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1、突發(fā)動物疫情應(yīng)急預(yù)案 突發(fā)動物疫情應(yīng)急預(yù)案1 總則1.1 編制目目的 1.22 編制依據(jù) 1.3 適用范圍 1.4 工作原則 1.5疫情分分級I級級)、重大(級)、較大(級)和一般(級)四個個等級。1.5.1 特別別重大突發(fā)動物疫情(I級) 1.5.2 重大突發(fā)動物疫情(級) l.5.3 較大突發(fā)動物疫情(級) 1.5.4 一般突突發(fā)動物疫情(級)11)高致病性禽流感、口蹄疫疫、新城疫、豬瘟疫情在本區(qū)區(qū)發(fā)生。2)二、三類動動物疫病在本區(qū)呈暴發(fā)流行。3)區(qū)級人民政府獸醫(yī)醫(yī)行政管理部門認定的其他一一般突發(fā)動物疫情。2 組組織體系及職責2.1 應(yīng)應(yīng)急指揮機構(gòu),負責領(lǐng)導、組織全全區(qū)突發(fā)動物疫病的預(yù)防控

2、制制工作,指揮、協(xié)調(diào)動物疫情情應(yīng)急處置行動。2.2 區(qū)指揮部組成 副指揮長:由區(qū)政府辦辦公室主任、區(qū)農(nóng)經(jīng)局局長擔擔任。成員:由區(qū)農(nóng)經(jīng)局、區(qū)委宣傳部、區(qū)發(fā)改局、區(qū)區(qū)衛(wèi)生局、區(qū)財政局、工工商分局、質(zhì)監(jiān)分局、公安分局、區(qū)民政局、區(qū)區(qū)貿(mào)易局、藥監(jiān)分局、區(qū)區(qū)監(jiān)察局、區(qū)城管局、交交警大隊、街道辦事處等單位位的負責人組成。根據(jù)工作需需要可以另請相關(guān)單位參加指指揮部工作。指揮部下設(shè)辦辦公室和撲疫預(yù)備隊。辦公室室設(shè)在區(qū)農(nóng)經(jīng)局,由區(qū)農(nóng)經(jīng)局局分管副局長擔任主任。應(yīng)急急撲疫預(yù)備隊為松散形式,由由農(nóng)經(jīng)、公安、工商、城管、貿(mào)易、衛(wèi)生等相關(guān)部門和疫疫情發(fā)生地街道、社區(qū)有關(guān)人人員組成,其組建和日常管理理由指揮部辦公室負責,動

3、物物疫情發(fā)生后,由指揮部直接接指揮。2.3 區(qū)指揮部部主要職責1)貫徹執(zhí)行行市、區(qū)兩級政府有關(guān)應(yīng)急管管理工作的方針、政策和突發(fā)發(fā)動物疫情防控工作指示;2)組織部署全區(qū)突發(fā)動物物疫情的防控工作;3)統(tǒng)一指揮、協(xié)調(diào)和監(jiān)督、指指導動物疫情的應(yīng)急處置行動動;4)督促各成員單位位履行各自職責,確保各項防防治措施到位。2.4 區(qū)區(qū)指揮部辦事機構(gòu)及主要職責責2.4.1 指揮部辦公公室1)負責指揮部日常常工作,與各成員單位保持工工作聯(lián)系;2)具體部署署落實各項動物疫病防治和應(yīng)應(yīng)急處理措施;3)開展展調(diào)查研究,掌握動物疫病防防治工作動態(tài),為指揮部決策策提供依據(jù);4)組織動動物疫情應(yīng)急處置的培訓、演演練。2.4.

