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1、高考英語新題型 讀后續(xù)寫 傳統(tǒng)高考英語試卷中的寫作部分多為命題作文, 對考生的想象創(chuàng)造思維多有限制。作為考試改革 的一部分,新題型的引入可望促進(jìn)語言教學(xué)實(shí)踐 良性發(fā)展 。 讀后續(xù)寫題型具有較好的效度和信度 。 讀后續(xù)寫要求學(xué)生在理解一篇不完整文章的基礎(chǔ) 上,充分調(diào)動想象創(chuàng)新思維,大膽預(yù)測文章缺失 部分的內(nèi)容走勢,進(jìn)行充滿個性色彩的設(shè)計,并 用英語進(jìn)行續(xù)寫表達(dá)。該題型的啟用在培養(yǎng)學(xué)生 的綜合語言運(yùn)用能力(尤其是閱讀和寫作)和思 維品質(zhì)(尤其是想象能力和創(chuàng)新精神)方面將發(fā) 揮積極作用,這完全符合國家考試改革的理念和 課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的要求。 一、讀后續(xù)寫的要求和特征 (一)讀后續(xù)寫的要求 讀后續(xù)寫任務(wù)要求

2、考生在一段 350詞以內(nèi)的語 言材料基礎(chǔ)上,根據(jù)該材料內(nèi)容、所給段落開頭 語和所標(biāo)示關(guān)鍵詞進(jìn)行續(xù)寫( 150詞左右),將 其發(fā)展成一篇與給定材料有邏輯銜接、情節(jié)和結(jié) 構(gòu)完整的短文。續(xù)寫部分分為兩段。原文給出 10 處左右的標(biāo)有下劃線的關(guān)鍵詞語,所續(xù)寫短文應(yīng) 使用 5個以上 。 (二)讀后續(xù)寫的特征 考試說明中評分原則部分規(guī)定,讀后續(xù)寫閱 卷時按 5個檔次給分。參考最高檔次第五檔( 21- 25分)的描述并考慮寫作部分評分的其它因素, 可以認(rèn)為一篇優(yōu)秀的讀后續(xù)寫具備以下特征: 1. 內(nèi)容豐富充實(shí),與所給短文融洽連貫; 2. 連接成分應(yīng)用得當(dāng),行文結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊一體,與所 提供各段落開頭語的銜接緊密合理

3、; 3. 使用并用下劃線標(biāo)示 5個以上短文中標(biāo)出的關(guān) 鍵詞語; 4. 詞匯豐富高級,語法準(zhǔn)確多變(主被動句式、 各類從句、特殊句式、非謂語動詞等的使用情況 靈活恰當(dāng)、不拘一格、游刃有余); 5. 詞數(shù)充分, 150詞左右。評分細(xì)則規(guī)定少于 130詞的,從總分中減去 2分; 6. 拼寫準(zhǔn)確,英式或美式拼法皆可; 7. 標(biāo)點(diǎn)合理,使用得當(dāng)。 二、讀后續(xù)寫的步驟 讀后續(xù)寫的過程主要包括定位( Determine)、 分類 (Divide)、設(shè)計 (Design)、初稿 (Draft)、核 查 (Check)等五個步驟(簡稱“ DDDDC”), 具體如下。 (一)定位 第一個步驟,是通過閱讀定位所提供

4、語言材料的 核心信息,包括核心單詞、短語和句子等,目的 是梳理內(nèi)容的發(fā)展脈絡(luò)和推進(jìn)方向。本步驟的關(guān) 鍵在于高效的閱讀,要求學(xué)生在盡可能短的時間 內(nèi),基于對某種語言的掌握,利用分析綜合、分 類比較、歸納演繹、抽象概括等邏輯思維技能, 調(diào)動知識體中的有關(guān)部分,去洞穿語篇的文脈肌 理,積極尋找信息。 考試說明并未對讀后續(xù)寫材料的體裁做出 明確說明,僅描述為“一段 350詞以內(nèi)的語言材 料”,但王初明( 2012)給讀后續(xù)寫下的定義 是“閱讀一篇未完的故事,并隨后將它補(bǔ)全”, 而且考試說明中的樣題也是記敘文,因此, 可以推測,所給短文的體裁應(yīng)以記敘文為主,要 尤其關(guān)注記敘文的篇章結(jié)構(gòu)和信息重點(diǎn)(人物、

