1、 Packing is an art. It needs more care in export trade than in home trade. The real art of packing is to get the contents into a nice, compact shape that will stay that way during the roughest journey. Every buyer expects that his goods will reach him in perfect condition. It has been estimated that
2、 as much as 70% of all cargo loss could be prevented by proper packaging and marking. There are two forms of packing: 1) outer packing, i.e. packing for transportation 2) Inner Packing內 包 裝 , 銷 售 包裝 ; Immediate Packing直 接 包 裝 ; Small Packing小 包 裝 ; Packing for Display 陳 列 包 裝 Generally speaking, the
3、 Outer Packing is stipulated in the packing clause of the Sales Contract, so the export packing, basically, means the Outer Packing. You may find the following stipulations: Seaworthy Packing 適 合 海 運 的 包 裝 Customary Packing 習 慣 包 裝 Sellers Usual Packing 賣 方 習 慣 包 裝 However, such stipulations are not
4、 clear enough and can only be used by sellers and buyers who have long business relations and share the same interpretation of the packing clause. The following is more detailed stipulations: Packing: In bales, each containing 30 bundles, wrapped in waterproof covering and two layers of hessian( 黃 麻
5、 纖 維 ) , and firmly secured with four steel straps. Each bundle of 5 pounds should be wrapped in kraft paper and lined with one layer of polythene film. 包 裝 : 捆 包 , 每 包 內 含 30束 , 用 防 水 材 料 和雙 層 麻 布 包 裹 , 并 用 4條 鋼 帶 捆 緊 。 每 束 重 5磅 , 用 牛 皮 紙 包 裹 , 并 忖 以 單 層 塑 料 薄 膜 。 In international standard tea boxe
6、s, 24 boxes on a pallet, 10 pallets in an FCL container. 裝 國 際 標 準 茶 箱 , 24箱 裝 一 托 盤 , 10托 盤 裝 一 整 集 裝 箱 。 Bag or Sack 袋 It is commonly used for powder and granular materials. May be made of strong paper, linen, canvas, rubber, etc. Bale包The bale is used for bulky items that can be compressed. A pac
7、kage of soft goods (e.g. cotton, wool, sheepskin) tightly pressed together and wrapped in a protective material. Usual size 30 15 15 in. May be strengthened by metal bands. Drum or barrel桶 A cylinder-shaped container for carrying liquids, powder, chemicals, paint, etc. It is usually made of metal. C
8、arton紙 板 箱The carton is widely used in export packing because it is light, resilient( 有 彈 性 的 ) , cheap, and most suitable when carried within a metal container. Wooden Case木 箱 The wooden case is strong. It is used for small, heavy items, for example hand tools, industrial cutting tools, and machine
9、 parts. Wooden Crate板 條 箱 This is usually used for large and heavy objects like machines. Can (or Tin) A small metal container in which small quantities of paint, oil or certain foodstuffs are packed. Pallet貨 盤 , 托 盤 This is a large tray or platform on which a number of packages or pieces may be loa
10、ded to facilitate handling. Usually the pallet is constructed so that it has space under it to permit lifting by mechanical equipment. Container 集 裝 箱 This is a very large metal box for transport of goods by road, rail, sea or air. There are general cargo containers and specific cargo containers. Th
11、e advantage of packing goods in containers is easy to lift or move during transport, thus time is saved. It reduces water damage, handling damage, and pilferage. There are certain factors we need to consider when choosing proper containers.1.Type of goods 2.Mode of transport 3.Conditions of ports 4.
12、Customs duties and freight rates 5.Climate conditions6.Cost of packing Shipping marks of goods are analogous to identification cards of people. Exporters, importers, and carriers rely on them to distinguish one shipment from another. They are also the essential means of identifying cargo and documen
13、ts, and linking them together. Dear sirs A shipment of ready-made garments arrived on May 10. Having examined the goods thoroughly, we venture to say that the packing needs improvement. For instance, the cartons used are not strong enough to protect the contents from getting damaged during transit.
