
高考英語一輪復習 Unit1 A land of diversity課件 新人教版選修8.ppt

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1、,選修8Unit 1Unit 5,Unit 1A land of diversity,1_ (n.)手段;方法 2_ (n.)(人口、貿(mào)易的)繁榮 (vi.) 處于經(jīng)濟迅速發(fā)展時期 3_ (n.)海關(guān);關(guān)稅;進口稅 4_ (vi.) 發(fā)生;出現(xiàn) 5_ (vi.)滑動;滑行;滑跤 (n.)滑動;滑倒 6_ (vt.&n.)租用;雇用 7_ (adv.)無處;任何地方都不 8_ (vt.&vi.)改革;革新 (n.) 改革;改造;改良,重點單詞,means boom customs occur slip hire nowhere reform,9_ (vt.&n.)抓住;抓緊;掌握;領(lǐng)會 10_

2、(adj.) 清晰的;明顯的;明確的_ (n.)差別;區(qū)分;卓著 11_ (n.) 大多數(shù);大半_ (n.) 少數(shù) 12_ (vt.) 選擇;推選;選舉_ (n.) 選舉 13_ (n.) 申請人_(v.) 申請_ (n.) 申請 14_ (vt.) 指出;標示;表明;暗示_ (n.) 跡象_ (n.) 指示器;指示物 15_ (adj.) 顯而易見的;顯然的;表面上的 _ (adv.) 顯然地;顯而易見地,grasp,distinct,distinction,majority,minority,elect,election,applicant,apply,application,indica

3、te,indication,indicator,apparent,apparently,1_繼續(xù)存在;繼續(xù)生存 2_用辦法;借助 3_習慣于新的生活方式、工作等 4_堅持;維持;沿襲(風俗、傳統(tǒng)等) 5_背靠背 6_與合作或一起工作 7_劃線;標出界線 8_包括;吸收;欺騙;理解 9_許多;很多 10_申請;請示得到,重點短語,live on by means of make a life keep up back to back team up with mark out take in a great/good many apply for,1However,it is likely th

4、at Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. 然而,可能至少在15 000年前美洲土著人就住在加利福尼亞了。 解讀it is likely that.“有可能”。 仿寫盜賊很可能不知道此物的價值。 _the thieves dont know how much it is worth.,經(jīng)典句型,答案:It is likely that,2It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so g

5、reat that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups,but simply a mixture of many races and cultures. 人們認為,要不了多久,多種國籍的混合將會非常之大,以致不可能存在一種明顯主要的種族或文化群體,而只是多種族、多文化的混合體。 解讀it is believed that.“人們認為/相信”,其構(gòu)成為:itbe過去分詞that從句。 仿寫人們相信努力工作就能成功。 _hard work can lead to success.,答案:It is believed t

6、hat,3Built in 1873,the cable car system was invented by Andrew Hallidie,who wanted to find a better form of transport than horsedrawn trams. 纜車系統(tǒng)建立于1873年,是由安德魯哈利迪發(fā)明的,他想找到一種比馬拉軌道車更好的交通方式。 解讀built in 1873為過去分詞短語作時間狀語。 仿寫給予更多的關(guān)心和教導,這個孩子可能成為一名音樂家。 _,the child is likely to grow into a musician.,答案:Given

7、more attention and instruction,4Thats why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language. 這就是今天有超過40%的加利福尼亞人把西班牙語作為第一或第二語言的原因。 解讀Thats why.那就是為什么。 仿寫他迷戀電腦游戲,那就是他為什么必須輟學的原因。 He is addicted to computer games,_he has to drop out of school.,答案: thats why,1means n. 手段,方法 教材原句S

8、cientists believe that these settlers crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America by means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times. 科學家們認為,這些遷居者通過一條史前時期曾經(jīng)存在的大陸橋穿越北極地區(qū)的白令海峽到達美洲。,板塊一:核心單詞,by this means用這種方法 by means of通過;用;借助于 by no means決不;一點也不(放在句首時,句子用部分倒裝語序) by all means(用于交際英語表

9、示同意)當然可以;沒問題 a means of communication一種通訊/交流工具,Can I use your car?我能用你的汽車嗎? By all means.當然。 As is known to us,the telephone is a_of communication. 眾所周知,電話是一種有用的通訊工具。 He traveled across the ice _a dog sled. 他用狗拉雪橇穿過這片雪地。 Punishment is_a wise choice to help students grow up mentally and physically. 懲