4、2 應(yīng)急撲撲疫預(yù)備隊1)制定和實實施撲疫方案;2)維護護撲疫現(xiàn)場秩序和社會穩(wěn)定,確保撲疫工作順利進行。2.5 區(qū)指揮部成員單位主主要職責2.5.1 區(qū)農(nóng)農(nóng)經(jīng)局:負責制定突發(fā)重大動動物疫情處置的防控技術(shù)方案案;統(tǒng)一組織并檢查督促重大大動物疫情撲滅和防治措施實實施;重大動物疫病情的確認認和報告;緊急組織疫苗、消消毒藥品等應(yīng)急物資;負責重重大動物疫情的實驗室監(jiān)測、流行病學調(diào)查、疫源追蹤;依法提出啟動預(yù)案和封鎖疫疫區(qū)、解除疫情和封鎖的建議議,并劃定疫點、疫區(qū)、受威威脅區(qū);對疫情損失進行評估估并落實撲疫補償經(jīng)費;負責責指揮部辦公室日常工作。2.5.2 區(qū)委宣傳部:負責確定宣傳報道口徑,積積極正確引導輿論

5、,普及動物物防疫知識。2.5.3 區(qū)發(fā)改局:統(tǒng)籌安排動物防防疫基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè)項目;維護護市場價格秩序。2.5.4 區(qū)衛(wèi)生局:負責疫區(qū)內(nèi)內(nèi)人員防護的技術(shù)指導,以及及高危人群的預(yù)防和醫(yī)學觀察察、人間疫情的監(jiān)測和病人救救治,預(yù)防人感染人畜共患疫疫病;加強對餐飲行業(yè)內(nèi)的畜畜禽及其產(chǎn)品的衛(wèi)生監(jiān)管。2.5.5 區(qū)財政局:負責責籌措、落實動物防撲疫經(jīng)費費,并加強經(jīng)費使用的監(jiān)督管管理。2.5.6 工工商分局:疫情發(fā)生期間,做做好流通領(lǐng)域內(nèi)交易秩序的市市場監(jiān)管,依法打擊違法經(jīng)營營活動。2.5.7 質(zhì)監(jiān)分局:負責動物產(chǎn)品加加工業(yè)的質(zhì)量管理,打擊違法法生產(chǎn),依法確保應(yīng)急物資的的產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量。2.5.8 公安分局、交警大大


7、發(fā)重大大動物疫情應(yīng)急處理工作中履履行職責情況,及時查處失職職、瀆職等違法違紀行為。2.5.13區(qū)城管局:做好好城區(qū)家禽、家畜和食用鴿的的禁養(yǎng)工作,查處亂丟棄動物物尸體及其他相關(guān)廢棄物行為為。2.5.14 街道辦辦事處:組織有關(guān)人員,在區(qū)區(qū)政府和突發(fā)重大動物疫情指指揮部的統(tǒng)一領(lǐng)導下,具體實實施突發(fā)重大動物疫情應(yīng)急處處置行動,開展群防群控。2.6 組織體系框架圖3 疫情監(jiān)測、預(yù)警與報告 3.1 監(jiān)測 3.2 預(yù)警警 3.33 報告 3.2.1 報告主體 發(fā)現(xiàn)可疑疑重大動物疫情時,各疫情監(jiān)監(jiān)測點、有關(guān)科研單位、動物物飼養(yǎng)、經(jīng)營和動物產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)、加工、經(jīng)營單位、各動物物診療單位,應(yīng)當以電話或書書面形式

8、報告區(qū)動物防疫監(jiān)督督所。本地可疑動物疫情及時時向市、區(qū)防治動物疫病指揮揮部報告。3.2.2 報報告程序1小時內(nèi)將將疫情上報至區(qū)農(nóng)經(jīng)局和市動動物疫監(jiān)督機構(gòu),并立即按要要求采集病料樣品送市或省級級動物防疫監(jiān)督機構(gòu)實驗室確確診。區(qū)農(nóng)經(jīng)局在接到報告11小時內(nèi)報區(qū)政府。3.22.3 報告內(nèi)容(輸入性疫情要報告輸入時時間、運輸工具及路線、調(diào)出出地及調(diào)出時間、檢疫證號碼碼及檢疫員姓名)、是否有人人員感染、已采取的控制措施施,疫情報告的單位、負責人人、報告人、聯(lián)系方式等。4 應(yīng)急響應(yīng)4.1 響應(yīng)應(yīng)原則 本區(qū)雖未發(fā)生疫疫情,但在接到上級疫情通報報后,區(qū)獸醫(yī)行政管理部門也也要立即采取必要的防控措施施,防止突發(fā)動物

