
高中英語 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Section Two Language Points2課件 新人教版必修2

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1、Unit2 Olympic Games Revision 1參加,參與 2代表;象征,表示 3過去常常 4發(fā)現(xiàn),查明 5每四年6一組,一套7達(dá)到標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 8與比賽,競爭9. 起重要作用 10也,又 11事實上12為感到自豪 13為爭取/得到而競爭14用替換 stand fortake part in used to find outevery four years reach the standard a set ofcompete against/ withplay a very important part/ role in as well as a matter of factbe prou

2、d ofcompete forreplace.with. u Words ancient; compete ; medal; magical; volunteer; regular; basis; admit athlete; host ; nowadays; replace; responsibility; charge; motto; swiftu Phrases take part in; find out ; stand for; used to; every four years; a set of; reach the standard; compete with; join in

3、; play a part/ role in; as well; as a matter of fact; be proud of; compete foru Sentences 1. I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I 2. No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women!3. Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.考綱知識

4、預(yù)覽 Main contentsu Words: compete; admit; host; replaceu Phrases:take part in; stand for; as wellu Sentences:1. I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I 2. No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women!3. Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win O

5、lympic medals. 1. Study by yourselves (4 min)Tips: 1) you can refer to the book 創(chuàng) 新 設(shè) 計 讓 進(jìn) 入 ;被 錄 取容 納 hold承 認(rèn) ; 供 認(rèn) 鞏 固 運(yùn) 用 : Complete the short passage using the word “admit” : 湯 姆 去 年 被 哈 佛 大 學(xué) 錄 取 了 。 這 所 大 學(xué) 每 年 從 世界 各 地 招 收 1, 000名 優(yōu) 秀 的 學(xué) 生 。 但 是 在 期 末 考 試 中失 敗 了 。 經(jīng) 過 調(diào) 查 , 他 承 認(rèn) 了 在 入 學(xué) 考

6、試 中 作 弊 了 。最 后 , 他 不 得 不 離 開 了 這 所 著 名 的 大 學(xué) 。 Tom _ Harvard University last year, which _ 1,000 top students every year from all over the world. However, he failed in the final exam. During the research, he _ in the College Entrance Examination. Finally, he had to leave the famous university. was a

7、dmitted intoadmits admitted cheatingadmitted having cheated 3). hostRead the following sentences and summarize the meanings of “host”Mark, our host, introduced us to the other guests.Beijing is the host of 29the Olympic Games in 2008.Zhu Jun is a famous host of TV show 藝 術(shù) 人 生 .It remains unknown wh

8、ich country will host the international tennis tournament. (國 際 網(wǎng) 球 錦 標(biāo) 賽 )We attended a dinner party hosted by the president of the company. The awards ceremony was hosted by Dong Qing. n. 主 人 ; 東 道 主 , 主 辦國 ; 主 持 人 vt.主 辦 ; 以 主 人 身 份 招 待 ; 主 持 hostess 鞏 固 運(yùn) 用 : 他 是 一 檔 電 視 脫 口 秀 節(jié) 目 的 主 持 人 。_ of

9、a TV talk show. 倫 敦 將 舉 辦 2012年 奧 林 匹 克 運(yùn) 動 會 。London will host the Olympic Games in 2012. 倫 敦 將 是 2012年 奧 林 匹 克 運(yùn) 動 會 的 主 辦 國 。London will be the host city of 2012 Olympic Games. He is a host 4). replace 不 吃 正 餐 , 改 吃 點 心 , 這 不 是 什 么 好 主 意 。 It is not a good idea _. Would you please replace the mag

10、azine after reading it? (translation) 請 讀 完 雜 志 后 把 它 放 回 原 處 好 嗎 ?to miss meals and replace them with snacksThink about:take the place of/ take ones place/ in place of的 用法 Tom 不 適 合 這 項 工 作 , 我 們 另 雇 了 個 人 來 替代 他 。Tom is not fit for the job. _ 李 先 生 要 代 替 我 去 參 加 會 議 。Mr. Li will take the place of

11、me to the meeting.= Mr. Li will _ to the meeting. = Mr. Li will _ to the meeting.鞏 固 運(yùn) 用 : complete the sentences using the following phrasesWe have hired a new person in place of him.take the place of / take ones place/ replace/ in place of(in place of)take my placereplace me Content2 phrases1. Sel

12、f- study(3 min)Tips:1) you can refer to the book 創(chuàng) 新 設(shè) 計 stand for; as well She _ the company three months ago. Im sure youll all _ me in wishing them a happy marriage. She decided to _ the lecture though she was in bad health. He _ the last Olympic Games and won a gold medal. On entering the classr

13、oom, Lily _ our discussion about water pollution.joined joinattendtook part in joined in 1). take part in/ join/ join in/ attend take part in 指 參 加 群 眾 性 的 或 重 大 的 活 動 ,并 在 活 動 中 發(fā) 揮 其 作 用 。 join指 加 入 某 個 組 織 或 團(tuán) 體 并 成 為 其 中 的 一員 。 join in多 指 參 加 正 在 進(jìn) 行 活 動 或 比 賽 。 join sb. in doing sth. Attend正 式