10、罰絕對不是幫助學生身心成長的明智選擇。,答案:useful meansby means ofby no means,2majority n. 大多數(shù);大半 教材原句Of the first Spanish to go to California,the majority were religious men,whose ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the natives. 在首批移居加州的西班牙人中,大部分是宗教人士,他們的職責是向土著人傳授天主教。,(1)the majority of.大多數(shù)的 be in a/the maj

11、ority占多數(shù);過半數(shù) (2)major adj. 較大的;較多的;主要的vi. 主修n. 主修課 major in 主修 (3)minority n. 少數(shù),The majority was/were in favour of banning smoking. 大多數(shù)人支持禁煙。 Only a minority of people in that city do not have a car while the people taking subway to work are_. 在那個城市只有少數(shù)人沒有汽車,但是乘坐地鐵上班的人卻占了大多數(shù)。 _students in our class

12、 find it hard to learn English well,but I encourage them never to give it up. 我們班大多數(shù)的學生發(fā)現(xiàn)學好英語很難,但我鼓勵他們永遠不要放棄。,答案: in the/a majorityThe majority of,3occur vi. 發(fā)生;出現(xiàn) 教材原句Yes.It didnt occur to me that. 是的,我沒想到,sth.occurs to sb.某人突然想起某事 It occurs to/strikes/hits sb.that.某人突然想起 It occurs to sb.to do sth.

13、某人突然想起做某事,It never occurred to me that you could succeed in persuading him to buy the products. 我從未想到過你能說服他購買這些產(chǎn)品。 It_ her that she should adopt the homeless child. 她突然想到她應(yīng)該收養(yǎng)這個無家可歸的孩子。 _didnt occur to her to ask for help. 她沒想到請別人幫忙。 When Babbage was working at Cambridge,a new idea_ _him. 在劍橋工作時,巴比奇

14、想到了一個新主意。,答案: occurred to/struck/hitItoccurred to,4indicate vt.指出,指示;指明,表明;暗示 教材原句Try to use the expressions above to indicate that you are listening carefully to your partner. 盡量使用以上的表達來表明你在聆聽你同伴說話。,(1)indicate sth.to sb.向某人指出某物 indicate that.示意,表明 as.indicates正如所示 (2)indication n指示;象征,預示,Research

15、indicates that eating habits are changing fast. 研究顯示,飲食習慣正迅速改變。 A sign_the right road for us to follow. 標牌給我們指出了應(yīng)走的路。 With a nod of his head he_me where I should sit. 他點頭示意我應(yīng)坐的地方。 There are_that the economy is improving. 有明顯的跡象顯示經(jīng)濟已開始好轉(zhuǎn)。,答案:indicatedindicated toclear indications,5apparently adv. 顯然地

16、;顯而易見地 教材原句Apparently hed been shocked when he saw a terrible accident in which a trams brakes failed,the conductor could not control the situation and the tram slipped down the hill dragging the horses with it. 顯然,當他看到在一場可怕的事故中,有軌電車的剎車失靈,列車長控制不了形勢,電車拖著馬匹滑下山時,大為震驚。,(1)As is apparently shown/stated i

17、n the picture/chart/passage above.正如上面圖畫/圖表/文中明顯展示/陳述的那樣 (2)apparent adj.顯然的;顯而易見的 It is apparent that.顯然(apparently) It is apparent from sth.that.從某物上很明顯地看出 It is apparent to sb.that.某人明白,It soon became apparent to everyone that he couldnt sing. 很快大家都明白他不會唱歌。 _was apparent from his words that he wa

18、s unsatisfied with the result. 從他的語言中可以明顯地看出他對這個結(jié)果不滿意。 He was _ much surprised at the news that the amateur athlete beat the professional one who ranked top ten. 聽到那個業(yè)余運動員打敗了排名前十位的職業(yè)運動員這個消息,他大為震驚。,答案:Itapparently,6hire vt.&n.租用;雇用 教材原句Teamed up with a couple from my hotel(Peter and Terri) and hired

19、a car. 同飯店里的一對夫妻(彼得和泰莉)做伴,一起租了一輛小汽車。,hire sth.out(to sb.)把租出去(給某人) on hire出租 for hire可供出租,We hired a driver to take us on a tour of the city. 我們雇用了一個司機帶我們游覽這個城市。 These cars are_hire. 這些汽車供出租用。,答案:for,填一填 She_the cottage to holiday makers in the summer. I_a suit for the wedding. She_as a secretary.,答

20、案:rentedhiredis employed,7live on以為主食,靠生活;繼續(xù)存在,繼續(xù)活著 教材原句The customs and languages of the immigrants live on in their new home. 這些移民的風俗習慣以及語言在他們的新家都得以延續(xù)。,板塊二:短語和句型,live up to符合(標準),不負(盛名),履行(諾言) live with忍受,容忍 live through經(jīng)歷(艱難或險境) live a.life過的生活,The Irish used to live on a diet of potatoes. 愛爾蘭人過去用

