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1、9 Composer germson紅色為重點 藍色為次要 黑色為最次,但三篇都要求會背+第十五篇 “Liquefaction” Key to Much of Japanese Earthquake DamageThe massive subduction zone1 earthquake in Japan caused a significant level of soilliquefaction2 that has surprised researchers with its 1 severity, a new analysis shows.Weve seen localized3 exa

2、mples of soil liquefaction as extreme as this before, but the distance and 2 of damage in Japan were unusually severe, said Scott Ashford, a professor of geotechnical engineering4 at Oregon State University5. Entire structures were tilted and sinking into the sediments, Ashford said. The shifts in s

3、oil destroyed water, drain and gas pipelines6, crippling the utilities and infrastructure these communities need to 3 . We saw some places that sank as much as four feet.Some degree of soil liquefaction7 is common in almost any major earthquake. Its a phenomenon in which soils soaked with water, par

4、ticularly recent sediments or sand, can lose much of their 4 and flow during an earthquake. This can allow structures to shift or sink or 5 . But most earthquakes are much 6 than the recent event in Japan, Ashford said. The length of the Japanese earthquake, as much as five minutes, may force resear

5、chers to reconsider the extent of liquefaction damage possibly occurring in situations such as this8.With such a long-lasting earthquake, we saw 7 structures that might have been okay after 30 seconds just continued to sink and tilt as the shaking continued for several more minutes, he said. And it

6、was clear that younger sediments, and especially areas built on 8 filled ground, are much more vulnerable.The data provided by analyzing the Japanese earthquake, researchers said, should make it possible to improve the understanding of this soil 9 and better prepare for it in the future. Ashford sai

7、d it was critical for the team to collect the information quickly, 10 damage was removed in the recovery efforts9.Theres no doubt that well learn things from what happened in Japan10 that11 will help us to reduce risks in other similar 11 , Ashford said. Future construction in some places may make m

8、ore use of techniques known to reduce liquefaction, such as better compaction to make soils dense, or use of reinforcing stone columns.Ashford pointed out that northern California have younger soils vulnerable to liquefaction -on the coast, near river deposits or in areas with filled ground. The you

9、ng sediments, in geologic terms, may be those 12 within the past 10,000 years or more. In Oregon, for instance, that describes much of downtown Portland, the Portland International Airport and other cities.Anything 13 a river and old flood plains is a suspect12, and the Oregon Department of Transpor

10、tation has already concluded that 1,100 bridges in the state are at risk from an earthquake. Fewer than 15 percent of them have been reinforced to 14 collapse. Japan has suffered tremendous losses in the March 11 earthquake, but Japanese construction 15 helped prevent many buildings from collapse -e

11、ven as they tilted and sank into the ground.詞匯:subduction /sbdkn/ n俯沖 sediment /sedimnt/ n沉積;沉淀物liquefaction /likwifækn/ n液化 infrastructure /Infr,strkt/ n基礎設施geotecnical /diuteknikl adj巖土技術 compaction /kmpækn/ n壓緊的vulnerable /vlnrbl/ ad易受傷害的注釋:1. subduction zone:俯沖帶。亦稱下降帶、潛沒帶、消亡帶。板塊構造說認為

12、,當大洋板塊移動并與大陸板塊相遇時,由于大洋板塊巖石密度較大,地位也低,便俯沖到大陸板塊之下,這一俯沖部分叫做俯沖帶。俯沖帶兩側板塊會聚邊界稱會聚邊緣(convergent boundary)。俯沖帶上面反映震源活動的地帶稱“貝尼奧夫地震帶(Benioff seismic zone)。2. soil liquefaction:土壤液化。土壤液化現(xiàn)象是指由于孔隙水壓力上升,有效應力減小所導致的土壤從固態(tài)到液態(tài)的變化,飽水的疏松的粉、細砂土在振動作用下突然破壞而呈現(xiàn)液態(tài)的現(xiàn)象。3. localized:小范圍的4. geotechnical engineering:巖土工程。5. Oregon S

13、tate University:俄勒岡州立大學,建校于1858年,位于美國俄勒岡州科瓦利斯,全校設11個學院,80多個專業(yè),尤以農科和工程最為突出。2008年俄勒岡州立大學的核能工程專業(yè)在全美大學中排名第9名。6. water, drain and gas pipelines:自來水管道、排水管道和煤氣管道。water, drain and gaspipelines” 即“water pipelines, drain pipelines and gas pipelines。7. some degree of soil liquefaction:某種程度的土壤液化8. to reconsider

