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1、課下作業(yè)(一)一、單項選擇1At first,it seemed that everything went well,but all of _ sudden,the ship hit _ iceberg.A/;anBa;theCthe;theDa;an解析:選D。考查冠詞的用法。all of a sudden是固定短語,表示“突然”;第二個空處泛指表示“一座冰山”又以元音音素開頭,因此用不定冠詞an。2There is a feeling _ me_ well never know how on earth the phenomenon arisenot ever.Ain;that Bon;w

2、hichCfor;for which Dby;what解析:選A。考查介詞和同位語從句。在某人身上用介詞in;that引導的從句是同位語從句,修飾先行詞feeling。句意:我有一種感覺,我們會弄清楚那個現(xiàn)象到底是如何產(chǎn)生的,不會太久的。3If it had been possible,I would have saved the drowning boy yesterday,but I_.Acant swim Bcouldnt swimCdidnt swim Dwasnt swim解析:選A。前面是一個與過去事實相反的虛擬語氣,but引導的從句表示的是真實情況,“我不會游泳”是目前的事實,因

3、此用cant swim。句意:如果可能的話,昨天我就救那個溺水的小男孩了,但是我不會游泳。4_,a bird flew inside my room.AWindows are openBWindows openCWindows openedDWith windows are opened解析:選B??疾楠毩⒅鞲窠Y(jié)構(gòu)作狀語。open表示開著的狀態(tài)。句意:一打開窗子,就有一只鳥飛進了我的房間。5I think it should be I myself not my husband who _ for the spoiled child.Aam to blame Bis going to blam

4、eCam to be blamed Dshould blame解析:選A。在強調(diào)句中考查固定搭配。該句對I myself進行了強調(diào),myself是I的同位語,因此謂語動詞應(yīng)與I保持一致;sb.is to blame for sth.是固定搭配“因某事責備或抱怨某人”,用主動形式表示被動意義,故選A。句意:我認為應(yīng)該是我本人而不是我的丈夫該為這個被溺愛的孩子而受到責備。6The earthquake and the damage _ did to the people are far more than frightening.Ait Bthey Cwhich Dthat解析:選A。本句主語是兩

5、個并列的名詞earthquake和damage;_did to the people是the damage的定語從句。定語從句缺少主語,從意義上看定語從句的主語應(yīng)為“地震”,故用it代替。定語從句省略了在從句中作did的賓語的關(guān)系代詞which或that。句意:地震和地震給人們帶來的損失是很可怕的。7Mary wrote an article on _ the team had failed to win the game.Awhy Bwhat Cwho Dthat解析:選A。句意:Mary寫了一篇有關(guān)那個對為何在比賽中失敗了的文章。D項是易錯項,that引導的從句只能做in,but,exce

6、pt等介詞的賓語從句,因此此題不選that。8Remember that the birthday _ we spend happily each year was just _ our mothers suffered bitterly.Awhen;that Bthat;whenCwhen;what Dthat;what解析:選B。第一個空是that引導的定語從句,修飾先行詞birthday;第二個空when引導的從句用作表語從句。句意:請記得你每年愉快地度過的生日就是當時你媽媽很受罪的時候。9Ive _ finished reading the book.Good! Ill read it

7、 once youve finished it.Amore or less Bsooner or laterCnow and then Dtime and again解析:選A??疾槎陶Z意義辨析。根據(jù)第二個人的話,可知第一個說話人表示他差不多看完書了。more or less“或多或少,幾乎”,符合句意。sooner or later“遲早”;now and then“時而,不時”;time and again“屢次,一再”,均與句意不符。10Only by bringing in new technique and management,I think,_ our company from

8、bad to worse.Awe can prevent Bwe have preventedCcan we prevent Dhave we prevented解析:選C??疾榈寡b句。only修飾副詞、介詞短語或狀語從句放于句首時,其后的主句的謂語部分要倒裝。句意:我認為只有通過引進新的科技和管理,才能解決我們公司越來越糟的狀況。11Little Tom _ in his pocket for his newlybought toy.Afelt excited Bwas felt excitedlyCfelt excitedly Dwas feeling excited解析:選C。feel.