14、We have enquired of some of our clients about the packing in question. They say:1. Such cartons are easy to cut open because the cardboard of which the cartons are made is rather thin, thus making pilferage become possible.2. If and when the goods are to be transshipped at a certain port, the carton
15、s will stand in the open on the wharf and, in heavy rains, be subjected to damage as the cartons will surely be soaked.3. During loading and unloading, the cartons are to be piled up; hence breakage is unavoidable because the cartons are too thin to stand heavy pressure. 4. The insurance companies,
16、on knowing this, will shift their responsibilities to the goods being packed in cartons not fit for ocean transportation and refuse compensation for losses.From the above comments, you can readily see that our clients are justified in their anxieties over your packing. As far as packing is concerned
17、, they prefer wooden cases to cartons for future shipments.We sincerely hope that you will take this matter into consideration and make necessary improvements so as to avoid unforeseen troubles arising from faulty packing. Your early response will be much appreciated. Dear sirs We thank you for your
18、 letter of May 16, informing us of your clients comments on our packing. We have discussed the matter with the competent department here and wish to explain as follows: 1. The cartons we use are up to standard and fit for ocean transportation. For years we have used these cartons in our shipments to
19、 many continental ports to the entire satisfaction of our clients. Moreover, the insurance companies have accepted such packing for WPA and TPND. 2. These cartons are well protected against moisture by plastic lining. Thus garments packed in them are not so susceptible to damage by moisture as those
20、 packed in wooden cases.3. The cardboard used for making cartons is light but compact. It keeps down packaging cost and helps customers save on freight.4. Your clients anxieties over packing are presumed. We are confident that the insurance company can be made to pay the necessary compensation for a
21、ny loss or losses from pilferage and breakage caused by using such cartons. Please tell your clients that their fears are unwarranted. Nowadays, except for bulk cargo, nude cargo and huge machinery, most commodities are packed in cartons.To pack garments in wooden cases is obsolete. For future shipm
22、ents, we are experimenting with special cartons, in which garments are hung on dress-hangers. These cartons can be containerized, so that the garments will not twist.We highly value your comments , which will help improve our work. If you find any defect in our last shipment, please do not hesitate
23、to let us know. We assure you of our cooperation and await your further orders. 1. 紙 板 箱 作 為 一 種 包 裝 容 器 已 在 國 際 貿易 中 廣 泛 應 用 , 因 此 , 對 它 們 的 適 航性 , 你 們 不 必 擔 心 。2. 據 我 們 所 知 , 保 險 公 司 接 受 投 保 紙 板箱 裝 的 貨 物 的 偷 竊 、 提 貨 不 著 險 。 萬一 發(fā) 生 偷 竊 , 你 們 可 以 放 心 , 保 險 公司 將 會 給 予 賠 償 。 3. 運 到 我 們 口 岸 的 貨 物 必 須 在
24、 漢堡 轉 船 , 因 此 你 們 的 包 裝 必 須具 有 適 航 性 , 并 能 經 得 起 運 輸途 中 的 粗 魯 搬 運 。4. 我 們 的 印 花 棉 布 系 用 木 箱 包 裝 ,內 襯 牛 皮 紙 和 防 潮 紙 。 每 箱 30匹 , 一 花 五 色 , 平 均 搭 配 。 你 方 8月 31日 來 函 詢 問 我 方 旅 行 剪刀 的 包 裝 事 宜 , 今 告 知 如 下 : 我 們 出 口 的 旅 行 剪 刀 每 盒 裝 1打 , 每一 紙 板 箱 裝 100盒 。 尺 碼 是 17公 分 高 ,30公 分 闊 , 50公 分 長 , 體 積 約 0.026立方 米 ,
25、 凈 重 22.5公 斤 , 毛 重 23.5 公 斤 。紙 板 箱 外 的 標 記 , 除 印 刷 有 毛 重 , 凈 重及 皮 重 外 , 還 須 印 刷 有 “ 中 華 人 民 共 和國 制 造 ” 字 樣 。 如 你 對 標 記 有 何 特 殊要 求 , 請 告 知 , 我 方 當 盡 力 滿 足 。 順 告 我 們 的 剪 刀 過 去 一 向 是 用 木箱 包 裝 的 , 但 經 過 多 次 用 紙 板 箱 試 裝后 , 發(fā) 現 紙 板 箱 同 樣 適 宜 于 海 洋 運 輸 ,且 紙 板 箱 價 格 較 低 , 搬 運 較 為 輕 便 ,運 費 也 較 為 低 廉 , 所 以 現 在 有 更 多 客戶 寧 愿 要 紙 板 箱 包 裝 而 不 要 木 箱 包 裝 。我 們 相 信 你 方 會 同 意 我 們 的 意 見 , 接受 紙 板 箱 包 裝 。 如 能 早 日 答 復 , 不 勝 感 激 。