5、 情節(jié)、環(huán)境、人稱、描寫手段、主題意蘊(yùn)等)。 (二)分類 第二個步驟,對原文給出的 10個下劃線關(guān)鍵詞語 進(jìn)行分類,目的是在第三步驟設(shè)計情節(jié)時對其靈 活地使用 。 對于記敘文,分類標(biāo)準(zhǔn)可以采用人物、 動作、時間、地點(diǎn)、具體名詞和抽象名詞等。 (三)設(shè)計 第三個步驟,參考分類后的 10個下劃線關(guān)鍵詞語, 設(shè)計出與上下文內(nèi)容連貫、豐富充實(shí)、自然流暢、 引人入勝的情節(jié)走勢。頭腦風(fēng)暴出核心詞(以名 詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞等內(nèi)容詞為主)即可, 無需完整句子。在設(shè)計過程中,應(yīng)充分考慮以下 幾點(diǎn)。 1. 續(xù)寫第一段的內(nèi)容設(shè)計既要考慮與上文的融洽 銜接,同時也要考慮本段和最后一段開頭語的呼 應(yīng)和銜接,而后者是

6、容易忽視的部分。簡言之, 第一段的內(nèi)容設(shè)計要成功搭建本段與前文、后文 的橋梁。 2. 續(xù)寫第二段是文章的結(jié)尾,要關(guān)注與文章開頭 的遙相呼應(yīng),根據(jù)具體語境弘揚(yáng)感情的真、人性 的善或拼搏的美,從而凸顯主題,升華精神???慮利用抒情和議論等表達(dá)方式使得畫龍點(diǎn)睛之處 能夠表露文章深處蘊(yùn)涵的主題意蘊(yùn)、思想感情或 人生哲理。 3. 靈活運(yùn)用各種描寫手法,以幫助打造鮮活靈動 的人物形象和豐富充實(shí)的情節(jié)鏈條。以動作描寫、 語言描寫和心理描寫為主,輔之以恰當(dāng)?shù)耐饷裁?寫和環(huán)境描寫。情節(jié)的推動主要靠動作描寫,要 完整描繪每一動作的前因和后果。語言描寫包括 獨(dú)白和對話,可以反映人物情感、行為動機(jī)、或 預(yù)示和推動故事

7、情節(jié)的發(fā)展。心理描寫聚焦于在 某一境況下人物的內(nèi)心活動,可以細(xì)膩地展示人 物跌宕起伏的心路歷程。外貌描寫和環(huán)境描寫的 使用應(yīng)根據(jù)情節(jié)發(fā)展和主題表達(dá)的實(shí)際需要。 (百度百科,動作描寫;語言描寫;心理描寫; 外貌描寫;環(huán)境描寫)。 (四)初稿 第四個步驟,按照情節(jié)鏈條進(jìn)行初稿的撰寫。此 過程應(yīng)注意以下幾點(diǎn)。 1. 分析原文語言表達(dá)方面的顯著特征,觀察有無 直接引語、各類從句、特殊句型、非謂語動詞等。 通過模仿和創(chuàng)造,盡量提高與原文的協(xié)同,力求 在各個語言層次(關(guān)鍵詞、短語和句型等)的表 達(dá)風(fēng)格上和原文保持一致。 2. 先在頭腦里組織整個句子的語法結(jié)構(gòu)和內(nèi)容走 勢,然后動筆書寫,從而下筆流暢、整潔美

8、觀, 避免字字艱難、反復(fù)涂改。 3. 對詞匯的選擇務(wù)必字斟句酌、精挑細(xì)選。文章 是語言文字編成的織錦,詞匯是構(gòu)成文章唯一的 材料,是文章的色彩和音色,要確保圍繞主題之 下的詞匯使用在理性思維引導(dǎo)下能夠豐富多彩和 恰當(dāng)合理。 (五)核查 第五個步驟,核查連接詞、下劃線標(biāo)明原文給出 的 5個以上關(guān)鍵詞語、詞數(shù)、語法詞匯、和標(biāo)點(diǎn) 等五個方面。核查有無連接詞的使用;如無,應(yīng) 增添連接詞,以保持上下文的銜接和連貫。核查 是否使用下劃線標(biāo)明原文給出的 5個以上關(guān)鍵詞 語。字?jǐn)?shù)控制在 150-160詞范圍內(nèi)為佳。最后通 讀全文核查標(biāo)點(diǎn)和語法詞匯。 以上五個步驟和評分第五檔( 21-25分)的要求 是相互對應(yīng)

