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1、國家開放大學(xué)電大本科高級英語閱讀(2)2019-2020期末試題及答案(試卷號:1354)Section I NewWordsAl Match each vocabulary word on the left with the correct definition on the right (3 pointseach)L aMhmatic2. chronic3. indoor pollutants4. inhaler5. injection6. long-haired pets7. outdoor pollutsnts8. respiratory illness9. triggers10 ve

2、hiclesA. asthmaB. buses and trucksC. cats and dogsD. causes a reactionEL chemicals, dust, and nmogF. cigarette smoke dirt, insectsG conuins medicine for BsthmnticsH. having difficulty brenthingI. medicine given under skin with needleJ over a long period of timeBj Fill in the blanks with words from t

3、he box below. (3 points each)called founded region traditional cultureroutes under experts project technologyToday, there is new intercs! in the history and 11 of the Silk Rond* which the famous Chinese-American musician Yo-Yo Ma has 12 the Internet of nntiquity11. New13 is helping us to learn more

4、about this ancient Irnenwt”. Special radar on the space shuttle jiIIqwn archAeologints to: sice objects and ruined cities 1-2 meters 14 the dry dcMert sumdt for cxnmplc. Tourists now come from all over rhe world to follow the old trade15 And 16 want to make *ure that the cuntomK in the vast 17 do no

5、t die out as the world modernircs To this endt Yo-Yo Ma has 18 the Silk Road 19 which encourages the living arts of these 2。 lands* The result is that the people along the ancient Silk Road continue to learn from each other.around the world. People with ditabilitiet are no longer ignored or inntttut

6、ioruiliiedi they wrr part oi a lively community of upectal people who arc now able to contribute to society.For each question! choose the Ixnt answer based on the reading pasaa”. Write A. H. C or D on yovr Answer Sheet.2L People with Down syndrome.A. huve wide faceIt have wlantcd cyeC. arc mrntnlly

7、rctnrdedIX all o( the abovewomen over 35D. over 800 women22. More trnhim with DS lire born toA. women o( any age(X women over 8023. IDEA* the law parsed in 1975. Mated thatA. all children with diiuibiliticm had right to an educution B Rome chooln were required to offer pecial cIambchC. collcxes had

8、to teach apectal education teachern hud to learn new methods24. Because of speciil education children grew up andA. could support themelveaK had to be kepi nt home.Q had to be kept in ivmtitutioniuIl had to kam as much as normnl children.25. The Special OlympicsA i* always held in ChicagoB has 11000

9、 participAntiiC h” millionn of participantsfX wan held once in 1968Reail the pafuigc. Ilicn un*wcr the questions that follow. (3 points esch)Asthmi*A Renpiratory illneASCA Much Mthmn have increased Rrcatly in the past few decades It is estimated that 5% of the population in the United States has nst

10、hmn. which is a chronic dtscase* that it alkctsi perwn over lon period of lime. It may l,forr a child is )0 yearA old, or il may beftin in adulthood. Childhcxxi ARthma usually diMpprarnSection II Kcsding ComprehensionlA Red the passage. Then answer the questions that follow. (5 points each)Disabilit

11、iesDown syndrome ( DS is a genetic disorder caused by an extn rhromoxame. Humana normally have 23 pairjt of chromosomes or 46 however, people wit卜 DS huvc 47. The infanu typically have n wide face, short neck, slanted eyes, and arc rnn】hHy rclarded, that 2, with low intelligence. They are likrly to

12、have kidney or heart problems, and adults rarely live beyond 50 years, but they are Renerally happy people with optimistic personalitiesB It is possible (or a woman of any ngc to have a baby with DS. but it occurs more oftcn in older women. For oil women, the rnte is one baby with DS our of 800 born

13、, but thin increases to one out of 80 for women over 35. So doctors suggest that women in this age gup get tested for the condition if they become pregnant. Besides DS. there are several other disabilities that are caused by mistakes9 in our genes.C Ys% go. children with difuibilities couldn t atten

14、d public schooh or get Jbs*Thcy usu a competition for children and adults with disabilities, were held for fhe firMt lime in Chicago. Illinois, with 1.000 portidpani Today they flFC 購d w”y mher year, with 2. 25 million athletes partieipatmff in 150 cnimrrU, around the age of 20. but adults who get i

15、l later may have it nil their live.B People who suffer from thmii have dilGcuhy breathing because the airways in their lungs contract when a trigRer caubcb a reaction* Among the tngKers o( asthma are indoor und outdoor pollutantHt accordlnR to doctors. Since pollution hnn become more common, the num

16、ber of people affected by this disorder han risen. Indoor pollutantR include dRarctte smoke, dirt, inlets, and even pets like dogii or aitiu Outdoor polluunls include chemieab* dust* and amog thnt U smoke from factories or transport vehicles like bws nd truck*.c People with awthma uiiuolly carry an

17、inhaler in car of on attwek. This inhaler contains medicine that they breathe in making the contracted nirwaya in the lung# expand no that they enn hreathr normally For n few people with wcverc ailhma. mc!icinc can mIo be given by injection ,in other words it cun be applied under ihe *kin with a nce

18、tilr every few weeks to prevent attacks#DWhile it ib not poMible to cure thia condition people who nuffer from it ArcadviMcd to avoid polluUntfu Parents with aathmAtic children are told not to Atnoke In the houe and not to keep long haired pots. They need to clean the houfte (requcnily and keep it (

19、rce of inncciiu Aithmutic adult* are told to nvoid outdoor arenii with a lot of pollution nnd working environments with a lot of chcmtcals#E ScicnhBtn continue to sejirch (or a cure for anthmitt but inatead of waitinK for one# people with Msthma can take an nctivc role in protectinK themselves. By a

20、voiding nmhm triRger%* carryinic an inh*kr livinn in n clenn* Bmokr-frec house* inDecide whether the rolhminx Mtttrmrntx arc true or hds. Write I for True and far Fnlc un the Annwcr Sheet.26. (Childhood umhmii uaually Appcnrii when childrrn nrc 5.27. Asthma attAcka may be triggered by chcfnic:ali an

21、d nmoK t(1ok and caU nnd dut und tnucctii.28. To control anthmat rnoni people carry inhalcrii29. To nvoid having aMthrnu Attackse people enn keep (inh or tunics petM.30 Athmtic uhould wait for cicnn19. project20 trodittonnla! For each question, chcxxM? the best answer bicd on the reading pnnaxc. (5 points rich)21. D22. B23. A2. A25. CB Decide whelhcr the following statementB nrc true or Write MTH for True and 卜forFata* on the Answer Sheet. (3 points each)26. F27. T2B. T29. T30e F

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