
裕興新概念英語第二冊(cè)筆記 第27課

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《裕興新概念英語第二冊(cè)筆記 第27課》由會(huì)員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《裕興新概念英語第二冊(cè)筆記 第27課(18頁珍藏版)》請(qǐng)?jiān)谘b配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、Lesson 27 A wet night雨夜 What happened to the boys in the night? Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. They were all hungry and the food smelled good. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sa

2、ng songs by the campfire. But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly. In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of wate

3、r! They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside. It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field. The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!參照譯文 傍晚時(shí)分,孩子們?cè)谔镆爸醒氪钇鹆藥づ瘛_@件事剛剛做完,她們就在篝火上燒起了飯。她們?nèi)拣I了,飯菜散發(fā)出陣陣香味。她們美美地吃了一頓飯后,就圍在

4、營火旁講起了故事,唱起了歌。但過了一陣子。天下起雨來,于是她們撲滅了篝火,鉆進(jìn)了帳篷。睡袋既暖和又舒服,因此,她們都睡得很香。半夜前后,有兩個(gè)孩子醒了,大聲叫了起來。本來帳篷里到處都是水!她們?nèi)继鏊艿酵饷?。雨下得很大,她們發(fā)現(xiàn)地上已經(jīng)形成了一條小溪。那小溪彎彎曲曲穿過田野,然后正好從她們的帳篷底下流過去。 【New words and expressions】(15)1 tenttent n.帳篷2 fieldfi:ld n.田地,田野3 smell smel v.聞起來4 wonderfulwndful a.極好的5 campfirekmpfai n.營火,篝火6 creep kr

5、i:p v.爬行7 sleeping bagsli:pi 睡袋8 comfortablekmftbl a.舒服的,安逸的9 soundlysundli ad.香甜地10 leap li:p v.跳躍,跳起11 heavilyhevili ad.大量地12 streamstri:m n.小溪13 form f:m v.形成14 wind wind, waind v.蜿蜒15 rightrait ad.正好一單詞解說:tent n. 帳篷put up a tent 搭帳篷/pitch pit a tentpeg down a tent 用木樁固定帳篷pull down a tent 拆帳篷/str

6、ike a tenteg. We always sleep in a tent when we go camping. 我們宿營時(shí),總是睡在帳篷里。field n. 天地,田野,領(lǐng)域,專業(yè),視野in the field 在田地里develop unexplored fields of industries 開發(fā)未曾摸索的工業(yè)領(lǐng)域ones special field 某人的專業(yè)a wide field of vision 廣闊的視野smell v. 聞起來smelled/smelt1) (感官動(dòng)詞) + adj.2) 不用于被動(dòng)語態(tài),不用于進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)eg. The fish smells good

7、. 這魚聞起來不錯(cuò)。eg. The fish smells delicious. 這魚聞起來就好吃。此類動(dòng)詞很常用:eg. The story sounds interesting. 這故事聽起來很有趣。(sound 聽起來)eg. The girl looks charming. 那女孩看上去很有魅力。(look 看起來)eg. The material feels soft. 這布料摸上去很柔軟。(feel 摸起來)smell v. 嗅到(實(shí)意動(dòng)詞)eg. I can smell trouble coming. 我憑直覺感到要有麻煩了。eg. I smelled something bur

8、nt. 我聞到有什么東西燒糊了。smell round/smell about 東嗅西嗅,到處打聽/nose aroundeg. The dogs were smelling round, perhaps they smelt the thief.這些狗到處聞 ,也許它們聞到賊的氣味了。smell of 帶有氣味(一般指令人不快的氣味)eg. Your breath smells of brandy. 你的呼吸帶有白蘭地的氣味。eg. The house smells of paint. 這座房子有油漆的氣味。wonderful adj. 極好的campfire n. 營火,篝火campn.