21、馬鈴薯作為主食。 She died ten years ago but her memory_. 她十年前就去世了,但她卻留在人們的記憶中。 He has_two world wars. 他經(jīng)歷了兩次世界大戰(zhàn)。 He failed to_his parents expectations. 他辜負了父母的期望。 I just had to learn to_pain. 我不得不學會忍受痛苦。,答案: lives onlived throughlive up tolive with,8. make a life 習慣于新的生活方式、工作等;謀生 教材原句Some died or returned

22、home,but most remained in California to make a life for themselves despite great hardship. 有些人死了或回家了,但是大多數(shù)人留在加利福尼亞謀生,盡管困難重重。,(1)lead/live a.life過著的生活 lose ones life失去生命 come to life蘇醒 bring sb./sth.(back) to life給活力;使復活 lay down ones life (for sb./sth.)為獻身:犧牲生命 start/make a new life開始新生活 (2)make/ear

23、n a/ones living謀生,They settled down in Canada and made a life for themselves. 他們在加拿大定居下來,習慣新的生活方式。 When the girl finally _,we began to breathe easily. 這個女孩蘇醒后我們才放心。 The new teacher always _with his humor. 新來的老師總是用他的幽默把課上得生動活潑。 The local farmers can grow crops to_. 當?shù)氐霓r(nóng)民可以種莊稼謀生。,答案: came to lifebroug

24、ht the class to lifemake a living,9mark out畫線;標出界線 教材原句Theres a fascinating drive marked out for tourists. 有一種專為旅游者選定的駕車游活動。,mark vt.做記號;打分;慶祝;標志n痕跡;標記;分數(shù) mark.with.用給做標記 make a mark on在上做標記,They scratched lines in the dirt to mark out a pitch. 他們在地上劃出一個球場。 Youd better_each small area to see clearly

25、. 你最好能標出各個小區(qū),以便看得清楚些。 She marked the important words_. 她用紅色鉛筆標出了重要的詞。 He got_in maths test. 他在數(shù)學測驗中得了滿分。,答案:mark outwith a red pencila full mark,10take in 包括;吸收;收留;欺騙 教材原句Its a 79 km roundtrip that takes in all the famous tourist spots. 這是一次往返79公里的旅行,它包括了所有著名的旅游景點。 猜一猜觀察句子,寫出句中take in的含義 This is the

26、 total cost of the holiday,taking everything in._ Dont be taken in by products promising to make you lose weight quickly._ I found it easy to take in what the teacher had taught._ He was homeless,so we took him in._,答案: 包括欺騙理解收留,My writing career took off when I discovered my own style. 找到自己的寫作風格后,我

27、的寫作事業(yè)開始有起色了。 The old city has_ a new look. 這座古城呈現(xiàn)了新面貌。 Since Jerry is absent today,lets get someone else to_the work where it was left off yesterday. 由于杰瑞今天缺席,我們讓別人從昨天停下來的地方繼續(xù)做這項工作。,答案: taken ontake up,11a great/good many許多;很多 教材原句Saw some interesting temples here,a number of markets and a great man

28、y restaurants. 在這兒看到了一些有趣的寺廟,不少的集貿(mào)市場和大量的餐館。,The country has a great many problems that need urgent attention. 該國有許多急需關(guān)注的問題。 A great_students like music and sports. 很多學生都喜歡音樂和體育活動。 It seems that a_many of them are out of work now. 他們中的許多人現(xiàn)在似乎都失業(yè)了。 There is a great/good_of oil on the surface of the se

29、a after the accident. 事故后,海面上有大量的石油。 _reading English. 很多學生在讀英語。,答案:manygreat/gooddealMany a student is,12That is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language. 這就是今天有超過40%的加利福尼亞人把西班牙語作為第一或第二語言的原因。,(1)That is why.這就是為什么(why從句表示結(jié)果) (2)Thats because.這是因為(because從句表示原因)

30、 (3)The reason why.is/was that.的原因是(表語從句常用that引導,而不用because),He was ill.That was why he was absent from the meeting. 他病了,那就是他缺席會議的原因。 The boss scolded him.That was_he made the same mistake again. 老板責罵了他,那是因為他又犯了同樣的錯誤。 The reason_he was late for school was_he got up late. 他上學遲到的原因是他起床晚了。 One reason w

