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1、Period Learning notes for Task & Project【 Learning goals】1.Learning some new words: possession; means; obtain; commitment; remind; barrier; angle2.Learning and reviewing some expressions: break down; get hold of; make a difference【 Language focus】Task:1. possession n.U 所有, 有;復(fù)數(shù) ,所有物v.possess【用法提示】(

2、似表達: charge)(Sb.) take possession of 有(Sb.) be in possession of 有(sth.) be in the possession of為 所有【 一 】(1) Their family home andwere destroyed in the terrible earthquake.(2) After his father s death, Awardthe castle in 1947.The castlefor over 60 years ever since.(3) I amsome information that I thin

3、k will interest you.(4) He is a fighter whoboth wisdom and courage.2. (P59) One of the major problems facing the children living in the remote mountainous areas is poverty(1) 分析黑體和劃 部分的成分。(2)Sb. face sth. = Sb be faced with sth. = Sth. face sb某人面 某事;某事 在某人面前【 一 】(1)The problem of air quality _ the g

4、overnment has already been put on the agenda.A. faceB. faced withC. facingD. faced(2)_ with such a difficult situation, the young man decided to turn to his boss for help.A. FacingB. To faceC. FacedD. Having faced(3)Faced with a bill for 10,000,_.A. John has taken on an extra job C. an extra has bee

5、n takenB. the boss has given John an extra jobD. an extra job has been given to John3. means n. 方法,手段 復(fù)同形 ; , 力,收入【復(fù)數(shù)】【用法提示】交通方式a means of transportation做某事的方法means of doing通 種方法by this means借助于某物;用某種方法by means of sth當然可以by all means 不,一點都不by no means【 一 】(1)Every possible means( try) so far but in

6、vain.(2)A degree isan essential qualification for a journalist.(3) -Could I use your dictionary?-Yes, _.A. you couldB. by all meansC. youve got itD. Im using it myself【 想拓展】 復(fù)同形的名 有means, sheep, deer, fish, series , species , Chinese, Japanese, works工(廠 )。4. obtain vt . (尤指 努力 ) 得, 得obtain details /

7、 my parents permission / passports 通 努(力, 求或要求才得到)acquire knowledge / skills / the habit of doing/a new BMW (通 不斷地學或 得知 技能,或養(yǎng)成 等; 得, 得)5. break down第 1頁【用法提示】(1) 出故障,拋 ( 2)(關(guān)系, )失 ( 3)(健康狀況) 劣; ( 4)感情失去控制Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.雙方 判已 破裂。Her health broke down under the pre

8、ssure of work.工作的 力使她的身體 了?!?一 】(1)He tried to deal with the ever-increasing burden of his work, but finally _ and had to take a complete rest.A. broke awayB. broke upC. broke downD. broke out(2)The computer system suddenly _ while he was searching for information on the Internet.A. broke downB. bro

9、ke outC. broke upD. broke in(3)They got married one month before the civil war _.A. broke downB. broke outC. broke throughD. broke off【拓展 】break out ( 爭或疾病 ) 爆 break through 突破,突 break up打碎;(關(guān)系)破裂;(會 ) 止; (學校)放假break away 逃脫;脫離break off 停止(尤指 ) ;斷 (關(guān)系) ,中斷 break in( 尤指 盜竊而 ) 入break into尤(指 盜竊而 ) 入 ;

10、 開始做(笑,哭,唱等)= burst into sth.Project:1. commitmentn.【用法提示】C 承 ,保 make a commitment to do = promise to doU 投入,奉獻We re looking for someone with a real sense of commitment to the job.我 在 找 此工作真正能盡 盡 的人。v. commit(committed, committed, committing)(1) 犯,做 (不合法、 的或愚蠢的事 )commit suicide; commit murder; commi

11、t a mistake/ an error自 ; 犯兇 案 ; 犯 (2) 使承擔 ;向某人(自己)保 commit sb/oneself to sth/ doing sth(3) 使 投入,奉獻commit oneself to sth/ doing = be committed to sth./ doing= devote oneself to sth/doing = be devoted to sth./ doing【 一 】(1)By signing the lease( 租 ), we made a _ to pay a rent of 150 a week.A. contribut

