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1、中考時態(tài)考點梳理動詞時態(tài)是各地中考試題中必考的知識點,也是考查的重點。然而,初中英語時態(tài)多達八種,并且近幾年中考在考查時態(tài)時,形式靈活多樣,尤其是我們河北省近幾年的中考,多體現(xiàn)在上下文語境中,這樣無形中就增加了試題的難度,使得一些考生總感覺時態(tài)題不可捉摸,無規(guī)律可循。其實,你只要弄清楚了時態(tài)題的命題方法和解題方法,也就不難了。一、巧抓時間標(biāo)志詞,快解時態(tài)題由于絕大多數(shù)的中考英語試卷同時具有畢業(yè)檢測與升學(xué)選拔的雙重功效,所以對時態(tài)的考查在很大程度上還是停留在識記和簡單應(yīng)用的層次上。為此,命題人在命題時,往往會借助一些關(guān)鍵的時間標(biāo)志詞來給考生以解題的“暗示” 。所以,同學(xué)們在解題時,應(yīng)該抓住關(guān)鍵“

2、時間類標(biāo)志詞”,從而達到快解時態(tài)題的“神效” ?!局锌祭}】1. (2015 陜西 ) Many city people _ their bikes to work every day.A. rideB. will rideC. rodeD. have ridden2. (2015 武漢 ) A nice car! Is it yours? No, it isnt. I _ it from a friend of mine two days ago.A. borrowB. have borrowedC. will borrowD. borrowed3.(2015黃石 ) The writer

3、and speaker _ a speech on Chinese culture in the hall now.A. are givingB. is givingC. will giveD. has given4.(2015齊齊哈爾 ) Alice _ for the bus at seven yesterday morning.A. waitedB. was waitingC. is waitingD. will wait5.(2015福州 ) So far, the AIIB (亞投行 ) _ 57 countries to be the founding members.A. att

4、ractedB. has attractedC. will attractD. is attracting6.(2015龍東 ) By the time I got back to school, the bell _.A. rangB. has rungC. had rungD. will ring7.(2015撫順 ) Why are you so happy? My friend _ me next month.A. visitsB. was visitingC. will visitD. visited【知識錦囊】動詞時態(tài)一般都有其相對應(yīng)的時間狀語,請熟記下列時態(tài)所對應(yīng)的時間狀語。時態(tài)

5、時間狀語often, always, usually, sometimes, never, once a week, twice a year, every一般現(xiàn)在時day, every week等一般過去時 then, just now, yesterday, last night, a few days ago等現(xiàn)在進行時 now, right now, at the moment, this week, these days等過去進行時then, at that time, this time yesterday, from 8 to 10 yesterday morning等alrea

6、dy, just, yet, never, recently, lately, up to / till now, so far, in the past /現(xiàn)在完成時last few months / years,“for + 一段時間” ,“since +過去的時間點”等- 1 -中考時態(tài)考點梳理過去完成時before, by, by the time, by the end of last month / year等一般將來時 tomorrow, next Friday / week / year, in the future,“in +一段時間”等過去將來時 the next day

7、/ month / year / evening, the following month等【應(yīng)試對策】中考測試動詞時態(tài)必須與句中時間狀語一致時,常在題干中加入具體的交際情景,以測試學(xué)生對動詞時態(tài)知識的實際運用能力。因此,同學(xué)們要敏銳捕捉句中的時間標(biāo)志詞,并且結(jié)合具體的語境,來確定動詞的時態(tài)。二、巧抓主從句時態(tài)的呼應(yīng),快解時態(tài)題考查主從句時態(tài)的呼應(yīng)是各地中考命題的特點,特別是將其放在比較真實的語境中進行考查。有時,命題者為了增加試題的難度,還會將兩種從句進行糅合,來考查學(xué)生對時態(tài)的辨析能力?!局锌祭}】8. (2015 濰坊 ) Next month were going somewhere

8、as soon as the holiday _.A. will beginB. has begunC. beginsD. is beginning9. (2015 孝感 ) We will go to Tiananmen Square to watch the raising of national flag if it_ tomorrow.A. will rainB. rainsC. doesntrainD. wontrain10. (2015 南充 ) We dontknow when _ next week. Please call me when he arrives.A. will

