1、,National Museum of Brazil,The Great Wall,Acropolis,Lets enjoy some great pictures!,What happened to these world cultural heritages?,fire,carving,2,3-4,5-7,ntroduction,amage,Parthenon p:inn 帕臺農(nóng)神廟,Erechtheum ,ereki:m 厄瑞克修姆廟,Athena Nike i:nnaki 雅典娜勝利女神廟,pair work,damage,repair,(past),(now),Part 3:,Par
2、t 4:,repair,(now),the damage to the Acropolis,(past) para. 3-4,natural forces,human,a. _ (L44),b. plant roots (L106-107), (L45-51) _ (L52-56) stealing (L72-78) unsuccessful _ (L78-83) tourists (L83-84) deliberate damage (L84-88) _,earthquakes,wars,reconstruction,smog and acid rain,damage,(past),the
3、repair of the Acropolis,(now) para. 5-7,a. earthquakes,b. plant roots, stealing unsuccessful reconstruction (poor repair work) tourists smog and acid rain,a steady cleaning programme,to be mended,ask for return,educate the public,a steady cleaning programme,remove statues from the open air and store
4、 in a protected museum, wars, deliberate damage,repair,(now),damage,(past),By learning how not to damage the monuments, people will be able to enjoy this historic site for generations to come. (L117-120),Why is the Greek government so determined to repair the Acropolis?,in the future,damage,repair,(
5、past),(now),?,better future,(future),benefits,repair,(now),damage,(past),culturally: economically: environmentally: personally:,For generations to come, what are the benefits of protecting world heritages, like the Acropolis?,have the opportunity to learn more about history and civilization,promote
6、the local economy,live in a less-polluted environment,enjoy and appreciate the cultural heritages; raise peoples awareness of protecting cultural heritages,group discussion,Where is this passage taken from?,Conclusion: Whats the authors style of writing?,newspaper,list facts,express feelings,VS,To m
7、ake people realize the necessity of protecting Acropolis, which technique does the author use?,subjective(主觀),VS,objective(客觀),Why is the passage named The Acropolis now, instead of The Acropolis?,repair,(now),damage,(past),(future),benefits,The Acropolis The Acropolis now,too general, not specific
8、enough,Lead readers to focus on the various d_ the Acropolis has suffered from, and call on readers to help p_ the Acropolis.,amage,rotect,repair,(now),damage,(past),benefits,Whats the authors intention of writing this passage?,Call on the public to pay attention to the serious situation of cultural
9、 heritages like Acropolis, and make efforts to protect them.,(future),wild, cruel or uneducated,Part 1: Para _,Part 2: Para _,Part 3: Para _,1-3,4-6,7-10,_visiting,_ visiting,_ visiting,before,while,after,before visiting,while visiting,after visiting,Circle the adj. and n. that reflect the authors a
10、ttitude towards the Great Wall.,adj.,n.,most famous,most popular,thrilled ,greatness,grandness,mystery,excitement,luck,para. 1-3,excited,before,after,while visiting,Come up with some adj. to summarize the authors feelings while visiting the Great Wall.,disappointed,painful,angry,adj.,para. 4-6,surpr
11、ised,excited,before,surprised disappointed painful angry,while,after,sharp contrast,questions,excited,before,disappointed painful angry,while,after,2. How can Chinese government allow this to continue? If these immoral tourists receive no punishment, they will _ _, and others will _, thus _ _.,3. Wh
12、at goes in the minds of foreign tourists who do such things? People should _ _, because the best way to protect the Great Wall is to prevent damage. Only when _ _.,2. How can Chinese government allow this to continue? If these immoral tourists receive no punishment,they will feel encouraged to do it
13、 again, and others will follow the bad examples, thus causing greater damages to the Great Wall.,3. What goes in the minds of foreign tourists who do such things?,People should be educated before visiting any tourist attractions, because the best way to protect the Great Wall is to prevent damage. Only when everyone obeys rules and moral standards can we prevent damage from the source.,Homework,Polish up your writing after class. Review what you have learned in this class.,