9、疫情的發(fā)生生,并服從上一級獸醫(yī)行政管管理部門的統(tǒng)一指揮,支援動動物疫情發(fā)生地的應(yīng)急處置工工作。4.2 響應(yīng)主體 4.2.1 區(qū)人民政府1)根據(jù)獸醫(yī)行政管理部門門的建議,決定啟動本級預(yù)案案,及時組織協(xié)調(diào)各有關(guān)部門門各司其職參與重大動物疫情情處置;2)根據(jù)需要調(diào)調(diào)集本轄區(qū)各類人員、物資、交通工具和相關(guān)設(shè)施、設(shè)備備參加應(yīng)急處理工作;33)根據(jù)區(qū)指揮部建議,發(fā)布布封鎖令,對疫區(qū)實施封鎖;4)根據(jù)預(yù)案規(guī)定采取取撲殺染疫或相關(guān)動物,限制制或停止相關(guān)的動物或動物產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品交易買賣,封閉被污染水水源等緊急措施;5)組組織有關(guān)職能部門設(shè)置交通檢檢查、消毒站點,對疫區(qū)或出出入疫區(qū)的交通工具進行檢查查、消毒;6)根據(jù)國

10、家家規(guī)定及時發(fā)布相關(guān)信息;7)積極組織群防群控,組組織好商品供應(yīng),平抑物價,嚴厲打擊擾亂社會治安行為為。4.2.2 獸醫(yī)行政政管理部門(區(qū)農(nóng)經(jīng)局、區(qū)指指揮部辦公室) 1)組組織專業(yè)人員開展疫情調(diào)查,劃分疫區(qū)、疫點、受威脅區(qū)區(qū),提出應(yīng)急處置的防控技術(shù)術(shù)方案;2)對應(yīng)急處理理工作進行監(jiān)督、檢查,及時時向上級相關(guān)部門報告疫情信信息;3)根據(jù)需要組織織開展緊急免疫、隔離消毒和和藥物預(yù)防;4)及時向向區(qū)政府提出啟動本級預(yù)案、發(fā)布封鎖令的建議;55)組織對重大動物疫情及其其處理情況狀況進行評估。44.2.3 動物防疫監(jiān)督機機構(gòu)(區(qū)動物防疫監(jiān)督所)1)負責重大動物疫情的信信息收集、報告與分析,請市市動物防疫

11、監(jiān)督機構(gòu)進行疫病病診斷并出具診斷報告書;2)對動物疫病的發(fā)病情況況、分布特點、臨床癥狀、病病理變化、流行病學等進行調(diào)調(diào)查分析及疫情追蹤,提出針針對性的防控措施,并向區(qū)指指揮部辦公室報告;3)提出疫點、疫區(qū)、受威脅區(qū)區(qū)劃分的建議意見;4)按技術(shù)規(guī)范采集病料開展實實驗室診斷,或送上級指定動動物疫病實驗室檢測;55)負責突發(fā)重大動物疫情處處置的技術(shù)指導。4.2.4 區(qū)指揮部各成員單位 5 應(yīng)急處理5.1 疫點點疫區(qū)的封鎖 5.1.1 疫點的封鎖1)嚴禁人員、車輛任意出出入和動物、動物產(chǎn)品及可能能污染的物品運出。在特殊情情況下必須運出的,須經(jīng)區(qū)動動物防疫監(jiān)督所批準,并嚴格格消毒后方可運出;2)疫點出入

