
四川省綿陽市2019中考英語總復習 第二篇 語法突破篇 語法專題03 代詞課件.ppt

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四川省綿陽市2019中考英語總復習 第二篇 語法突破篇 語法專題03 代詞課件.ppt_第1頁
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四川省綿陽市2019中考英語總復習 第二篇 語法突破篇 語法專題03 代詞課件.ppt_第3頁
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《四川省綿陽市2019中考英語總復習 第二篇 語法突破篇 語法專題03 代詞課件.ppt》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《四川省綿陽市2019中考英語總復習 第二篇 語法突破篇 語法專題03 代詞課件.ppt(31頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、綿陽專版 PART TWO第二篇 語法突破篇語法專題(三)代詞 【中考考點】(1)人稱代詞和物主代詞的不同形式及用法。(2)反身代詞和指示代詞的人稱和數(shù)的變化。(3)不定代詞和疑問代詞的基本用法。 1.分類人稱代詞有人稱、數(shù)、格的變化。詳見下表:考點一人稱代詞 me usyou youhimsheit they 2.用法You cannot eat your cake and have it.魚與熊掌, 不可兼得。Tell him to call back a little later.告訴他過一會兒再打電話來。 Who gave out the news? 誰把消息傳出去的?Its I/me

2、.是我。 【拓展】 (1 )幾個人稱代詞并列時的次序 (2)it的用法可代替前面提到過的事物,也可代替可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞。This is a watch. It is new.這是一塊手表,它是新的。指時間、天氣、距離等。Its eight oclock in the evening.現(xiàn)在是晚上8點鐘。What are you going to do on Sunday?周日你們打算做什么?If it is cool, we will go climbing with our friends.如果天氣涼爽,我們將和朋友去爬山??纱鎰釉~不定式作句中的形式主語或形式賓語,也可 用于某些固定

3、句式中。Its+adj./n.(+for/of sb.)+to do sth.(it作形式主語) sb. find(s)/think(s) it+adj.+to do sth.(it作形式賓語)Take it easy. (it用于固定句式中)放輕松。hard for me the homework on time. 對我而言,按時完成作業(yè)是困難的。We think it helpful a walk after supper.我們認為晚飯后散步有益。him three days to finish reading the book.讀完那本書花了他三天時間。 Its to finishto

4、finishIt took 考點二物主代詞1.分類物主代詞是用來表示所有關系的詞。物主代詞分為形容詞性物主代詞和名詞性物主代詞。詳見下表:mineyourshis its 2.用法(1)形容詞性物主代詞不能單獨使用, 只能用于名詞前作定語, 起形容詞的作用。(2)名詞性物主代詞可單獨使用, 起名詞的作用。名詞性物主代詞=形容詞性物主代詞+名詞。This computer is his.=This is his computer.這是他的電腦。注意物主代詞前不能再用a, an, the, this, that等詞來修飾, 如my book前面不能再加a?!厩蓪W妙記】 形物不孤單, 且在名詞前;名

5、物單獨用, 后不跟名詞。 1.分類反身代詞表示“某人自己”。詳見下表:考點三反身代詞myself yourselvesitself themselves 2.用法(1)反身代詞在句中作賓語或表語, 和句中的主語相呼應, 表示主語動作的承受者或表現(xiàn)的特征是自己本身。God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。 I am not feeling myself today.今天我感覺不舒服。(2)反身代詞作主語或賓語的同位語, 起強調(diào)主語或賓語的作用。Mary herself worked out the problem.瑪麗自己解決了這個問題。I want

6、 to see Jim himself.我想見吉姆本人。 3.固定搭配leave sb. by oneself 把某人單獨留下 隨便吃/喝/用 by oneself 單獨地 過得快樂,玩得開心 learn by oneself=teach oneself 自學 傷害某人自己 help oneself to come to oneself 蘇醒say to oneself 心里想;自言自語make oneself at home 別拘束lose oneself in 沉迷于ook after oneself 保重look at oneself in a mirror 照鏡子enjoy onese

