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1、河南專升本英語真題及答案解析河南專升本英語真題及答案解析在專升本的考試中,英語是大多數(shù)需要考的科目,可謂是每個河南考生們的一塊心病。下面百分網(wǎng)小編整理了河南專升本英語真題,希望對你有所幫助!河南專升本英語真題單選部分1. He is very stubborn, it is impossible to argue _ what he doesn t want to.A. with him about B. against him about C. him into doing D. him to do2. Do you know the _ of the saying I just quote

2、d?A. resource B. source C. course D. cause3. -What do you think the noise was?-It _ a cat.A. may be B. might be C. could have been D. might have been4. -Does your father smoke?-_, it s 2 years since he _.A. Yes; smoked B. No; smoked C. Yes; smokes D. No; has smoked5. _ many times, but he still could

3、n t understand it.A. Having been told B. Having told C. He had been told D. Though he had been told6. Our teacher entered the classroom, _.A. a book in hand B. book in hand C. book in his hand D. a book in hands7. -This summer is very hot.-Yes, but it s not _ as hot as last summer.A. nearly B. almos

4、t C. near D. mostly8. When I came back, I saw him _ at the back of the classroom.A. sat B. seated C. seating D. seat9. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _ a sudden loud noise.A. being there B. there being C. should there be D. there was10. _ that saw the rise of qui

5、te a number of new writers.A. During the first half of the 18th centuryB. That it was in the first half of the 18th centuryC. It was in the first half of the 18th centuryD. It was the first half of the 18th century11. In the early morning all of us stood at the top of the mountain _ east of the city

6、, watching _burning sun rising.A. /; a B. the; a C. the; the D. /; the12. They may go swimming with us _ they arrive here in time.A. provided B. because C. unless D. even if13. When we are in a new place, we must _ our manners and try to follow the customs of the place.A. look out B. keep eyes out C

7、. mind D. put up with14. -How does our plan strike you?-It _. We can t think too highly of it.A. makes no sense B. is very practical C. all depends D. is just so so15. _ for the terrible coal mine accident, as the public thought, the mayor of the city felt nervous and was at a loss what to do.A. Hav

8、ing blamed B. He was to blame C. Being to be blamed D. Being to blame16. Didn t _ ever occur to you that such possibilities still existed?A. they B. it C. that D. this17. _, I really believe that I d prefer not to make any change now.A. Considered all the possibilitiesB. Taking all the possibilities

9、 into considerationC. Taken all the possibilities into considerationD. Giving all the possibilities18. -Why hasn t our English teacher been invited to the English Evening being held here now?-She _ an important article when I found her and she _it.A. had written; didn t finish B. was writing; hasn t

10、 finishedC. wrote; hasn t finished D. was writing; hadn t finished19. This book is said to be a special one, which _ many events not found in other history books.A. writes B. covers D. deals D. refers20. -I didn t take notes at yesterday s meeting because I had left my pen at home.-You _ mine, I _it

11、.A. must have borrowed/ wasn t using B. may have borrowed/ didn t useC. could have borrowed/ wasn t using D. should have borrowed/ hadn t used21. The palace is heavily guarded, because inside its walls _.A. where sit the European leaders B. the European leaders there sitC. sit the European leaders D

12、. that the European leaders sit22. My laptop computer, which no one can _, has been out of order for a week.A. get gone B. have to go C. get going D. have gone23. _, they had no chance of winning the war.A. As they fought bravely B. Bravely though they foughtC. Brave as they fought D. Now that they

13、fought bravely24. During the summer vocation we went back to the school _ to pay a visit to our teachers though it was _ hot.A. especially; in particular B. specially; especiallyC. special; especial D. particularly; specially25. -Why didn t you go to help her when she needed your help badly?-I would

14、 have, but I _ as busy as a bee then.A. would be B. had been C. was D. were26. _ your compositions carefully and some spelling mistakes can be avoided.A. Having checked B. Check C. If you check D. To check27. Which do you enjoy _ our weekend, fishing or watching TV?A. spending B. to spend C. being s

15、pent D. spend28. -She looks upset.-Yes, I d rather I _ her the bad news.A. didn t tell B. don t tell C. hadn t told D. wouldn t tell29. -Your plan is well designed.-Thank you. But I think it is far from _.A. perfect B. perfectly C. perfection D. to be perfect30. -What did you say?-So you _ to me.A.

