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1、國家開放大學(xué)電大本科文學(xué)英語賞析期末試題及答案(試卷號:1062)2022盜傳必究Information for the examinees: This examination consists of 3 parts. They are Part I: Literary Fundamentals (30 points) Pan II: Reading Comprehension (50 points) P&ri lilt Writing (20 points) The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed f

2、or completing this examination is 90 minutes.30 polntsl 1 here wll Im* no extra time to tninsfer answers to the Answer Shett; thereh)re you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.Part I Lltmn FuiuinmcnUbSrction I. Mutch the nnrk wllh Ihelr wrltcn (!” polm、).Work*Hflh l

3、.ikf Whitr Ehphanu2. Thf Mayor d/ Cuilfrbnd3. The CructblrI, /V( IniftnKir talb5. I.urd u f thr V hriWriicnA. Arthur MillrrIL WiBinm (iolding(, Marnn l.uthrr Kingf). Onrur WddcE, Wnh WhitmiinE. J. H PricMleyG I homnn HnntyEnwW HeminicwaySection 2. Decide whether tbt fallowing utemmto art trte (T) r

4、Fuhr IH (l網(wǎng)伽).6V Ruben Front s (jimoim American pcwL7. 1 IWm+mll is a rcimw chArnclcr created hy(版W,ld pll,v mpartancf 0/ Hriftx Er nt it8. Hatnlfl | a well known comedy by William Shiikvtpearc.9. The novel mHs” of Darken 顱。心 thr conupilon. cruelty nd greed ol the rnluhml in Africa皿 丁加 85, S / Dr Je

5、kyll and M,心血悟 geJdd心E 仲前“加 equal rights between the black* and wh,tgg 3. C hoose tbe correct 岫5 t。complete haikuwhere nn inRniniAtc ob)rcc is Kiven human or Mperinl kind of _animate ehnractedMiokA HwmmphorH Similcettmctaj)horC McTiif)h)f*uimilr(X PrrnonificAtiontee mc(phor13. *Krn in quolrrl fromby

6、A. An wcy Fr/inri BuconK speecht Abraham LincolnL n pcrcht Mnrtin Luther Kinn【). an eHity Michrl de MontaigneAll thr following were awarded ihr Nobel Pritr for Litcrnture cxccpiA. John SteinbeckH Edward LearC Willmvn (ioldinxLX Harold Pinter低 Which figure uf speech in UMd in the following linen?W”h

7、thia fftith we will be Me to work together, to pray together* lo mruggle togethrr. to go to jail together, to tand up for freedom together knowing thnt we will be free one dy.,A. K C rxSimilePcrsonificntionParallelismPun50 point*lrt It Rnading ( umprehenvionRei! Ihr cxtraclA and chr the bent uriAwrr

8、 to each qucatloneText 1Of StudiesStUdiM M fVe for ddight# for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delifht in in prwmm and rctinnKl for ornnmem. is in diyg and for obility. in the judgmentI ()and disposition of business. For expert men can execute and perhnp5 judge of particulars, one by

9、onei hut rhe grnrra! counscht and the plots and marshalling of affairst corrie best from those that are learned To spend too much time in studies is jlothi tn 115c them too much (or ornament is affectation 1 to make judgment wholly by their rules# is the humor of a scholar. They perfect nature and a

10、re perfected by expcriencei for natund ibilitics arc Hke natural planls. Itmt need proyning. by study; nnd studies themselves do give forth chreclionM too much Rt Iftrgct rxerpt they be bounded in by experience. Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, nnd wise men use therm for they teac

11、h not their own nsej but that is h wisdom without them, ond above them won by observanon. Read not xo contradict and confutei nor to believe and take for granted t nor to find talk and discourse4 but to weigh and consider. Question% 16 19 (12 points)16. The extract begins with _A. three best methods

12、 of reading& three functions that studies can nerveC. the inborn disadvantages that reading can make up17. Reading according to the authort is above all else a source for onrf 5.A. moral and religious beliefsB. stimulatinR conversationC. private deliberation18. The author compares Abilities and Mpla

13、nt?H to make the point thn!.A- Education hnpcs and rcGnes an individualv s innate quolitiexB. Individuals must be nurtured and protected as growing plants must beC. Some students learn better than others because they are born cleverer than others19. Which of the stylistic devices is most prominent i

