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1、一、 垃圾分選系統垃圾分選,歷來是垃圾處理技術的瓶頸,不管是焚燒、填埋處理工藝,還是綜合處理工藝,很多失敗案例都是因為垃圾分選不徹底, 導致下工序無法處理而使整條生產線都不能正常運行。城市生活垃圾“ LJ”五化處理技術 - 垃圾分選系統,是該技術的核心, 該系統通過垃圾均勻給料、 大件垃圾自動分選系統、 大件垃圾破碎系統、袋裝垃圾自動破袋、 大塊有機物自動破碎系統、 全封閉機械化風選系統、塑料水選系統、有機物高溫高壓水解水熱氧化“熱選”系統等工藝處理后,可將城市生活垃圾分選為: 1) 無機物類; 2)砂土類; 3) 有機物類; 4)不可回收可燃物類 (若輔以簡單人工分選, 還可以分出硬質塑料、

2、 橡膠等); 5)薄膜塑料類;6)鐵磁物類 .以上垃圾,分選純度均可達到 85%以上,薄膜塑料分選純度可達到90%以上,為下工序垃圾處理的“資源化、產業(yè)化”打下了堅實的基礎。混合是垃圾,分類是資源。Waste Sorting SystemWaste separation has always been the bottleneck of waste disposaltechnology,whetherincineration,landfilltreatmentprocess,orintegrated treatment process. Many failures are due to gar

3、bage sort notcomplete, leading that the next process can not handle, and the wholeproduction line can not run properly. Municipal solid waste“LJ” Fivetreatmenttechnologies-the core technologyofthe waste sortingsystem,is the key technology. By garbage uniform feeding, automatic sortingsystem of bulky

4、 waste, bulky waste automatic crushing system, automatictorn bags of garbage bags, bulkyorganic matterautomatic broken system,closed mechanization winnowing system, plastic water selection system,and “ hotelection ” systemofhigh temperature andpressureofhydrothermal hydrolysis of organic matter, urb

5、an house refuse can beseparatedtomanykinds: 1)inorganic;2)sands; 3)organic;4)irrecoverablefuel(ifsupplemented bysimple manual sorting,hardplasticandrubberetc willbeseparated);5) filmplastic;6)ferromagnetic materialsThe sortingrate of theabove garbage can reachmore than 85%, the sortingrate of film p

6、lastic reaches more than 90%, lay a solid foundation fornext treatment of“Resource and Industrialize”Mixing is Rubbish, while Classifying is Resource二、有機物高溫高壓水解水熱氧化制肥系統該系統是“ LJ”五化處理技術的核心技術之一,前處理系統分選出來的有機物 , 經高溫高壓水解水熱氧化釜在溫度 193 C、壓力 1.25Mpa 的條件下,反應 2 小時,徹底消滅了病蟲害和雜菌, 并使有機物中的大分子鏈斷成易于農作物吸收的小分子鏈,由于有機物在高溫

7、高壓反應過程中, 產生了大量的糖分和腐殖酸, 所以該肥料養(yǎng)分充足, 是綠色食品的必用肥料。 根據市場需求, 配入其它養(yǎng)分即可生產出各種高效有機無機復混生態(tài)農作物專用肥。以有機物為主的垃圾,經過 2 個小時左右的“水解”處理后,其中, 95%以上的有機垃圾在水解噴爆過程中被膨化成棕褐色粉末, 降解為有益于農作物生長的優(yōu)質有機肥,然后經過烘干、篩分,把有機質粉末與其它未降解物徹底分離。該工序能將不可降解的無機物與有機物徹底分選開來,所以也叫“熱選” 。該工序所需熱能來自焚燒系統的余熱鍋爐, 能源循環(huán)利用, 以垃圾處理垃圾, 大大地降低了垃圾處理成本。高溫高壓水解水熱氧化技術的作用:1,把大分子鏈斷

8、為短分子鏈。2,加速糖類、腐殖酸的轉換,提高有機肥的質量。3,滅菌徹底,完全實現了無害化處理。Organic High Temperature and Pressure Hydrolysisand OxidationCompostingSystemThesystem isthecore technologyin“LJ” Fivetechnologies,organicsortedoutofpre-treatmentsystem,inhydrothermalhydrolysisoxidationreactor, with 193 ,1.25Mpa,the react for 2 hours, c

