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1、Unit1Phrases and ExpressionsTurn in上交 work on努力改善;努力完成 figure out弄懂;想清楚;弄明白 of course當(dāng)然 ;自然 depend on取決于 try out試用 settle on選定 keep track of跟上的進(jìn)展;紀(jì)錄 on the go忙個不停 set aside留出take a break休息一下 all at once同時;一起 at a time每次;一次 ready, set, go各就各位 put off推遲,延遲 be set in stone不可改變的 take a back seat to處于次要地

2、位 pull out拉出;拔出 right away立刻 work through完成 check off在上打個 based on根據(jù) check out借出 make sense有道理,合乎情理Vocabularyaccomplish完成 advice建議 clue線索 create創(chuàng)造 divide分開 magical奇妙的 option選擇 priority優(yōu)先考慮的事 project課題 responsibility責(zé)任 share分享 suggest暗示1. Noneofusareclosefriendsbutweallshareaninterestin sports. 我們都不是

3、親密的朋友但是我們都共享一個對體育的興趣。2. Wordshaveamagicalpower.Theycanbringeitherthegreatest happinessordeepestdespair. 詞匯具有不可思議的力量。他們能帶來最大的幸福,也能帶來最深的失望。3. In order to work more efficiently, you need to have a to-do list and after accomplishing your tasks, cross them off your list. 為了更有效地工作,你需要有一個任務(wù)清單和完成任務(wù)后,把它們從你的列

4、表中劃掉。4. Hebasicallyhastwooptions:hecangotocollegeandplay football,orfindajobtosupporthisfamily. 他基本上有兩個選擇:他可以去大學(xué)和踢足球,或者找一份工作來養(yǎng)家。5. Hisfailuretofinishhisjobintime has created a lot of problems. 他未能及時完成他的工作造成了很多問題。6. Marydidnttelluswhysheleftschool,butherletters providedacluetotheanswers. 瑪麗沒有告訴我們?yōu)槭裁此?/p>

5、離開學(xué)校,但她的信件提供答案的線索。7. Shetookherparentsadviceandbecameascience major at Cambridge University. 她把她父母的建議,成為劍橋大學(xué)科學(xué)專業(yè)。8. KnowingthatMaryalwayshashermealsontheuniversity campus,Isuggestedtakingherouttodinnerforachange. 知道瑪麗總是在大學(xué)校園吃飯菜,我建議帶她出去吃飯,換換口味。9. Inordertobesuccessfulatsomethingyouwanttodo, you need

6、to get your priorities right. 為了成功在你想做的事情,你需要到得到你的優(yōu)先權(quán)。10. Theteacherwantedhisstudentstodoaprojectonlocal traditionsandhowtheyhadchangedovertime.老師想讓他的學(xué)生做一個項目對當(dāng)?shù)貍鹘y(tǒng)和他們?nèi)绾坞S時間發(fā)生了變化。11. MyplanfortheprojectworkedafterIdividethetasksamongsmallgroupsofstudentsfromdifferentdepartments. 我的計劃為項目工作后,我把任務(wù)小組的學(xué)生分配到

7、不同的部門。12. WhenIturnedeighteen,Idecidedtotakefullresponsibilityformyself. 當(dāng)我十八歲的時候,我決定為自己承擔(dān)全部責(zé)任。Structure(英譯中)1. Whensheheardthenews,shefelttoohappytosleep. (感到太高興了以至于無法入睡)當(dāng)她聽到這個消息時,她感到太高興了以至于無法入睡。2. I think this problem is too complicated to solve in a few hours.(太復(fù)雜了,幾小時內(nèi)太難以解決了)我認(rèn)為這個問題太復(fù)雜,在幾小時內(nèi)太難以解

8、決了。3. TV makes you lazy most people become too lazy to make effort to go to the cinema. (太懶而不想花力氣)電視使你懶惰大多數(shù)人變得太懶而不想花力氣去看電影4. Nowhere is too far to travel if at journeys end the traveler can see someone he has loved all his life. (沒有什么地方是遠(yuǎn)得去不了的)如果你終身所愛的人在那個地方,沒有什么地方是遠(yuǎn)得去不了的。5. Its too late to change a