9、營地a holiday camp 度假營地a prison camp 戰(zhàn)俘營an army camp 軍營a concentration camp (德國納粹的)集中營pitch a camp 扎營have a foot in both camps 腳踏兩只船have a foot in the grave 行將就木campv. 設(shè)營,扎營,宿營,露營go camping 野營度假eg. They camped near the top of the mountain. 她們?cè)谏巾敻浇鸂I。campfire 營火,篝火open fire 在野外生的火,篝火bonfire bn,fai n. 營

10、火,篝火camp bed 折疊床,行軍床creep v. 慢慢地,悄悄地或偷偷地移動(dòng)(尤指彎著腰走)(crept, crept)eg. The cat crept silently towards the bird. 那只貓悄悄地接近那只鳥。bell the cat 舍己為人,為她人利益去冒險(xiǎn)bell the cat是一種固定短語,意思是“為了人們的利益承當(dāng)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)”,這個(gè)短語是怎么來的呢?bell the cat源自一種故事:有一窩老鼠,由于怕貓,不敢出去找食物。其中有一只老鼠想了一種措施,在貓的脖子上套一種鈴鐺,這樣,她們就可以懂得貓?jiān)谀睦铮缓蟊荛_它找食物。這個(gè)措施得到全體老鼠的一致?lián)碜o(hù),但

11、有一種最重要的問題尚未解決:誰去給貓?zhí)租忚K呢?也就是:Who will bell the cat? 這個(gè)故事的結(jié)局如何,沒有明確的說法,但bell the cat這個(gè)短語卻被人們反復(fù)引用,成了習(xí)語。eg. Its quite difficult to get a man who can bell the cat.很難找到危險(xiǎn)時(shí)刻可以挺身而出的人了。eg. All the men agreed that they wanted a pay increase, but nobody offered to bell the cat and ask their employer for the mon

12、ey.人們都想加薪,但誰肯承當(dāng)這個(gè)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)去向老板提出來呢?eg. Down with the weekend homework!shouted all the boys. However, none of them dared to bell the cat and say that to the teacher.“打倒周末作業(yè)”,所有男孩子都叫道,但是無人敢去向教師提出來。eg. The thief crept along the corridor krid:. 那個(gè)賊悄悄地溜過走廊。eg. Old age creeps on you before you realize it. 人不知不覺變

13、老了。eg. The boys crept into their tent.crawl kr:l 爬,爬行,匍匐邁進(jìn)crawl 使用于如蛇類,無足,以腹部著地而行或者動(dòng)作緩慢之蟲類,而creep則表達(dá)四足動(dòng)物緩慢而行,然而,迅速邁進(jìn)之蟲類,仍多以creep 表達(dá)。sleeping bag 睡袋sleeging car 臥鋪車廂/sleepersleeping pill 安眠藥eg. Let sleeping dogs lie. (諺)不捅馬蜂窩,蜂也不來蟄。comfortable adj. 舒服的comfort n.U1) 舒服,身心健康,安慰live in comfort 過得舒服a few

14、 words of comfort 幾句安慰的話2) 令人安慰的人或事 (single)eg. Her children are a great comfort to her. 對(duì)她來說,孩子們是很大的安慰。3) (生活方面)使人舒服的設(shè)備(pl.)comfort station 公共廁所 (Am.)public convenience 公共廁所 (Br.)comfort sb 安慰某人eg. The mother comforted the disappointed boy. 媽媽安慰那個(gè)失望的孩子。comfortable adj. 舒服的 uncomfortable 不舒服的a comfo

15、rtable chair 一把舒服的椅子a comfortable car 一輛舒服的車子eg. Make yourself comfortable! 請(qǐng)別客氣!comfortably adv. 舒服地 相稱于 in comforteg. She sat in the sofa comfortably. 她舒服地坐在沙發(fā)上。/She sat in the sofa in comfort.soundly adv. 酣睡地,充足地sleep soundly 睡得香甜sleep deeply 睡得很沉sleep well 睡眠較好be fast asleep 睡得香甜sound adj. (睡眠)酣