14、 the extent of liquefaction damage possibly occurring in situations such as this:本句的意思是:重新審視類似這次(持續(xù)時間長的)地震中因土壤液化而可能造成的毀壞的規(guī)模。9. recovery efforts:重建工作10. that well learn things from what happened in Japan:我們將從日本的地震中學到很多東西。該句是同位語從句,說出前半句no doubt的內容。11. that:that引導的是定語從句,修辭前半句中的things。12.suspect:被懷疑對象。文

15、中指的是那些疑似危險的土壤。練習:1.Ainternal B. different C. difficult D. widespread2.Avolume B. length C. extent D. width3.Afunction B. repair C. build D. remove4.Adurability B. strength C. ability D. property5.Aascend B. compact C. collapse D. recover6.Ashorter B. longer C. simpler D. stranger7.Awhen B. what C. h

16、ow D. which8.Aoccasionally B. frequently C. specially D. recently9.Adevelopment B. phenomenon C. formation D. composition10.Aunless B. until C. after D. before11.Afindings B. locations C. events D. sources12.Adelivered B. deposited C. destroyed D. detached13.Anear B. from C. inside D. over 14.Apreve

17、nt B. accelerate C. predict D. detect15.Astyles B. sites C. costs D. standards答案與題解:1.D前文說到日本的俯沖帶地震是massive(巨大的),而且砂土液化到達一個significant level。根據(jù)上述描述,選widespread(分布廣泛的)修飾severity是正確的。其他三個選項與severity搭配后,意思接不上。2.C 本句由but連接并列的兩個分句組成。第一個分句說以前也發(fā)生過地震引發(fā)的砂土液化的現(xiàn)象,但涉及范圍較小。第二個分句通過but語氣一轉,說這次地震造成的破壞是罕見的。很顯然,選exte

18、nt(程度)與distance(距離,范圍)合用說明破壞的程度和范圍是符合上下文的意思的。3.A 在“The shifts in soil destroyed water, sewer and gas pipelines, crippling the utilities and infrastructure these communities need to”中,these communities need to.”是定語從句,指代utilities和infrastructure的關系代詞which在定語從句中起賓語作用,被省略了。need后面的動詞不定式的邏輯主語是which,也就是util

19、ities and infrastructure。從意思上看,這些社區(qū)需要這些公用事業(yè)設備和基礎設施起功能作用(function)。選function是對的。其他選項都不合適。4.B 浸了水的砂土,特別是新近的沉積土、沙土等失去的不會是durability(耐用性)和ability(能力),也不會是泛泛的property(性質),而是strength(強度)。5.C 浸了水的砂土強度降低或消失。砂土隨水流動,就會引發(fā)建筑物移位(shift)或下沉(sink)。再發(fā)展下去,建筑物就會倒塌(collapse)。collapse是答案。若選擇ascend(上升)、compact(壓實)或recove

20、r(復原),意思與上文接不上。6.A 地震持續(xù)的時間一般為數(shù)十秒。這次日本地震的時間長達5分鐘。所以本題要填入的詞應該是shorter,說明大多數(shù)地震的持續(xù)時間比它短。7.C 從意思上看,選how是正確的。when structures、what structures或which structures意思明顯不通。8.D 第三段第二句出現(xiàn)“particularly recent sediment。recent sediment浸水后就失去了強度。這提示了本題要選recently,因為建立在新近填就的土壤上的建筑物是最易受到傷害的。9.B 分析日本大地震得出的數(shù)據(jù)不會令科學家獲得有關soil d

21、evelopment(土壤發(fā)展)、soilformation(土壤形成)soil composition(土壤構成)這些方面的知識。若選phenomenon,意思就是科學家的研究分析有助于他們了解到土壤浸水后的這類現(xiàn)象,以便做好防備,對付未來可能發(fā)生的同類現(xiàn)象。上下文意思很連貫,因此phenomenon是正確的選項。1O.D 選unless、until或after都不合邏輯。本題句子的意思是:重建工作首先要清理廢墟,這樣地震現(xiàn)場就被破壞了。所以科學家要趕在重建工作開始之前收集好地震資料。before是答案。11.C 本句的意思是:科學家無疑會從日本大地震中學到不少東西,從而有助于減低今后發(fā)生類

