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1、單擊此處編輯母版標題樣式,單擊此處編輯母版文本樣式,第二級,第三級,第四級,第五級,*,Lesson 11,Activity 1 RevisionPay attention to the tenses in English and in Chinese,Task 2 Translating Back into English,老頭兒教會了孩子下象棋,孩子很愛他。,The old man had taught the boy to play chess and the boy loved him.,當年,他曾需要她父親的援引而獲得權勢,如今,他功成名就,就一腳把她踢開了。,Whereas he

2、had once needed her father as a channel to power,now that he was well-established,he kicked her away.,聽人說,他很小就失去了父親,完全是靠自己的努力才取得今天的成就的。,They say he lost his father at a very early age.He has achieved what he has got today all through his own efforts.,我的那本書能出版多虧了他,對此我過去很感激,現(xiàn)在仍然很感激。,I was,and remain,g

3、rateful for the part he played in publishing that book of mine.,她看起來比實際年齡要年輕一些,因為她一直過著安逸的生活。,She looked younger than her age,for she had had an easy life.,Activity 2 Translation Skill:Key Word Repetition,Task 1 Repeating the Nouns,I had experienced computer and/or printer,trouble,.,我曾碰到過,不是電腦出,,就是打印

4、機出,,或者兩者都出,。,故障,I saw,Germany,under the control of Hitler,and later in war with the Soviet Union and the rest of the world.,我曾目睹了希特勒控制下的,,后來又目睹了同蘇聯(lián)和全世界打仗的,。,德國,This has been our,position,but not theirs.,這一直是我們的,一一而不是他們的,。,立場,My grandfather used to tell me that one got more,enjoyment,out of one hours

5、 fruitful work than out of ten hours meaningless recreation.,我的祖父曾跟我說過,一個人從一個小時的有成效的工作中得到的,比從十個小時 的無聊的娛樂中所得到的,還多。,快樂,Now translate the following sentences into English.Is it necessary to repeat the underlined nouns in English?,現(xiàn)代資產階級本身是一個長期發(fā)展過程的,產物,,是生產方式和交換方式的一系列變革的,產物,。,The modern bourgeoisie is i

6、tself the product of a long course of development,of a series of revolutions in the modes of production and of exchange.,他們舉行了記者招待,會,,,會,上對該片的拍攝過程作了詳盡的介紹。,They held a press conference,at which they gave detailed descriptions of how the film was shot.,員工們對,老板,怕得要死,,老板,不僅經常整他們,而且還隨時可能解雇他們。,The employe

7、es lived in terror of the boss,who had not only borne down on them but could also dismiss them at any time.,Now translate the following sentences into English.Is it necessary to repeat the underlined nouns in English?,水可由,能量,來分解,所謂,能量,也就是電流。,Water can be decomposed by energy,a current of electricity

8、.,無知是羨慕的根源,也是恐懼的根源。,Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration.,Task 2 Repeating the Verbs,They,talked,of their daughters,of the project that was to start very soon,of the weatherof everything but themselves.,他們,各自的女兒,,,即將開始的項目,,天氣一一,一切,只是不談他們自己。,談到,Every night he,dreamed of,his hometo

9、wn,of his mother watering in the garden,of his wife preparing meals in the kitchen,of his kids asking when Dad would be back.,每天晚上他都,故園,,,母親在花園里澆水,,,妻子在廚房里做飯,,孩子們在追問爸爸什么時候回來。,夢見,Task 2 Repeating the Verbs,His wife,kept dinning,in his ears about his incapability,his stupidity,and the misfortune he ha

10、d brought on his family.,他老婆不斷在他耳邊嘮叨,,他無能,,他愚蠢,,他給全家人帶來了災難。,說(怨,說,怪),The investigation showed that he,failed to comply with,the terms of his employment and his obligations as a department manager.,調查表明他,受雇條件,,一個部門經理的職責。,沒有履行,They were starting from scratch and,needed,money,equipment and training.,他們

11、是白手起家的,,錢,,設備,,培訓。,需要,Task 3 dealing with the Pronouns,She opened her eyes.,They,were filled with tears.,她睜開眼睛,它們充滿了淚水。,她睜開眼晴,眼里充滿了淚水。,Happy families also had,their,own troubles.,幸福的家庭也有它們的煩惱。,幸福的家庭也有幸福家庭的煩惱。,Big companies have their strategies while small companies also have,their,own ways of survi

12、ving.,大公司有它們的策略,小公司也有它們的生存方式。,大公司有大公司的策略,小公司也有小公司的生存方式。,Task 3 dealing with the Pronouns,I hope,whoever,you vote for in the next election,that at least you know why you are voting.,我希望,下次選舉你不論選誰,至少明白你為什么選。,我希望,下次選舉你不論選誰,至少明白你為什么選他。,You may borrow,whichever,dress in my wardrobe you like best.,我衣櫥里的裙子

13、你最喜歡哪一條,就可以借。,我衣櫥里的裙子你最喜歡哪一條,就可以借哪一條。,The technique we have been practicing is called key word repetition.We have seen that this key word can be a noun,or a verb,or a pronoun.In fact,it can also be any other forms of words.Whether repetition is needed or not depends on the actual situation.,Activity

14、 3 Translation Skill:Use of Four-Character Phrases,Four-character phrases are widely used in Chinese.This is a unique feature of the Chinese language.Generally speaking,four-character phrases have at least three advantages:succinct,neat,and rhythmical,.,Proper use of four-character phrases when tran

15、slating English to Chinese can add a lot of flavor to,your,work.,Task,1,Comparing the Two Versions,I have seen thousands of these,defeated,discouraged,hopeless men and,women,cringing(vi.,畏縮,阿諛,奉承),and fawning(adj.,奉承的),as they come to ask for public aid.It is a spectacle of national degradation(n.,降

16、級,降格,退化).,我見到數(shù)千萬被打敗了的、受了挫折的、沒有了希望的男人和女人又奉承又乞憐地前來請求救濟。這是一個給國家丟了臉的情景。,我見到成千上萬的山窮水盡、灰心絕望的男男女女前來請求救濟。他們低聲下氣,苦苦哀求 此情此景,真是丟盡了國家的臉。,To,Henry,Kissinger,For whose wise counsel and dedicated services far beyond the call of duty I shall always remain grateful.,From his friend,Richard Nixon,贈給亨利基辛格:,為他的英明的計策、忘我的工作及所承擔的份外的事物,我將永遠感激.,他的朋友:理查德尼克松,贈言一一亨利基辛格:,善進良策,獻身爾職,逾于所司,永志不渝,你的朋友:理查德尼克松,I repair to the,enchanted house,where there are,lights,chattering,music,flowers,officers,and the eldest Miss,Larkins,a,blaz

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