9、nything now. You should have told me your opinion yesterday. (現(xiàn)在太遲了,一切都無法改變)現(xiàn)在太遲了,一切都無法改變。你應(yīng)該昨天告訴我你的意見。6. For Jessie, this sudden turn of events seemed too good to be true. (顯得太好了,令人難以置信對于杰西來說,這突然的事件顯得太好了,令人難以置信。Translation(中譯英)1. 約翰同時干許多事情,我覺得他應(yīng)當(dāng)休息一下。(work on,all at once,take a break.)John works on

10、 many things all at once. I think he should take a break.2. 楊教授說的話有著神奇的力量。許多同學(xué)接受他的忠告,開始專注學(xué)業(yè)了。(what,magical,advice,focus on)What Prof. Yang said has magical power. On his advice, many students began to focus on their schoolwork.3. 由于星期天晚上湯姆沒有提示他將做何種選擇,我無法弄清楚他會如何完成這項任務(wù)。(clue,option,figure out,accompli

11、sh)As Tom gave no clue Sunday night about which option he would choose, I cant figure out how he will accomplish the task.4. 我的父親是極負(fù)責(zé)任的人。雖然他總是很忙,但他設(shè)法每天都給家庭留出一些時間。My father is a man of great responsibility. Though he is on the go all the time , every day he manage to set aside some time for the famil

12、y.5這個項目的成功與否取決于我們?nèi)绾未_定輕重緩急.(project , depend on ,priority) The success of the project depends on how we set our priorities.6. 在計算機商店里,我的朋友建議我們先試一下光碟播放機再決定買哪個。(try out,settle on)At the computer store, my friend suggested that we try out the video players before we settle on any one of them.7. 我覺得在確定輕重

13、緩急前,把要做的事情全都寫下來,是有道理的。(make sense,write down,set)I think it makes sense to write down everything we need to do before we set priorities.8. 如果我們不及時交論文,會有什么結(jié)果?(turn in,on time,consequence)If we do not turn in our papers on time, what will be the consequence?Unit2Phrases and Expressionsin front of 在什么前

14、面 take delight in 以為樂 take steps 采取步驟 by now 到現(xiàn)在 be ashamed of oneself 為自己感到羞愧 go by 過去take pains (to do sth.) 費力地(做某事)pay attention to 留心 come alive 活躍起來 at times 有時候 a couple of 兩個 believe in 信任 make a difference 很重要Vocabularyassure確信 constantly始終 excellent卓越的 exclaim大聲說 require要求 reserve保留 respon

15、d回應(yīng) review復(fù)習(xí) struggle掙扎 unpleasant不高興的 whisper耳語 wrap包裝 1) There is no secret to being a(n) excellent student. It is not just about working hard; it is much more about working effectively.作為一個優(yōu)秀的學(xué)生,沒有秘密。它不僅僅是努力工作,更是有效地工作。2) There is a saying that good medicine may taste bitter to the mouth and good

16、advice may sound unpleasant to the car.有一種說法說,好的藥可能嘗到苦的嘴和好的建議可能聽起來不愉快的車。3) For many working parents, organizing childcare over the summer holidays is a real struggle.對于許多家長工作,組織照顧孩子的暑假是一個真正的斗爭。4) Should college students be required to attend classes? Some say it should be up to the students to decid

17、e. What do you think?大學(xué)生應(yīng)該需要上課嗎?有人說應(yīng)該由學(xué)生來決定。你怎么認(rèn)為?5) We constantly give presents all the time, for plenty of reasons; knowing how to wrap a present well is a useful skill to have - youll use it over and over again.我們經(jīng)常給禮物,原因很多,知道如何包裝禮物是一個有用的技巧,你會使用它一遍又一遍。6) When Jessica opened her birthday gift, she

18、 was overjoyed.How beautiful!she exclaimed.當(dāng)杰西卡打開她的生日禮物,她喜出望外。“多么美麗!”她大聲說道。7) Amanda hasnt responded to my emails yet. I cant tell if she is just lazy or has never received them.阿曼達(dá)還沒有回復(fù)我的電子郵件。我不能告訴她是懶惰,還是從未接受過他們。8) The article lists three reasons why we should take the time to regularly review our

