
五年級英語上冊 Unit 5 Lesson 3 We had a football match說課課件 魯科版.ppt

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1、山科版三年級起點 五年級上冊 Unit5 Lesson3 We had a football match,說課流程,教材分析,本書共7個單元。每單元四課內(nèi)容,第一二課以對話形式呈現(xiàn)本單元所要學習的語言內(nèi)容。第三課以任務型閱讀的形式對本單元內(nèi)容進行延伸。第四課為復習課,綜合練習本單元的語言知識,運用知識開展任務活動等教材內(nèi)容生動有趣,重視英語的學用結(jié)合。,今天我說課的課題是第五單元第三課We had a football match.本單元以“Sports”為主題,主要談論自己喜歡的運動,并能詢問和描述比賽過程.本課在前兩節(jié)課的基礎上讓學生用過去式談論運動內(nèi)容,描述比賽過程。學習內(nèi)容從實際出發(fā),

2、貼近生活,學生樂于學習掌握。,特點,知識含量大,承前啟后,貼近生活,重點突出,重點:句型:What did they do yesterday? It was not easy to win the match . .,難點:學會用過去時態(tài) 描述比賽過程,并運用所學句型來 描述比賽過程 。,教材分析,句型:We had a football match. It was not easy to win the match .,單詞:won easy last pass got shot,學會用過去時態(tài)描述比賽過程,了解有關足球的文化及團隊合作在比賽 中的重要性。,培養(yǎng)學生 的 團結(jié)合作的精神 。

3、,引導學生深入了解相關的足球文化,熱愛運動。,教學目標,能力 目標,情感 態(tài)度,知識 目標,重點,難點,學情分析,五 年 級,基礎,生活經(jīng)驗,能力,五年級的學生經(jīng)過兩年的英語學習已經(jīng)有了一定的語言基礎。四年級時對sports話題已有所涉及.,小學生喜歡體育運動,本節(jié)課的教學內(nèi)容是描述比賽過程,與他們的生活密切相關,更能激起學生的學習興趣。,五年級學生已有一定的自覺性和認知能力,能夠配合老師進行各項活動。對自主探究和合作學習的學習方式已初步掌握,聽音模仿、大聲朗讀英語、開口說英語的學習習慣也基本養(yǎng)成,具備了根據(jù)語境或圖片選詞填空、為圖片配簡單句式的能力。,教學模式,學生,教師,以生為主, 教師為

4、輔。,將課堂交給學生,教師適當點撥,正確引導,學生自主學習的方式,,教學模式,小組合作,自主探究,熱身導入 明確目標,情景感知 整體把握,教師引導 掌握重點,小組合作 拓展活動,鞏固練習 自主探究,課堂五部曲,Testing,Consolidation,Warm- up,leading-in,教學設計,Presentation,一熱身復習,教學設計,1.Greeting. 2.Chant play played played basketball pass passed passed the ball get got got the ball have had had a match win

5、won won the match,設計意圖:通過chant復習幾個重點的過去式單詞和詞組,激起學生的興趣,把學生的思維引到課中來,并營造一個快樂的學習氛圍。,pass,class,passed,hot got,get,shot,shoot,二導入,Yesterday,It was my birthday. I had a birthday party .I made a wish. We ate the make . We sang ,danced and played games. We had a good time.,設計意圖:本課重點用過去式描述事情的過程。五年級的孩子已經(jīng)具備初步的

6、聽讀能力,以老師復述昨天的事情導入,鍛煉了孩子的聽得能力、理解的能力,更主要的為本課的重難點突破起到了一個引導預熱的作用。,三新知呈現(xiàn),1.Listen and answer. Q1:What did LiMing and Danny do yesterday ?,2.Try to read . Q2: Who won the football match ? Q3: How did they win ?,3.Listen and repeat,4.Read then introduce,設計意圖:以提問的方式學習課文,使學生明確學習目標,,read learn speak,What did

7、Li Ming and Danny do?,They _at school.,Their class _ with Class One.,played football,had a football match,Who won the football match?.,_ won the match.,They were very excited.,Class Two,Class Two won the match. It was not easy to win the match. Why?,They played well, Class One played well too.,How d

8、id Class Two win?,Danny _ and _ with his tail.,At the last minute, Li Ming _ to Danny.,passed the ball,got the ball,shot,A,B,C,D,Who wants to be a commentator? choose one to introduce (誰想做解說員,選一幅作介紹。),They had a basketball match last week . The red team played well,The blue team played well too. It

9、was not easy to win the match . At last ,the red team won the match.,They had a _match.,LiMing _the ball.,Peter _the ball.,Class Two _the match.,(提供簡單的閱讀訓練,非常自然的向本課話題靠攏,鞏固了本課的重點知識。),basketball,got,shot,won,五檢測小結(jié),minute passed match easy It was not _ to win the match. At the last _, Class Two won the

10、 match. Class One had a football _ with Class Two. Li Ming _ the ball to Danny.,1. 選詞填空,easy,minute,match,passed,1. Would you like _the Basketball Club? A. too join B. join C. to join 2. We _ a football match with Class One yesterday. A. have B. has C. had 3. -What are they doing? - They are _ table

11、 tennis. A. play B. played C. playing 4. What _ Li Ming and Danny do yesterday? A. do B. did C. does (提煉總結(jié)整節(jié)的重點句型。學生很容易的思考問題、解決問題,學-會用。),2. 單項選擇,C,C,B,B,課堂小結(jié): football match We had a football match with Class Two. not easy It was not easy to win the match. last minute At the last minute. pass the ba

12、ll Li Ming passed the ball to Danny got the ball Danny got the ball. won the match won the match We won the match.,1、 Choose your favourite sports with your good friends to have a match, the next class to describe the game process. 選擇自己喜歡的運動和好朋友舉行一次比賽,下節(jié)課描述一下其過程。 2、幫助Danny完成日記。,Homework,作業(yè)為學生留有交流空間,

13、使學生能最大限度的運用所學語言,板書設計:,U5 L3 We had a football match,設計意圖:這樣的板書設計既簡單明了的概括了本課的知識點,又突出了重點,便于學生識記、掌握。,課堂評價,新課標對課堂評價提出要求: 1、體現(xiàn)學生在評價中的主體地位。 2、注意評價方法的合理性和多樣性。 3、形成性評價要有利于監(jiān)督和促進教與學。 4、終結(jié)性評價要注重考查學生的綜合語言運用能力。,課堂評價,評價方式,課堂評價:師評,課堂評價:組評,課后評價:星級評價,小組合作互助、和諧,知識準確性、創(chuàng)新性,參與積極性,課堂紀律,課內(nèi)資源,課外資源,視頻,光盤、網(wǎng)絡等電化資源,教師用書、掛圖,頭飾等配套讀物。,現(xiàn)代教育技術,網(wǎng)絡資源,日常生活 素材,無論課程改革怎樣改,鉆研教材 把握教材是我們教師永遠的基本功。,王敏勤,Thank you!,

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