9、for sth.“摸索,探索”是固定搭配,feel是行為動詞,因此用副詞作狀語。句意:小湯姆興奮地把手伸進口袋里摸他新買的玩具。12The problem of rising prices may lead to more serious ones if _ unsolved.Amaking Bremained Ckeeping Dleft解析:選D??疾槭÷跃洹4颂幫暾木渥討?yīng)為:The problem of rising prices may lead to more serious ones if it is left unsolved.,在從句中如果主語與主句的主語一致,并且從句的謂語

10、動詞含be時,常將從句的主語和be省略。13My English mark is not _ yours.Aas half as Bso half good asCgood as half as Dhalf so good as解析:選D。考查倍數(shù)表達法。表示倍數(shù)的詞應(yīng)放在so形容詞as或as形容詞as結(jié)構(gòu)的前面,so形容詞as用于否定句。句意:我的英語成績還不如你的一半好。14We thought of selling the antique,but then weve decided to _ it.It might be more valuable.Ahold on to Bkeep u

11、p withCturn to Dlook after解析:選A??疾閯釉~短語辨析。hold on to保留;keep up with保持聯(lián)系;turn to求助于;look after照料。句意:我們本來想賣掉那個古董,但后來我們決定保留著。也許會增值。15I think it is a problem of time,not _ of ability.Aone Bthat Cthe one Da one解析:選A。考查代詞的用法。句意:我認為那是個時間的問題,而不是能力的問題。此處用one表泛指“一個問題”。二、閱讀表達Finland_is_perhaps_the_most_beautifu

12、l_and_mysterious_of_the_countries_of_Northern_Europe.Twothirds of its surface is covered with thick forests and among them lie lakes,connected with rivers and channels.The northern part of this country is inside the Arctic Circle,where almost no trees grow because of its cold weather and the people

13、use their deer for transport,clothing and food.The Finnish history began in the Middle Ages.In about 1151,F(xiàn)inland was conquered(占領(lǐng))by its western neighboring Sweden.After a period of rule by Denmark in the 14th century,the Swedes won back independence and power in 1523 under their brave king.During

14、the Napoleonic Wars(18031815),F(xiàn)inland was passed finally from Sweden to Russia.The time came in 1917,when the Russian Revolution brought foreign rule of Finland_.Shortly after Soviet Russia made peace with Germany,1919 saw the founding of the Finnish Republic.The years between the First and Second W

15、orld War were years of progress and growing development.Finland has no coal and oil,and the nations wealth lies in the timber from its forests,which supplies material for paper and furniture making,and in the electric power from its water.1What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within

16、10 words.)答案The history of Finland and its resources2Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?The Finnish Republic was founded in 1919.答案1919 saw the founding of the Finnish Republic.3Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please ans

17、wer within 10 words.)答案to an end4How do you like the place of Finland?(Please answer within 30 words.)答案In my opinion,its a beautiful quiet and pure place.Its a good example for todays environment protecting problems.5Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.答案芬蘭也許是北歐國家中

18、最美麗最神秘的。三、完形填空(2010年山東卷)It was a cool October evening.Excitement and family members_1_ the hall.I was only a 7yearold girl,but I was the center of_2_.Finally,after weeks of preparation,I would_3_all my hard work in a dance performance.Everything would be_4_so I thought.I waited backstage all_5_in my

19、 black tights with a golden belt.In a loud and clear voice,the master of ceremonies_6_that my class was next.My dance class was doing a routine on wooden boxes two feet by two feet,facing the_7_.All I had to do in the next move was put one foot on the box next to mine and keep my other foot on my bo

20、x.It really was an_8_move.I was concentrating so much on_9_the huge smile on my face and holding my head up that I did not look_10_I was going.I missed my partners box altogether and_11_.There I was standing on the stage floor when my classmates were on top of their boxes.I could hear giggles(咯咯笑)co

21、ming from the audience,and I felt the_12_rush to my face.I remembered my dance teacher had told us,“If you make a mistake,keep smiling so the audience will not_13_”I did my best to follow her_14_as I continued with the routine.When the curtain dropped,so did my_15_for the evening.I_16_bitterly,tasti

22、ng the salt from the tears that streamed down my face.I ran backstage,but no one could_17_me down.Recently I realized I had been a_18_that night.I was_19_,but I fought the urge to run off the stage._20_,I finished the routine with a smile on my face.Now when friends and family laugh about the time I

23、 slipped during a dance performance,I can laugh too.文本解讀:這是一篇記敘文。作者在7歲時參加了一次舞蹈表演,盡管做了充分的準備,但還是發(fā)生了意想不到的事情:失足落地。但她按照老師以前所說的當你出現(xiàn)失誤時,保持微笑,觀眾就不會注意到順利地完成了剩下的表演。1A.filledBvisitedCattended Ddecorated解析:選A。考查動詞辨析。演出大廳里面坐滿了看演出的觀眾(家人),大家都很興奮,所以選fill,意為“充滿”。2A.pressure BimpressionCdebate Dattention解析:選D??疾槊~辨析。

24、the center of attention意為“關(guān)注的焦點”。盡管“我”只是一個7歲的孩子,但“我”是大家關(guān)注的焦點。3A.take over Bshow offClook after Dgive up解析:選B??疾閯釉~短語辨析。show off在這里表示“展示”。經(jīng)過數(shù)周的準備,“我”將在一個舞蹈表演中展示(這段時間來)“我”所有的努力。A項意為“接管”;C項意為“照顧,照看”;D項意為“放棄”。4A.reasonable BsuitableCobvious Dperfect解析:選D??疾樾稳菰~辨析。從上文可知,作者已經(jīng)做了充分的準備,所以她認為一切將萬無一失,因此用perfect(