16、won t listen B. didn t listen C. haven t listened D. weren t listening31. I d rather you _ there next week.A. went B. go C. should go D. had gone32. _ the production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.A. For B. As C. Because D. With33. _ to the research, the scientist even forgot

17、to have meals.A. Devoting B. Devoted C. Having devoted D. To devote34. You were stupid to climb up that big tree. You _ yourself.A. must have killed B. can have killedC. should have killed D. might have killed35. -Good afternoon, Madam. _?-No, can you help me please?-Yes, Madam. What are you looking

18、 for?- I d like to buy a needle.A. Are you waiting for me B. Would you like anything elseC. Have you been waited on D. What can I do for you36._ has taken away my notebook?A. Which of you B. Who of you C. Which you D. Who you37. By the end of this term, we _ 6,000 English words in all.A. will learn

19、B. will have learned C. learnt D. had learnt38. The boy was led _while crossing the road.A. in the hand B. by his hand C. by hand D. by the hand39. Can you think of some cases _ drivers obviously knew the traffic rules but didn t obey them?A. why B. where C. as D. which40. I lost my way in complete

20、darkness and, _ matters worse, it began to rain.A. made B. making C. to make D. having made答案: CBDBC BABCD AACBD BBBBC CCBBC BBCAD ADBDC ABDBC河南專升本英語翻譯改錯答題步驟:1、一般來說,做題時千萬不要拿起來就改。先花一、兩分鐘從頭到尾通讀全文,對文章大致內容有所了解,做到心中有數(shù)。2、然后把重點放在有錯誤項的標題號行,尋找較容易辯認的語法錯誤,如主謂不一致、時態(tài)、語態(tài)使用錯誤、非謂語動詞錯誤等等。3、如果錯行中不存在上述明顯錯誤,則應查看是否有詞語搭配

21、錯誤,易混詞錯誤、詞性錯誤等等細節(jié)錯誤。4、如果錯行中既不存在語法錯誤,也不存在詞匯錯誤,則從整體上查看上下文意思是否連貫,連接詞是否使用正確,是否有邏輯混亂的現(xiàn)象,如否定句誤用成肯定句造成句意不通等。注意:有時沒有錯項的行對改錯很有幫助。5、找到錯誤項之后,按要求形式進行改正、刪去或增添,并設法找到一個正確項使句子在語法、語義和邏輯上都成立。1. They hadn t been out for long _ she felt sick in the stomach. A. as B. when C. while D. though2. The work should be given to

22、 _ you think can finish it ahead of time.A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever3. The shop owner will get all these goods ordered _ to the customers today.A. to deliver B. delivering C. deliver D. delivered4. Can you _ the differences between the two pictures?A. tell B. talk C. speak D. say5. If you

23、keep practicing your son in football, he _ to be a football player.A. wants B. hopes C. wishes D. promises6. _ singer and _ dancer is also good at drawing. A. The; a B. The; the C. A; a D. The; /7. _ the fact that there was thick fog, he drove his car out.A. Although B. No matter C. Despite D. In sp

24、ite8. Mary smiled _ her mother did when she was Mary s age. A. as if B. what C. the way D. that9. In such dry weather, the flower will have to be watered if they _.A. have survived B. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive10. You should make it a rule to leave things _ you can find them aga

25、in easily.A. when B. where C. that D. in the place11. The cloth _ fine, but _ well.A. looks; doesn t wash B. looks; isn t washed C. is looked; doesn t wash D. is looked; isn t washed12. The theory that he stuck _ true.A. to prove B. proved C. to proved D. to proving13. I _ from the crowed an old fri

26、end of mine whom I hadn t seen for 10 years.A. figured out B. picked out C. gave out D. went out14. -Who gave you this message?-A man _ himself Mr Zhang.A. called B. calls C. is called D. calling15. The police got to _ was once an old yard that the workers used as a store.A. what B. where C. that D.