14、用 語 。 指 參 加 會 議 、 儀 式 、 典禮 、 上 學(xué) 、 上 課 等 summary 2). stand for (英 漢 互 譯 ) In Turkey, to enter a room with the right leg stands for good luck.在 土 耳 其 , 用 右 腿 進(jìn) 入 房 間 象 征 著 好 運(yùn) 。 PRC 這 幾 個 字 母 代 表 中 華 人 民 共 和 國 。The letters PRC stand for the Peoples Republic of China.拓 展 : Harriet Tubman stood for the

15、 Northern States because the Northern States fought against the Southern States. I cant stand for it because it is very boring.鞏 固 運(yùn) 用 : Make two sentences using “ stand for” by yourselves. 3). as wellRead the sentences and find out the differences between “as well” and “as well as”. Air is necessar

16、y for people; it is necessary for plants as well. We are going to the cinema tonight, and why dont you come along as well? There is no doubt that we can help each other with our subjects as well as languages. The child is lovely as well as healthy.注 意 : Many students as well as Tom were present at t

17、he meeting.類 似 的 : with; together with; along with; like; rather than; besides 句 末 句 中 , 連 接并 列 成 分 鞏 固 運(yùn) 用 : The boys as well as the girl _ (has/have) learned to drive a car. A library with five thousand books _ (am/ is/ are) offered to the nation as a gift. The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of

18、her class, _ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck. A. was B. were C. had been D. would be The teacher together with the students _ discussing Reading Skills that _ newly published in America. A. are; were B. is; were C. are; was D. is; was have isA D Content3 sentences(3min)1. I lived in wha

19、t you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.2. No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women!3. Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.Group work: Pay attention to the sentence pattern and tra

20、nslate the following sentences into Chinese. 1). I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago. 我 生 活 在 你 們 所 說 的 “ 古 希 臘 ” 。 我 過 去 常 寫 有 關(guān)很 久 以 前 的 奧 林 匹 克 運(yùn) 動 會 的 情 況 。 After many days voyage, they arrived in what is called America now. After

21、 a long journey, they came to what was called “Gebi Desert”.“的 ” what= the thing that/ which= After many days voyage, they arrived in the place that/ which is called America now.= After a long journey, they came to the place that/ which was called “Gebi Desert” . Have a try:After a long journey, the

22、y come to _ was called Chinatown. A. what B. that C. which D. the place鞏 固 運(yùn) 用 : 這 個 現(xiàn) 代 體 育 館 建 立 在 10年 前 的 一 塊 荒 地 (wasteland)上 。 A modern gymnasium has been set up in _. The companies are working together to create _ they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century. A. which B. t

23、hat C. what D. whowhat was a wasteland ten years ago CA 2). No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women! 別 的 國 家 不 能 參 加 , 奴 隸 和 婦 女 也 不 能 參 加 !Have a try 1. Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and _.A. I was neither B. neither was I C. I was either D. either was

24、 I2. If Joes wife wont go to the party, _. A. he will either B. neither will heC. he neither will D. either he will (1)句型“nor/neither系動詞/助動詞/情態(tài)動詞另一個主語” ,表示“也不” B B 拓 展 : 3. - My room gets very cold at night. - _. A. So is mine B. So mine is C. So does mine D. So mine does4. I reminded you not to for

25、get the appointment. - _. A. So you did B. So I do not C. So did you D. So do I (2)句型“so系動詞/助動詞/情態(tài)動詞另一個主語”用于肯定陳述句之后,表示前句所說的情況也適合于另一個人或物。CA 鞏 固 運(yùn) 用 : complete the following sentences:(1)I have never been abroad,_(他也沒出過國)(2)You can ride a bike , _(我也會)neither/nor has he so can I 3). Theres as much com

26、petition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals. 國 與 國 之 間 爭 取 奧 運(yùn) 會 承 辦 權(quán) 的 競 爭 就 跟 爭 奪 奧 運(yùn) 獎牌 一 樣 地 激 烈 。 He works as hard as you. He speaks English well indeed, but of course not as / so fluently as a native speaker. Teaching is as much an art as it is a science. Mr. Smith

27、got twice as many medals in 2006 as the year before. 1. It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science. A. as art much as B. much an art as C. as an art much as D. as much an art as高 考 鏈 接D解 析 : 答 案 D。 根 據(jù) 題 意 , 此 處 需 用asas 結(jié) 構(gòu) , 所 以 B項 不 對 , A,C為 語 序錯 誤 , 只 有 D項 結(jié) 構(gòu) 正 確 , 全 句 意 為 “ 一般 認(rèn) 為 , 教 學(xué) 是 門 科 學(xué) 也 是 一 門 藝 術(shù) 。 ”

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