14、n the author1 s prose?A Alhtcrntion and AssonsnceB. Irony and pun.C. Neatly balanced syntactic oppositionaf hr Mid to KinocHrl fur the first lime Hr took il up* rullrd it quickly between thumb and forrfingrr. and then il contrmptuouMly hack into the tray,Da not include me in thin dincusalon* hr Mid

15、dryly. 11 will rrukc no offer nt nIL 1 do not wnnf lt a hltlr mn with n nhy Mft voice took up the penrL nnd he rxonnncd it carcfullye Hr look n kIaha (rum hisi pockrf nncl inNprrtcd it tinder mAgndicutiorh Fhen he ImiKhcdBrltrr prnrh rr made of pAiHj he %aid e I know thrAc things This In nofi nncl c

16、hulky il will lone Hm color and die in n few niotithM- Look He uffrrrd thr ghnii t(i Kino uhowed him how io uo it and Kino* who had never Krrn n prnrTR Aurlncc nta|nt(ic(l wag Rhockrd tn the ttrariKlookinK urhce.The third dealer took the pour I from Kino1 hnndn. One of rny clients likes such ihingMt

17、1 hr 偵 d. 11 will offer (ivc hundred pew und pcrhnpii I enn nd I if to my client for niM hundretL 1Kiho renchrd quirkly and nn/Hrhed thr prarl from hi hnn(l He wrapped it in thr cleertfkin and thrust it inside hit flhirtThe mun behind the desk anidt Im a look I know, but my (init offer mndik I Btill

18、 offer a thousand. What arc you doing?1 he okcd s Kino thrunt the pearl out ol night. I am chemcd.f Kino cncd ficrcely e My pearl in not for mJc lirre. I will got prrhapn even to I he enpiuL New fhe dralrrw glnncrd quickly Ml ona anuthcre They knew thry Iwd phyed too hftfdi they knrw they would be d

19、isciplined (or thrir 浦 hire, a nd thr mn at (he desk nmd (juicklye | mi|(hl go to fifteen hundn:!avr hipnd pltchwl over board.I.OW ytiur rttrtny.invuiiRr taken nwy culture taken wyhtvr yowr 5M”yWork (rum un up to un downIjihI hired, firs UrriLLttx vnur WRope your mothrryg,rowrPy the highcat rent*扁V

20、yuur fftrmy.Sell you rotten foodLc your enrm v.Sdl dope to your children.vr your cim y.Forced to live in the slumjul-ovr your rnemy.Dilapidated schools.Low your enemy.Puts you in jadLLox your tntfmy.Bitten by dog.Low your enemy.WiiMr hose you down.Lovr your enemy.Love.Love.Love.Love.Love.Love for ev

21、erybody else.Htn when will we love ourselves?(Yusef Imatu )Quridunii 23 25 (9 poInU)23. Che |xrm ran be etci(oried 一 A. m luve lyricB. an tlrgyC. 4 proicni poem24. Which of thv followinx it true of I he poem?A. rhr poet calk fur drrprnrd rnnn tr man cxchnnuc bclwrrfi ihr while people on irony a nd r

22、rpelitionI,nllitcrAtion and wimileCt prairie porm24. Which of lh (ollowinK i Uur o( rhe poem?A, The port calls (or drepenrd nun iorm rrA. irony und rrpmuonH. al!hrrnion *nd tlmUe( pcroniGcAtion nni mclaphorTct IHaul the cxlmii and filvc brief unnwcni to the qucsthmB 26 29 lh Plciue noU: Ihh rciidint

23、f Wk will be rrkvunl t the wrilitiu Wk In Pur! HI.ThiefHe IB waitiriH at the airline ticket counter when hr hrMt nolivew thr youM w“mnru Shr hMM block hnir pulled lightly into knot ai ihv back of her hed the nunit|oo*d and cBtcadin* W the amall ol her baek nnd mrriw ow % houldcr of her 15 coat a hea

24、vy bhrk purse. Slw wruri bUrk boots of Wl 函E. Hr mu耶If in 心 hcr fOce hc iw nhrad of him in linebut It i not until the h bought her ticket nd y to wa)k iwny thM br rcalucM her hen.ny, which 以 pnk d 偵k ryrd and (ul! mouthed. “W which quickrnu hi hmrth函.Sh rcmA nwnre thnl he s Mann t Iwr in1 me hr K/Ih

