
2013年高考英語二輪復習 專題升級訓練卷九 完形填空(一)

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1、2013年高考第二輪復習英語全國版專題升級訓練九完形填空(一)A(2012吉林重點中學協(xié)作體適應性測試)A businesswoman got into a taxi in midtown.As it was the rush hour and she was in a _1_ to catch a train,she _2_ a quick way to reach it.“I have been a taxi driver for 15 years!” the driver said _3_.“You dont think I know the best way to go?”The wo

2、man tried to explain that she hadnt _4_ to annoy him,but the driver kept _5_.She finally realized that he was too annoyed to be _6_, so she changed her _7_.“You know,you are right,” she told him.“It must seem _8_ for me not to think you know the best way _9_ the city.”_10_, the driver glanced at his

3、 _11_ in the rearview mirror,turned down the street she wanted and got her to the train on time.“He didnt say another word the rest of the ride,” she said.“_12_ I got out and paid him.Then he thanked me.”When you find yourself _13_ with people like the taxi driver,you will always try to_14_ your ide

4、a.It can lead to longer arguments,lose job chances or _15_ marriages.I have discovered one simple _16_ extremely unlikely method that can prevent the disagreement or other difficult situations from _17_ in a disaster.The _18_ is to put yourself in the other persons shoes and look for the _19_ in wha

5、t that person is saying.Find a way to _20_, and the result may surprise you.1Ahurry Brush Cmoment Dway2Achose Bmade Cfound Dsuggested3Ajokingly Bangrily Canxiously Dcuriously4Asupposed Bexpected Cmeant Ddecided5Aapologizing Bdriving Casking Dshouting6Areasonable Bthoughtful Cnormal Dpractical7Aroad

6、Bmind Cdirection Dmanner8Astrange Bwrong Cterrible Dstupid9Aacross Bin Cthrough Dalong10ASurprised BWorried CAnnoyed DDisappointed11Arider Bspeaker Chelper Dcomer12Auntil Bafter Cbecause Dsince13Asatisfied Bconcerned Ccrowded Dfaced14Agive up Bturn down Cstick to Dpoint out15Acombine Bdestroy Csuffe

7、r Ddivide16Aand Bthat Cbut Dthough17Alying Bresulting Csetting Dleading18Aproblem Bimportance Ckey Dreply19Afact Bmeaning Cexpression Dtruth20Aagree Bargue Cexplain DescapeB(2011濟南質量檢測)It was a warm evening and David Fajgenbaum,the 18yearold freshman had just finished his first football practice at

8、Georgetown University.He _1_ his parents,letting them know how well things were going._2_,in a soft voice,his father said,“Son,your mom has brain cancer.”“I went from being happier than Id ever been to total _3_,”says David.Rushing home,he _4_ he was dropping out of college to support his mother thr

9、ough her illness.But Anna Marie Fajgenbaum,just 52 years old,_5_ her son return to Georgetown.David threw himself into his studies and grew increasingly _6_,feeling he was the only person on campus with a _7_ parent.One October evening when David was home visiting,Anna Marie woke up _8_.She was anxi

10、ous about David and his two sisters.“Mom,Im going to be _9_,”David assured her.“And Im going to help other kids cope with _10_.”A smile spread _11_ his mothers face.He _12_ a support group called Ailing Mothers and Fathersbased on his moms initials,AMF._13_ Anna Marie died later that month,David sta

11、rted hearing from friends whod never even known his mom was _14_.Some had gone through the same experience.He invited five students whod lost _15_ or friends to his apartment to talk.They _16_ to meet every other week and _17_ what they were going through.They participated in the Ironman 10K for can

12、cer research,walked to battle ALS,and ran to _18_ lung cancer.Now the support group has 2000 _19_ on 23 campuses.“This organization,”says David,“is about one thing:being there for one another._20_ I see those initials,AMF,I see my mom.I know she would like that.”1Acalled Bvisited Camazed Dchallenged