7、lfhurt oneself 1.分類指示代詞是表示指示概念的代詞,在句中可作主語、表語、賓語或定語。指示代詞有:考點四指示代詞 2.用法(1)this, that可用于電話用語中,this指代自己,that則指代對方。Hello! This is Jane. 喂!我是簡。Is that Mike?你是邁克嗎?Who is that?你是誰?(2)it, one, that的用法區(qū)別為了避免重復,可以用it, one, that代替上文出現(xiàn)的名詞,具體用法如下:it用來指上文提及的同一個事物或前面提及的情況;代替可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞。She enjoyed the story becaus

8、e it was very interesting. 她喜歡這個故事,因為它很有趣。The food is delicious. I like it very much.食物很可口,我很喜歡。one用于避免重復可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)。它既可代替事物,泛指同類事物中的一個,也可以代替人;其復數(shù)形式為 ones,其所有格形式為ones, 如save ones life 拯救某人的生命; do ones best盡某人的最大努力。 My sweater is very old. Ill buy a new one.我的毛衣很舊了。我要買一件新的。The green pencils are yours and

9、the red ones are mine. 綠色鉛筆是你的,紅色鉛筆是我的。that可以代替物,但不能代替人。它既可以代替可數(shù)名詞單數(shù),也可以代替不可數(shù)名詞,其復數(shù)形式為those。The population of the city is much larger than that of the town.城市的人口比鎮(zhèn)上的人口多很多。The apples in the box are different from those on the table. 箱子里的蘋果與桌上的蘋果不同。 (3)this, that, these, those的用法區(qū)別this和these常指后面將要講到的事

10、物,有啟下的作用;that和those常指前面已經(jīng)講到過的事物,有承上的作用。I shall say this to you: He is an honest man. 我將對你說這一點:他是一個誠實的人。He fell ill. That is why he didnt come. 他病了,那就是他沒來的原因。He broke the glass, and that cost him five dollars. 他打破了玻璃,那花費了他5美元。 1.定義不指明代替任何特定名詞或形容詞的代詞稱為不定代詞。不定代詞大多可以代替名詞或形容詞,多數(shù)可以作主語、賓語、表語或定語。常見的不定代詞:som

11、e, any, no, none, one, all, every, each, other, another, either, neither, both, many, much, (a) few, (a) little, a lot of, lots of以及some-, any-, no-, every-與-thing, -body或-one構成的復合不定代詞??键c五不定代詞 2.常用的意義相近的不定代詞辨析(1)few, a few, little與a littleHe has friends,but he has good friends. 他有一些朋友,但是他幾乎沒有好朋友。The

12、res still meat at home, but theres bread. 家里還有點兒肉,但是幾乎沒有面包了。a few few用法 肯定意義 否定意義代替或修飾或指代可數(shù)名詞復數(shù) a few(幾個,一些) few (幾乎沒有)代替或修飾或指代不可數(shù)名詞 a little(一點兒) little(幾乎沒有)a little little (2)some與any兩者均表示“一些”,既可以代替或修飾可數(shù)名詞復數(shù),也可以代替或修飾不可數(shù)名詞。some一般用于肯定句,any一般用于疑問句、否定句或條件狀語從句。在疑問句中,表示說話人希望得到肯定回答或表示請求、建議時用some。Would y

13、ou like ? 你想來點兒茶嗎? Will you please get for me? 請你幫我弄點兒水好嗎?some teasome tea (3)(the) other, (the) others與anotherother泛指“另外的”,不能單獨使用,后接名詞。others等于“other+可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)”,泛指別的人或物。the other(+可數(shù)名詞單數(shù))指“兩者中的另一個”,常用于“one, and the other”結構。the others等于“the other+可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)”,表示“其余所有的人或物”。another 泛指“三者或三者以上中的另一個”。 Do you h

14、ave any other ideas?你有別的想法嗎?I have two brothers. is a doctor, and is a teacher. 我有兩個哥哥。一個是醫(yī)生, 另一個是教師。He is always ready to help . 他總是樂于助人。Five of them are in the classroom.What about ? 他們中有五個人在教室里。其余的人呢? Dont lose heart.Have try. 別灰心, 再試一次。 One the otherothers the othersanother 【拓展】 以some-和any-開頭的復合

