ORIGINAL ARTICLE Rheological and nutritional quality of selected dehulled legumes blended rice extrudates S. Balasubramanian other factors are extrinsic, such as social and Fig. 2 Parameters of the typical rapid visco analyzer viscosity profile for legumes blended rice extrudates Fig. 1 Low cost collet extruder J Food Sci Technol cultural factors (Deliza et al. 1996). Keeping above points in view, the present work was undertaken to study rheological and nutritional quality of selected dehulled legumes blended rice extrudates. Materials and methods Different dehulled legumes viz. black gram (Vigna mungo), green gram (Vigna radiata), lentil (Lens culinaris) and peas (Pisum sativum) and polished rice were purchased from local market. After cleaning and grading, the raw materials were coarse ground in plate mill to make grits in the particle size range of 1.652.36 mm. Different legume grits were blended at 0,5,10 and 15% levels with rice grits. For making extrudates, about 2 kg of blended materials conditioned to 14% (wb) moisture were used. Low cost collet extruder It is a simple single screw autogenous extruder, driven by a 7.5 kW electric motor. The barrel length is 250 mm with a length to diameter ratio of 6:1 and has a central cylindrical die of 4 mm diam and 5 mm length. The rotating speed of the screw is high (500 rpm) to allow high shear. The screw configuration has constant pitch and flight depth to allow a progressive increase in friction forces and temperature inside the barrel. The screw diam is 42.5 mm and the root diam is 32.5 mm (Fig. 1). The moisture content was kept at 14%. The extruder barrel wall has helical grooves to enhance friction and cooking of the product. To ensure a regular feeding rate, the extruder is equipped with a motorised feeding screw, but it was kept constant (25 kg/h) for this study. After extrusion, extrudates were ground (particle size 0.85 mm) and subjected for rheological and nutritional analysis. Rheological properties Pasting properties of extrudate powders were determined using a Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) Model 3-D (Newport Scientific Pvt. Ltd, Australia) with Thermocline software (3.0 version) by the Method No. 162 (ICC 1995). Sample suspension was prepared by placing extrudate powder (3 g) in an aluminium canister containing (30 g) distilled water. A programmed heating and cooling cycle was used. Each sample was stirred (960 rpm, 10 s) while heated at 50C, and then constant shear rate (160 rpm) was maintained for the rest of the process. Temperature was held at 50C up to 1 min. Then the samples were heated (5095C, 3 min 42 s) and held at Table 1 Parameters of viscosity profile Traits abbreviation Description (reference of terminology) PV Peak viscosity (61-02, Bao and Xia 1999) T Trough (61-02) BD Breakdown (Bao and Xia 1999, 61-02),decrease in viscosity during cooking at 95C FV Final paste viscosity at the end of final holding period at 50C 61-02 is the ICC (1995) methods 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (sec) Viscosity ,cp v Green gram 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (sec) Viscosity,cp 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (sec) Viscosity,cp 0% 5% 10% 15% Pea 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (sec) Viscosity,cp Lentil Fig. 3 Typical rapid visco analyzer plot for different dehulled blended rice extrudates J Food Sci Technol 95C for 2 min 30 s. Subsequently samples were cooled down (95-50C, 3 min 48 s) and then held at 50C for 2 min. A RVA plot of viscosity (cP) versus time (s) was used to determine peak viscosity (PV), trough (T), breakdown viscosity (BD) and final viscosity (FV) (Fig. 2, Table 1). Each analysis was done in duplicate. Nutritional analysis Protein content (Kjeldahl method), fat and ash (Hart and Fischer 1971), and fibre (Sadasivam and Manickam 1992) for different legumes blended rice extrudates were determined. Degree of gelatinization of extrudates was done according to Wootton et al. (1971). Sensory evaluation A semi-trained panel consisting of 11 members evaluated the extrudates. The sensory attributes such as color, flavour, surface finish, taste, crispiness and over all acceptability of extrudates were evaluated using a 9-point Hedonic scale (14 dislike extremely to slightly, 5- neither like nor dislike, 69 like to slightly extremely). Samples were served to panelists immediately after condi- tioning the extrudates (105C, 3 min). Statistical analysis The data reported are mean of ten observations and subjected to MS EXCEL 2000. Results and discussion Effect of low cost collet extruder on viscosity profile of extrudates All viscosity parameters determined decreased with increased legume levels in blend as compared to rice extrudates alone (Fig. 3). But the decrease was not much pronounced in green gram based extrudate. The breakdown viscosity was maximum in peas whereas it varied in the range of 288297 cp and was lower in all the cases. The final viscosity declined in all cases but the decrease was much higher in green gram where it varied from 437 to 404 cp. Similar observations were recorded for peak viscosity also. When extrudates powder suspensions were heated above a certain temperature, water penetrated into the granules and weakened the hydrogen bonds in starch segments and reflected a degradative RVA profile as compared to its corresponding raw material due to mechanical input. The viscosity increased during heating at constant temperature (95C), continued to decrease during cooling and the profile finalized with a plateau for different legumes and incorporation levels, but showed a slightly increasing trend at the end of the process. All the viscosity-temperature profiles of the studied systems showed a similar