22、似的地震時的風險。四個選項中只有events合適。similar events指的是“類似的地震事件”。若選findings(調查結果)、locations(地點)或sources(來源),句子的意思就不對。12.B 本句解釋“young”這個詞在地質學中的含義。句中的those指代sediments。young sediments指那些年代少于或略超過一萬年的sediments。deposit是“沉積”,與句子意思匹配,是答案。其他三個選項,詞義離題很遠,只是詞形與deposit有點相似,起干擾作用而已,它們不是答案。13.A 上一段說,younger soils是非常脆弱的。本句的anyt

23、hing指的是soils。哪些地方的soils是疑似高危對象呢?如果指soils from/inside/over river and old flood plains是不合常理的。正確的選擇應該是near,靠近河流和原洪泛區(qū)的土壤才是危險地區(qū)。因此near是答案。14.A 加固危橋的目的是為了防止坍塌。選項prevent是答案。15.D 在3月11日的日本大地震中,震區(qū)的建筑物傾斜、下沉,但沒有倒塌。建筑上的什么因素起到了防塌的作用呢?當然不會是construction styles(建筑風格)、construction sites(建筑工地)或construction facilities

24、(建筑設備)。日本的construction standards(建筑標準)才是防塌的關鍵因素。因此standards是答案。*Free Statins With Fast Food Could Neutralize Heart Risk Fast food outlets could provide statin drugs fret of l so that customers can reduce the heart disease dangers of fatty food, researchers at Imperial College London2 2 in a new stud

25、y. Statins reduce the 3 of unhealthy LDL chotesterol3l in the blood. A wealth of trial data4 has proven them LO be highly effective at lowering a persons heart attack 4 . In a paper published in the American Journal of Cardiology5. Dr Darrel Francis and colleagues calculate that the reduction in hea

26、rt attack risk offered by a statin is 5_ to offset the increase in heart attack risk from 6 a cheeseburger and drinking a milkshake Dr Francis,from the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London, who is the senior author of the study, said: Statins dont cut out all of the 7 _effect

27、s of cheeseburgers and French fries. Its better to avoid fatty food altogether But weve worked out that in terms of your 8 of having a heart attack, taking a stalin can reduce your risk to more or less the same 9 as a fast food meal increases it .“Its ironic that people are free to take as many unhe

28、althy condiments in fast food outlets as they 10 ,but statins, which are beneficial to heart health have to be prescribed. It makes sense7 to make risk-reducing statins available just as easily as the unhealthy condiments that are 11 free of charge .It would cost less than 5 pence per 12 -not much d

29、ifferent to a sachet of sugar8 , Dr Francis said.When people engage in risky behaviours like driving or smoking ,they re encouraged to take 13 that lower their risk ,like 14 a seatbelt or choosing cigarettes with filters . Taking a statin is a rational way of 15 some of the risk of eating a fatty me

30、al. 詞匯:statin/stzetin/n降膽固醇藥物outlet/lautlit/n銷售點cholesterol/kaIestraul/n膽固醇 offset/ofset,v抵消,補償cheeseburger/tli:ziba:g/n芝士漢堡包milkshake/milkeik/n奶昔condiment/1kDndimant/n調味品sachet/lszetlit/n小袋,小包rational/reranl/ odj合理的注釋:1 Fast food outlets could provide statin drugs:句中的could是一種委婉表達建議的用詞,意為“可以”2 Imper

31、ial College London:帝國理工學院。該學院于1907年由城市和行會學校、皇家礦業(yè)學校 以及皇家科學學院合并組成。學院于2007年7月正式脫離倫敦大學成為一所獨立大學。提供本科和研究生教育,共有四個學院,工程學院、醫(yī)學院、自然科學院和生命科學院3 LDL cholesterol.低密度脂蛋白膽固醇。LDL是low density lipoprotein(低密度脂蛋白)的縮寫形式。4 a wealth of trial data:大量的試驗數(shù)據(jù)。a wealth of意為“大量的,許多”。5 American journal of cardiology:美國心臟病學雜志6 Fren

32、ch fries:炸薯條7 It makes sense.:make sense意為“說得通,合情合理”。8 a sachet of sugar:-小袋糖??觳偷臧銈溆写?,供飲咖啡或熱奶的顧客免費取用。練習:1 A change B charge C chain D chance2 A trust B decideC suggestD calculate3 A number B amount C volume D product4 A frequency B treatment C diagnosis D risk5 A severe B enough C weak D active6 A