25、完美的)。A項意為“合理的”;B項意為“合適的”;C項意為“明顯的”。5A.dressed up Bfolded upCcovered up Dmixed up解析:選A??疾閯釉~短語辨析。dress up意為“裝扮”,符合語境?!拔摇痹诤笈_等著演出,穿著黑色的緊身衣,配一條金黃色的腰帶。fold up 意為“把折疊起來”;cover up意為“掩蓋”;mix up意為“混淆”。6A.suggested BexplainedCannounced Dpredicted解析:選C??疾閯釉~辨析。這里是主持人宣布演員上場,所以要用announced。7A.music BaudienceCcurtai

26、n Dstage解析:選B??疾槊~辨析。站在舞臺上面對的自然應(yīng)該是臺下的觀眾,所以要用audience(觀眾)。8A.easy BactiveCadventurous Dextra解析:選A??疾樾稳菰~辨析。作者進行了充分的準備,再加上前面對這個動作的描述可知這個動作非常簡單,所以選A項。B項意為“活躍的”;C項意為“充滿危險的”;D項意為“附加的,額外的”。9A.containing BhidingCsharing Dkeeping解析:選D??疾閯釉~辨析。這里說的是“我”如此地集中精力于保持自己臉上的微笑和頭部的動作,以至于沒有看自己的腳移動的方向,結(jié)果沒有踩上同伴的木箱子,滑倒在地上。

27、keep意為“保持”,符合語境。10A.why BwhetherCwhere Dwhat解析:選C??疾檎Z境化選詞。解析參見第9題。這里指的是自己的腳移動的方向,所以要用where。11A.wandered BslippedCwaved Dskipped解析:選B。考查動詞辨析。這里指的是“我”沒有踩到木箱,腳下一滑,就跌倒了。文章最后一段最后一句也有提示。A項意為“漫游”;C項意為“揮手”;D項意為“跳”。12A.blood BpleasureCpride Dtear解析:選A??疾槊~辨析。由常識和語境可知,在舞臺上出現(xiàn)了失誤,應(yīng)該是很尷尬,臉漲得通紅,所以這里應(yīng)該選擇blood?!拔摇备?/p>

28、到血迅速涌向“我”的臉。13A.leave BcheerCbelieve Dnotice解析:選D??疾閯釉~辨析。notice意為“注意到”。語意:我記得舞蹈老師曾經(jīng)告訴我們,如果在舞臺上出現(xiàn)了失誤,你要保持微笑,這樣觀眾就不會注意到(你的失誤)。14A.gesture BexampleCadvice Dplan解析:選C。考查名詞辨析。上一句提到的是老師的一個建議,所以這里應(yīng)該選advice。follow ones advice意思是“遵循某人的建議”。15A.doubts BhopesCvoice Dpatience解析:選B??疾槊~辨析。由下文語境可知,“我”的希望,也就是演出成功的希

29、望隨著幕布的落下消失了,故選hopes。A項意為“疑問”;C項意為“聲音”;D項意為“耐力,忍耐力”。16A.argued BshoutedCbegged Dsobbed解析:選D。考查動詞辨析。由后半部分的“tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face”可以看出,“我”一下臺就痛苦地啜泣起來,所以選D項,意思是“啜泣”。A項意為“爭論”;B項意為“喊叫”;C項意為“乞求”。17A.turn BcalmClet Dput解析:選B??疾閯釉~辨析。從上文的描述可以看出,“我”的情緒失控了,所以很不冷靜,因此這里要表達的意思是

30、:沒有人能使我安靜下來。calm down意思是“使安靜下來”。turn down意為“拒絕”;let down意為“放下,使失望”;put down意為“放下”。18A.star BpioneerCloser Dfool解析:選A??疾檎Z境化選詞。“我”當時一直以為自己很失敗,從后面的描述來看,“我”現(xiàn)在感覺當時沒有直接走下舞臺,而是繼續(xù)完成表演就很成功了。所以四個選項中只有star(明星)符合語境。19A.satisfied BmovedCembarrassed Dconfused解析:選C??疾檎Z境化選詞。這里描述的是當時在舞臺上出現(xiàn)失誤后的心情,自然應(yīng)該是“尷尬的”,所以用embarrassed。A項意為“滿意的”;B項意為“感動的”;D項意為“困惑的”。20A.However BInsteadCIn total DIn return解析:選B。instead代替,反而。相反,“我”仍然面帶微笑地完成了表演。A項意為“然而”;C項意為“總計”;D項意為“作為回報”。

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