16、的,香甜的,不中斷的;(睡眠的人)酣睡的1) be a sound sleeper 一種睡得很香的人/be a deep sleeper2) a sound heart (身心)健康的,健全的eg. A sound mind in a sound body. 健康的心理寓于健康的身體。3) 合理的,對(duì)的的,堅(jiān)定的a sound judgement 合理的判決eg. She is sound on her future. 她對(duì)將來有信心。leap li:p vi. 跳,跳躍(jump as fast as one can; jump over)(leapt, leapt) lept, li:pt

17、eg. We leapt out of the tent. 我們蹦出帳篷。eg. My heart leapt for joy at the news. 聽到這個(gè)消息后,我的心情萬分激動(dòng)。leap 大多用于“前方”的跳躍jump 向“前方”,“上方”,任一方的跳躍皆可。leap n. 跳躍eg. She made beautiful leaps. 她優(yōu)美地跳躍了幾下。Great Leap Forward 大躍進(jìn)(1958)by leaps and bounds 突飛猛進(jìn),迅速地leap year 閏年a leap in the dark 有勇無謀的行為,瞎鬧heavily adv. 大量地he

18、avy1) adj. 沉的;超過一般規(guī)模、數(shù)量、力量的;重大的a heavy rain 大雨eg. It rains cats and dogs. 傾盆大雨/It rais whales and elephants.a heavy snow 大雪a heavy crop 豐收a heavy cold 重感冒a heavy smoker 大煙鬼a heavy drinker 酒鬼heavy traffic 交通擁擠heavy loss 巨大損失a heavy sleeper 睡得很死的人2) (食物)膩人的,難消化的heavy food 油膩的食物/rich food light food 清淡

19、的食物form n. 表格,形式fill in the forms 填表格fill in the blanks with the right forms of verbs 用動(dòng)詞的對(duì)的形式填空v.1) 形成,構(gòu)成a stream had formed in the field. 一條小溪在地里形成了form sentences 造句/ make sentences2) 形成(想法,籌劃,意見等)eg. I cannot form an opinion about it. 對(duì)這件事我沒故意見,formal adj. 正式的 informal 不正式的formal clothes 禮服formal

20、 adj. 表面上的formal politeness platns 表面上殷情stream n. 小溪in a stream 川流不息/ in streamsa stream of water 一股溪流river 江河brook bruk 小河,小溪lake 湖a stream of people 人潮川流不息(喻)wind1) n. wind 風(fēng)a strong wind 強(qiáng)風(fēng),大風(fēng)/a heavy windnorth wind 北風(fēng)2) v. wand 蜿蜒(wound, wound) waunda winding road 一條蜿蜒的小路eg. The river winds down

21、 to the sea. 小河蜿蜒流向大海。eg. The stream wound its way across the field. 小溪蜿蜒穿過這片田地。eg. She wound her way throuth the crowd. 她繞來繞去穿過人群。wind ones way across/through 蜿蜒穿過wind the watch 上發(fā)條eg. Are you winding me up? 你想氣死我?/ Are you annoying me?二、 核心句型 Key Structures一般過去時(shí)重要表達(dá)過去某時(shí)發(fā)生的動(dòng)作或狀況(涉及習(xí)慣性動(dòng)作)一般搭配表達(dá)過去的時(shí)間

22、狀語。例如:yesterday 昨天last week 上星期in 1990during the night 在夜里in those days 在那段日子例:Who put forward the suggestion? 誰提出這個(gè)建議?When did she leave? 她什么時(shí)候走的?She often came to help us.她常來協(xié)助我們(表達(dá)過去的習(xí)慣動(dòng)作)。We didnt have any land at that time.那時(shí)候我們沒有一點(diǎn)地。I wasnt in last night.昨天晚上我不在家。注意:1)一般過去時(shí)可與today, this week,