33、buying B preparing C eating D cooking7 A unhealthy B strong C different D doubtful8 A examination B suffering C determination D possobiity9 A degree B dimension C angle D range10 A use B hate C reject D like11 A transported B provided C preserved D converted12 A cook B patient C customer D visitor13

34、 A measures B care C advantages D turns14 A buying B wearing C cleaning D changing15 A increasing B finding C lowering D taking答案與題解:1、B 本文介紹說,吃漢蝸包等快餐食品容易引發(fā)心臟病,而服用statin能降低心臟病發(fā)作的風險,一正一負正好抵消。statln價格便宜,文章建議陜餐店像免費供應調味品那樣免費供 應statlnfree of charge是同定搭配,意為“免費”選擇charge是對的。2、C 本題要選suggest,因為其他三個選項在意思上都不合適、

35、此外,本句主句的謂語動詞用了could( provide),委婉地含有“建議”的意思。所以suggest是個不一的選擇二3、 B 與降低unhealthy “LDL” cholesterol搭配的一定是amount(量),而不可能是number (數(shù)字)、volume(體積)或product(乘積)4、D從上下文判斷,要降低(lower)的當然是risk,lower frequency(降低頻率)、lower treatment(降低治療)或lower diagnosis(降低診斷)與上下文的意思都不匹配。5、B 本句表達的意思是:Dr Darrel Francis在他的論文中說,經(jīng)過計算一粒

36、stain降低心臟病發(fā)作的風險足以抵消吃一個奶酪漢堡包和喝一杯奶昔所增加的患心臟病的風險一所以本題的答案是enough。6、 C 顧客不可能在快餐店里preparing cheeseburger或cooking cheeseburger,而buying cheeseburger不會增加心臟病風險:所以,只有eating cheeseburger才合乎上下文的意思。7、A 從上下文判斷,被cut out(去除)的effects -定是unhealthy effects,所以,unhealthy effects是本題的答案。8、D 本句中的in terms of意為“就而言”,要與后半句“一正一負

37、相互抵消”的意思相匹配,所以只能是“就患心臟病的可能性而言”。possibiliry是答案。9、 A 本句的意思與第五題的意思相同,即statin降低心臟病發(fā)作的風險與快餐增加的心臟病的風險在程度(degree)上大致相當。如果選擇其他三個選項,意思變成了,“尺寸 ( dimension)f、角度(angle)上或范圍(range)上大致相當”,就說不通了。10、D 填詞所在的句子的意思告訴我們,具有諷刺意味的一點是:順客可以隨心所欲地免費享用不健康的調味品。as one likes是固定用法,意為“隨某人所愿,隨某人所喜歡”。所以,like是答案。其余二個選項用在本句中都不合適。11、 B

38、transported(運輸)、preserved(保存)或converted(轉換)填于句子中,意思都不順。只有填入provided(提供)符合句意。provided是答案。12.、C 到快餐店去就餐的人當然是customer。13、 A為了降低開車和吸煙的風險,人們被鼓勵要采取一些安全措施。作者借此說明為了降低食用快餐的風險,我們也要采取措施。根據(jù)這層意思,選擇measures是正確的。take measure的意思是采取措施”。其他三個選項都不合適:take care是“注意,小心”take advantage是“利用”,Lake turns是“輪流,依次”。14、 B本題很明顯要選We

39、aring,因為上下文的意思是“系上安全帶”buying a seatbelt. cleaning a seatbelt 和I changing a seatbelt都與上下文的意思相去太遠。15、 C通篇文章都在闡述Statin能降低患心臟病的風險.所以,lowering(降低)是答案。*Chicken Soup for the Soul:Comfort Food Fights Loneliness Mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, may be bad for your arteries 1 according to a study in Psyc

40、hological Science, theyre good for your heart and 2 The study focuses on “comfort food” and how it makes people feel For me 3 ,food has always played a big role in my family,” says Jordan Troisi, a graduate student at the University of Buffalo, and lead author on the studyThe study came out of the r

41、esearch program of his coauthor Shira GabrielIt has 4 non-human things that may affect human emotionsSome people reduce loneliness by bonding with their 5 TV show, building virtual relationships with a pop song singer or looking at pictures of loved onesTroisi and Gabriel wondered if comfort food co

