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1、人教版高中英語總復習,主 謂 語 一 致 講課教師 鄭士國,主謂一致由來和基本原則 1,主謂語一致,簡稱主謂一致英語句子的主語和謂語必須在數上一致。雖然現代英語中,對此已經有了許多突破,但作為規(guī)范,主謂一致的原則還必須遵循。 英語是歐洲語言中詞形變化最少的語言,這是因為在其千年的發(fā)展歷史中,逐漸擯棄了絕大部分詞的性、數、格的變化,已經由綜合性語言發(fā)展成了分析性的語言。以變化最多的動詞為例,現代英語的動詞除了be之外,變化形式最多不超過5種,少的則只有3種。而某些助動詞的使用則更簡化了這種變化。 主謂一致的基本原則 1. 語法一致的原則 根據主語的語法性質決定其謂語動詞的單、復數形 式。這是正式

2、、權威的原則。 2. 意義一致的原則 根據主語的內涵決定其謂語動詞的單、復數形式。 1) 單數主語采用復數謂語動詞:The team are playing wonderfully. team作為集體名詞。),主謂一致由來和基本原則 2,2) 復數主語采用單數謂語動詞:The works was built in 1970. (works作factory解時為單、復數同形。) 3) 同一詞做主語,分別采用單數或復數謂語動詞: All possible means have been adopted. Every means has been tried. 3. 臨近吸引原則 謂語動詞根據其前面

3、最臨近的名/代詞的數的形式, 而非真正主語的數來決定其自身的單、復數: No one except his own supporters agree with him.,主謂一致關鍵:主語的單復數,主謂一致的關鍵問題是確定主語的數。 要把“主語”同“主語部分”嚴 格分開,即確定主語的數的時候,要首先確定主語本身, 去除定語等附加的部分。 1. 一般情況 1) 絕大多數可數名詞單個作主語,以其詞形決定主語的單、復數。 2) 不可數名詞單個做主語為單數。 3) 表示抽象概念的短語做主語為單數: Training spacemen is not an easy task. “Senior citiz

4、ens” means people over sixty.,主謂一致-復合主語的數的確定:關鍵的連接詞 1,1. 非同位語/同位語等立關系的確定 1)由定冠詞/物主代詞確定非同位語/同位語等立關系 A. 非同位語等立關系 若定冠詞分別出現在在各等立成分前,則 復合謂語的各成分間是非同位語等立關系,各等立成分別指不 同對象,謂語動詞為復數: The teacher and the writer are kind men. B. 同位語等立關系 若定冠詞只出現在第一個成分前,則是同位 語等立關系,各等立成分指的是同一對象,謂語動詞為單數: The teacher and writer is a k

5、ind man. 2) 由上下文確定非同位語/同位語等立關系 由兩個或多個抽象名詞 構成的復合謂語,由上下文確定非同位語/同位語等立關系: Your fairness and impartiality has/have been much appreciated. 在無確定的上下文的情況下,has/have都是可能的。,主謂一致-復合主語的數的確定:關鍵的連接詞 2,2. 由and連接的復合主語。 1)非同位語等立關系主語-復數 A. 由and連接的幾個不同人、事物: John and Mary are ready. (=John is ready. Mary is ready.) B. 被由

6、and連接的并列定語所修飾的一個單數名詞 .: The red and the white rose are beautiful. (=The red rose is beautiful. The white rose is beautiful) C. 被由and連接的并列定語所修飾的一個不可數名詞: Chinese and Japanese silk are much better than Italian. (=Chinese silk is much better than Italian. Japanese silk is much better than Italian.),主謂一致

7、-復合主語的數的確定:關鍵的連接詞 3,2)同位語等立關系主語-單數 A. 指同一對象,表示單一概念: The teacher and writer is a kind man. B. 表示單一概念的由數詞+名詞的詞組: Ten pounds is not much for all the trouble we had. There is two miles to go. 3. 由or/ eitheror/ neither nor連接的選擇性復合主語 1)肯定的選擇性復合主語 A. 所連接的成分分別為單數,謂語動詞用單數: Either John or Dick is going to do

8、this work. B. 所連接的成分分別為復數,謂語動詞用復數: Either the teachers or the students have misunderstood this.,主謂一致-復合主語的數的確定:關鍵的連接詞 4,C. 所連接的成分在數上不一致,則用下列三種方法使其主謂取得 一致。 a. 根據臨近吸引原則 謂語動詞與其前面最臨近的詞的數相 一致: One or two friends are coming tonight. b. 使用無詞形變化的助動詞代替有詞形變化的動詞: The mother or the children must/will leave at o

9、nce. c. 改變句子結構和詞序,并作必要的省略: Is the child or the parents to blame?可變成: Is the child to blame, or the parents? 2)否定的選擇性復合主語 A. 與肯定的選擇性復合主語原則相同: Neither Tom nor Jane has done it. The teacher nor the students are to blame for this.,主謂一致-復合主語的數的確定:關鍵的連接詞 5,Neither Tom nor Jane has done it. 可變成: Tom hasnt