9、 he arriveB. does he arriveC. he will arriveD. he arrives11. (2015 無錫 ) Too many people were absent. The chairperson warned that he _ the meeting if necessary.A. would cancelB. cancelledC. would startD. started12. (2015 雅安 ) The teacher told us that the sun _ in the east.A. had risenB. has risenC. r

10、oseD. rises【應(yīng)試對策】在根據(jù)時態(tài)呼應(yīng)原則解題時,要把握好以下兩點:1. 在由 when,before,after,until ,as soon as引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句以及由 if ,unless,as long as 引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句中,常用一般現(xiàn)在時表將來。2. 解答賓語從句與主句時態(tài)呼應(yīng)題時,我們應(yīng)熟知一下規(guī)則:如果主句的謂語動詞是一般現(xiàn)在時,從句的謂語動詞可根據(jù)需要,選用相應(yīng)的時態(tài);如果主句的謂語動詞是過去時,賓語從句的謂語動詞選用過去時態(tài)的某一種形式;如果賓語從句敘述的是客觀事實、普遍真理、自然現(xiàn)象或是習(xí)慣性動作等,不管主句用什么時態(tài),從句都用一般現(xiàn)在時。三、巧抓試題的語

11、境,快解時態(tài)題對著課改的深入和中考命題手法的不斷創(chuàng)新,近年來中考試題對時態(tài)考查的要求也越來越高,大部分試題趨向情境化。這就對學(xué)生的語言基本功和語言運用的能力提出了較高的要求。- 2 -中考時態(tài)考點梳理【中考例題】13. (2015 菏澤 ) Hi, Wang Ning! How s the weather in Heze now? It is terrible. It _ all the morning.A. rainsB. is rainingC. rainD. would rain14. (2015 南京 ) When will Uncle Sam come to see us? Hell

12、 visit us this weekend. He _ me that by e-mail.A. toldB. is toldC. will tellD. was going to tell15. (2015 江西 ) Do you have any plans for tonight? Yes, I _ at the new Italian restaurant in town.A. eatB. have eatenC. ateD. am going to eat16. (2015 江西 ) Ben and Suearen thome, arentthey? No. They _ to L

13、ondon on business.A. have goneB. goC. have beenD. will go【應(yīng)試對策】想要準確地解答語境題型時態(tài)題,首先要通讀試題,認真領(lǐng)悟語境,來捕捉有效地解題信息。在此基礎(chǔ)上,可以快速剔除兩個最弱的干擾項。接著再結(jié)合語境,綜合運用所學(xué)的時態(tài)方面的知識,對剩下的兩個選項進行比較,最終確定最佳答案。四、中考對各種時態(tài)的考查第一組:一般現(xiàn)在時一般現(xiàn)在時常用來描述經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)、反復(fù)發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),句子常帶有特定的狀語 (如 every day, always, often, sometimes, seldom, usually, nowadays等 )。

14、此外,在陳述客觀事實或客觀真理時,也常用一般現(xiàn)在時。此外,在含有時間、條件等狀語從句的復(fù)合句中,當(dāng)主句為一般將來時時,時間、條件等狀語從句中的謂語動詞用一般現(xiàn)在時表示將來?!局锌祭}】17. (2014 北京 ) What do you often do at weekends? I often _ my grandparents.A. visitB. visitedC. have visitedD. will visit18. (2014 溫州 ) Alice likes doing housework. She _ her room every afternoon.A. cleansB.

15、cleanedC. is cleaningD. has cleaned19. (2014 武漢 ) Do you know if Jack will drive to London this weekend? Jack? Never! He _ driving so far.A. has hatedB. will hateC. hatedD. hates20. (2014上海 ) Aunt Lucy will tell us something about her trip to Australia when she _ back.A. cameB. comesC. would comeD.