13、2AFirstly BFinally CSilently DGenerally3Afailure Bembarrassment Cshock Dawareness4Ademanded Bconcluded Cpromised Dannounced5Ainsisted Bsuggested Crecommended Dpreferred6Aannoyed Bconfused Cisolated Dpressed7Asick Bcruel Cstrict Dsingle8Alaughing Bweeping Clying Dwalking9Acrazy Bupset Ccurious Dokay1

14、0Aloneliness Bpanic Closs Dpuzzle11Aacross Bbeyond Cin Dfrom12Atried on Bdecided on Ccarried on Dacted on13AAlthough BUntil CSince DWhen14Aserious Banxious Cill Dawful15Afathers Brelatives Cmothers Dteachers16Aagreed Bchose Crefused Dstruggled17Adebate Bshare Cconsult Ddiscover18Apredict Bsurvive Cd

15、efeat Dprevent19Aassistants Bcandidates Capplicants Dparticipants20ABy the time BEvery time CNext time DThe first timeCThink you cant be happy?Youll think again after reading this story.Barbara Ann Kipfer hated her feet.They were too big and she always seemed to _1_ over them when someone was _2_ us

16、ually a smart guy.Come to think of it,her teeth were too big,too.The other kids teased(取笑)her because of the way she _3_ and because she wanted to be a sportswriter some day.No matter what she did,she was teased for being “_4_”Thats _5_ she started writing down things that she liked in a notebook.“I

17、t was like a friend,and it _6_ me that there are good things,_7_ everything around me is unpleasant,”she says.She copied the list over and over,_8_ new things every day.One day,she decided to _9_ her list with some of the girls in her class,hoping they would think it was as much fun as she did.But _

18、10_,they make her feel stupid again.“They laughed at me,” she remembers,“I was ashamed,and I _11_ doing it.”Here comes the _12_ part.When she was in 10th grade,Kipfer found her old notebook and decided to _13_ where she left off.“It was like a diary,like a photograph of my life,” she says.She starte

19、d writing to publishers,asking them if theyd be interested in printing her list as a book.She kept writing to one company _14_,because she liked the types of books it printed.“He kept saying,Its just a list,what am I supposed to do with it?” “Youre not _15_ to do anything with it.Its _16_ supposed t

20、o remind people of something they did that was really _17_.”Finally,the publisher _18_ to turn Kipfers list into a book,which sold more than 1 million copies!14,000 Things to Be Happy About even _19_ it to be New York Times Best Sellers List._20_ being a bestselling author,Kipfer also went to realiz

21、e her dream of becoming a sports editor at the Chicago Tribune.1Ajump Bfall Cturn Dpush2Anearby Baround Cwatching Dlaughing3Adressed Blived Cthought Dlooked4Asilly Bspecial Cdifferent Dshy5Ahow Bwhen Cbecause Dwhere6Areminded Btold Cpersuaded Dhelped7Abecause Bbut Cunless Deven though8Aadding Bfindi

22、ng Cmaking Dgiving9Atalk Bdiscuss Cshare Dwrite10Athen Bnaturally Cfurther Dinstead11Acontinued Bstopped Cenjoyed Dhated12Acool Bimportant Cdifficult Dfunny13Afind out Bpick up Cthink of Dgive up14Ain general Bat first Cin particular Dat last15Amade Bgoing Cadvised Dsupposed16Aoften Bjust Calso Dalw

23、ays17Aexcellent Bsuccessful Cfun Dtrue18Ahoped Bagreed Crefused Dconsidered19Amade Bpushed Cimproved Dhelped20AWithout BInstead of CWhile DBesides參考答案 專題升級訓練九完形填空(一)A1A因為是交通高峰期,她急于趕火車,于是向司機建議了一條能最快到達目的地的路。in a hurry to do sth.“急于做某事”。2D此題易誤選A項,但從下文來看,此處并未選定走哪條路,只是建議而已。故選D項。3B從司機所說的話來判斷,他一定是“很生氣”的。下文