10、done it; neither has Jane. B. 但實際上,若構成復合主語的各成分均為單數,謂語動詞也大多 使用復數: Neither he nor I were there. 4. 由notbut/ not only but 連接的復合主語 根據臨近吸引原 則, 謂語動詞與其前面最臨近的主語的數相一致: Not (only)my father, but all of us are looking forward to the guest. 5. 含有肯定和否定兩部分的主語 謂語動詞與肯定的主語一致: You, not I, are the right man to carry ou

11、t the plan.,主謂一致-復合主語的數的確定:關鍵的連接詞 6,6. 含有“準連接詞”的主語 準連接詞,即with/ together with/ along with, as well as/ as much as, rather than/ no less than, but/except, unlike, including。 1) 規(guī)范用法 謂語與準連接詞前面的主語保持一致: Nothing but stamps and envelops is for sale. 2) 口語用法 準連接詞起作用與介詞類似,將其后的成分與主語 隔開,含義與and相近,根據意義一致的原則,即使主語

12、是單 數,也可以用復數動詞: My brother with his wife, both looking very sad, were/was drinking at the bar. 7. 例外情況 1) 由and連接的復合主語 均使用復數動詞, 而非總是遵循臨近吸引原 則 : My sister and I are/am fully aware. 2)由eitheror/ neither nor連接的復合主語用單、復數均可: Neither he nor I am/are fully aware.,主謂一致不定代詞做主語數的確定 1,不定代詞做主語數的確定 1. each 1)名詞性 謂

13、語動詞總用單數: Each has his own idea on the subject. 2)做同位語 謂語動詞用復數: The students each have a new book. The boys and the girls each want to do something different. 3) each of+復數名詞 A. each表示整體中每一個個體,謂語動詞用單數: Each of the soldiers has been given a gun. B. 由于臨近吸引原則的作用,謂語動詞也可用復數: Each of the soldiers have been

14、 given a gun.,主謂一致不定代詞做主語數的確定 2,C. 反意問句的附加問句中,指每一個體,謂語動詞用單數: Each of the students has new book, hasnt he? D. 反意問句的附加問句中,指整體,謂語動詞用復數: Each of the students has new book, havent they? 1. none 1) 指總量,與不可數名詞連用,謂語動詞用單數: None of the food was wasted. 2) 指數目,與可數名詞連用。 A. 正式用法 根據語法一致的原則,謂語動詞用單數: None of the su

15、ggestions was accepted. B. 非正式/習慣用法 根據臨近吸引原則和意義一致的原則,謂語動 詞用復數: None of the suggestions were accepted.,主謂一致不定代詞做主語數的確定 3,2. no one 1) 正式用法 謂語動詞用單數: Nobody likes to be deceived. 2) 非正式/習慣用法 在臨近吸引原則的影響下,謂語動詞可用復數: Nobody, not even their teachers, were listening to the speech. 3) 在附加問句中 A. 指某一特定整體中的每一個對象

16、,謂語動詞用單數: Nobody likes to be deceived, doesnt he? B. 對整體否定,謂語動詞用復數, 附加問句的主語相應地也用復數: Nobody has called while I have been out, havent they? 3. either/neither 1) 均指“二者之一”(包括兩個復數名詞構成的二者) 謂語動詞用單數: Either of them has told me.,主謂一致不定代詞做主語數的確定 4,2) 習慣用法 當of后接復數名/代詞時,謂語動詞用復數: Neither of them know the truth.

17、4. anyone/anybody 1) 指個體時,謂語動詞用單數: Has anyone a dictionary he can lend me? 2) 指“全部、無一例外”時,anyone/anybody謂語動詞用復數,在附 加問句中,如無表示復數概念的動詞,則其主語復數代詞克表示此意: Anybody can enter for the race, cant they? 5. everybody/-one 1) 指個體時,謂語動詞用單數: Everyone in our class goes in for sports.,主謂一致不定代詞做主語數的確定 5,2) 指“全部、無一例外”時,

18、anyone/anybody在附加問句中,如無 表示復數概念的動詞,則其主語用復數代詞表示此意: Everyone in our class goes in for sports, dont they? 3) 與復數物主/人稱代詞連用: A. 在口語中,特別是對話中,為避免明確指出所指對象的性別, Everybody was wearing their shorts. I told everyone to run as fast as they can. B.在附加問句中,如無表示復數概念的動詞,則其主語用復數代 詞表示此意: Everybody is you class cant be cl

19、ever, can they? 6. everything 謂語動詞用單數 (包括在反意問句的陳述和疑問部分中): everything has gone wrong today, hasnt it ?,主謂一致名詞性主語數的確定 1,1. 集體名詞 1)作為不可分割的單一整體,謂語動詞用單數: Their team is more likely to win. 2) 強調集體中的每一個成員,謂語動詞用復數: The football team are having baths now. 3) 有a(n), each, every, this/that限定語時,謂語動詞用單數: A team