27、 which16. The door _. Better have it repaired.A. isn t shut B. hasn t been shut C. won t be shut D. won t shut17. If you want to see a doctor, you d better make an appointment with him. This is a common _ in the USA.A. sense B. practice C. habit D. attitude18. You can come to the dance _ you dress.A

28、. whatever B. whichever C. whether D. however19. We got near a garden, _ owner sitting in it.A. its B. whose C. that D. which20. They lost their way in the forest and _ made matters worse was that night began to fall.A. it B. that C. what D. which21. If the horse won today, it _ 30 races in five yea

29、rs.A. would have won B. won C. must have won D. has won22. It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science.A. as art much as B. much an art as C. as an art much as D. as much an art as23. Mr Black, _ who we all admire, is a kind but strict teacher.A. the one B. one C. it D. as24. The fin

30、e day _ our pleasure, we had a good time in the country.A. added up B. added in C. added up to D. added to25. -Do you know _ English for 辣妹?-I m afraid not. I m not interested in _ English language.A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D. /; /26. I read about it in some book or other. Does it matter _ it

31、was?A. where B. what C. how D. which27. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _ I disagree.A. why B. where C. what D. how28. -Did Jack come back early last night?-Yes, it was not yet eight o clock _ he arrived home.A. before B. when C. that D. until29. Understanding the cultural

32、habits of another nation, especially _ containing as many different subcultures as the united states, is very difficult.A. one B. that C. some D. the one30. The noise of the machine _ can be heard in our classroom.A. fixed B. to be fixed C. being fixed D. having been fixed31. There is _ what the wea

33、ther will be like tomorrow.A. no knowing B. not known C. not knowing D. no known32. Words _ me when I wanted to express my thanks to him for having saved my son from the burning house.A. left B. discouraged C. disappointed D. failed33. Her sister has become a lawyer, _ she wants to be.A. which B. wh

34、o C. what D. that34. It is often said that _ teachers have _ very easy life.A. the; a B. /; / C. /; a D. the; /35. This _ girl is Linda s cousin.A. pretty little Spanish B. Spanish little prettyC. Spanish pretty little D. little pretty Spanish36. -You know, Bob is a little slow _ understanding, so&h

35、ellip;-So I have to be patient _ him.A. in; to B. on; with C. in; with D. at; for37. I really can t understand _ her like that.A. you treat B. you to treat C. why treat D. you treating38. I send you 100 dollars today, the rest _ in a year.A. follows B. followed C. to follow D. being followed39. _ in

36、 the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.A. Having lost B. Lost C. Being lost D. Losing40. The manager, _ it clear to us that he didn t agree with us, left the meeting room.A. who has made B. having made C. made D. Making答案:BCDAD DCCBB ACBDA DBDAC ADBDA DBBA

37、C ADACA CDCBB河南專升本公共英語;備考流程基礎階段-9-12月份人正所謂得英語者得天下,得閱讀者得英語;,在基礎階段,考生們要在復習詞匯、語法的基礎上開始著手真題的練習了。閱讀要一馬當先,最先深入真題。先完成英語一歷年真題的閱讀部分。此階段最好將2007-2016十年真題的閱讀部分完成第一輪。提高階段:1-4月份1、本階段要重點記憶單詞、鞏固語法。2、對真題,同樣要對閱讀部分進行具體研究,總結真題閱讀中的考點、難點,對命題方向有所了解,在閱讀中積極聯(lián)想所背誦單詞的含義,同時用閱讀鞏固單詞的記憶,完成閱讀部分的第二輪練習。強化階段:5月上中旬1、按照計劃繼續(xù)完成單詞的背誦,形成自己獨

38、特的記憶技巧,總結出以混淆、易出錯的單詞,方便閱讀查看。對于真題的研究,要在進行第二輪的閱讀理解訓練的前提下, 增加翻譯部分的訓練。2、值得注意的是,翻譯的難度不同,考生在完成英語的翻譯部分時還是以掌握知識點為主,不要在正確率上較真;,可與翻譯真題穿插練習。沖刺階段:5月下旬在沖刺階段,專升本英語需要開始進行定量的模擬題訓練,嚴格保證模擬時間與真正專升本英語的考試時間相一致,在模擬練習中不翻閱資料,不給自己延長做題時間,嚴格要求自己。專升本英語的作文也要在此階段進行重點訓練,仔細研究范文,整理詞匯運用、固定搭配及篇章結構的安排,堅持將作文訓練落實到紙上。在完成大量真題后,綜合前期復習中好詞句,完成專升本英語大、小作文的萬能模板。此外,還要堅持單詞的記憶,著重復習高頻詞匯并堅持匯總生詞難詞。臨考階段:6月初-考前臨考前已經(jīng)不存在什么正確率提高之間的比拼了,考生們這段時期完全是心態(tài)的比拼??忌鷤円皶r調整心態(tài),全面回顧專升本英語復習期間的心得總結,結合前期的錯題及復習筆記,進行知識點的查漏補缺,要穩(wěn)中有序的度過臨考階段。

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