15、不定代詞的用法與some和any的用法一樣。(some和any的用法見上文)修飾復合不定代詞的形容詞要放在其后。Is there in todays newspaper? 今天的報紙上有什么重要新聞嗎?復合不定代詞作主語時視為第三人稱單數(shù)。如:Nobody his name. 沒有人知道他的名字。anything importantknows 反意疑問句中需注意:當主語是everyone/someone/anyone等時,其附加問句的主語通常用they;當主語是everything/something/anything等時,其附加問句的主語用it。Everyone is here, arent

16、 they? 大家都到齊了,是嗎?Everything is free, isnt it? 一切都是免費的,是嗎?everyone/everybody/anyone/anybody只用于指人,不能與of 短語連用;every one和any one既可指人也可指物,常與of 短語連用。Was anyone in the room yesterday afternoon?昨天下午有人在房間里嗎?Now every one of them is having fun picking strawberries on the farm.現(xiàn)在,他們?nèi)荚谵r(nóng)場開心地摘草莓。 (6)either與neith

17、er either意為“兩者中的任何一個”;neither意為“兩者都不”。兩者在句中可作主語、賓語或定語等。作主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。Does either of you know where I can buy such a pen? 你們兩個誰知道我在哪兒能夠買到這種鋼筆?Will you go there by bus or by bike? 你坐公交車還是騎自行車去那兒?Neither.I will go there by car.都不,我乘小汽車去。 Who is absent from class today? 今天上課誰缺席?No one, sir. 沒人缺席, 老師。No

18、ne of them is/are in the classroom.他們當中沒有一個人在教室里。 Tickets for Friday? 星期五的票呢?Sorry, weve got none left. 對不起, 一張也沒有了。 (8)many與much many與可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)連用;much與不可數(shù)名詞連用。它們在句中可作主語、賓語或定語等。I dont have many friends here.在這里我沒有很多朋友。They havent got much work to do.他們沒有多少工作可做。(9)all與both all指“三者或三者以上都”;both指“兩者都”。all和

19、both在句中可作主語、賓語、表語或定語等。I know all of the four British students in their school.他們學校的四名英國學生我都認識。Would you like this one or that one? 你想要這個還是那個? Both.兩個都想要。 考點六疑問代詞 (1)who與whom who可以作句子的主語、表語或動詞的賓語;whom只能作謂語動詞的賓語。Who put the light out before I finished my homework?誰在我做完作業(yè)前把燈熄滅了?Who/Whom do you usually

20、turn to when in trouble?當你處于困境時,通常向誰求助?(2)what與whichwhat常泛指“哪一類”;which常指在具體的范圍內(nèi)進行選擇。What color do you like?你喜歡什么顏色?Which color do you like better, pink or purple? 粉紅色和紫色,你更喜歡哪一種? 考點過關訓練.用括號中所給單詞的適當形式填空1.Miss Smith put her new dress on, and looked at (she) in the mirror. 2.Is this your sons sweater?

21、No, (he) is on the chair behind the desk. 3.This piece of music can touch not only your heart, but also (I). 4.Last week the students went skating and enjoyed (them) very much. 5.Everyone in our class (study) hard every day. his herself minethemselvesstudies 考點過關訓練6.Whose book is this?Kates name is

22、on it. It must belong to (she). 7.Tom, believing in (you) is the first step on the road to success. 8.Miss Smith, an American lady, has taught (we) English for three years. 9.Paul went to the bookstore with some friends of (he). 10.My sister has a cat. (it) name is Mimi. youeself herus hisits 考點過關訓練

23、.句型轉換11.Peters bike is under the big tree. (對畫線部分提問) is under the big tree? 12.He spent a day finishing the work. (改為同義句) took him a day the work. 13.The blue coat is his. The red coat is his, too. (連成一句) the blue coat the red coat his. 14.Nothing is wrong with him, ? (完成反意疑問句) 15.This is my room and thats his room. (改為同義句) This room is and that room is . BothWhose bikeIt to finish areand is itmine his

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