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7 積分





1、國家開放大學電大專科人文英語12021期末試題及答案(試卷號:3895)盜傳必究一交際用語(共計10分,每小越z分)】一5 BL選擇正確的語句完成下列對話,并將答案序號寫在答島紙上。I. What is your major?A. Li MeLR A freshmnn.C Educatioru2. Mny I know your address?A. I have no idea.B. Sure. Here you arc.C. Sorry. Kvr forgotten.3. Hi* Tom hows everything with you?, and how are you?A. Dont

2、mention itK Hm. not too badC. Thanks4. 1 cun show you around, if you like.A Goq)lcaM!*B Sure. Thank you.C- ! dont like it at all.5. Hi! Mow are you doing?A. Pm doing well-B. Thats all right.C. How are you doing?二, uart:與培構(共計3。分他小朋2分)6_約1|;閩或下而的句子,從A.IIJ三個選璃中選出一個贓堵入空白處的正逸璃,并將答 案序號可在答!峨上.6 She _ tcnc

3、hrr in Shnnhnt Iani yearAMB.wonC. were7. London imcaphaI al Hritmne nnd h mgmm city, toththefl* thc fC the* a& i Dm vid from?一 I think hcfa nn Arnertenn. But Im not yure.A. WhatK WhereC How,Linienl Thr Imhy in the next room# criatB. criedC i* cryinglu. I hiiw him mid Mmwm小 hr wg roiiKht by the poher

4、.A/siIcaIH. stoleC. stolen11 They!)nir docinl work nt thr wrrkcrirls.A. drxjnU. didC. du】? I hr highrr the? Irmpcruturr_ thr liquid rvnpdrttlcH.A. the UwterB faiitcrG the nlowrrl:L Wv con ft (ird a hicyclts n canA ?ven if11 tet nloneC let outLt血 win*Iue5 thie* is her lnt chancr.A- l(.orB. Whcthrro.o

5、rC. Whrthr.etir not15. The gunmnn iood the theatre and uhoot at the tudimice inside.A. nt the front ofB. in front o( on frcmi of|6. Hrher n brnutiful hat on hrr next binhdHy.A. givesK in Koing to giveCt nvcIT-八 itudrnr will probnbly ultrnd (cmr or five cmir durinw EchA. ncmenterB seminarC M?AonIB. H

6、r UNually _ from headneh.K receives19* The traffic accidentthree dny,ago.A. took placeB. happrn*C. was occurredA. cndurrMC sufferti20. They must try toA. extendthr boundarir of knowledgr.H increase( enrich三閱讀建筆(共40分,每小題4分)21-25讀短文,從AJI.CS個選項中毋出一個正稿答案,并將答案序號耳在答網紙上。Ten workers in China pushed their Ix

7、e、car three mile? home after n office party because they were al! too drunk to drive. The group was rnjoying a nicu! at ti rcMnurnnt in (lowniuwn ChAnKchun* Jilin Province (northeast China). When the pwrty wan over* Bom Zhnnn Fci (uund that he was too drunk to drive. Then suddenly they rcnhxed nobod

8、y hnd Muycd Mber enough io drive his rnnDrink driving wm lifted os a dangrrouM offence in China in 2014,rsp. when the driver is drunk Thwc who breitk the hw will have their driving lkcne revoked Thut nil len quickly ugrerd and m off with Zhnng al the whccL All ten workers pushed their bossf cur home

9、 through the my MtrertHt laughing nnd ningins dnririK the 45-mimnr journey. Pnsscr by were shocked to *vr the group.Traffic oHtccrM twiltl (hat m long “ the carf * rnginr wux not running* it would not be clnssed “ drink driving utulcr thr law. Huwtrver. it mill very dangerous for no ninny people W p

10、uth the enr along the roadt a* it may cause trnffie accident2Iworkrrjt in Chtrw pushed ihcir hews15 car home in _minutrsA. 45.1022. Ilrink driving was listed n* u dnriKeruuM offence in Chino inA. 201323. Those who break thr Inw ninyA not have their driving IscvnNc revokedH not hcc n heavy (inc21.pu*