12、口必須設(shè)置消毒設(shè)設(shè)施。疫點內(nèi)動物運載工具、用具、受污染的物品,必須須在動物防疫人員監(jiān)督指導下下進行消毒或無害化處理。5.1.2 疫區(qū)的封鎖1)交通要道必須設(shè)立臨時時檢疫、消毒哨卡,落實人員員和消毒設(shè)備,對出入人員、車輛進行消毒,監(jiān)視動物、動物產(chǎn)品流動;2)停停止動物、動物產(chǎn)品交易,停停止動物配種;3)對相相關(guān)動物,必須進行檢疫或者者免疫接種;飼養(yǎng)的動物必須須圈養(yǎng)或者在指定的地點放養(yǎng)養(yǎng);4)工作人員應(yīng)嚴格格遵守技術(shù)操作和飼養(yǎng)管理規(guī)規(guī)范;5)疫區(qū)內(nèi)的畜禽禽糞便及其他垃圾、廢棄物要要專人清理,集中堆放,在動動物防疫監(jiān)督機構(gòu)監(jiān)督下作無無害化處理;6)對封鎖鎖區(qū)內(nèi)畜舍、環(huán)境、道路每天天進行全面消毒。5.

13、1.3 受威脅區(qū)應(yīng)采取的措施施1)應(yīng)當立即采取預(yù)防防性措施,建立免疫帶,對易易感動物進行緊急免疫接種;2)動物防疫監(jiān)督機構(gòu)構(gòu)以及街道、社區(qū)要嚴密監(jiān)測測疫情動態(tài)。5.2 染疫疫動物的撲殺處理 5.2.1 撲殺11)由區(qū)政府將疫病撲殺決定定書面告知畜主,詳細載明撲撲殺和銷毀時間、地點、數(shù)量量等情況,雙方當事人在場簽簽字。行政撲殺決定書應(yīng)告知知當事人有復(fù)議權(quán)利和訴訟權(quán)權(quán)利,但在復(fù)議和訴訟期間不不停止行政強制撲殺的執(zhí)行;2)區(qū)指揮部及時組織織撲疫預(yù)備隊,按規(guī)定時間到到場執(zhí)行撲疫任務(wù);3)撲殺、銷毀時,應(yīng)當通知當當事人到場,當事人拒不到場場的,可以由公安機關(guān)作證;4)染疫動物活體不得得轉(zhuǎn)移,必須就地以不

14、放血方方法致死,經(jīng)消毒后,用不漏漏水用具運裝,送往指定地點點無害化處理。5.2.22 無害化處理1)撲殺殺的動物要按照GB165448畜禽病害肉尸及其產(chǎn)品品無害化處理規(guī)程處置;2)污染飼料、糞尿、墊草草及其它沒有再利用價值的物物品,進行集中發(fā)酵或焚燒處處理,其它物品經(jīng)消毒后再利利用。5.3 封鎖的解除除 5.4 其它措施施5.4.1 動物及其產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品的流通監(jiān)控 5.4.2 應(yīng)急急人員的安全防護 5.4.3 群眾的安全防護護 5.4.4 宣傳傳教育 5.4.5 治安管理 6 善后處理6.1 災(zāi)害補償 6.2 恢復(fù)生生產(chǎn) 6.3 撫恤和補助 6.4 社會救助 6.5 評估 10天內(nèi)完成,并并上報區(qū)政

15、府,同時抄報市獸獸醫(yī)行政管理部門。6.66 獎懲 對在突發(fā)重大動物疫情的預(yù)防防、報告、調(diào)查、控制和處理理過程中,有玩忽職守、失職職、瀆職等違紀違法行為的,依據(jù)有關(guān)法律法規(guī)追究當事事人的責任。7應(yīng)急保障 7.1 交通通與通信保障 7.22 應(yīng)急資源與裝備保障 7.2.1 應(yīng)急隊伍保障障 7.2.2 醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生保障(人畜共患病)的人間監(jiān)測,做好有關(guān)預(yù)防保障工作。農(nóng)農(nóng)經(jīng)局應(yīng)及時通報疫情,積極極配合衛(wèi)生部門開展工作,確確保衛(wèi)生部門與農(nóng)業(yè)部門同時時到達現(xiàn)場、同時開展調(diào)查、同時進行疫情處置。7.2.3 治安保障 7.2.4 物資保障 7.2.55 經(jīng)費保障 7.3 技術(shù)儲備與與保障 7.4 培訓和演演練 區(qū)