19、credit card statements(信用卡賬單).本文列出了三個理由為什么我們應(yīng)該花時間去定期審查我們的信用卡對賬單9) I want to write a letter addressed to the hotel, to reserve a room for my guest who will stay two nights there.我想寫一封寫給酒店,為我的客人會預(yù)定一個住兩個晚上的房間。10) The doctor assured me that my shortness of breath was nothing to worry about, that I was j

20、ust overweight(超重的) and needed to exercise.醫(yī)生向我保證,我的呼吸急促是沒有什么可擔(dān)心的,我只是超重了,需要鍛煉。11) As Rick prepared to leave, Jenny whispered something in his car that we could not hear.里克準(zhǔn)備離開時,珍妮在他的車?yán)锒Z,我們無法聽到。12) Fashion(時尚) is constantly changing from one day to the next: what is in(時興的) one day may be out(不時興的)

21、the next.時尚是不斷變化從一天到下一個:是時興的一天也可能是不時興的下一個。Model(英譯中)1. Myfatherusedtosmoke, buthegaveitupacoupleofyearsago.(過去常常抽煙)我父親過去常吸煙,但他在幾年前戒煙了。2. Weareusedtothetraffic noisenow.(對交通噪音已感到習(xí)慣)我們現(xiàn)在對交通噪音已感到習(xí)慣。3. Dontworryyoullsoongetusedtohishadtemper.別擔(dān)心你很快就會習(xí)慣他的脾氣。4. Iusedtoenjoygardening,butIdonthavetimeforitn

22、ow.(過去喜歡園藝)我以前喜歡園藝,但是現(xiàn)在我沒有時間。5. Wheredidyouusetolivebeforeyoumovedhere?(過去曾住哪里)在你搬到這里之前過去曾住哪里?6. IdidntthinkIcouldevergetusedtoafterlivinginthecity,butIhave.(習(xí)慣在大城市生活)我不認(rèn)為我能夠習(xí)慣在大城市生活,但我做到了。Translation1) 文章交上來之前,務(wù)必仔細(xì)檢查一遍。(make sure, review,hand/turn in)Make sure you review your paper carefully before

23、 you hand/turn it in.2) 自從我最后一次見到他,5年過去了。他已長成一個高大的小伙子了(go by,grow into)Five years have gone by since I last saw him. He has grown into a tall young man.3) 老師要求學(xué)生們詳細(xì)描述他們在展覽會(exhibition)上看到的一切。(require,in detail)The teacher required the students to describe in detail what they saw at the exhibition.4)

24、 坐在我前面的兩個學(xué)生竊竊私語,我很難把注意力集中在老師身上。(whisper, pay attention to)Its hard to pay attention to the teacher when the two students sitting of me are whispering to each other.Unit3Phrases and Expressionsvote on 投票表決 sure enough 果然 take notes 做筆記 jot down 匆匆記下 back and forth 來回地come up with 找到(答案) cool down 變涼V

25、ocabularyAllergic對過敏的 blame責(zé)備 carefully小心翼翼的 complaint抱怨 crazy瘋狂 data數(shù)據(jù) effort努力 executive經(jīng)理 latter后者 observe觀察 obviously顯然地 separate分開的 sincere真誠的 skeptical懷疑的 solution解決 sort種類 tradition傳統(tǒng) vary相異 vote投票 whenever無論何時1) We cannot eat the same food all the time . Our desire for food tends to vary fro

26、m day to day.我們不能一直吃同樣的食物。我們對食物的渴望每天都會有所不同。2) She speak with an almost childlike directness that wins over the most skeptical audience她稚氣十足的贏得了大部分持懷疑態(tài)度的觀眾說話。3) On that day thousands of people came to observe ship leaving the harbor .在那一天成千上萬的人來觀察船離開港口。4) The taxi driver blamed the fog for his accide

27、nt .出租車司機把事故歸咎于霧。5) He plans to continue the family tradition and seek a career in politics .他計劃繼續(xù)家庭傳統(tǒng),尋求從政。6) I didnt win , but at least I have made the effort .我沒有贏,但至少我已經(jīng)付出了努力。7) We often hear bitter complaints about the citys water supply . Something should be done about it .我們經(jīng)常聽到的抱怨這個城市的水供應(yīng)。應(yīng)該