31、hy she prefers to live in the city is _ she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants. 她選擇住在城市的原因是她可以很容易地到一些地方,像商店、飯店。,答案:becausewhy;thatthat,13It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups,but

32、 simply a mixture of many races and cultures. 人們認為,要不了多久,多種國籍的混合將會非常之大,以致不可能存在一種明顯主要的種族或文化群體,而只是多種族、多文化的混合體。,Its believed that.“人們認為”。在該句型中,it是形式主語,that引導主語從句。 Its said that.據(jù)說 Its reported that.據(jù)報道 Its hoped that.大家希望 Its wellknown that.眾所周知 Its thought that.大家認為 Its suggested that.據(jù)建議,It is genera

33、lly believed that IT has both advantages and disadvantages. 人們普遍認為信息技術(shù)既有優(yōu)點又有缺點。 It is reported that the way people spend their holidays has changed a great deal in the past ten years. The way people spend their holidays_a great deal in the past ten years. 據(jù)報道在過去十年里人們度假的方式已改變了許多。,答案:is reported to ha

34、ve changed,14Built in 1873,the cable car system was invented by Andrew Hallidie,who wanted to find a better form of transport than horsedrawn trams. 纜車系統(tǒng)建立于1873年,是由安德魯海利迪發(fā)明的,他試圖找到一種比馬拉軌道車更好的交通方式。,Built in 1873為過去分詞短語作狀語。過去分詞短語通常在句中作時間、原因、條件、讓步、伴隨、方式等狀語。過去分詞通常與句子的主語構(gòu)成被動關(guān)系,或表示動作已完成。,Seated in his car,

35、he waved goodbye to all the people who came to see him off. 他坐在車上,向前來為他送行的所有人揮手告別。(表時間) _(give) enough time,he could do it better. 如果給他充足的時間,他可以做得更好。(表條件) Professor Li stood there,_(surround)by many students. 李教授站在那里,許多學生圍著他。(表伴隨) _(wound),the brave soldier continued to fight. 雖然受傷了,這位勇敢的戰(zhàn)士仍繼續(xù)戰(zhàn)斗。(表讓

36、步),答案:GivensurroundedWounded,根據(jù)漢語提示,用句末括號內(nèi)的英語單詞完成句子 1For whatever odd reason,I was into him,_all of my friends and family hated him.(despite) 不知因為什么古怪的原因,我就是被他迷住了,盡管我的朋友和家人都討厭他。 2In education we are striving not to teach youth to make a living,but_.(life) 教育不是為了教會青年人謀生,而是教會他們創(chuàng)造生活。,單元語法專練:,答案: 1.desp

37、ite the fact that2.to make a life,3For some reason we are satisfied when we think we are wellprotected;_ask ourselves:why has this happened?(occur) 出于某種原因,當我們覺得防范周密時就感到心滿意足;我們沒有問過自己:為什么會出現(xiàn)這種情況? 4The information highway will not only_with distant friends,it will also enable us to find new companions.

38、(keep) 信息高速公路將不僅會使與遙遠的朋友保持聯(lián)系變得更容易,而且還能使我們找到新的朋友。,答案:3.it doesnt occur to us to4.make it easier to keep up,5The Olympics of 776 BC was the first,for which there is a written record,but_these events existed before this.(believe) 公元前776年的奧運會是有文字記錄的第一屆,但據(jù)說在此之前這項運動就已經(jīng)存在了。 6The freight must be added to th

39、e cost of the goods and_the prices are higher.(why) 運費必須加到貨物的價格上面,這就是為什么這些貨物價格比較高的原因。,答案: 5.it is believed that6.thats why,7_in China,Japan and Taiwan,the East Asian islands at the center of an angry dispute are little more than remote shards of guanocovered rock.(call) 無論中國、日本和臺灣如何稱呼這些處于激烈爭議中心的東亞島嶼

40、,它們都不過是一些鳥糞覆蓋的巖石而已。 8Claims to the uninhabited islands_Senkaku or Diaoyu are complicated by past bitterness and modern interdependency between China and Japan.(know) 中日之間痛苦的過去和現(xiàn)代經(jīng)濟的相互依賴使無人居住的被稱作尖閣諸島或釣魚島的主權(quán)爭議變得更加復雜。,答案: 7.Whatever/ No matter what theyre called8.(which are) known as,9_a scholarship that I was able to graduate from my dream university.(apply) 正是因為我申請了獎學金我才得以從我理想中的大學畢業(yè)。 10_their fault to them did they realize it.(point) 直到我們指出了他們的錯誤,他們才意識到這點。,答案: 9.It was because I applied for10.Not until we pointed out,

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