16、will come21. (2014 廣東 ) I wonder whether Brazil will win the match later tonight. Go to bed first. I will wake you up as soon as the match _.A. startsB. startedC. will startD. is starting- 3 -中考時態(tài)考點梳理22. (2014 東營 ) Eating and drinking on Beijing subway is not allowed. If you _ the rule, youll face a

17、 fine (罰款 ) of up to 5000 yuan.A. brokeB. breakC. will breakD. have broken23. (2014 濱州 ) Do you know if he will come tomorrow? No, but if he _, Ill call you to have a meal together.A. will comeB. wontcomeC. comesD. doesntcome第二組:一般過去時一般過去時表示在過去的某時或一段時間內(nèi)發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),通常與 yesterday, the day before yeste

18、rday, last week / month / year, the other day, just now, two days ago, at that time, in 2012 等時間狀語連用?!局锌祭}】24. (2014 長沙 ) You brother is an excellent basketball player. So he is. He _ to play basketball three years ago.A. has startedB. startsC. startedD. will startth25. (2014 龍巖 ) The 2014 FIFA Worl

19、d Cup _ in Brazil on June 13 .A. is openingB. has openedC. openedD. opens26. (2014 樂山 ) Why didn tMary come to Johns birthday party last night? She _ to, but he dad simply would not let her our so late at night.A. wantsB. wantedC. has wantedD. will want27. (2014 武漢 ) A nice car! A present? Yes, it i

20、s. My aunt _ it to me for my last birthday.A. was sendingB. had sentC. will sendD. sent28. (2014 連云港 ) Beijing and Zhangjiakou _ applying to host the 2022 Winter Olympics Games in 2013.A. beginB. beganC. have begunD. had begun29. (2014 陜西 ) Have you finished your homework yet? Yes. I _ it twenty min

21、utes ago.A. have finishedB. finishedC. will finishD. had finished第三組:一般將來時一般將來時主要用來描述將要發(fā)生的動作或未來將要出現(xiàn)的情況,一般將來時常與tomorrow, next week, in a week, sson等表示將來的時間狀語連用。 “ shall / will + 動詞原形”表示將來某時或某一時間內(nèi)要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),它沒有主觀性,是純粹的將要發(fā)生的動作。“ be going to +動詞原形”表示打算、準備做的事,或即將發(fā)生或肯定要發(fā)生的事。 be doing表示預(yù)計或安排將要發(fā)生的事,僅限于少數(shù)動

22、詞,通常是一些瞬間動詞(如 arrive, die, plan,come, start, begin, leave等)。- 4 -中考時態(tài)考點梳理【中考例題】30.(2014安徽 ) Mr. Wang has left for Guangzhou. He _ a speech there in two days.A. givesB. gaveC. will giveD. has given31.(2014麗水 ) Hurry up! The key is covered with black clouds. Im afraid it _.A. rainsB. is goin to rainC.

23、 rainedD. was raining32. (2014 泰安 ) Why are you in such a hurry, John? There _ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.A. will beB. wasC. would beD. has been33.(2014天津 ) Robots _ more heavy work for us in the future.A. will doB. didC. have doneD. were doing34.(2014河北 ) I m busy now. I _ to you after s

24、chool this afternoon.A. talkB. talkedC. will talkD. have talked第四組:現(xiàn)在進行時現(xiàn)在進行時表示此時此刻正在進行的動作,或現(xiàn)在某一段時間正在進行的動作,謂語動詞為延續(xù)性動詞。常與 now, these days, at present等時間狀語以及 look, listen 等標(biāo)志性詞連用。答題時首先尋找時間狀語和標(biāo)志性詞匯;若沒有時間標(biāo)志詞時,應(yīng)分析語境看其是否暗示動作正在進行。此外,現(xiàn)在進行時可以和表示某些頻率的副詞 (如 always, foreer, cuntinually 等)連用,表達說話人的主觀感情,如滿意、稱贊、驚訝

25、或厭惡等?!局锌祭}】36.(2014菏澤 ) Look, so many people are running out of the station. I wonder what _.A. is happeningB. was happeningC. is happeningD. had happened37.(2014廣州 ) Be quiet! The students _ a physics test in the next room.A. hadB. have hadC. were havingD. are having38. (2014 南昌 ) Youre in a hurry.