42、uld have the same effect 6 making people think of their nearest and dearest. In one experiment, in order to make 7 feel lonely, the researchers had them write for six minutes about a fight with someone close to themOthers were given an emotionally neutral writing assignment. Then, some people in eac

43、h 8 wrote about the experience of eating a comfort food and others wrote about eating a new food 9 ,the researchers had participants 10 questions about their levels of loneliness Writing about a fight with a close person made people feel lonelyBut people who were generally 11 in their relationships

44、would feel less lonely by writing about a comfort foodWe have found that comfort foods are consistently associated with those close to ussays TroisiThinking about or consuming these foods later then serves as a reminder of those close othersIn 12 essays on comfort food, many people wrote about the 1

45、3 of eating food with family and friends. In another experiment, 14 chicken soup in the lab made people think more about relationships, but only if they considered chicken soup to be a comfort foodThis was a question they had been asked long before the experiment, along with many other questions, so

46、 they wouldnt remember it. Throughout everyones daily lives they experience stress, often associated with our 15 with others, Troisi saysComfort food Can be an easy remedy for loneliness 詞匯: mashed /mt/ adj被搗成糊漿的 macaroni/ macaroni/ n通心粉 cheese / ti:z / n奶酪 artery/ artery / n動脈 assignment / sainmnt

47、/ n指定作業(yè) reminder / reminder/ n起提醒作用的東西 remedy /remedy/ n治療方法,藥物 virtual/v:tul/ adj虛擬的注釋: 1. comfort food:爽心食品 2. graduate student:研究生 3. The University of Buffalo:布法羅大學,建校于1846 年,位于水牛城( Buffalo City) ,屬于紐約州立大學,因此稱為紐約州立大學水牛城分校。4. lead author:首席作者 5. their nearest and dearest:他們最接近和最親愛的人 6. levels of

48、loneliness:孤獨程度 7. only if: 只有(在情況下)8. Throughout everyones daily lives:在每一個人的日常生活中。through 有“貫穿”的意思。練習: 1A but B if C though D while 2 A personality B movement C emotions D will 3 A privately B usefully C awfully D personally 4 A looked for B looked at C looked after D looked up 5 A favorite B trus

49、tful C boring D annoying 6 A with B on C by D at 7 A professors B participants C assistants D scientists 8 A group B class C section D part 9 A Previously B Formally C Initially D Finally 10 A remember B explain C rewrite D complete 11 A sad B secure C shy D angry 12 A your B our C his D their 13 A

50、accident B harm C experience D model 14 A eating B exchanging C buying D keeping l 5A expressions B estimation C cooperation D connections 答案與題解: l. A本句前半句說土豆泥、通心粉等對血管有害( bad) ,后半句說這些食物對心臟有利 (good) 。很明顯,前半句與后半句意思相反,所以要選轉折連接詞but加以連接。 2. C 根據(jù)常識判斷,吃土豆泥不會對personality (性格) .movement (移動)或will (意志力)產(chǎn)生有利影響

51、。隨后的文章,多處提到吃爽心食品( favorite food )有助于排解孤獨感。所以選emotions 是正確的。 3.D本題的答案是personally0 For me personally (就我個人而言)與下文的意思很連貫。 privately (私下地)、usefully (有用地)或awfully (可怕地)與下文的意思搭不上,所以不會是答案。 4. B 本題的答案是looked at0?!發(fā)ooked at non-human things” 相當于“studied (研究) nonhuman things”,與上下文的意思很匹配。looked for(尋找)、looked a

52、fter (照顧)和looked up(查找)與下文的意思搭配不上。 5.A本句的意思是:人們?yōu)榱伺沤夤陋毟?,常常把自己和電視劇、流行歌曲歌手等等?lián)系起來。選項中有四個形容詞,應該選哪一個形容詞去修飾TV shows 呢?應該選褒義的形容詞: favorite (喜愛的)或trustful ( 可信任的)。但對電視劇來說談不上信任的問題。favorite 最合理,是本題答案。 6. C 上一句說到,人們?yōu)榱伺沤夤陋毟?,常常把自己和喜愛的電視劇、流行歌曲歌手等等?lián)系起來。于是Troisi 和Gabriel 想,通過吃爽心食品讓他們想起親近的人,是不是也能產(chǎn)生同樣的排解孤獨感的效果呢?四個介詞中只