pattern. The maximum viscosity was 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 0 5 10 15 Legumes incorporations levels,% Degree of gelatinization % Black gram Green gram Lentil Peas Fig. 4 Degree of gelatinization of different dehulled blended rice extrudates Legumes Legumes,% Protein,% Fat,% Fibre,% Ash,% Black gram 0 8.6 0.86 0.19 0.56 5 9.2 0.90 0.25 0.62 10 9.8 0.96 0.27 0.78 15 10.5 1.03 0.29 0.96 Green gram 0 8.6 0.86 0.19 0.56 5 9.7 0.90 0.24 0.74 10 10.1 0.96 0.26 0.88 15 10.9 1.02 0.28 0.98 Lentil 0 8.6 0.86 0.19 0.56 5 9.7 0.90 0.23 0.66 10 10.1 0.96 0.25 0.76 15 11.2 1.03 0.27 0.88 Peas 0 8.6 0.86 0.19 0.56 5 9.0 0.90 0.32 0.66 10 9.6 0.96 0.39 0.78 15 10.2 1.03 0.50 0.86 Table 2 Nutritional analysis of different dehulled legumes blended rice extrudates J Food Sci Technol attained when the granules were in their most swollen state, still intact resulting in peak viscosity and this continued heating of paste at this point, however, caused the granule to rupture and accompanied by the fall in viscosity (Kearsley and Sicard 1989). The secondary increase in viscosity (setback) during the cooling phase which is associated with the retrogradation phenomenon and related to amylose content was observed. Effect on degree of gelatinization Degree of gelatinization for rice extrudate was 29.4%. The degree of gelatinization ranged from 22.4 to 29.4% (Fig. 4). The legumes blended extrudates showed a lower degree of gelatinization com- pared to rice extrudates. Although there was no marked difference in degree of gelatinization among the legumes blended extrudates, the black gram and green gram showed lower values (22.4% and 22.6%) followed by peas (23.3%) and lentil (23.2%) at 15%. Partial starch dextrinisation is desirable because it reduces swelling during gruel prepara- tion, thus allowing an appropriate semi-fluid consistency to be maintained at a higher concentration, i.e. higher energy density. This signified that the extrusion cooking has increased the degree of gelatinization of the extrudates. According to Lin et al. (1997) fat content of extrudates was shown to interfere significantly with starch gelatinization. Thus, decrease in gelatinization with legumes addition could be due to the increased level of protein and fat as compared to rice. Effect on nutritional value The rice (raw milled), black gram, green gram, lentil and peas consist of 6.8, 24, 19.7, 25.1 and 19.7% protein (Gopalan et al. 1991). The combination of rice with legume forms a protein rich food. The legumes blended rice extrudates showed a protein content ranging from 8.6 to 11.15% (Table 2). Among the extrudates, rice extrudates showed low protein content as compared to legumes blended extrudates. The protein content increased depending upon legume type. This may be attributed to their inherent higher content of proteins in the legumes. The lentil blended (15%) with rice extrudate showed highest protein content. Extrudates made of rice alone and legumes blended rice extrudate showed a lower fat percentage ranging from 0.86 to 1.03% as compared to raw rice (0.5%) and legumes viz., black gram (1.4%), green gram (1.2%) lentil (0.7%) and peas (1.1%). There was no significant difference (p0.5) in fat content between legumes except green gram, which showed a lower value (1.03). Fibre content of rice and legumes blended rice extrudate ranged from 0.19 to 0.50%. The fibre content of extrudates showed an increasing trend with increase in legume content because of the higher fibre content of legumes than rice. Pea blended rice extrudates at higher level of blend showed higher fiber values. The ash content of extrudates increased with increase of legumes levels. Ash content ranged from 0.56 to 0.98%. Black gram and green gram blended extrudates showed higher ash content (0.96% and 0.98%) followed by lentil (0.88%) and pea (0.86%). Effect on sensory attributes Sensory score was significantly affected by the blend levels in all the cases (Fig. 5). However, black gram and pea blended extrudates did not show much variation among overall acceptability as compared to green gram and lentil based extrudates. The colour was affected by the blend levels of lentil and pea, which may be attributed to the inherent colour character- Black gram 1 3 5 7 9 Color Flavour Surface finish Taste Crispiness Over all acceptability Green gram 1 3 5 7 9 Color Flavour Surface finish Taste Crispiness Over all acceptability Lentil 1 3 5 7 9 Color Flavour Surface finish Taste Crispiness Over all acceptability Peas 1 3 5 7 9 Color Flavour Surface finish Taste Crispiness Over all acceptability 0% 5% 10% 15% Fig. 5 Hedonic scores of extru- dates made of different dehulled blended rice extrudates J Food Sci Technol istics of the legumes. However, the blend levels of black gram (15%), peas (15%), green gram (10%) and lentil (10%) were found acceptable without altering the overall acceptability score as compared with rice extrudate alone. Conclusion Thelow costcolletextruderswithasmall productioncapacity will be suitable to process and produce legume blended rice expanded snack foods and instant flour with low moisture content (14%, wb) and low lipid content. Extrudate flours which are partially dextrinised and gelatinized during the treatment, yielding instant flour showed the scope for preparation of higher energy density gruels. The lower viscosity profile of extrudate flour as compared to its raw composite flour and higher nutritional and sensory values expressed the usefulness and possibility of product develop- ment, especially for diet and weaning foods. References Colonna P, Doublier JL, Melcion JP, De Monredon F, Mercier C (1984) Extrusion cooking and drum drying of wheat starch. I. 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