16、動物防疫監(jiān)督所每年年要有計劃地舉行演練,確保保預(yù)備隊撲滅疫情的應(yīng)急能力力。區(qū)指揮部根據(jù)資金和實際際需要組織訓練。7.5 宣傳教育 8 附則8.1 名詞術(shù)語:是指陸生、水生動物突然發(fā)發(fā)生疫病,且迅速傳播,給養(yǎng)養(yǎng)殖業(yè)生產(chǎn)安全造成嚴重危害害,或者可能對人民身體健康康與生命安全造成危害的情形形。疫點:患患病動物所在的地點劃定為疫疫點,疫點一般是指患病禽類類所在的禽場(戶)或其他有有關(guān)屠宰、經(jīng)營單位。疫區(qū)區(qū):以疫點為中心的一定范圍圍內(nèi)的區(qū)域劃定為疫區(qū),疫區(qū)區(qū)劃分時注意考慮當?shù)氐娘曫B(yǎng)養(yǎng)環(huán)境、天然屏障(如河流)和交通等因素。受威脅區(qū)區(qū):疫區(qū)外一定范圍內(nèi)的區(qū)域域劃定為受威脅區(qū)。8.22 預(yù)案管理 本預(yù)案由區(qū)政

17、府辦公室室負責解釋。本預(yù)案自20007年2月1日實施。 industrialization, industrial characteristics, contribute to ecological environmental protection. One is to actively implement the project support, vigorously implement the Microfinance in the area of hope project assistance projects; two is the key to implement talent su

18、pport in the initiative for the economic development in the reservoir area of the introduction of talent at the same time, vigorously implement the reservoir youth transfer plans to promote employment, promote the transfer of labor in youth, promote the resettlement work in youth labor employment; t

19、hree is to vigorously implement ecological support , in the reservoir area to carry out the service for the Three Gorges migrants, building a green reservoir activities, in order to protect the ecological environment of the reservoir area to make a real contribution.Five, continue to consolidate the

20、 work of the Communist Youth League FoundationAlways adhere to the party building, strengthen rural grassroots league construction, push the construction of rural youth center, vigorously extending the work of arms, and carry out the rural education to strengthen the sense of Youth League activities

21、, continue to lay a solid foundation for the rural work of the Communist Youth League.(a) to strengthen the construction of rural organizations. Relying on Party building, strengthen the construction of rural grassroots organizations, the Communist Youth League work demonstration town construction o

22、f 50 XX, 100 XX the construction of socialist new countryside demonstration village. And carry out rural education activities. To strengthen the sense of Youth League education activities as an opportunity to actively seek the support of the party and government relying on the activities of the vill

23、age Party branch, village organization room, building bases, and strive to 3 years to achieve the city each village has a room.(two) to promote the work of the Communist Youth League into the park. According to the organization with the people, in the construction industry ideas, flexible set of key

24、 links in the industrial chain of each group on the organization, relying on leading enterprises, professional associations, production base, professional technology service base, farmers market construction group, the implementation of company + the youth , base + + + capable members of youth , You

25、th League Organization + + rich hotshot Jiantuan mode, actively explore the youth center based on the association, branch (group members) + members (members) approach, in the County Industrial Park, the establishment of Agricultural Industrial Park and perfect group the organization, to achieve the

26、flow of youth Consistent with the organizations settings.(three) to promote a strong construction of rural youth center. The rural youth center construction to make a breakthrough in quantity, improve the quality of rural youth center, the construction of the county to implement target assessment sy

27、stem. Actively explore the rural youth center social operation mechanism, to fully integrate all kinds of resource group, continuous mining potential service give full play to the youth center, youth, youth services, youth achievement function. The rural youth cultural activities, the new century re

28、ading plan, youth employment and Entrepreneurship Program, the youth volunteer service group into the youth center, to promote the healthy development of grassroots work. Combined with the University Three rural social practice, carry out to the youth center , youth center stage theme activities and