9、ompletely eliminatepests and bacteria, and make the macromolecular chain in organic matterbroken into easily absorbed by crops small molecules chain. Due to lotsofsugarandacidgeneratedfromthehightemperatureand pressurereactionprocessoforganicmatter,thefertilizerisnutrientadequacy,and a must fertiliz

10、erto green food.According tomarket demands, itcanbe blended with other nutrients to produce a variety of organic andinorganic specific ecological compound fertilizer for crops.Thegarbagedominatedbyorganicwaste,afterabout2hours“ hydrolysis ” treatment,morethan95% organicwasteofthemwereextrudedintobro

11、wn powders duringthehydrolysisjetexplosionprocess,and degrade toqualityorganicfertilizerbenefitforthe growthof crops.And though dryingand screening,absolutelyseparateorganicpowders andotherundegraded matter.Thisprocesscancompletelyseparatetheundegraded inorganicwaste and organicwaste, so called“hote

12、lection ”.The heat required by this process from the waste heat boiler system canrecycle,usewasteto disposewaste,willgreatlyreducethewastedisposal costs.Theroleofhighpressureandtemperaturehydrothermaloxidationhydrolysis:Macromolecular chain is broken into shorter chainsAccelerate the conversion of s

13、ugars and humic acid, improve the quality of organic fertilizerComplete sterilization, the full realization of the sound processing三、不可回收類可燃物焚燒、余熱利用系統經綜合風選機分選出來的高熱值可燃物,如竹木制品、硬質塑料、廢橡膠、破衣物及其它可燃物, 具有不可回收、 但熱值很高的特點, 此類垃圾配入能抑制和吸附氯化物、防止二惡英產生的添加劑和粘接劑, 按一定比例混合, 進入焚燒爐焚燒。由于添加劑對可燃物燃燒過程中產生的 Hce 氣體有特殊的吸附作用,所以,有效

14、地抑制了 “二惡英”一類有害氣體的產生。 焚燒爐產生的熱能供給余熱鍋爐,余熱鍋爐產生的過熱蒸氣供給本廠水解水熱氧化制肥車間, 多余熱能或發(fā)電或給居民集中供熱或給酒店、賓館、洗浴中心供熱水。該焚燒爐為立式富氧焚燒爐, 可燃物進料自上而下, 焚燒爐火焰自下而上, 可燃物與火焰逆向而行, 邊焚燒邊烘干, 加之內部出渣爐箅為塔形旋轉結構, 所以焚燒徹底,無需加煤或噴油。由于前分選分類比較徹底,很少有塑料焚燒,所以很少產生有害氣體,大大節(jié)約了廢氣處理成本,為其它焚燒爐的五分之一。創(chuàng)新環(huán)??萍?, 提倡綠色焚燒。Non-recyclable fuel burn and residual heat util

15、ize systemFuel of calorific value elected by integrated air separation unit, suchas wood products, rigid plastic, rubber, broken clothes and other fuel,are all irrecoverable and high calorific. We add some additives andadhesives, which have quality of inhibition and absorption of chloride,and can pr

16、event the generation of dioxins into the incinerator. For thespecial absorption of Hce during the burning by additives, effectivelyinhibitthegenerationof harmfulgases, like“Dioxin ” .Theheatgenerated from the incinerator supply heat boiler, which can generatesuperheated steam supplied to hydrotherma

17、l oxidation of fat hydrolysisplant.And excessheatcan generatepower and central heatingsupplyforresidents, hotels, and bath center etc.The incinerator is vertical-type oxygen incinerator, fuel feed from thetop tothe bottom,reserve thelineofthe blame,burningwiththe drying,and grate within the slag is

18、the rotating tower structure, so it cancompletely burn without adding coal or fuel. For the thorough sortingclassificationoftheformer,thereislittleplastictoburn,andgenerate littleharm gas, which significantlysaves the costof waste gastreatment, only one-fifth of other incinerators.Innovative Environ