25、r rtitlinr tlrrk tntrrruprr The* man gve up looking at rhe womnn- he tb:nks she m&y be about twemfg and buys a round trip, conch class ticker to nn eastern city.Hi5 fhh, ,tnvr* ,n hour. To kill nmc. the man sxep* into one of the airpon cocktail bm 血 orrfm * Mcotch and water. While he m腫 it he wutche

26、s the flow of travdera thruugh h ternuruil mdudwR a remurkAbh* fiunihhr w rravrlmg. but even though hr believes (or a moment 皿 is lookmg M.f ,crcyr ,rum ut,r m Mindow ol the bar. In nnothrr in.txnt thr twownme 55 rwither W their directiow it toward him. He orders a second xcotch nnd water.Whs nrxt h

27、e acea her. he i buying 0 ningntine tu rwd during the flight and become. BWflrr,hM 叫meonc i jostling him. Al hmt he u 5UrTled thm wnyonc would be o clone co fovch him. but when he who It i hr minim . Nraile.*Buy placet1 hrSh5 At the rounier with his mAgawne, but when he rcfirhc. into hi hnck pocket

28、,Or hb Wdkt 而 M如 ,nw When could I hove lom it? he think. His mtnd beglnM rnutneranngerrdit 頃M the currency, the mrnibcrnhip mid identification 皿板 hi, W,m“h churn, with wmcth.ng very like fair. The girl who so near to me. he thinks- and all at once he understands thot hc ho picked hit* pocket.Whm in

29、he io do? He mill hm his ticket,恤ly tucked inidr hin suitcoal-he reaches ,n,hc 灑如 to feel the envelope, to make mire. Hr am take the Right, call wmeonr io gk him up m hi de.Minatian -wince hr nnnot even affard (he Is fuLcondur his hug “d y home. Bui in the meantime he will have io do non.eihing abou

30、t the lost Crrd,!加函I homr. h/ive his w/ 呻 rhe numbers out of ibr top dek drawer, phone the Bmikf diffitmh a process, the whole thing 碩g&,Whm should he do?Finn Find a pohecman. lell what h“ happen, describe the young woman* damn bcr, he thinks, for neeming to be atunt.ve to him. e to him. blush prett

31、ily when he ”L血 M the lime she wanted only 10 Meal from him. And her blush 5 not shyness but the anxiety of being caught, that was msi his teeth. He will probably never 心 hi* wWe gm.Hr 15 trying to decide if he should save time by talking to a guard ntr the machine when he h nppdlcd-and elatcdlo see

32、 the bhek-haired girl. kEbony TsM Thief, the newspaper* will say.) She is stMted 頗頑 a front window of the律小血 gmCBfs moving sluggMy beyond her in the Rathering darkness she 心耐 t:呻。*d m d book. A sent beside her is empty, and the man occupies U. Vvc been looking (or you. heShe glances at him with no 5

33、on of recognition. * I don l know you-血Sure you do.She 岫 and puu the boc.k 頃如.膈 this M yon characters think .bouf king mgirh l.ke wc were mmW Whal do you 師,山 1 頑廣 丫虹心my wHe,.,he皿He ,。心& 的粕.,岫皿“ ,。血,mare worldly tluin lo/e nr lok ur ern ripped ”,| ben your jwirdon?* the girl *y*M 5 you dii ilw nuoinc

34、 counter. If 3 呻 代、. we 皿 5杯 whole thing. If youdont. then VII hand you over to the police. ,She,心 him. h“ 心AI1 n m 皿眥 M,血心 g。禰 her (up. rrAchrn into it find draw out a wullet.,Heit from hr. Wnh a minuicJ he 皿仰師、際受,The M run. he bull.血”、h 心而 m 5 - 5-岫林” 5心: 55 ovoid 55 血-nd of hi. own breathing 5岫 h

35、un how IBrhr WttHr, 11 womim、,kt with money and credit cards from pics hkr Sk、nnd ,V,k k ond I ord & Taylor, and it b血叫、to fhr blonde in thr fur trimmed coat- ihr b,nndr hc 卜5 l,flrl,cr Hccn m convrraattan with the cntnirml brunette. She, breathless* in ihn policcnuin with her.F him. * the blonde gi

