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摘 要
關鍵詞 泵體 加工工藝 專用夾具 鉆床夾具 銑床夾具
This paper is on the bracket parts processing application and processing technology and analysis, In addition to the stuffing box cover part two process designing special fixture.
Processes the work piece when the engine bed, to guarantee the working accuracy, must install the work piece correctly, causes its relative engine bed cutting builder motion and the cutting tool holds the correct position, this process is called “the localization”. For because of exogenic processes and so on cutting force, force of inertia, gravity is not destroyed the work piece already the correct position which decides, but must exert certain clamping force to it, this process is called “the clamp”. The localization and the clamp entire process is called “the installment”. Uses for on the engine bed to complete the work piece to install the duty the important craft equipment, is in each kind of jig widely applies “the engine bed jig”.
The engine bed jig's type are many, the use scope broadest universal jig, the specification size many have standardized, and has the specialty factory to carry on the production. But widely uses in the volume production, specially unit clamp which serves for some work piece working process, then needs various factories independently to design the manufacture according to the work piece processing craft. Therefore, unit clamp's design is an important production preparatory work, each is engaged in the processing craft the work clothes designers, should grasp the related jig design the elementary knowledge.
Key words Pump body Processing technology Special jig Drilling jig Milling jig