《七年級英語下冊 Module 8 Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house課件 (新版)外研版.ppt》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《七年級英語下冊 Module 8 Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house課件 (新版)外研版.ppt(36頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。
1、 8 Storytime Module Goldilockshurriedoutofthehouse Unit2 Learningaims 1Tospeakout10keywords threekeyphrasesinUnit22TounderstandthestoryoftheGoldilocksandtheThreeBears3Tobeabletoretellstoriesusingpastsimpleregularverbs Revision Onceuponatime therewasagirl Goldilocks Shehadhairof called gold Oneday Sh
2、e togofora intheforest She someflowers walk picked decided Soonshe waslost She herand ahouse She towardsthehouse lookedaround noticed hurried She thedoor Butnobodyanswered Soshe thedoor Thedoorwas She thehouse knockedon pushed open entered Goldilockslooked asmallroom Onatable threebowls somenicefood
3、 them Shewasveryhungry soshe allthefoodinit into therewere with in finished a adv pi s n sli p adj ri t n v krai v p int v either也 不 piece部件 碎片 一件 張 inpieces破碎 asleep睡著的 return返回 歸還 cry哭 喊叫 atfirst起先 point指向 指 pointat指著 newwords a t v wI a t prep d mp v pa t n shout高聲說 大聲喊 without無 沒有 jump跳 part部分 地
4、區(qū) 地方 1 DoyouknowwhathappenednextinGoldslocksandtheThreeBears IthinkGoldilocksdecidedtogohome Maybeshestayedinthehouse Perhapsshe Readthepassagequicklyandnumberthepictures A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 2 Shetriedthesmallchair 3 ThetreeBearsreturnedtotheirhouse 4 BabyBearcriedbecausetherewasnothinginhisbowlandh
5、ischairwasinpieces 5 BabyBearpointedatGoldilocks Shewasasleepinhisbed 3 Let sreadandmatchthesentenceswiththepicturesinActivity2 1 Goldilocksopenedhereyes jumpedoutofbedandhurriedoutofthehouse c d a e b ReadPra 1andanswerthequestions WhydidGoldilockswanttositdown Whichchairdidshelike Why ReadPra 1and
6、answerthequestions WhydidGoldilockswanttositdown Becauseshewastired Whichchairdidshelike Why Shelikedthesmallone Becauseitwasniceandcomfortable ReadPra 2andanswerthequestions DidGoldilockslikethesmallbed Why 2 Howmanybedswerethereinthebedroom ReadPra 2andanswerthequestions DidGoldilockslikethesmallb
7、ed Why Yes shedid Becauseitwasverycomfortable 2 Howmanybedswerethereinthebedroom Three WastheBabyBearhappytoseehisbowlandchair 2 WhydidBabyBearcry ReadPra 3andanswerthequestions ReadPra 3andanswerthequestions WastheBabyBearhappytoseehisbowlandchair No hewasn t 2 WhydidBabyBearcry Therewasnothinginhi
8、sbowlandhischairwasinpieces ReadPra 4andanswerthequestions Wherewasthe badgirl ReadPra 4andanswerthequestions Wherewasthe badgirl ShewasintheBabyBear sbed Languagepoints1 also too aswell either的區(qū)別a I likereading b Ilikereading c Heisateacher d Idon tlikeswimming also aswell too too either also放在行為動詞
9、前或be動詞后 too aswell用于肯定句 放在句末 too一般用逗號隔開 either用于否定句 2 inpieces 破碎eg Thecupfelldownonthegroundandbrokeinpieces 3 asleep 睡著gotobed 去睡覺 強調動作 不一定睡著 asleep強調狀態(tài) 表示 睡著了 Hewasn tveryhappy 變?yōu)橥x句 happy unhappycomfortable uncomfortableimportant unimportant 4 atfirst 首先Ihelpedmymotherdothehouseworkatfirst 5 poi
10、ntat 指著pointto 指向 4 Let sreadandcheck thetruesentences Goldilockslikedthebigchair Goldilockslikedthesmallbed 3 BabyBearlookedinthebedroom 4 TheThreeBearswerehappytoseeGoldilocks 5 Goldilocksdidn tlikethethreebears Goldilockstriedthethreechairsandlikedthesmallchair butshewasveryheavyandsoonthesmallch
11、airwasin Shewalkedintothebedroom shetriedthemiddlebed butitwasn tcomfortableandthebigbedwasn tcomfortable Verysoonshewas inthesmallbed ThentheThreeBears totheirhouse Theywalkeduptotheirbedroom BabyBear atGoldilocksand That sher Shefinishedmyfoodand lookatmychair Goldilocksjumpedupandhurriedoutoftheh
12、ouse herbasket pieces asleep either pointed returned without shouted 5 Let scompletethepassagewiththecorrectformofthewordsfromthebox asleep either piece point return shout without Goldilockstriedthesmallestchair butshedestroyedit thethreeBearsreturnedtotheirhouse BabyBearcriedbecausetherewasnothingi
13、nhisbowlandhischairwasinpieces HepointedatGoldilocks shewasasleepinBabyBear sbed Goldilocksopenedhereyes shejumpedoutofbedandhurriedoutofthehouse Let slearnhowtotellastory First Next Then Finally anoldstory Let ssummarize Howtowriteanoldstory Howtomakethestorybetter when who where what onceuponatime
14、 Goldilocks inaforest pickedflowers first next then finally 達標檢測一 寫出下列動詞的過去式 1 try2 return3 cry4 jump5 point6 decide7 notice8 stop tried returned cried jumped pointed decided noticed stopped 二 單項選擇1 Hewanted somefood buyB buysC tobuyD buying2 Thechildrenenjoy thestory listeningto againandagainB toli
15、stento againandagainC listeningto againafteragainD tolistento againafteragain3 Idon tlikeplayingfootball alsoB eitherC tooD aswell C A B 4 Theywenttoschoolwithout breakfast A haveB hasC tohaveD having5 Shedidn thomeagainaftershelefthome A returntoB returnC returnbacktoD returnback6 Youmustdoyourhome
16、work A offirstB thefirstC infirstD atfirst D B D 三 根據(jù)句意及提示寫單詞 1 Therearesome 塊 meatinthebowl 2 Thebabydidn t 哭 anymore 3 Don ts atanybody 4 Shedidn tgototheparty 也 5 Shewasu becauseshelostherpurse pieces cry hout either nhappy 四 用詞的正確形式填空 1 Mysister point atmeandcriedLoudly 2 Tom notdo hishomeworkla
17、stnight 3 Hewas sleep infrontoftheTV 4 Hetried carry theheavybox 5 WhenI return home itwaslate 四 用詞的正確形式填空 1 Mysisterpointed point atmeandcriedLoudly 2 Tomdidn tdo notdo hishomeworklastnight 3 Hewasasleep sleep infrontoftheTV 4 Hetriedtocarry carry theheavybox 5 WhenIreturned return home itwaslate Thankyou