36、rl uym *Hc lifted my billfold. 1It necur* io ihr ttun that he cannot even prove his own identity tu the puhccman.Two wetka hter-thr vtnharrMmrnt and mge have diminished, the family kwyrr hat bccn lhr 心Wiw i hi. household hm reteded lhe wallet iwm up without expUnmibn :n one rnorninR * miiil. It ix m

37、ucu no money h miAfling. nil the ninh xrr in plarc,he U rcltevecl. thr man thinkii iha! for the reM of his life he will M gmhyround policement and Ashamed tn the pretence o( wotneru26.Quctlun 26-29 (20 polnb)Whm color word or wurdu is rr|HmHuw do yu underhand the hlk of thr story? How many -thirvr a

38、re rhert in the atory? Exphdn your iiniiwer briefly.Wlw do you notice iiboin the tcne uived in thh uory? What g the cflect u( this on rhe way we experience the events?5 111 WHM”20M Urtlr ZH -5 一,-=Xd-M =mprcMmlc35。w-s-r 7m 113aox二三二言二=2一三7 二狀二z三7_h)ZH -7, ! &( 2FA 2-A 22c 23c 2= 2PA 7二二*-s=-二* -=3三i

39、x2MT2-;二,-SKsxermnM二7二37-F三三=,n-M=$hos-m3 =1 ,-3二Fr =rr-c-M- -= rm 二,ghrsr qtuMFmls2F.-,.一s二ixkrs -=n2s=&, =M-3KS二-=-二 her k-M- 3- -CM-一 =-=, rT=-z=3-二二:_w=一 h= 5M-二5-sk -ll-k =F=;三-二二W.M n-vx二 y 三-h;-Ey = - =k- -X二二;二三rrk -M-z- w-三二三 whoNzz-,二三三=-M-二=?三二 w 二一-三 w 二-二三Z二二-h/h7二 M -=F3=T-au-7rr,hL一 h

40、 hcmh/ws-2近二 h hmsr N8r二三 w=- from -he mn?rPSMxoE.q wh二c m* 二三 k -hr mnswh.三 h.7-F-y=x n mn 號a.nr m g.rrnnx二 w 一一-xhrQhc g 二:二三 wn-二二 HU2 一 in ndsm . 一二 -h- mnsrnx-rTS.n,-c=2-05nkc -h, num rln- nf-rrFrTh-z-二 uk s=,-h-x-=r,=ymK 二二一二x n= cok,-=r wj 二一2一 rem-程 r -c sav-? wnsMM w=h hFnk h 三 r28。Th-=-TKT

41、h-M,s= nrrr -o=ny zery -三。三 二 m uhnrHnM,i= -hftzmyrhe hr三x-?-M -m 三-h 一 h m=h 一二o=x=mv_ whcW7xMMCZd ms? 一- 一 nm-h-三cnd?cr -v-3二Xmmi-y -Hwycr whe-M; E 二-h- -Ey 三 w=h-h- rwrr (A,篇 rd -X二3; _u w: pr=pw Mh grra ZXH3XSM )29 Th-二 w of -3箸x -Jr-2mr=w m wm=二=三-M5-二 n? Th- rf-M一三二云 7ihr rvrnt niarr initnri)t

42、tiK lictori our1hruf pri Mrin icnnvji mnkeh ihv mory Mrcm nior 心 If u 忡 unfnlrfln Iwfon imr(y八 n wc n nd H I ht Pri/MMU Per( I k ikviI ih ihv Inl |htrnKrA|ihe hwhlirhlH騏 lib prvbrrii :ll i I* nl t ncuontPnrt III Wrilinu20 Points5KX可禰伸分曾怵n丈廈分為20分.分為內(nèi)7肖啊分為。分)“倡,倆分為10分)0 KWf情分為2分)分.:施分分值IU加即月H攵的分備部分。號評分向U如卜,郡分1*1 o8分ih 褂.,婦化,.h)f M恂,麼化.常川/法Wi恂 ffi IM1。分M A驚戚宥健川正確.K W 1fi侑V f iA it3分

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