19、mental Technologies, Promote Green incineration四、無機物制造建筑材料系統經綜合風選機分選出來的無機物類垃圾、 可燃物類垃圾在焚燒過程中產生的爐渣用于制磚。由于爐渣是通過高溫焚燒形成的產物,一方面自身具有一定的強度,相當于 110 號的成品水泥, 另一方面高溫焚燒徹底, 無污染,符合 GB508.3-1996 危險廢物鑒別標準浸出毒性鑒別 。本套系統產生的無機物垃圾、爐渣可以綜合利用,將無機物垃圾、爐渣制成空心磚、道板磚等系列建材產品。既可增加垃圾處理廠的收入,減輕運行費用,又解決了無機物垃圾、爐渣的出路。主要品種為:增光西班牙道板、機壓西班牙道板

20、、增光草坪磚、機壓六角磚、機壓扭曲磚、機壓彩色路沿石系列、機壓空心磚等。生產的多孔固化垃圾多孔磚需達到燒結多孔磚 (GB13544-2000)的標準的同時,還需滿足 Q/JK01-2004固化垃圾多孔磚的標準。Inorganic Building Materials Manufacture SystemInorganic garbage and slag generated by combustible waste in the incineration process, which is separated by integrated air separation unit can be u

21、sed to make brick. Since the slag is the product of hightemperature incineration, on the one hand it has certain strength, theequivalentof110finishedcement,ontheotherhandthoroughlyincinerationwith nopollution,whichisconsistentGB508.3-1996“ Identificationstandardforhazardouswaste leachingtoxicityIden

22、tification”. Inorganic waste and slag produced by this system canbe comprehensive utilization,such as making hollowbrickstilesand otherbuilding materials. Not only increase revenue of waste treatment plant,but also reduce operatingcosts,and make fulluse of inorganicand slag.Main varieties:Spanish pl

23、ate , machine pressed Spanish plate,lawn brick,hexagonal tile, machine pressed distorted brick, machine pressed colorCurb series, machine pressed hollow bricks.Production of porous brick needs to reach standard of“Fired Brick ”(GB13544-2000), meanwhile, to reach standard of Q/JK01-2004“ Curinggarbag

24、e brick”.五、塑料煉油系統經綜合風選機分選出來的塑料為混合塑料, 經人工或機械精選后, 可制粒的、附加值比較高的優(yōu)質塑料去向塑料制粒車間。不可制粒的其它劣質塑料和廢舊輪胎、鞋底類橡膠等去向煉油車間。該設備還可將廢機油、廢柴油、動物脂肪等提煉成燃料油。技術特色1、進料連續(xù)化該設備采用一種特殊結構的液體自動密封提升器和氣密推進器將原料順利送入連續(xù)反應釜, 其關鍵技術在于反應釜內 “油氣自動止回器” ,絕對保證了反應釜在高溫狀態(tài)下能夠連續(xù)不斷進料。只準物料進,不讓空氣進。2、排渣自動化連續(xù)排渣是一項關鍵技術,它是關系到能否真正不間斷生產的核心技術所在。 精心設計的固相、 液相雙保險自動密封排

25、渣器, 確保在高溫條件下隔斷空氣,實現不間斷排渣,從而達到完全意義上的邊進料、邊出油、邊排渣的連續(xù)生產。3、排放環(huán)保化對于煙氣,采用我司引進的專利產品噴淋、沉降煙氣凈化器專利使黑煙轉變成白煙,排放可達到GB132712001 國標。4、節(jié)能充分化本技術充分利用連續(xù)裂解而不斷產生的每小時大約50100 公斤的 C1 C2 可燃不凝干氣回收燃燒,基本滿足生產時連續(xù)自我加熱的需要,大大降低了生產成本。煉油設備主要系統1原料預處理系統;2連續(xù)進料系統;3連續(xù)旋轉反應釜;4 、連續(xù)出渣系統;5換熱系統6油水分離系統7除雜系統8精制系統9過濾系統10控制系統11環(huán)保凈化系統;12可燃干氣連續(xù)凈化回收燃燒系

26、統等Plastic Oil Refining SystemThe plastic elected by integrated air separation unit is mixed plastic,afterselectionby manual ormechanical,granulation and high value-addedquality plastic will be sent to plastic pellet plant. Other low-gradenon-pellet plastic, waste tires, and rubber soles etc, will be