23、this month, this year等時(shí)間狀語連用,但這些時(shí)間狀語須指過去,決不涉及“目前”在內(nèi)。例: Did you see him today? 你今天看見她了嗎?2)省略時(shí)間狀語,通過上下文,使用一般過去時(shí)。例: I have been within an inch of life, and didn t know it.我差一點(diǎn)喪了命,而當(dāng)時(shí)我還不懂得呢。He is no longer the man he was.她己經(jīng)不是過去的她了。3)在英語中,說到死去的人時(shí),一般皆用過去時(shí)態(tài)。- Who is the man in the picture? 照片里的是誰?It was T

24、om.是湯姆(己經(jīng)去世)。如果沒去世It is Tom.4) -般過去時(shí)有時(shí)有感情色彩。例:I heard you! 我早聽見了。(即你不用再喊了。)I told you so. 我早就告訴過你了。(有“你就是不聽”的含義)。5)注意動(dòng)詞過去式不規(guī)則變化begin began beguncreep crept creptleap leapt leaptsleep slept sleptfind found foundsee saw seenput put putdo did donekeep kept keptlose lost lostleave left leftmeet met metw

25、rite wrote writtenslng sang sungwake woke wokenbuy bought boughtcome came comegive gave givengo went gonewind wound woundhang hung/hanged hung/hanged三、課文解說Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. late in the afternoon 傍晚時(shí)分early in the morning 一大早late at night 深夜put

26、 up their tent 搭起帳篷/ set up their tent/pitch a tentAs soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire.as soon as 一就 (背面跟句子)/the moment/just afterAs soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire.this 指前面的“they put up their tent in the middle of the field”cook v. 煮,烹調(diào)cook din

27、ner 做飯eg. She cooked us a delicious meal. 她為我們做了一頓美味可口的飯菜。/She cooked a delicious meal for us.( cook 可以加雙賓語)roast 烤肉bake (用烤爐)烘broil brl 直接用火烤grill 直接用火烤fry 炒deep fry 油炸boil 煮stew stju: 燉,燜steam 蒸cooker n. 炊具cook n. 廚師a chief cook 大廚eg. Too many cooks spoil the broth br:, br.廚師多了燒壞湯;人多手雜反壞事;人多添亂over

28、 在垂直上方on 相接觸的上面above 在上方(在比較高的位置上)They were all hungry and the food smelled good. hungry hgri adj.饑餓的;渴望的go hungry 挨餓feel hungry 感到饑餓a hungry look 饑餓的表情hungrily adv.-Which country eats a lot?-Hungary hgri: 匈牙利(詞形、發(fā)音都很像)hunger n.die of hunger 死于饑餓eg. He satisfied his hunger with everything in the fri

29、dge.她把冰箱內(nèi)的所有東西拿來充饑。have a hunger for fame 渴望名聲have a hunger for knowledge 有強(qiáng)烈的求知欲v. 渴望/long foreg. I hunger for your touch. 我渴望你的接觸。( from Ghost “Unchained Melody”)smell: link v. (系動(dòng)詞)After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire.by: beside/nearBut some time later it began

30、 to rain. feel-felt-felt (link v.)put out 撲滅eg. They put out the fire. (動(dòng)作)eg. The fire was put out by them.eg. The building was on fire. 大樓著火了。eg. The light is on. 燈亮了。eg. The light is out. 燈滅了。eg. The building caught fire. (動(dòng)作)大樓著火了。與put有關(guān)的短語:put away 收拾,放在一邊eg. Put the toys away. 把玩具放到一邊。put asid

31、e 停下eg. He put his work aside and made some coffee. 她停下工作,沖了某些咖啡。put back 放回eg. Put the record back where it was. 把磁帶放回原處。put 放lay 橫擺set 并放place 安頓arrange 排放spread 攤開The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they all sle