12、ionB. commitmentC. commissionD. comment(2)_ himself to the cause of education, he spares no time for his family.A. CommittedB. Be committedC. CommittingD. Having committed(3)_ to the cause of education is the main reason why he wins his students respect.A. CommittedB. Having committedC. Being commit

13、tedD. Committing2. chaos U 混亂;紊亂【用法提示】be in chaos;leave sth in chaosThe earthquake has caused chaos in the town. 因地震小 混亂不堪。The burglars left the house in chaos. 竊 將屋子弄得一 糟。【 想拓展】mess n. ,凌亂 ; 的人或不整 的事be (in) a mess; leave sth. in a mess第 2頁His papers on the desk were in a complete mess. 他 桌上的文件亂極了。3

14、. vacant adj . 空著的,未被占用的; ( 位)空缺的; (神情)茫然, (心靈)空虛的(1) a vacant seat/ table/ rooma vacant position/ seata vacant expression/ look(2) Since everyone would like to find an apartment near the school, there are very few _apartments in the area.A. free B. vacant C. empty D. reserved 4. shelter n. 住所;藏身之 a

15、shelter 一個 避身 a bus shelter公交 候 亭a bomb shelter 比: shadow n.shallow adj.5. remind vt. 提醒,使想起【用法提示】remind sb. of sth. 某人想起 /意 到某人(某物)remind sb. to do/remind sb that -clause 提醒某人注意某事/做某事【 想拓展】警告某人某事指 某人某事治愈某人的疾病 某人某物是某人 脫 通知某人某事【 一 】(1) Our teacher often reminds us(不要亂扔垃圾).(2)(假使 )I forget, please rem

16、ind me(我的 言 ).(3)_ not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.A. RemindingB. RemindedC. To remindD. Having reminded6. barrier n. 障礙,隔 ;屏障,障礙物【用法提示】a barrier to 的障礙(=a block to sth. )消除隔 break down barriers(1) The fans broke through the barrier and rushed onto the

17、 pitch( 球 ).(2) Disability need not be a barrier to a successful career.(3) We are trying to break down barriers between the young from both communities.7. get hold of【用法提示】(1) 知(通常 不 之事)Where did you get hold of that idea that he was leaving?(2) 抓住(= catch / take hold of)I managed to get hold of th

18、e cup before it fell. 我 法抓住了杯子才未使它掉落。【 想拓展】 : holdv. 抓??;容 ; ;持 點vi. ,持 ; 持下去;(打 )不掛斷vt. 抓住 ; 保留vt. 伸出 , 出,拿出; ,持 vt. 起;阻止,使延 【高考 接】(1)We thought of selling this old furniture, but we veit. Itdecidedmght beto valuable. ( 2019 全國 )A. hold on toB. keep up withC. turn toD. look after(2)The traffic was _

19、 for more than half an hour, which caused me to arrive late.A. held outB. held onC. held outD. held up(3)We want to rent a bus which can _ 40 people for our trip to Beijing.(2019 天津 )第 3頁A. loadB. holdC. fillD. support8. angle n. 角度【用法提示】從不同角度from different angles以 /成一定角度 at an angle(1)The tower of

20、Pisa leans at an angle.(2)It is suggested that we(從不同的思 角度看待 個 ).9. 集體名 staff, family, class, team, group, government, committee, audience 等。 作主 , 謂語動詞可用 數(shù)或復(fù)數(shù), 具體情況而定。如果是作 一個整體看待 用 數(shù),如果 成集體的成 用復(fù)數(shù)。Staff are encouraged to use the library for professional self-development.The teaching staff of our scho

21、ol is/are excellent.10. make a difference 有關(guān)系(作用、影響)【用法提示】(sth.) make a (some, much, no, little ) difference to sb. / sth.(1) ( 某人/ 某事)有( )影響 次 了她很大影響。This experience.只要我 每個人盡自己的一份力,我 將 我 周 的人和世界 生很大的影響。As long as each of us does our bit, we willsurelythe people and the worldaround us.(2)( 某人/ 某事)重要

22、、要 ( 我無關(guān) 要) whether you remain or leave.【考點 】(1) They are now in great need of help. Your support will certainly make a _.A. dealB. decisionC. pointD. difference(2) It seems that living green iseasy and affordable. A small step masks a big difference.A. exactlyB. fortunatelyC. surprisinglyD. hardly(