9、的。五個步驟的逐個實(shí)施可以確保滿 足評分第五檔在四個方面的要求。 三、范例分析 閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)所給情節(jié)進(jìn)行續(xù)寫,使之構(gòu) 一個完整的故事。 注意: 1. 所續(xù)寫短文的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 150左右; 2. 應(yīng)使用 5個以上 短文中標(biāo)有下劃線的關(guān)鍵詞語; 3. 續(xù)寫部分分為 兩段 ,每段的開頭語已為你寫好; 4. 續(xù)寫完成后,請用 下劃線 標(biāo)出你所使用的關(guān)鍵 詞語。 接下來,我們將運(yùn)用上述五個步驟來進(jìn)行讀后續(xù)寫。 A Faithful Friend Neil loves to travel and he was so fond of forests. Whenever he plans for a ho

10、liday, he would choose a place that is blessed by Mother Nature. To celebrate his sons second birthday, he decided to stay and enjoy the celebration in woods, located at the lap of a mountain. He with his family and friends, reached the village located near the woods and had his stay in the cottage.

11、 The cottage was located at the entrance of the dense forest, where the guests can see wolves wandering in the nearby place. Neils son saw a dog at the door and offered him a biscuit. The dog was happy and very soon the little son befriended the dog. On second day, the birthday of the boy was celebr

12、ated grandly in the woods within beautiful nature. The dog did not leave the boy even for a minute and they both became close friends. The next day, Neil, his wife and others decided to go for hunting in the forest and arranged a babysitter to take care of the little boy for half a day. After 3 hour

13、s, all of them returned to the cottage and they seemed very tired. The cottage was open and nobody was there. The dog saw Neil and others, it rushed to them and licked (舔 ) Neils shoes. Neils wife was shocked to see the blood strain in the dogs mouth. Paragraph 1: Everyone was shocked to see the blo

14、od- spattered mouth._ _ _ Paragraph 2: Hearing the noise from the dog, the babysitter rushed out of the room._ _ _ 一、 Read and answer the question (3mins): 1. Why did Neil choose such a place for their holiday? A. because its scenery is beautiful. B. because the villagers are kind. C. because he lik

15、es nature very much. D. because he loves different tastes. 2.What does “ befriend” mean in para 3? A. make friends with B. be similar to C. be familiar with D.be friendly to 3.Why was Neils wife shocked to see the blood strain in the dogs mouth? A. because she did not know what happened. B because s

16、he thought something dangerous happened to her son. C.because she was scared of the dog. D. because she was timid. 二、 Grammar: Neil is a gentleman 1_ (have) a lovely family, with his wife and a little son, who loves to travel and is especially fond of forests and woods. Whenever he plans 2_a holiday

17、, 3 _ would choose a place that is blessed by Mother Nature.4 _ celebrate his sons second birthday, he decided to stay and enjoy the birthday celebration in woods,5 _ (locate) at the lap of a mountain. The cottage was at the entrance of the dense forest, 6 _ the guests can view animals wandering in

18、the nearby place. having for he To located where 7 _the natural scenes were beautiful, the local villagers warned the guests to watch 8 _ because there may be 9 _ (wolf) living in the forest. Soon the little boy played with a dog happily as if they 10 _ ( know) each other for a long time. Although/

19、Though out wolves had known 1.Tor F: Neil is a gentleman has a lovely family. =Neil is a gentleman who has a lovely family. =Neil is a gentleman having a lovely family. 2.Translation: 蘆湖公園位于高青縣中部。 Lu Hu Park is in the middle of Gaoqing county. Lu Hu Park lies in the middle of Gaoqing county. Lu Hu P

20、ark is located in the middle of Gaoqing county. 3.Translation: 盡管他很年輕,但他知道很多。 (although /though/ as) Although / Though / While he is young, he knows much. Young though / as he is, he knows much. 4. Soon the little boy plays with a dog happily as if they _ ( know) each other for a long time. knew 三、

21、Discussing for Writing A short story : where when who what how why 1.Who? Neil and his family, including his wife and his little son; his friends; a babysitter; 2.Where? A cottage in the woods (forest) 3.What ? Neils family and his friends celebrated his sons second birthday 4.How many animals are r

22、eferred to in the text? What are they? Two, dog and wolves. 5.What qualities will you remember when you think of dogs? loyal ,fainthful(忠誠的 ), friendly(友善的 ), lovely,cute(可愛 ), smart(敏捷 ), intelligent, clever(聰明的 ). Good points 6.What qualities will you remember when you think of wolves? tricky (狡猾的