32、pt soundly. In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. began shouting / began to shouteg. It bagan to rain. It bagan raining.wake up 醒來wake sb up 叫醒某人eg. Will you wake me up early next morning.sb be woken up 某人被叫醒,吵醒eg. I was woken up by the cocks crow. 我被公雞的啼叫聲吵醒了。eg. The nois

33、e is loud enough to wake the dead. (idiom) (指噪聲)大得煩人。The tent was full of water! They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside. be full of / be filled withThe tent was full of water! The tent was filled with water!hurry v. 匆忙趕往hurry to + 地點(diǎn)eg. I hurried to school this morning.eg. We

34、hurried to the station.It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field. The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!wind ones way across 蜿蜒,穿過flow-flowed-flowedfly-flew-flownright / justSpecial Difficulties1. The boys put up their tent

35、 in the middle of a field.2. They put out the fire and crept into their tent.3. I put on my coat and left the house. 我穿上外衣,離開房子。4. You neednt go back to London tonight. We can put you up for the night.(We can provide you with a bed.)你今夜不必回倫敦,我們能為你安排住宿。5. The teacher sent the boy to the headmaster. H

36、e could not put up with him any longer. (He could not stand him.)教師把那男孩送到校長那里去,她已經(jīng)無法容忍這個(gè)男孩了。6. Take out your notebooks. Put down all the sentences that are on the blackboard. (write all the ) 拿出你筆記本,抄下黑板上所有的句子。7. We cannot have the meeting tonight. We shall have to put it off until tomorrow. (We sha

37、ll have to postpone it.) 今晚我們無法開會(huì),只得把它推遲到明天。8. Close your books and put them away. 把書合上,放到一邊去。Exercises: 選用對(duì)的的帶put的動(dòng)詞短語1. Mrs. Bowers told her children to put their toys away and go to bed.收起來2. You can stay here tonight. We can put you up on the spare room.安排3.Im not ready yet. I havent put my shoe

38、s on.穿上4. “Open your exercise books and put down the following”, the teacher said.抄寫5. Father is putting out the fire he lit in the garden.撲滅6. When they have put up that new building, it will spoil the view.搭起,建起。 當(dāng)她們建起那棟新樓時(shí),它將破壞這里的風(fēng)景。7.I have put off my trip to Japan until next month.推遲8. I am get

39、ting a divorce. I cant put up with him any longer.容忍,忍受四、練習(xí) Exercisesl. They cooked a meal because _.A. they had hunger B. they had hungryC. they were hunger D. they felt hungry分析:A.不符合英語習(xí)常用法;B.不符合對(duì)的用法,hungry是形容詞,它前面應(yīng)當(dāng)是系動(dòng)詞be,而不是had:C.不符合語法習(xí)慣,系動(dòng)詞背面應(yīng)跟形容詞hungry.對(duì)的答案:D.她們感到餓了2. The boys had put out the

40、campfire . The fire wasnt_A. switched on B. on fire C. on D. alight分析:A 打開電源開關(guān):B著火,意思不通順;C打開的,on單獨(dú)使用指電源而不是指火;D著火的,照亮的。對(duì)的答案:D3. They crept into their tent, so they_.A. made a lot of noise B. ran quicklyC. were very quiet D. were very noisy分析:C.很安靜,與前面的They crept into their tent意思最當(dāng)配。A.制作諸多噪音; B.快跑:D.

41、非常吵鬧對(duì)的答案:C4._one accord they began to creep as quietly as possible into the cottage.A. To B. After C. Through D. With分析:with one accord全體一致地她們一致批準(zhǔn)并開始悄悄地向別墅爬去。對(duì)的答案:D六、補(bǔ)充內(nèi)容諺語1. A lot of water has run under the bridge.Much water has run under the bridge.自從某事發(fā)生以來已通過了很長時(shí)間(或發(fā)生可諸多事情,許多狀況變化了)在橋下,諸多水都流了過去。2. a new broom sweeps clean新官或新的負(fù)責(zé)人勁頭十足地履行改革籌劃:新宮上任三把火:新掃帚掃的干凈

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