24、中的“annoyed”一詞也是暗示。4C女商人試圖向司機解釋,她并不是想要惹司機生氣的,因此答案為C項,mean to do sth.“打算做某事”。5D結合上下文語境可知,司機不斷大喊大叫。6A她意識到他惱怒得已經(jīng)不講道理了,由此可知,reasonable“講道理的,理性的”符合語境。thoughtful“沉思的,思考的”;normal“正常的,平常的”;practical“實際的,實踐的,實用的”。7Bchange ones mind“改變主意或想法”。女商人見此情景,她改變了想法。8B女商人對司機說自己似乎犯錯誤了,居然認為司機不是最熟悉城市道路的人。由此可知答案為B項,而stupid“

25、愚蠢的”語氣太重。9Cthrough“從的一端到另一端,穿過,貫穿”符合題意。10A對女商人的突然轉變,司機自然是感到“驚奇”的,他不再跟她爭論,居然開車送她了。11A坐在出租車上的自然應是rider“乘客”。12A直到女商人下車付車費,司機一句話也沒有再講。本句考查了句型:not.until.,“直到才”。13Dbe faced with“面臨,面對”。句意:當你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己面對像這位出租車司機那樣的人時,你常常試圖堅持己見,但是這樣只能引起更多的爭執(zhí)”。14C根據(jù)上一題解析可知應該選擇C項stick to,意思是“遵守,堅持”。15B此處指固執(zhí)己見的后果之一是破壞婚姻。destroy“毀壞,毀

26、滅,破壞”。16D此題容易誤選C項,但but強調的是后面的內容,而本句強調的是“one simple method”,所以排除。根據(jù)句意可知,作者發(fā)現(xiàn)一種簡單的方法,雖然不是特別容易做到,但能阻止危機的發(fā)生。由此可知D項正確。17Bresult in“引起,導致,以為結局”,符合題意。18C此處要表達“關鍵是要站在別人的立場上”之意,由此可知C項正確。key“關鍵,要害”。19Dtruth“真理,正確的因素”。句意:關鍵是要換位思考,要認可對方話語中的某些合理成分。20A先設法認可或同意對方(的意見),你可能會得到意想不到的結果。B1A根據(jù)下文的“Rushing home”可知當時戴維不在家,

27、故選擇call(打電話)。visit“拜訪”;amaze“使驚訝”;challenge“挑戰(zhàn)”。2B根據(jù)上下文可知,戴維給爸媽打電話報告他的情況,爸爸最后才告訴他媽媽得了癌癥。firstly“首先”;finally“最后”;silently“安靜地”;generally “大體地”。3C根據(jù)句意可知戴維知道這個消息之后很震驚。failure“失敗”;embarrassment“尷尬”;shock“震驚”;awareness“意識”。4D根據(jù)上下文可知,戴維回到家后宣布他打算退學,可媽媽不同意。announce意為“宣布”,符合句意。5A根據(jù)句意“媽媽堅持讓兒子回喬治敦”選擇insisted,常


29、擇okay。crazy “瘋狂的”;upset“沮喪的”;curious“好奇的”。10C根據(jù)全文可知,戴維要幫助的是失去親人或朋友的孩子,故選擇C項。loss“損失,喪失”;loneliness“孤獨”;panic“恐慌”;puzzle“困惑”。11A句意:笑容在他媽媽臉上展開。across“(在平面上)穿過”;beyond“超出(范圍)”。故選擇A項。12B根據(jù)上下文可知,他決定成立一個團隊。try on“試穿,試用”;decide on“決定”;carry on“繼續(xù)”;act on“作用于”。故選擇B項。13D聯(lián)系上下文可知,當安娜去世之后,戴維開始收到很多朋友的來信。although


31、e“同意”;choose“選擇”,根據(jù)語境沒有需要選擇的對象,故排除B項;refuse “拒絕”;struggle“斗爭,掙扎”。17B根據(jù)上下文,戴維成立這個組織的目的就是幫助失去親友的學生,撫平他們的創(chuàng)傷,讓他們在這個團體中可以互相傾訴、分享他們的經(jīng)歷,因此選擇B項share。debate“辯論”;consult “咨詢”;discover“發(fā)現(xiàn)”。18C根據(jù)上下文可以看出,他們成立組織是為了互相幫助并且與疾病作斗爭,因此選擇C項defeat(擊敗)。19D根據(jù)上下文和句意可以看出,這個組織現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)有2000個參與者了。assistant“助手”;candidate“候選人”;applic