26、 Where are you going? To the cinema. Sue _ for me outside.A. waitsB. waitedC. is waitingD. was waiting39. (2014 綿陽 ) Hello, Betty! What are you going now? I _ on the Great Wall of China. Ill send the toyou later.A. will take picturesB. am taking picturesC. was taking picturesD. take pictures第五組:過去進行

27、時過去進行時主要表示過去某一時刻正在進行的動作,或表示過去某一階段一直在進行的動作。動作發(fā)生的特定時間常用一個短語或時間狀語從句來表明。在中考試題中,過去進行時常被放在由 when, while, as等詞引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句中考查?!局锌祭}】40. (2014 泰州 ) Yeaterday Suzy fell over and was hurt while she _ a snowball. Im sorry to hear that.A. madeB. was makingC. makesD. is making- 5 -中考時態(tài)考點梳理41. (2014 丹東 ) I called yo

28、u yesterday evening, but nobody answered. Oh, _ at that time.A. I m cookingB. I cookedC. I cookD. I was cooking42. (2014 揚州 ) Has your friend completed his design? Not yet. He _ on it last night.A. workedB. has workedC. is workingD. was working43. (2014 廣東 ) I didntsee you at the beginning of the pa

29、rty last night. I _ on my biology report at that time.A. workedB. workC. was workingD. am working44. (2014 北京 ) What were you doing when we were playing basketball yesterday? I _ the classroom.A. was cleaningB. have cleanedC. will cleanD. clean第六組:現(xiàn)在完成時現(xiàn)在完成時指過去發(fā)生某一動作對現(xiàn)在造成的影響或結(jié)果,通常與ever, yet, already

30、, just,before, never等時間狀語連用; 也可以用來表示過去發(fā)生的某一動作一直持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在, 通常與 up to now, so far, recently, for two days, since three days ago等時間狀語連用?!局锌祭}】45. (2014漳州 ) Since Project Hope started, it _ millions of children to come back to school.A. has helpedB. helpedC. is helpingD. will help46. (2014 北京 ) He _ in this

31、 factory for 20 years already.A. will workB. worksC. has workedD. is working47. (2014 鹽城 ) I cantfind my notebook anywhere. Im afraid I _ it.A. loseB. lostC. have lostD. was losing48. (2014 咸寧 ) Do you know Diaoyu Islands? Yes. It _ to China since ancient times.A. belongs toB. belonged toC. has belo

32、nged toD. is belonging to49. (2014 泰安 ) Can you find our city _ a lot in recent years? Yes. The road is wider and the buildings are taller.A. has changedB. changesC. changedD. will change第七組:過去將來時過去將來時是從過去某時看將要發(fā)生的動作,必須有一個表示過去的時間狀語作為參照。故這種時態(tài)常用語賓語從句或含有時間狀語從句的復(fù)合句中?!局锌祭}】50. (2014 達州 ) Swimming in the r

33、iver for teenagers is very dangerous. So it is. If I _ them, I _ a shower at home.A. am; would takeB. were; will takeC. was; would takeD. were; would take- 6 -中考時態(tài)考點梳理近年河北省中考時態(tài)真題1.(2015) I _ the shops. Can I get you anything?A. go toB. went toC. have gone toD. am going to2.(2015) Paula is pleased th

34、at she _ her lost watch.A. findsB. foundC. has foundD. will find3.(2015) We re proud that China_ stronger and stronger these years.A. will becomeB. becameC. is becomingD. was becoming4.(2015) Grace _ this game every time we play.A. winsB. wonC. will winD. has won5.(2015) I saw Jeff in the park. He _

35、 on the grass and reading a book.A. sitsB. satC. is sittingD. was sitting6.(2014) Someone _ at the door. Can you open it?A. knocksB. knockedC. is knockingD. was knocking7.(2014) I m busy now. Ito you after school this afternoon.A. talkB. talkedC. will talkD. have talked8.(2014) The teacher is alread

36、y standing here. Do you know when she _?A. comesB. cameC. is comingD. was coming9.(2014) Monica, you _ the exam! Congratulation!A. passB. have passedC. will passD. are passing10.(2014)I saw Ken in the meeting room, he _ Joe for the school magazine.A. interviewsB. interviewedC. has interviewedD. was

37、interviewing11.(2013)We have no vegetables in the fridge. I _ and buy some.A. goB. wentC. will goD. was going12.(2013)Henry will give us a report as soon as he _.A. arrivesB. arrivedC. is arrivingD. will arrive13.(2013)You _. Don t talk on the phone.A. will driveB. are drivingC. were drivingD. have