23、3) In our daily life, everyone fails every now and then. It is how you react that makes a _.A. developmentB. differenceC. progressD. significance11. (L11)So the situation is completely different here,as are the problems.【用法提示】 , as + be/ do/ can 主+ , 表示 “也一 ”,( = and so + 倒裝)。句中使用倒裝 序,表示前面 述的肯定情形適用于

24、另一人(物) ?!咀⒁狻恳韵戮渥油?。His parents often reach out to those in need, as.His parents often reach out to those in need, and.His parents often reach out to those in need. So.【比 】So I do.So do I.I do so.【考點 】(1) He works as a driver now, as(他父 退休前也是司機).(2) The teacher asked me to speak loudly in class and(我

25、就照著做了).(3) -The task proved to be tougher than expected.-(的確如此) .12. (L13) Instead of the sand blowing everywhere, there is mud and water everywhere, making it difficult to travel from place to place .第 4頁(L21)The water makes it difficult for the cuts and wounds to get better and easy for bacteria t

26、o spread. 【用法提示】(1) 句中 making it .v-ing 做 果狀 從句。(2) make it difficult (for sb.) to do 構(gòu),其中 it是形式 , difficult 是 足 ( OC),真正 是(for sb.) to do 。當 是不定式、 doing 短 或 that-從句,且 些 后 跟上 足 (常由形容 、名 充當) ,需要用it 作形式 ,將真正 移到 足 之后,構(gòu)成“v. + it +OC + 真正 ”句型 構(gòu)。可用于此句型的 有:consider, think, make, find, feel, imagine, believ

27、e 等。例如:【考點 】(1)Nowadays people sometimes separate their waste to make it easier for it _.A. reusingB. reusedC. reuseD. to be reused(2)I don t think _ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A. thisB. thatC. itD. them(3)The teacher simplified the question he asked to make it ea

28、sily _.A. understood by his studentsB. for his students to understandC. for his students understanding itD. to be understood by his students(4) - Dont you think _ necessary that he should not be sent to Miami but to New York?- I agree, but the problem is _ he has refused to.A. that; thatB. what; tha

29、tC. it; thatD. it; what(5) Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, _ a record $57.65 a barrel on April 4.( 05山 卷)A. have reachedB. reachingC. to reachD. to be reaching13. (L38) so I am finding that my job is not limited to being a nurse.【用法提示】(1) limit sth: limit the number

30、of visitors/cars(2) limit sb /sth. to sth. / doing sth. sb/sth. be tolimitedsth/ doing Nowadays, cloning is limited to plants and animals. The local governmentof 30students. (承 將每個班學生數(shù)限于至多30 個). Nuclear development of China is limited to( 自我防 ).(3) adj. limited有限的 :充分利用有限的自然 源【 想拓展】be+形容 (含 去分 )+介 t

31、o+ 名 be addicted to doing sth.沉溺于做某事, 做某事上 be equal to doing sth等于做某事,能 任做某事be used to doing sth 于做某事be accustomed to doing 于做某事be opposed to doing sth反 做某事be reduced to doing sth使某人 做某事be devoted/committed to doing sth致力于做某事14. (L44)When I think back to all the experiences that I have had around th

32、e world since joining Doctorswithout Borders , I feel that I have been very lucky to be able to help others and do something worthwhile. 【用法提示】(1) think back to =(2) since 此 介 ,后跟名 或 名 做 。但 since 也可做 , 里 since joining能 成since第 5頁I joined。.注意:當 since 做 引 狀 從句 生省略 象 , since 即成 介 ,后面只能跟 doing 或 being d

33、one 做 。有相同用法的 有before 和 after.【考點 】1) Since _, the Ming Tombs have been under the umbrella of the local government.A. unearthed ( 掘 )B. be unearthedC. being unearthedD. unearthing2) The patient was not permitted to eat anything before _.A. being operated onB. operated onC. being operatedD. operating

34、 on隨堂 The United Nations was set up in 1945. It is an internationalorganization/morethan 190 countries ( 是一個由190 多個國家 成的國 ). It plays an important role in keeping worldpeace,(使人 更容易解決政治 爭). Besides, the UnitedNations carries out quite a few programmes in some poor countries,( 些 目有助于 些國家的 展).the UN has done makes( 合國的工作 人 的生活 來了巨大的影響).第 6頁

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