
裕興新概念英語第二冊筆記 第10課

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《裕興新概念英語第二冊筆記 第10課》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《裕興新概念英語第二冊筆記 第10課(16頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、Lesson 10 Not for Jazz 不適于演奏爵士樂 What happened to the clavichord? We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many ye

2、ars ago. Recently it was damaged by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is being repaired by a friend of my fathers.參照譯文我家有件古樂器,被稱作古鋼琴,是1681年德國造的。我們的這架古鋼琴寄存在起居室里。我們家有這件

3、樂器已經(jīng)好久了, 是我祖父在很近年此前買的??伤鼇肀灰环N客人弄壞了,由于她用它來彈奏爵士樂。她在擊琴鍵時用力過猛,損壞了兩根琴弦。我爸爸大為吃驚,不許我們再動它。爸爸的一種朋友正在修理這件樂器?!綨ew words and expressions】(11)1 jazz dz n.爵士音樂2 musical mju:zikl a.音樂的3 instrument instrumnt n.樂器4 clavichord klvik:d n.古鋼琴5 recently ri:sntli ad.近來6 damage dmid v.損壞7 key ki: n.琴鍵8 string stri n.(樂器的)

4、弦9 shock k, k v.使不悅或氣憤,震驚10 allow lau v.容許,讓11 touch tt v.觸摸一、 單詞解說jazz n. 爵士音樂classical music 古典音樂folk music 民族音樂country music 鄉(xiāng)村音樂pop (popular) music 流行音樂jazz 爵士音樂play jazz 演奏爵士樂eg. They tried to play jazz on the piano. 她們試圖在鋼琴上演奏爵士音樂。rock and roll 搖滾樂rap 拉普樂(說唱音樂)musical adj. 音樂的music Ua piece of

5、 music 一首音樂concert knst C 音樂會musical adj. 音樂的musician n. 音樂家a music lesson 一堂音樂課a music teacher 音樂教師a music lover 音樂愛好者a piece of music 一首音樂face the music 面對失??;面對不肯面對而又不得不面對之事(說法:1.新演員初上舞臺非常緊張,但是音樂響起了,不得不上舞臺,必須去面對音樂,面對自己不敢面對的事情;2.新兵入伍后參與軍事檢閱,軍樂響起來了,不得不按照節(jié)拍去走,哪怕再緊張也沒有用。)a musical instrument 一件樂器a mus

6、ical performance 樂器演奏a musical score sk: 樂譜musical voice 美妙的聲音instrument1) 器具,儀器torture t:t instruments 刑具operation instruments 手術(shù)器械2) 樂器musical instrument 樂器-What kind of musical instrument can you play? 你會演奏哪種樂器呢?-I can play the guitar. 我會彈吉她。-I can play the piano. 我會彈鋼琴。-I can play the violin. 我會

7、拉小提琴。-I can play the saxophone sks,fn. 我會吹薩克斯管。instrument中的-ment是名詞后綴movement 移動government 政府judgment 判斷argument 爭論,證據(jù)clavichord n. 古鋼琴recently adv. 近來地 ;lately adv. 近來地常用在目前完畢時以及過去時中eg. Recently it was damaged by a visitor. 近來它被一位客人弄壞了。eg. They have recently bought a new car. 她們近來剛剛買了一輛新車。eg. Have

8、you seen him recently. 近來你見過她嗎?recent adj. 近來的,最新的eg. In recent years there have been great changes. 在近來幾年有很大的變化。eg. What is the most recent news? 什么是最新的消息?eg. The photograph seemed quite recent. 這張照片看起來很新是近來照的。more recent; most recentdamage v. 損壞spoil v. 損壞,慣壞,寵壞damage v. 部分損壞destroy v. 毀壞,徹底損壞spoi

9、l1) 破壞eg. The rain spoiled our excursioniksk:n. 雨破壞了我們的遠足籌劃。2) 腐爛eg. The fish has spoiled in the heated room. 魚在很熱的房間里已經(jīng)腐爛了。3) 寵愛eg. Spare the rod and spoil the child. 孩子不打不成器;棍棒出孝子。damage n. U C1) 損失 Ua lot of damage 大量損失damage to sth 對的損失damage to the car 對車輛導(dǎo)致的損失damage to crops 對莊稼導(dǎo)致的損失damage to