29、 volunteer service plan. The combination of selected outstanding college graduates to rural youth center engaged in daily work. At the same time, guide the conditional counties to take a variety of forms of recruitment of young volunteers, so that each center is equipped with at least 1 volunteer wo

30、rkers, establish and perfect the volunteer recruitment and selection, relay mechanism.Attachment 7:Communist Youth League XX municipal Party school work points(part of the higher school)In x, the general idea of the work of the Communist Youth League in Colleges and universities is XX: to take Deng

31、Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents as guidance, in-depth study and implement the partys the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee x, the Central Document No. 16 at the the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee eight plenary session of t

32、he two committee, will fully implement the spirit of Scientific Outlook on Development, to implement the marching together with the motherland. With the development of XX and the young talent development action as the main line, to further strengthen and improve ideological and political education,

33、cultivating socialist qualified builders and reliable successors, unity led the citys youth students for the comprehensive construction well-off society, constructing social Socialist harmonious society, to achieve a good start to the XX 11th Five-Year plan to make a new contribution.One, strengthen

34、 the ideological and political work of College Students(a) to carry out Scientific Outlook on Development education. To study and practice the important thought of Three Represents with the establishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development combine Scientific Outlook on Developmen

35、t to carry out education as an important part of the new period to strengthen the youth ideological and theoretical work, careful understanding of new ideas, Scientific Outlook on Development in the new judgment, new ideas and new methods, adhere to grasp, grasping community, grasp the network backb

36、one, grab, grab the opportunity, grasp the practice, build a powerful spiritual pillar of young students(two) to carry out go ahead with the motherland, and XX with the development of theme educational activities. Through the development of the pioneer into the campus, into the community, into the c

37、ountryside activities, carry out the two generation dialogue , in my eyes, the charm of XX situation and policy through activities such as lectures, report, forum theatrical performances, mass cultural activities, helping the students to fully understand the achievements of Chinas reform and opening

38、 up and modernization construction, understand the economic and social development of our city since the FengThe results, so that young people understand the love of new XX, new XX, and then to the construction of the new XX, educate and guide the young students a firm with Party walk the road of so

39、cialism China characteristics of faith. To make full use of the 54, 61, the national day and the commemoration of the 85 anniversary of the founding of the Red Army Long March was the 70 anniversary of the major activities, the favorable opportunity of major events and major festivals the focus on t

40、he activities, promote the theme education activities continue to form momentum. For college entrance, to join the party, the key moment commemorative graduation etc. in the process of growth, and actively promote the distinctive characteristics of the rite education activities, strengthen the civic

41、 education of young students and three Education.(three) to carry out the national spirit from generation to generation theme educational activities. Combined with the actual, in-depth excavation of Hongyan spirit, the spirit of the Three Gorges immigrants XX unique national spirit resources, carry

42、out the Hongyan spirit from generation to generation, weekend Hongyan culture square, Hongyan volunteer activities, guide Guang Daqing students understand the situation, a clear responsibility to carry forward the lofty ideals the national spirit, enhance the sense of mission and responsibility.(fou

43、r) to strengthen the ideological and political education position construction. To strengthen the ideological position, tangible construction, good practices and vigorously promote the ideological and political education and advanced typical. Innovation means a new way to explore the use of modern t

44、echnology and communication way to carry out the lively and vivid ideological and political education work, especially to strengthen the education of college students to guide the use of the Internet, strengthening the construction of Hongyan Wang Xiao and other red website.(five) play the typical r

45、ole of motivation. Through the selection of recognition of XX City PARKnSHOP College (Group), youth charm person of the year, a group of selected tree young students can learn advanced and credible, typical. Expanding the award in recognition of activities influence and influence, guide young studen

46、ts advocating advanced education, learning advanced, striving to advanced.(six) to promote the implementation of relevant policies.x Central Document No. 16 issued, the Ministry of education, the Central Committee and other central ministries, municipal Party committee, municipal government, the mun