11、hm !hr r/ir Along the rnml would not br clnMNrrl nn drink driving brcuimr.A. thr cnr ctiginr we not runniriH& thpMe people didnt drinkthere wrrr mi fHihcr )n the roftd35. W nnnnuncr thnt the winner o( ihi* yrnrn 1 curhing Awnrd got?* Bi Dr- Mnttr Dagcruiiiu Dn DagennUt graduated from UnivcrMt de Mon

12、treal In 383. She bccanir an A叩mm ProfeHor in lhe Faculty in 19&8 In 2000 she wm appointed a Amghiic Dtmn. n very ituparhinl ndr tn thr Earnhy- In 2001 nhc wns appointrtl to /Xnocintr ProlcMor fd brcnnu Prokfjinr five yrnri Utct Eor many yrnm Mhr hn* hv!d impartani rolm in rhe AnnoclAiton of rmcliin

13、i: and rrbngt including being PrcMidrnl ofhi AMSociaiion in 2005 2006 Siniilorlv mKc hnn Bern heavily involved with thr Amcncnn Answinliwn al Distance Edurntion ntul war thnt Associationf n Prcxidenf during 2008 2011. She h” aino held a number of leaderahip rolen in the Com mission on Lifelong Educa

14、tion of Amcricnt one of tbr muM importain ornnixatinn in nduh eduention.Thi. in an incnniplctr li.wt af mime of the countless importrtnt ralcw Dagenni* h。、had both wnhm the I Inivcrnity anil bryond in the Grid ol tiititnci edurnHon In America. Shr h n very worthy winner of thi* yrnrf h Teaching Awnr

15、rL26. Mnrir is thr winner o( lhi ycurn Teaching Awzd.27. Mafic Knidunicd from Ynlr UnivrrMty in 19832R Mnrir wiim nppotntr! to Professor in 200(k29. Mrtnv was the President of Atncricnn AjiMOcianon ol Disuncr Eduention hiring 2009 201L30. Mnrir has nwidr m greai rontribiinon io American dintance cdu

16、cotiorh四、H律(共2()分q小分)31-35 18:逸擇正確的譚文.并將答*序號局在答HtK031. I want to know whrn hr i Icovinit for Nrw York tomorrow.A我他時大么時候劫42W!的.H我IB知jfi他明大什么時候肉肝圳灼.c. fitffi Wifl他WK fl么時候正在iitil也32. He foe燈d his mind on lu lcsc)n.A.他按時做功課.I七他把心思伽中在功l h.C.他一JX在做功課.33. BrrukinK lc* i K()ol wxy to ninke frirnch.A. 打破冰面

17、A:的辦*B. 敏冰隊做朋友的好辦法,C打破朋友的好辦法.31. I)riink driving in x(lnriKcron offrtu r.a. nma,忡危險的攻擊B. fll沖危險的W行.c Mttft-仲危險的nm.35. Hi” yJU kmm I h*d to mivc up thr chuncr 小皿2分)1 一518 :選擇正戰(zhàn)的借旬完成下列對話.并將答案序號罵在答H紙上。|4 C2. B3. H4. B5 AXtfUC與靖構(共計30分.督小11 2分)6_?0flh(讀下面的句子從AJLC三個逸瑣中選出一個雌填入空白處的正確迭項并將答案序號冠在答H帳上.6. B7. C. B9. C0. AIL C12. A1416. A|. B17a AIB. C19. A 20. A三、80讀理解(共0分.但小H 分)21 25蛾:閱俄如文.從A.H.C三個逃瑣中逸出一個正確答客.并將答案序號耳在答H儂上。21. C 22. H 23. C 24. A 26, H263f)flh靖根!短文內容判嘶餡出的培句是否正確.正的弟,ttliR的阿弁將答案 羽在答司嫌上.26. T 27. F2土 T29. F30. T四. !母(共20分旭小IM分)31 35 M :選擇正確的俸文并將答寓序號珂在答購餓上,3i. A 32. H33. C34. H; 35. C

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