38、driven14.(2013)Ken _ his jacket in the gym. He has to get it back.A. leftB. leavesC. is leavingD. was leaving15.(2013)Don t return the video to Peter, I _ it.A. don t watchB. won t watchC. haven t watchedD. wasn t watch16.(2013)The twins didn t go to the theatre, they _ the light nightmusic. alA. ha

39、ve enjoyedB. will enjoyC. are enjoyingD. were enjoying17.(2012)The clothing store _ a sale. The clothes there are very cheap.A. hasB. hadC. is havingD. was having18.(2012)Miss Zhang, the most beautiful teacher, _ many flowers and letters these days.A. receivedB. will receiveC. was receivingD. has re

40、ceived19.(2012)Your sweater looks smart. Where _ you _ it?A. do; getB. did; getC. will; getD. have; got20.(2012)Where were you this morning? I _ in the supermarket.A. will shopB. am shoppingC. was shoppingD. have shopped- 7 -中考時態(tài)考點梳理21.(2011)My sister wants a new dress. She _ it to the party.A. wear

41、sB. has wornC. woreD. is going to wear22.(2011)I didn t hear you because I _ the news on the radio.A. listen toB. am listening toC. listened toD. was listening to23.(2011)I _ my homework, I guess I can t join you.A. don t finishB. didn t finishC. haven t finishedD. won t finish24.(2010)This term _ o

42、ver. The summer vacation is coming in two weeks.A. isB. wasC. has beenD. will be25.(2010)I _ a mistake. Please don t be angry with me.A. makeB. madeC. will makeD. had made26.(2010)My brother left school in 2005, and since then he _ in Beijing.A. livesB. livedC. will liveD. has lived27.(2010)I _ my c

43、lothes, and the phone rang.A. washB. washedC. am washingD. was washing28.(2009)My friend _ me. I have to leave now.A. waits forB. waited forC. is waiting forD. was waiting for29.(2009)Be sure to let Tom know the notice as soon as he _.A. will arriveB. was arrivingC. arrivesD. arrived30.(2009)I _ the

44、 wrong thing. Can I use your eraser?A. writeB. wroteC. am writingD. will write31.(2009)Helen loves to talk about travel. She _ many places.A. has gone toB. has been toC. has gone forD. has been from32.(2008)The children _ a P.E. class on the playground when it suddenly began to rain.A. haveB. are ha

45、vingC. hadD. were having33.(2008)Nick _ a new camera. He has taken lots of pictures with it.A. buysB. is buyingC. boughtD. will buy34.(2008)Please bring your homework to school tomorrow, Steven. OK. I _.A. willB. won tC. doD. don t35.(2008)Last year, Li Hua, a college student, _ to work for the Olym

46、pic Games.A. is choosingB. is chosenC. was choosingD. was chosen36.(2008) How s Annie? I _ her for a long time.A. don t seeB. won t seeC. didn t seeD. haven t seen37.(2007) I doll it better if the teacher _ me another chance.A. giveB. givesC. gaveD. will give38.(2007)When I went to say goodbye to An

47、na, she _ the piano.A. is playingB. playsC. was playingD. played39.(2007)Henry speaks Chinese very well. He _ in China since 2002.A. staysB. stayedC. is stayingD. has stayed40.(2007)There _ a talk show on CCTV-4 at nine this evening.A. will haveB. is going to beC. is going to haveD. is staying- 8 -中

48、考時態(tài)考點梳理41.(2016)Oh, no! I_ my book in the lab.A. leaveB. leftC. will leaveD. was leaving42.(2016)Grandpa _glassws when he reads.A .wears B.woreC.has wornD. was wearing43.(2016)Just go down this road and you_the library next to the bank.A.seeB.sawC.has seenD. will see44.(2016)Our team _another point!

49、 I am sure we ll win the game.A .will getB.has gotC.is gettingD. was getting參考答案中考時態(tài)考點梳理1-5. ADBBB6-10. CCCCC11-15. ADBAD16-20. A AADB21-25. ABCCC26-30. BDBBC31-35. BAACC36-40. CDCBB41-45. DDCAA46-50. CCCAD近年河北省中考時態(tài)真題1-5. DCCAD6-10. CCBBD11-15. CABAC16-20. DCDBC21-25. DDCDB26-30. DDCCB31-35. BDCAD36-40. DBCDB41-44 BADB- 9 -中考時態(tài)考點梳理

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