I have hambu

13、rgers every day.I had a hamburger yesterday.T:Sausage .Look, here is the sausage. (教師在大屏幕上出示圖片, 手里出示實物,領著學生學習這個生詞,并將單詞卡片貼在板書處,讓孩子讀出有這個單詞的句子,操練生詞)。用同樣的方法學習: Sandwichfish and chips.T: Do you like fish?S: No!T: Fish is good for your health.T:Are the food delicious?Ss: Yes.(練習 delicious)3. Practice the

14、sentences.(三個問題都回答完后, 生詞基本解決, 讓孩子小組練習, 教師提問小組問答)4. looks and read.(教師接著展示幾句話, 這是書中的疑難點)Ive got an emailfrom Lingling.Its about English food.Itsa traditional English dinner.She says its delicious, but its very different.1)Ive got an E-mail from Lingling.( 解釋E-mail then :Who can read the E-mail?教師將今天對

15、話的內容做成一個email, 讓學生duemail, 在email 中再次強化生詞email,sausages, sandwich ,delicious, 并繼續(xù)學習had 的用法)。2) Its about English food.通過英語說This book is about English.來解釋about .3) Its a traditional English dinner.和學生一起來說一說traditional things, 例如: Jiaozi is traditional Chinese food, erhu is traditional Chinese instrum

16、ent 等練習traditional.4) She says its delicious, but its very different.通過Snoopy和Mickey的比較說明different和same。(此環(huán)節(jié),教師的目標是處理書中一些重點的但又不是學習目標的句子和生詞,為了讓孩子更好的理解本課的對話,教師和孩子互動,舉例子,還穿插了一些形成性評價,在課件的幫助下, 課堂氣氛很活躍)。四、Practice(鞏固練習)1 Listenand read. (學生聽音讀課文, 教師請全班分角色表演,檢查一下對話的掌握情況)2. Look and do.做活動用書中的練習。孩子們根據所學課文,

17、看圖根據問題選出答案。接著請一個男孩子到前面來回答問題, 請大家一起對做題的男孩提問:Who is the E-mail from? 男孩子邊回答 :Its from Jingling , 便用鼠標點出答案。What is the email about?What did Lingling have for breakfast /lunch/dinneryesterday?(在這里每個學生都有任務。全班提問, 前面有人回答, 同時檢查了答案, 一舉三得)。3. Guessinggame.大屏幕展示圖片,What did she have for?請學生猜:She hadShe didnt ha

18、ve She had很多孩子猜完后,教師給出正確答案,大家讀出She had教師為回答正確的孩子發(fā)獎品, 這個活動繼續(xù)操練重點單詞和句型, 學生參與面很廣,積極性高, 效果很好。五、Task-fulfilling (任務完成)。Do a survey.教師先和學生做個示范, 請學生提問, 教師自己回答,然后讓學生模仿做調查。 .T:Please ask your friends:What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?Go around the class and ask anybody you meet.(請學生到教室里尋

19、找合作伙伴完成問答,接著做匯報。)Ss:had for breakfast, had for lunch, had for dinner. Name breakfast lunch dinner SameggsSandwichchips六、Summary and homework .(小結與作業(yè))1. Ask children to read the words and sentences again, do the summary of the lesson.(和學生一起讀板書上的單詞和句子,再次鞏固單詞和目標語句。)T: We know these words from theSs:Ema

20、il.T:The food are verySs: DeliciousT: Good.(一問一答, 鞏固單詞)2. Homework :T:Today we learn some English food together, please finish your survey after class and tell some English food to your friends !評析: 本節(jié)課的話題是English food, 教師圍繞這個話題設計了很有效的教學活動,既有任務驅動下的主動參與,又有語言知識的實際運用, 既體現以任務為中心的任務型教學的原則,又體現了以活動為中心的課堂教學

21、實踐,是一節(jié)十分成功的高效的英語課。縱觀本課,教師從開始的語言導入,就很吸引學生, 她以一個小字謎游戲, 引出food,然后下面的所有活動都以 food 為中心,體現了今天的教學主題, 然后教師有充分的任務引導, 如聽音回答問題,小組練習, 猜謎游戲,做個調查等,一個個任務層次分明,從不同的角度去練習孩子的語言知識,同時又都是為一個話題功能服務,學生一直在不同的活動中操練今天的語言,成功地完成了教學目標。另外本課教師注重了語言背景的強化。 教師為學生播放CD-ROM ,使學生了解了今天的語言背景是在英國,玲玲給大明寄來了電子郵件的講述了英國食物,然后用回答問題的方式,猜謎的游戲和做小調查的活動來操練語言,讓學生明白本課的句型在生活中該如何運用,突出了語言學習的真實性和交際性,學生們在真實的語境引領中,輕松地學習了目標語句。另外本課教師準備了一些小的食物作為對學生的獎勵,這種評價方式既體現了本課的主題FOOD,也吸引了孩子的注意力,可謂一舉兩得。總之, 這堂課以課程理念為指導,充分體現了以學生為中心,以任務為中心,以活動為中心的教學原則,環(huán)節(jié)清晰,銜接流暢,教學重難點突出,在豐富多彩的活動中充分鍛煉了學生綜合語言的運用能力!

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