10、ones reputation 對某人名聲導(dǎo)致的損失2) damages 補償 Cv. 損壞1) 部分損壞break 打斷cut 剪,砍,割crush kr 壓壞,搗壞tear 撕stain stein 弄臟都涉及在damage 范疇之內(nèi)2) 損害eg. Smoking can damage your health. 吸煙有害于你的健康。to damage relations between two countries 損害兩國之間的關(guān)系to damage ones careerkri 損壞某人的職業(yè)damage ones good name 損害某人的好名聲destroy v. 毀壞,粉碎(

11、但愿,籌劃等)eg. The fire destroyed the whole forest. 大火消滅了整個森林。eg. All my hopes were destroyed by his letter of refusal rifju:zl.我所有的但愿被她的一封回絕信消滅了。key n.1) 琴鍵eg. She struck the keys too hard. 她過度用力敲擊琴鍵。or: She hit the keys too hard.2) 鑰匙the key to the door 這個門的鑰匙the answer to the question 這個問題的答案the entr

12、ance to the hall 這個大廳的入口the train to London 開往倫敦的火車to表由此及彼的方向性adj. 核心的,重要的key structures 核心句型eg. Who is the key person in this class?誰是這個班里的核心人物?Every student. 人人都是。a key question 一種核心問題string n. (樂器的)弦1)細繩(比 cord 細,比thread粗)a piece of string 一條繩子a ball of string 一卷繩子2) (附在衣服等之上的)帶子aproneiprn string

13、s 圍裙帶3) 弦樂器the strings弦樂器violin 小提琴mandolin ,mndln, mndln n.曼陀林(一種琵琶類樂器)cello tel 大提琴harp 豎琴viola vl 中提琴guitar it: 吉她contrabass kntrbeis 低音弦樂器都是弦樂器clavichord 古鋼琴piano 鋼琴organ :n 風(fēng)琴harpsichord h:ps,k:d 大鍵琴都稱為instrumentwoodwind wdwnd木管樂器brass 銅管樂器percussion pkn 打擊樂器4) 一串.,一系列a string of necklace 一串項鏈a

14、 string of pearls 一串珍珠a string of visitors 一系列的來訪者a string of wins 一系列的勝利tied to ones wifes apron strings (深受)妻子影響及控制harp on ones string 舊調(diào)重彈,老事重提have a person on a string (口)任意支配某人shock v.使.不悅或氣憤,震驚shocking adj.令人震驚的shocked adj.感到震驚的be surprised 對感到驚訝(中性)be shocked 震驚(貶)be astonished 目瞪口呆,傻了be surp

15、rised at/by sth 對.感到吃驚be shocked at/by sth 對感到震怒/震驚be astonished at/by sth 對.感到目瞪口呆surprise n.以surprise為例eg. Marys birthday is coming. Ill give her a surprise.瑪麗的生日就要到了,我要給她一種驚奇。a surprise party 一種意外約會to ones surprise 令某人吃驚的是allow lau v. 容許,讓(非正式用語)permit pmit v.容許,讓(法律條文規(guī)定,正式用語)permit pmit n. 通行證1)

16、 allow doing.容許做eg. We dont allow smoking. 我們不容許吸煙。2) allow sb to do sth 容許某人做某事eg. My mean boss doesnt allow me to use the telephone.我那個吝嗇的老板不容許我使用電話。allow yourself to make mistakes 不要對自己太嚴格,要容許自己出錯誤。3) 授與人.eg. He allows his son too much money. 她給兒子太多的錢。allowance launs n. 津貼;補貼;零用錢(Am.)eg. make an

17、allowance of 5% for cash payment 付鈔票打9.5折make allowances for 考慮到touch v. 觸摸touch-me-not 鳳仙花forget-me-not 勿忘我eg. Dont touch me. 別碰我。eg. Dont touch that dish. Its very hot. 不要碰那只碟子,它很燙。vi.摸起來 (可以跟形容詞)類似的詞有:sound 聽起來taste 嘗起來look 看起來The desk touches smooth. 這桌子摸起來很光滑。The fish smells good. 這魚聞起來較好。The s

18、tory sounds interesting. 這故事聽起來令人感愛好。touched/moved/excited 感動的(主語多是人)touching/moving/exciting 令人感動的(主語多是物)touch stone 試金石a near touch 千鈞一發(fā)in touch 保持聯(lián)系out of touch 失去聯(lián)系二、核心句型Key Structures被動語態(tài)l、構(gòu)成:由系動詞be+過去分詞構(gòu)成,時態(tài)通過be體現(xiàn)出來。一般過去時:例:People make history. 人民發(fā)明歷史。History is made by the people. 歷史被人民發(fā)明。注意:

19、過去分詞的過去分詞的不規(guī)則變化例: They completed the building last year.她們?nèi)ツ杲ㄍ赀@幢大樓。When was the building completed?這幢樓什么時候被建成的?例: They won t allow you to take so much luggage with you.她們不會容許你隨身帶這樣多行李的。You wont be allowed to take so much luggage with you.你不會被容許隨身帶這樣多行李的。目邁進行時:例: They are building a new railway.她們正在建

20、造一條新鐵路。A new railway is being built. 一條新的鐵路正在被修建。過去進行時:例:They were widening the roads. 她們正在拓寬馬路。The roads were being widened. 馬路正在被拓寬。目前完畢時:例: They have redesigned the aircraft.她們已經(jīng)重新設(shè)計了飛機。The aircraft has been redesigned. 飛機被重新設(shè)計了。過去完畢時:例: The factory had reduced production costs.工廠已經(jīng)減少了生產(chǎn)成本。Produc

21、tion costs had been greatly reduced.生產(chǎn)成本已經(jīng)被減少。2、被動語態(tài)與積極語態(tài)的辨別積極:施動者+謂語+受動者被動:受動者十be+v。過去分詞十(by+施動者)一般而言,被動語態(tài)施動者無需說出,由于這種句式強調(diào)的是受動者。例: Prisoners of war built this bridge in 1942.戰(zhàn)俘在1942年修建這座橋The bridge was built in 1942 (by prisoners of war).Exercisel) We have an old musical instrument. We call it a cl

22、avichord.我們有一種古樂器,我們把它叫做古鋼琴。We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord.我們有件古樂器,它被叫做古鋼琴2) Someone made the machine in Germany in 1681.人于1681在德國制作了這架機器。The machine was made (by someone) in Germany in 1681.有人于1681在德國制作了這架機器。The machine was made (by someone) in Germany in 1681.3) a stu

23、dent-composed song 由學(xué)生所作曲的一首歌4) Everybody respected them at that time.那個時候每個人都很尊重她們。They were respected by everybody at that time.那時她們被每個人尊重。三、課文解說TextWe have an old musical instrument.have 有,擁有eg. I have many friends.當有,擁有講時,無被動態(tài)和進行時態(tài)have 是一種很活潑的詞,有諸多的意思have breakfasthave a fever 發(fā)熱have a good time

24、 玩得開心have a headache 頭疼have a running nose 流鼻涕have a swollenswln face 臉浮腫have sth done 由別人做某事have something to do with 與有關(guān)系have nothing to do with 與沒有關(guān)系have anything to do with 與有任何關(guān)系have to do sth 不得不做某事It is called a clavichord.變?yōu)榉e極語態(tài)為:We call it a clavichord.It was made in Germany in 1681.be made

25、 in + 地點 表達產(chǎn)地be made in + 時間 表達制作于某時be made of (a material) 用某種材料制作表達仍能看出原材料eg. The tea pot is made of silver. 這把茶壺是銀制的。eg. be made from (one or a number of materials) 由某種或某些材料制成表達已經(jīng)看不出原材料eg. Glass is made from sand and lime. 玻璃是由砂子和石灰制成的。eg. This sweater is made from wool. 這件毛衣是羊毛制成的。be made by sb

26、被.制造eg. This cake was made by my sister. 這只蛋糕是我姐姐制作的。be made for 為.做的eg. This cake was made for you. 這只蛋糕是為你制作的。Our clavichord is kept in the living room.living room 起居室 (room in a private house for general use during the daytime )sitting room (Br.) = living roomOur clavichord is kept in the living

27、room轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)榉e極語態(tài):We keep our clavichord in the living room.We keep our clavichord in the living room. It has belonged to our family for a long time.belong to 屬于(無被動)類似的詞尚有:happen 發(fā)生take place 發(fā)生have 有The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)榉e極語態(tài):My grandfather bought it many years ag

28、o.Recently it was damaged by a visitor.積極態(tài)為:Recently a visitor damaged it.She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. too 太,過多(貶)eg. You think too much. 你想得太多了。eg. You work too hard. 你工作太勤奮了。break-broke-brokenbreak vt.eg. She broke two strings. 她弄斷兩