28、做點什么。8) We bought another car ; it was the solution to all our problems .我們買了另一輛車;這是我們所有問題的解決方案。9) As we cannot agree on the matter , lets vote on it .我們不能達(dá)成一致,讓我們投票表決吧。10) The poor just wanted a job , any sorts of a job .窮人只想找一份工作,任何類型的工作。11) It is not unusual for a woman executive to have a man as

29、 her assistant.對于一個女人來說執(zhí)行一個男人作為她的助手這不是不尋常的。12) The man didnt dare to look at us when he said that . Obviously, he was telling a lie.當(dāng)他說那人說的時候,他不敢看我們。顯然,他在說謊。13) If you had done it more carefully you could have avoided that mistake .如果你再仔細(xì)一點的話,你就可以避免這個錯誤了。14) He hasnt started his paper yet . He is st

30、ill collecting data for it.他還沒有開始他的論文呢。他仍然在為它收集數(shù)據(jù)。15) Whenever the man came back from a business trip , he would buy his wife a present .當(dāng)一個男人從出差回來的時候,他會買他的妻子一個禮物。16) Keep the onions separate from the bread or they will make it smell .把洋蔥和面包分開,否則會讓他們聞到。17) I think she was crazy to drive after drinki

31、ng so much beer .我想她是瘋了,喝那么多啤酒后駕駛。18) In America , some people are even allergic to eggs .在美國,有些人甚至對雞蛋過敏。19) On Mothers Day , I wrote a sincere thank-you letter to my dear mom .在母親節(jié)那天,我寫了一個真誠的感謝信,我親愛的媽媽。20) Peter studies in the same class as John . The former likes sports and the latter enjoys music

32、.彼得和約翰在同一個班級學(xué)習(xí)。前者喜歡運動,后者喜歡音樂。Structure(英譯中)1)You can always learn something new no matter how old are you. (不論你年紀(jì)有多大)無論你多大,你都可以學(xué)到一些新的東西。2)No matter what she said to them they just dont believe her.(不論她給他們說了什么)不管她對他們說什么,他們都不相信她。3)They can always find you no matter where you hide.(不論你藏在哪里)無論你躲在哪里,他們都會

33、找到你。4)No matter when you clean my room ,please dont put my books in the wrong place.(不管你什么時候打掃我的房間)無論你什么時候打掃我的房間,請不要把我的書放錯地方。5)No matter who has said that,he is absolutely wrong.(不管那是誰說的)不管那是誰說的,他是完全錯的。6)No matter whether you contact him by mail or by phone ,you must let him know our decision before

34、 tomorrow.(不管你是寫信還是打電話去和他聯(lián)系)無論你是通過郵件還是電話聯(lián)系他,你都必須讓他知道我們在明天之前的決定Translation1) 就我看來,現(xiàn)在的房地產(chǎn)問題不會給該國的經(jīng)濟帶來太嚴(yán)重的影響。(as far as. , impact)As far as I am see, the current real estate problems wont have too large an impact on the countrys economy.2) 每次我們隊遇到問題,我們的隊長都能很快想出解決的辦法。(every time , come up with , solutio

35、n)Every time our team comes across a problem, it doesnt take our caption long to come up with a solution.3) 他不但不覺得開心,反而說晚會上的喧鬧的人群讓他厭煩。(rather than , be fed up with)Rather than feeling happy, he said that he was fed up with the partys noisy crowd.4) 這些年他真心實意地做出了很多努力,現(xiàn)在當(dāng)然也應(yīng)該成功了。(sincere efforts , dese

36、rve)He has made a lot of sincere effort over the years and certainly deserves to succeed now.Unit4Phrases and Expressionsshape up進(jìn)展(順序) quite a異常的; be about to do sth即將,行將 not feel oneself 感到身體不舒服at first起先,開始時 be to blame該受責(zé)罰;應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)任break down 破壞;使分解;使變化 keep sth.under contrl 控制住in addition另外;此外 such