47、icipal Party committee, Municipal Education Commission and other municipal departments have issued a series of related policy documents, a priority this year is to promote the coordination. The file policy gradually in all colleges in our city to implement.Two, in-depth implementation of the quality

48、 development plan of University Students(a) to promote the students development of navigation plan. Continue to further promote the development of College Students life navigation plan, strengthen the teacher with organization of lectures, the establishment of guiding mechanism in recruitment, in fo

49、rm, bold innovation and exploration of training recognition and other aspects.(two) improve the quality development to create a base mechanism. For the first batch of quality development base create unit assessment, to determine the number of a good basis for the work, leadership, strong role model

50、base as XX the first batch of quality development base, play quality development base in college students quality development positive role in action.(three) to carry out training activities. To explore the establishment of a comprehensive and scientific quality of students training project of youth

51、 system, provide a platform for college students quality training. Further deepening integration teaching channels can help students improve the comprehensive quality of various activities, carefully organized and scientific design in various forms, rich in content to expand the quality of training

52、activities. Guide and help young students all-round development, growth and success.(four) to carry out activities of social practice. To thoroughly implement the on Further Strengthening and improving college students social practice opinions, deepen the student volunteers three to the countryside

53、, four communities , poverty alleviation, testing exercise and other social practice, and constantly enrich the content of practice, practice innovation, expand the connotation of practice, to guide young students contribute to building a harmonious society. We should vigorously promote social pract

54、ice base construction and social practice twinning assistance work, creating a hundred college (Department) 100 street, 100 hospital (Department) social practice base 100 Township, with the party and government departments to gradually establish and perfect the social security system and practice in

55、to a long-term mechanism The further expansion of activities, consolidate the results of the activities. To guide students to participate in volunteer service activities of major international and domestic events meeting, in action to protect the mother river environmental protection practice, Youth

56、 Red Ribbon, youth shine red sunset, and other types of public welfare donation marrow donation, volunteer service activities,(five) to promote psychological sunshine project. To carry out a wide range of mental health education, mental health counseling organizations, open lectures, student organiz

57、ations and schools play a psychological counseling room, help students form a good psychological quality, foster self-esteem, self-respect, self-discipline, good character self enhancement, overcome difficulties, to withstand the test and the ability to withstand setbacks.(six) to strengthen the qua

58、lity development theory research. To expand the quality of grass-roots level to carry out special investigations, to understand the situation, identify the problems and countermeasure research, summarize experience, work theory, in-depth implementation of action to promote the expansion of young stu

59、dents quality.Three, actively promote the vigorous development of campus culture(a) to carry out the Campus Spring to spring campus activities. The College of the twenty-fifth XX activities as a leader, the prosperity of campus culture, to further expand the connotation of Campus Spring activity era

60、, explore new ideas, operation mechanism and mode of operation, the activities reflect the characteristics of the times, in line with the requirements. Meet the needs of young people, to achieve healthy development.(two) the creation of the Cultural Forum. Play the rich educational resources, regula

61、rly and irregularly organize school experts, professors, scholars started the Cultural Forum, continuously strong school culture atmosphere, improve students cultural literacy, the formation of municipal, University and College (Department) level three forum.(three) to carry out high art into the ca

62、mpus activities. The implementation of the Ministry of education, the Central Committee on strengthening and improving the construction of campus culture in Colleges and universities opinions spirit, actively promote the elegant art into the campus, into the students, guide young students to form a

63、healthy, positive cultural consumption habits and aesthetic taste, improve the level of construction of campus culture.(four) to carry out successful people into the campus activities. Hold the shared growth - successful campus tour the campus forum, excellent League members deeds and other activiti

64、es, inviting the community successful and outstanding members of youth and students face to face communication, inspire young students aspiring to serve the motherland.(five) to carry out healthy network culture into the campus activities. The construction of ideology, knowledge, interest, service in one of the campus website, continuously expand the channels and space of campus culture construction, and actively carry out network healthy, rich and colorful cultural activities, firmly grasp the initiative

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