53、有by的詞義是“通過”。其余三個介詞在含義上都不合適。 7.B 選professors(教授)、assistants(助手)或scientists(科學家)不合常理,科學家選實驗對象時不會選他們。participants ( 參與者)是本題的答案。 8.A本題應該選group,指每一組的參與者。用class (班級), section (部門)或part (部分)在意義上顯然都不合適。 9. D 本段敘述試驗的幾個步驟。第一步要一部分受試者描寫與親人的爭斗,其他受試者寫情感上中性的話題。第二步(文中用then 加以連接)將上述兩組受試者中的每一組再一分為二,一些人描寫吃爽心食品的經(jīng)歷,另一些人

54、描寫吃新食品的經(jīng)歷。接下來應該是第三步了。從四個選項中尋找,只有Finally 最合適,原來第三步就是最后一步了。 1O.D 實驗的最后一步是受試者被要求書面回答10個問題。complete 是答案。要求他們 remember(記住)、delete (刪除)或rewrite (重寫) questions 都不合乎邏輯。 11. B 與親近的人爭吵會引發(fā)孤獨感,但是,一般說來,人們的關系若是通常處于什么狀態(tài),通過寫出他們吃爽心食物的經(jīng)歷會降低他們的孤獨感呢?一定不會是sad、shy或angry ,答案應該是secure (穩(wěn)定的)。 12.D 修飾essays 的所有格代詞在人稱與數(shù)上要與the

55、y 一致,所以their 是答案。 13. C “eating food with family and friends” 是一種experience (經(jīng)歷),不會是一個accident (事故)、harm (危害)或model ()。很明顯, experience 是本題的答案。 14.A 文章中幾次提到吃爽心食物有助于緩解孤獨感。所以本題選eating 是很自然的。其他三個選項, exchanging (交換)、buying (買)或keeping (保留)若填入句子中,與后面的賓語chicken soup in the lab 連用,意思上說不通。 15.D 本題的答案是connect

56、ions。其他三個選項在意思上都不合適。 譯文:心靈雞湯:爽心食品排解孤獨感 土豆泥,通心粉和奶酪可能對動脈血管有害,但是,據(jù)心理科學一項研究表明,它們對心臟有利并且能抑制不利情緒。其研究對象是爽心食品,目的是探究人們對爽心食品的感覺。 “就我而言,食品在我的家庭一直是比較關注的問題”,Jordan Troisi如是說。他是布法羅大學的研究生并且是本次研究的首席作者。該研究出自于他與Shira Gabriel合作的一個研究項目。它關注的是可能影響人類情感的物質的東西。有些人用諸如綁定喜愛的電視節(jié)目,和流行音樂歌手建立虛擬的關系或瀏覽親人的照片來排遣孤獨。Troisi和Gabriel想知道爽心食

57、品是否能通過使人們想到他們最親近和最愛的人,同樣達到排遣孤獨的效果。 在一個實驗中,為使參與者感覺孤獨,研究者讓他們用六分鐘的時間描寫一次與最親近的人吵架的經(jīng)歷。而要求另外一些人寫一個情感中性的作業(yè)。然后,每一組的一些人描寫食用爽心食品的經(jīng)歷;而其他的人描寫食用新食品的經(jīng)歷。最后,研究者讓參與者書面回答關于孤獨程度的問題。 描寫與親人吵架的經(jīng)歷使人感到孤獨。但是,一般來說,人們的關系若處于穩(wěn)定狀態(tài),通過描寫他們吃爽心食品的經(jīng)歷會排遣一些孤獨感。Troisi說道:“我們已經(jīng)得出這樣的結論:爽心食品與我們的親人密切相連,想一想或之后真正食用這種食品會提醒人們注意到他們的親人?!痹谒嘘P于爽心食品的文章中,許多人都描述了與家人和朋友共同進餐的經(jīng)歷。 在另外一個實驗中,在實驗喝雞湯令人想到和其他人的關系,但是,這只有在他們把雞湯認為是爽心食品的時候才會發(fā)生。參與者被要求回答這個問題和許多其他問題是在這個實驗很久以前,因此他們不會記得。 “在每一個人的日常生活中,都會經(jīng)歷緊張,而這往往與人際關系有關,爽心食品可能是排遣孤獨的便利食品”。Troisi如是說。

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