37、as例如;諸如 rely on依賴;依靠come a long way有很大改進(jìn);取得很大進(jìn)步 slow down(使)減速;(使)松勁Vocabularybasic 基本的 damage 損害 diagnose診斷 extremely 極其地 function 功能 perform 演出 research 研究 seek 尋求 spread 傳播 substance 物質(zhì) symptom 癥狀 uneasy擔(dān)心 usher引領(lǐng)1) The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.形容詞的作

38、用是描述或修飾名詞的意思。2) Because of the war, the birth rate was extremely low that decade.由于戰(zhàn)爭的原因,十年的出生率是極低的。3) John may not know much, but hes wise enough to know who to seek advice from when he needs to.約翰可能不知道多少,但他很聰明,知道誰在他需要的時候向他征求意見。4) Two technicians have been examining the equipment since morning in a

39、n attempt to diagnose its breakdown.兩名技術(shù)人員自晨起就對設(shè)備進(jìn)行了檢查,以診斷其故障。5) I was the first to be ushered into the room to meet the president of the company.我是第一個被領(lǐng)進(jìn)房間的,以滿足公司總裁。6) As the study shows, the old saying that two heads perform better than one is not always true.正如這項研究所顯示的,俗話說,兩個的表現(xiàn)優(yōu)于一個并不總是真實的。7) My

40、car broke down last Monday without any previous symptom, leaving me an hour late to work.上周一我的車拋錨了之前沒有任何征兆,讓我上班遲到一小時。8) Whats that soft substance that covers the four walls of the babys room.是什么柔軟的物質(zhì),涵蓋了嬰兒的房間的四墻。9) The most basic level of human needs refers to the primary requirements of the body, i

41、ncluding breathing, eating, drinking and sleeping.人類最基本的需求是指身體的基本要求,包括呼吸、飲食、飲酒和睡眠。10) You have damaged her emotionally. Do you think money can compensate for(補償)that?你在感情上傷害了她。你認(rèn)為錢能彌補這嗎?11) The forest fire spread across the North part of the state, resulting in several deaths.森林大火蔓延到整個國家的北部,造成數(shù)人死亡。1

42、2) At times Jason looked uneasy and revealed his anxiety with too much nervous laughter.有時,杰森看起來很不安,透露了他太多的緊張的笑聲的焦慮。13) Please do a little research into the author and his works before you start writing your essay on him.在你開始寫你的文章之前,請先對作者和他的作品做一個小的研究。Structure1) 自從上次見到你,你過的怎么樣?How have you been sinc

43、e I saw you last? 2) 他們結(jié)婚已經(jīng)50年了。Its been 50 years since they got married.3) 我們上次見面到現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)有兩個月了。Its been two months since we last met.4) 我們離開學(xué)校后,我就沒見過她。I havent seen her since we left school.5) 他們婚后一直住在上海。They have lived in Shanghai since they were married.Translation(中譯英)1. 醫(yī)生最后總結(jié)說信心對治愈疾病至關(guān)重要。(conclud

44、e, critical, cure)The doctor finally concluded that faith was critical to the cure of the disease.2. 每當(dāng)我感到不安或經(jīng)歷情緒波動的時候,我就聽音樂,直到找回正常的感覺。(uneasy, swing, feel oneself)Whenever I feel uneasy or experience mood swings, I listen to music until I feel myself again.3. 通過普及對各種疾病癥狀的認(rèn)識,健康協(xié)會希望我們能幫助人們更好地監(jiān)測。(awar

45、eness, symptom, association, physical)By spreading awareness of various disease symptom, the Health Association hopes to help people better monitor their physical condition.4. 我們剛要去機場,司機告訴我們說車壞了。(be about to, broken down)We were about to leave for the airport when the driver told us that our car had

46、 broken down.Unit5Phrases and Expressiontake action采取行動 call for要求 turn away轉(zhuǎn)過臉去keep ones cool保持冷靜 in general通常:大體上: identify oneself報身份: hang up掛斷電話Vocabularyabsolutely顯然的 apply適用 appropriate恰當(dāng)?shù)?emergency 緊急情況 essential必要的 force迫使 harmful有害的 nature自然 patient患者 preparation準(zhǔn)備 prevent防止 procedure程序 re