32、ant“申請人”;participant“參與者”。故選擇D項。20B句意:每次我看到那幾個大寫字母“AMF”的時候,我就看到了我媽媽。by the time“到為止”;every time“每次,每當”;next time “下次”;the first time “第一次”。根據(jù)句意選擇B項。C1Bfall over意為“摔倒在,被絆倒”,從前面她的腳太大可知應選B項。jump over意為“跳越”;turn over意為“翻轉”;push一般不與 over搭配。2C根據(jù)句意判斷應選C項表示“在別人,通常是一個帥小伙的注視下,她往往因為不自在而摔倒”。watch意為“注視,留意”,符合題意。

33、根據(jù)常識可排除“大笑(laugh)”,人們看到長相丑的人不可能“大笑”,而是好奇地“注視”。3D人們嘲笑的是她的長相,所以選D項。the way后跟的是定語從句,省略了引導詞in which/that。從前文她長相難看這一點可排除其他選項。4C人們嘲笑她,不僅因為她長相“不一樣(different)”,而且因為她想法“不一樣”。special意為“獨特的”,不一定指缺點;從后文可知,她并不“愚蠢(silly)”,因此不選A項;D項太片面。5Bwhen引導表語從句說明事情發(fā)生的時間。此處不表示事情發(fā)生的原因、方式或地點,根據(jù)下文的提示可排除其他選項。6A日記只能是“提醒(remind)”她生活中

34、還有好的一方面。remind sb. that.意為“提醒某人注意某事”。B、C兩項的主語的一般是人;help后面不跟從句。7D作者此處強調的是日記的作用,even though/even if引導讓步狀語從句,意為“即使”,符合此處的邏輯關系。本題干擾性最大的是but,如果用even though作者想強調的是前者,生活中還有美好的東西;如果用but,作者強調的是后者“一切都不令人愉快”。8A因為是寫日記,所以每天都“添加(add)”一些新的東西。從“寫日記”這個角度可排除其他選項。9C她想讓同學們了解她日記的內容,因此也就是“分享(share)”。日記是讓別人看,而不是跟別人“討論(dis

35、cuss)”。10D從后面她又受到同學的嘲笑看,此處應是轉折關系,表示“沒有怎么樣,而是”。其他選項不合邏輯。11B從前面她感到羞愧以及連詞and可知,她“停止”了寫作。從連接詞and所表示的關系,可排除其他選項。12Acool意為“酷的”,此處是文章的轉折,后文敘述的是她最終獲得了成功。此處作者強調的不是“重要”,不能說前面的部分不重要,后面的部分重要。其他兩個選項不合題意。13Bpick up意為“重新干”,從前面她一度停止寫作可知應選B項。find out意為“弄清事情的真相”;think of意為“想出,想起”;give up意為“放棄”,都不符合題意。14Cin particular

36、意為“特殊的”,一般作后置定語或狀語,此處指她專門向一家公司投稿。in general意為“總的說來”,用于對事物的評價;at first意為“起初”,含有后來不這樣做的意思;at last意為“最后”,說明的是最終的結果。15Dbe supposed to do可表示推測,意為“預計會”,也可表示命令,意為“應該”,此處表示命令,be made to do意為“被迫做”;be advised to do意為“被建議做”。16B此處強調日記的作用“僅僅(just)”是提醒人們他們所做的事情有意義。此處強調日記的作用或目的就“一個”,由此可排除其他選項。17Cfun此處意為“有趣,有意義”?!皟?yōu)秀的,好極了的(excellent)”、“成功的(successful)”和“真的(true)”都不是作者強調的中心。18B從前面的Finally看,此處指出版商最終“同意(agree)”給她出版。refuse和hope不合題意;consider后面不接不定式形式。19Amake it是固定短語,意為“獲得成功”。此處指她的書上了最暢銷書的排行榜。20Dbesides為介詞,意為“除之外,還”。本句是說她不僅出版了暢銷書,而且還實現(xiàn)了自己當體育編輯的夢想。此處說明的是另一方面的情況,由此可排除其他選項。

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