29、根琴弦。eg. She fell and nearly broke her neck. 她摔倒,差點摔斷脖子。broken adj. 斷了的,破了的eg. The glass is broken. 玻璃碎了。Eg. The book is broken. 這書太破了。eg. The strings were broken. 琴弦斷了。My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it.to touch it是主語補足語積極態(tài)為:Now my my father does not allow us to touch it.to to

30、uch it是賓語補足語It is being repaired by a friend of my fathers.積極態(tài)為:a friend of my fathers is repairing it.a friend of my fathers (雙重所有格)還可替代成:one of my fathers friends我爸爸的一種朋友eg. Tom lent me one of his books.湯姆借我一本書or: Tom lent me a book of his.湯姆借給我一本書eg. He is one of my friends.她是我的一種朋友or: He is a fr

31、iend of mine.Special Difficulties-makebe made in 表達制造于某地或某時be made of 表達能看出原材料be made from 表達看不出原材料made by sb 表達是誰制造的made for 為了誰而制造1) Is your watch made of gold?2) These knives were made in Sheffield efi:ld 設(shè)菲爾德(英國英格蘭北部都市)?3) This cake was made from sugar, flour, butter and egg.雙重所有格替代練習(xí):eg. a frie

32、nd of my fathersor: one of my fathers friends我爸爸的一種朋友。1) He borrowed one of my records.她借了我的一本磁帶。He borrowed a record of mine.2) She showed me one of Johns pictures.她給我看強尼的一張照片。She showed me a picture of Johns.3) It was one of her ideas.這是她的一種主意。It was an idea of hers.4) One of your letters was foun

33、d on my desk.你的一封信在我桌子上被找到了。A letter of yours was found on my desk.5) Some of their friends came to see me.她們的某些朋友來看我。Some friends of theirs came to see me.四、練習(xí) Exercisesl) We are not allowed to touch it. We _ touch it.我們不被容許碰它。A mustnt B mustnt to C haven t to D don t have to分析:B千萬不要,背面只能加動詞原形;C不合乎

34、語法;D合乎語法,但意思上不合乎題意:A不要做某事,干萬不要做某平,合乎語法,含義也對的:答案是:A2) The visitor damaged it She _ it.客人弄壞了它,她弄壞了它A hurt B pained C broke D destroyed分析:A傷害,使傷心,一般指精神上的、情感上的或指對身體某一部位的傷害;B是疼痛,使痛苦;D毀壞,摧毀建筑物等;C打碎,損壞。答案是:C3) Recently it was damaged. She damaged it_近來它被弄壞了,她弄壞了它。A late B lastly C lately D finally分析:A遲,晚;

35、B最后; D最后,最后; C近來。答案是:C4) You have to pass the professional examinations to be _ to the society.你不得不通過社會所承認職業(yè)考試A allowed B permitted C admitted D submitted分析:A容許; B許可,容許,準許; C承認;D服從,順從,提交,遞交。答案是:C五、復(fù)習(xí)Review1. Key Structure:一般過去式的被動語態(tài):Was/were十 v. ed例: This bridge was built in 1942.The bridge was buil

36、t in 1942. 這座橋在1942年被修建了。Main points:Music 音樂 classical music 古典音樂Folk music 民族音樂 country music 鄉(xiāng)村音樂Pop(popular) music流行音樂 key to the door門的鑰匙Key structure 核心句型E surprised at對感到驚訝(中性)Be shocked at 對感到震驚(貶)Be astonished 對感到目瞪口呆,傻了Be surprised at/by sth 對感到震驚Be shocked be astonished 對感到震驚Be astonished

37、 be astonished 對感到目瞪口呆Touch V. 觸摸Touch smooth 摸起來很光滑You think too hard 你想的太多了Be broken 被弄斷了,被弄折了Be made in 十地點表達產(chǎn)地+時間表達制作于某時Be made of 由什么做成(表達仍能看出原材料料)Be made from 表達已經(jīng)看不出原材料Be made by sb 被所制造的A friend of mine 我的一種朋友One of my friends 我的一種朋友六、補充內(nèi)容量詞l)a layer of 層例: He wrapped each component on several layers ofof foam rubber.每個部件她都用幾層泡沫橡膠包了起來。2)a lot of許多例: A lot of rain fell in Scotland last night.昨天晚上蘇格蘭下了許多雨。用法可修飾可數(shù)名詞或不可數(shù)名詞

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