47、assure使確信 recover恢復(fù) situation情況 worsen惡化1. The government declared a state of emergency because of the natural disaster.由于自然災(zāi)害,政府宣布進(jìn)入緊急狀態(tài)。2. It is absolutely impossible to finish the task in such a short time.在這么短的時間內(nèi)完成這項任務(wù)是絕對不可能的。3. The chairman of the IMF was forced to resign after the scandal(丑聞)

48、.國際貨幣基金組織的主席被迫辭職后的丑聞。4. Your quick action has prevented a serious accident.你的快速行動阻止了一場嚴(yán)重的事故。5. The earlier the patient receives treatment, the better the chances he will have of recovering from the disease.病人越早接受治療,他就越有可能從疾病中獲得康復(fù)的機會。6. Behind any successful event lie months or even years of preparat

49、ion.任何成功的事件背后都有幾個月甚至幾年的準(zhǔn)備。7. Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding.運動服不適合正式的婚禮。8. Trade soon recovered from the effects of the war.貿(mào)易擺脫了戰(zhàn)爭的影響而很快復(fù)蘇了。9. This new traffic regulation applies to everybody, no matter whom.這種新的交通規(guī)則適用于所有的人,無論誰。10. We both felt reassured after a talk with t

50、he surgeon.在與外科醫(yī)生的談話后,我們都感到放心了。11. The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation from worsening.安全部隊必須進(jìn)行干預(yù),以防止局勢惡化。12. We can live without clothes, but food and drink are essential to life.我們生活中可以沒有衣服,但是食物和飲料是生活中必不可少的。13. Cats and dogs have quite different natures 一dogs like company,

51、 cats are independent.貓和狗的本性完全不同一狗喜歡公司,貓是獨立的。14. How did he ever get into such a had financial situation?他是如何進(jìn)入這樣一個財務(wù)狀況?15. Whats the procedure for opening a bank account?開一個銀行賬戶需要什么手續(xù)是什么?16. Though everybody knows smoking is harmful to health, many people still choose to do it.盡管每個人都知道吸煙有害健康,許多人仍然選

52、擇這樣做。Structure(中譯英)1. You will fail the exam unless you work harder.(你要是不再加把勁)你要是不再加把勁,你會考不及格的。2. She wont lose weight unless she stays on a diet and exercises every day.(除非她堅持節(jié)食并且每天鍛煉)除非她堅持節(jié)食并且每天鍛煉,否則她不會減肥的。3. The directors have a meeting every Friday, unless there is nothing to discuss.(除非無討論的事項)董

53、事們每個星期五都有一個會議,除非無討論的事項。4. I wouldnt be saying this unless I were sure of the facts.(要是我對這些事情沒有把握的話)要是我對這些事情沒有把握的話,我是不會說的。5. Dont touch the instruments unless the teacher allows you.(沒有老師的允許)沒有老師的允許,不要碰儀器。6. I will not stop waiting for you to come back unless I am no longer living in this world.(除非我不

54、再活在這個世界上)除非我不再生活在這個世界上,否則我不會停止等待你的到來。Translation1)如果你想在緊急情況下救人一命,關(guān)鍵是要保持冷靜。(emergency,staycool)Ifyouwanttosavealifeinanemergency,thekeyistostaycool.2)因為緊急情況在日常生活中經(jīng)??梢姡猿祟A(yù)防很重要,為任何緊急情況做好準(zhǔn)備也是必須的。(prevention,essential,bepreparedfor)Emergenciesregularlyoccurindailylife,sowhileprevention is important,its

55、essentialtobepreparedfor anyemergency.3)她的鄰居識別她的急癥并采取了適當(dāng)?shù)男袆?,她現(xiàn)在完全康復(fù)了。(takeaction,appropriate,recover)Herneighborrecognizedhermedicalemergencyandtookappropriateaction.Shehasnowfullyrecovered.4)雖然急診醫(yī)士要面對很大的精神壓力,但是他的服務(wù)拯救病人的生命,因而非常有價值,讓人有成就感。(face,worthwhile,fulfilling)ThoughanEMTfaceshighstress,hisserviceishighlyworthwhile andfulfillingbecauseitsavespatientslives.

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