23、) cruel(殘忍的) aggressive (進(jìn)攻性的) snaky (陰險的 ). Bad points Para1. Everyone was shocked to see the blood- spattered(濺、灑、潑) mouth. 1. Why was everyone shocked? Because they saw the blood-spattered mouth 2. Why was the dogs mouth blood- spattered? Maybe something dangerous happened to the babysitter or th

24、e little son, especially the little son-he was hurt or he was killed. More questions about the first paragraph: Para2: Hearing the noise from the dog, the babysitter rushed out of the room. 1.Whats the truth? How about the dog? the little son? the woves? The dog tried its best to protect the little

25、son, fighting against the wolves, accounting for its blood-spattered mouth. The little son was safe, and the wolves were killed or escaped. 2. Whats the main idea of this para? The truth of the story. 3. Who saw the truth? The babysitter saw the scene. Attention: 1. 5處劃線; 2.有邏輯地大膽預(yù)測; 3. 抓住每段的關(guān)鍵詞; 4.

26、 兩段間是否有邏輯關(guān)系; 5.注意字體和卷面 Para1: Everyone was shocked to see the blood- spattered(濺、灑、潑) mouth. They started to beat the dog. The poor dog screamed in pain, which was wounded badly soon. Neil could not believe that the dog seeming to be friendly should be so fierce and even killed his little son. His w

27、ife cried sadly while calling the name of the little son. Para2: Hearing the noise from the dog, the babysitter rushed out of the room. She was surprised why they were beating the dog, so she cried to make them stop. Then, she explained that the dog saved the boy when he was about to be attacked by

28、some wolves wandering around the cottage. The dog fought with the wolves and finally killed them. As a result, the boy was not hurt at all. Neil then realised that the dog was indeed a fainthful friend. He also learned not to make decision in a hurry because haste makes waste.(欲速則 不達(dá)) Conclusion: 1.

29、續(xù)寫是原有文本的基礎(chǔ)上故事有邏輯的發(fā)展, 而不是從文本中隨便摘錄語句的堆砌; 2.故事的發(fā)展要結(jié)合文本的提示以及常識:如: 人們對于 狗和狼的普遍認(rèn)識; 3.結(jié)尾最好要積極向上、有正能量。 如:最好不 要預(yù)言小孩被傷害掉,邪惡戰(zhàn)勝了正義。 4. 兩段間的邏輯關(guān)系, 如:第一段要解釋第二 段的 noise。 四、備考建議 面對讀后續(xù)寫這一新寫作題型,在了解了其特 點(diǎn)和寫作技巧之后,考生只要加以適度練習(xí), 對此新題型可以做到得心應(yīng)手。 1. 充分利用記敘文故事類的閱讀理解或者完形 填空??忌谧龃祟愇恼碌脑囶}時,讀到適當(dāng) 的位置,可以短暫停止,根據(jù)已讀部分文章的 脈絡(luò),對文章進(jìn)行發(fā)散思維,設(shè)想可能

30、的幾種 結(jié)尾,最后對照原文的結(jié)尾,看自己的設(shè)想是 否與原文一致。 2. 經(jīng)常實(shí)施微型化訓(xùn)練,也就是對所讀文章的某 一段落進(jìn)行設(shè)想。根據(jù)某一段落的首句提示,結(jié) 合文章的上文對該段進(jìn)行合理設(shè)想,具體推斷該 段可能要講述的內(nèi)容。 3. 與傳統(tǒng)寫作類似,續(xù)寫文章更加要注意句與句 之間的連接詞, 或其 的暗示作用。如 范例中的 續(xù) 寫部分的第二段“ the noise”中的“ noise”表 明在上一段中已經(jīng)提到, 并且與后面發(fā)生關(guān)系。 4. 進(jìn)行適度專題化練習(xí)。俗話說,熟能生巧。對 于讀后續(xù)寫這一新題型也是如此。通過適度地練 習(xí),可以進(jìn)一步熟知該種題型的特色,更好地掌 握該種題型的寫作技巧,更有效地調(diào)動傳統(tǒng)寫作 的基礎(chǔ)知識,從而寫出一篇優(yōu)美的續(xù)寫短文。需 要注意的是,后續(xù)寫補(bǔ)全的是語篇,而非單詞或 短語。 5.在平時的教學(xué)中,老師要幫助學(xué)生釋放創(chuàng)造力 和想象力,激發(fā)表達(dá)動機(jī)。

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