27、 sent to refining plant. The device can also refine waste oil, waste diesel oil, and animal fat etc into fuel oil.Technical Features1, Continuous feedThe device uses a special structure liquid self-sealing device and gas tight propeller smooth the raw material into continuous stirred tankreactor (CS

28、TR), the key technology is the “automatic oil return device ” in it, which absolutely guarantee that the reactor at high temperaturebe continuously feed, with materials, but no air.2, Slag automationContinuouslyslag is a key technology,which is relatedto the abilityof uninterrupted production. Solid

29、 and liquid double insurance designedself-sealingslagdeviceguaranteethatcutofftheairinhightemperature conditions to achieve continuous slag. And that is the fullsense of the continuousproductionby feeding,oildischarging,and slagdischarging.3, Environmental emissionsFor gas, we use the patent product

30、 induced spray, smoke purifier,which can change black smoke to white smoke, and reach the nationalstandard GB13271-2001.4, Full energy savingThistechnologymakes fulluse of dry combustiblenon-condensablegasgenerated by continuouscleavage to burn,which can meet the basic needsof self-heating, and can

31、greatly reduce production costs1. Raw material pretreatment system; 2. Continuous feed system; 3. Continuous rotator reactor;4.Continuousslagsystem;5.Heatexchange system;6.Oil-waterseparation system;7. Impurity system; 8. Refinery system; 9. Filtration system;10.Controlsystem;11.Environmentalpurific

32、ationsystem;12.Combustionsystemofcontinuouspurificationandrecoveryofdrycombustible gas.六、塑料制粒系統綜合風選機分選出來的混合塑料,經人工或機械精選后,優(yōu)質塑料進入搓洗池,其余劣質塑料去向塑料煉油系統或者直接回收。優(yōu)質塑料進入搓洗池經搓洗機搓洗后,塑料因其比重未發(fā)生變化,仍然漂浮在水面,搓洗機轉動帶動水流向前流動時,塑料也隨著往前移動, 搓洗池邊放置一塑料撈出機,將撈出的塑料輸送至塑料破碎機進行破碎,破碎后的塑料經 3 級漂洗、擰干后,進入塑料制粒機制粒;其余垃圾因搓洗破碎后吸濕,其比重發(fā)生變化,沉降到水池

33、中部或底部, 經泥漿泵連同污水一起去向沉降池, 經 4 級沉降后,清洗水循環(huán)使用,沉淀物去向污泥壓濾機,污泥去向水解罐制肥,壓濾水去向一級沉降池。 清水補充在第 3 級漂洗池,與塑料逆向而行, 徹底保證了清洗后塑料的清潔。每清洗 1 噸塑料大約需用水 10 噸,循環(huán)使用后,每清洗 1 噸塑料需補充清水大約 1 噸。燒掉有害 , 利用是寶 .Plastic Granulating SystemThe plastic elected by integrated air separation unit is mixed plastic,afterselectionby manual ormechan

34、ical,highqualityplasticwillbe sentinto the scrub pool, and other low-grade plastic will be sent to oilrefining system or recycling.Whenthe high qualityplasticin scrubpoolwas rubbed,because theweightof the plastic did not change, still floating in the water, and movingforward along with the flow wate

35、r driven by the rotation of the scrubmachine. There isa remove machine forplasticbesidethescrub pool.Thenthe plasticremoved from thepool willbe sent to plasticcrusherto broke ,and then by three rinse and wring, into plastic granulate system. Otherwaste absorb moisture after scrub and broke, the weig

36、ht changes, andsettleto themiddleor thebottom ofthe pond, togetherwiththemud andsewerage tothe settlementpond. Afterthe four-stagesettlement,the washwaterrecycle,theprecipitategoes tothesludge filterpress,thesludgegoes to hydrolysistank tocompost, and thepressure filtrationwatergoesto a sedimentationtank.Weadd waterinthree-stagerinse tank,reversethe line of the plastic, absolutely ensure that the cleanliness of the plastic. We need about 10 tons of water for each 1 ton plastic, and by circulation, we just need 1 tons of fresh water for 1 ton plastic.Hazardous for Burning, Treasure for Using

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