20、which is full of enthusiasm is more likely to win. 4) 種類集體名詞(clothing, luggage, furniture, machinery等) 謂語動詞用單數,而且不和不定冠詞連用: Our clothing protects us from the cold. 5) 個體性集體名詞 (people, cattle, folk等),表示有相同個體成分組成的 集體 謂語動詞用復數: Cattle were allowed to graze here. 6) 概括性集體名詞(militia, police 等),表示相同的職業(yè)/行業(yè)的人

21、們 謂語動詞用復數: The police have not made any arrests yet.,主謂一致名詞性主語數的確定 2,2. 形式與意義矛盾的短語 1)more than A. more than one + 單數名詞 謂語動詞用單數: More than one person was killed in the accident. B. more than one + 復數名詞 謂語動詞用復數: More than one hundred people are working here. 2)many a + 單數名詞 謂語動詞用單數: Many a man has a c

22、hance. 3. There/Here+be+主語結構 1)正式用法 謂語動詞與最臨近的主語一致。 2)非正式/習慣用法 根據臨近吸引原則和意義一致的原則,謂語動 詞與形式主語there/here一致,用單數: Theres several bags still missing. There is only two pounds of butter.,主謂一致名詞性主語數的確定 3,4. number/majority of 結構 1)The number of,通常謂語動詞用單數: The number of people present was more than 1,600. 2) A

23、 number of 謂語動詞用復數: A number of people were left behind. 3) The majority of 謂語動詞用復數: The majority of of them have voted down the proposal. 5. one of+復數名詞+定語從句 結構 1) one之無the(only)做定語,通常復數名詞為先行詞,謂語動詞用復 數: This is one of the rooms which were damaged in the fire.,主謂一致名詞性主語數的確定 4,2)one為先行詞,謂語動詞用單數 A. on

24、e之前有the(only)做定語,通常one為先行詞: This is the (only) one of the books which was bought last Sunday. B. one之前無the(only)做定語,但從句意可判定one為先行詞: One of the documents which is of special interest is a fifth century charter. 6. 主語從句 1) 通常作為單數 謂語動詞用單數: How you got there doesnt concern me. 2) what引導的主語從句 A. 當主語的表語為單

25、數時,謂語動詞自然是單數: What I like most is a digital camera.,主謂一致名詞性主語數的確定 5,B. 當主語的表語為復數時,謂語動詞取決于what在句子中的含義。 a. what=those things which 謂語動詞用復數: What his father left him are a few English books. b. what=the thing which 謂語動詞用單數: What the audience liked most was his performances. C. 當主語為并列的從句或含有并列的謂語時,謂語動詞用復

26、數: What he says, and what he does do not agree. 7. all+定語從句 謂語動詞取決于all在句子中的性質。 1) all 為名詞性,意為“全部、總和”,是單數,謂語動詞用單數: All that he wants is a quiet room. 2) all 為形容詞性,代表前面以其為定語的復數名詞,是復數,謂語 動詞用復數: All that remain are recently built houses. (All=All those houses),試題與思路(主謂一致) 1,1. What I say and think _ no

27、business of yours. A. is B. are C. was D. were 選B。 并列的謂語實際上是兩件事,因此用復數動詞。又由于主句時態(tài)是現在時,所以謂語動詞應為現在時。 2. Both butter and bread _ out in that grocery. A. is B. are C. was D. were 選D。用bothand 連接的并列主語是兩樣物品,復數含義,因此用復數動詞。又由于sell out 表示的是結果,應當是過去某時的動作,因此用一般過去時。如用一般現在時則不合理。 3. In this hotel, the bread and butte

28、r _ served for breakfast. 選B。主語雖然是由and 連接的兩樣物品,但只由一個冠詞來限定,所以是同位并列關系,為單數含義,因此用單數動詞。又由于是現階段經常性的動作,因此用用一般現在時。,試題與思路(主謂一致) 2,4. In our country every boy and every girl _ the right to receive education. A. has B. is C. have D. had 選A。主語雖然是由and 連接的兩類人,但是各自獨立的,等于every boy has and every girl has,為單數含義,因此用單數

29、動詞。又由于是現階段經常性的情況,因此用用一般現在時。 5. My sister, together with Jane and James, _ gone the other day. A. is B. are C. was D. were 選C。按規(guī)范用法,謂語應與準連接詞前面的主語保持一致,my sister為單數主語,因此用單數動詞。又由于是過去某時間的動作,因此用用一般過去時。,試題與思路(主謂一致) 3,6. Those who _ to go to the park please sign your names here. A. wants B. want C. wanted D

30、. hopes 選B。定語從句的關系代詞的單復數取決于其先行詞的單復數。those為復數,who自然也為復數,所以用復數動詞。又,hope不用于帶復合賓語的結構中。 7. The rest of the money _ to him. A. is to be sent B. is to send C. are to be sent D. are to send 選A。rest of一類的詞語的單復數取決于其后的名詞,當該名詞為不可數時,謂語動詞用單數。注意本句為被動語態(tài)。 8. Not only the teacher but also the students _ attend the meeting tomorrow. A. is going to B. are going to C. wants to D. hopes to 選B。由notbut/ not only but 連接的復合主語,根據臨近吸引原則, 謂語動詞與其前面最臨近的主語的數相一致。,

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