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1、畢業(yè)論文(設計)外文翻譯題 目: 水源熱泵中央空調回灌技術的推廣 系部名稱: 專業(yè)班級: 學生姓名: 學 號: 指導教師: 教師職稱: 2013年03月15日8水源熱泵中央空調回灌技術的推廣簡介:在未來的幾年中,中國面臨著巨大的能源壓力。一方面,中國的經濟要保持較高速度的增長,另一方面,又必須考慮環(huán)保和可持續(xù)發(fā)展問題。所以要求提高能源利用效率,要求能源結構調整。在未來的幾年中,中國面臨著巨大的能源壓力。一方面,中國的經濟要保持較高速度的增長,另一方面,又必須考慮環(huán)保和可持續(xù)發(fā)展問題。所以要求提高能源利用效率,要求能源結構調整。目前隨著我國住宅市場化改革,新建商品住宅小區(qū)飛速發(fā)展,隨著城市環(huán)境問

2、題的日益重視和能源結構的調整,沈陽地區(qū)新建小區(qū)一般就不再運行采用燃煤鍋爐房供熱,何種方式可以經濟、清潔地解決這些新建小區(qū)的供熱問題成為目前住宅建設中的大問題。另一方面,近年來我國住宅空調安裝率迅速增長。沈陽居民住宅空調擁有率已超過20,并且目前家用空調擁有率仍在飛速增長,很可能成為冰箱、彩電后迅速普及的又一種家電。這樣,住宅環(huán)境就不再僅僅是采暖問題,而是要統(tǒng)一考慮采暖和空調的需求。為此,采用深井回灌的水源熱泵方式可能成為滿足這種需求的住宅供熱、制冷空調方式。一、水源熱泵技術的概念和工作原理 水源熱泵技術是利用地球表面淺層水源如地下水、河流和湖泊中吸收的太陽能和地能而形成的低溫低位熱能資源,并采



5、卻水,可以得到很高的COP,甚至在某些情況下可直接用此水作為冷源進行空調,而不用開啟水源熱泵。由于地下水通過換熱器3換熱后排回地下,僅僅利用了地下水的冷量(熱量),而不消耗一滴水資源,地下水的整個流程都不與空氣接觸,因此也不會造成地下水資源的污染。二、水源熱泵中央空調技術在國內外發(fā)展動態(tài) 水源熱泵技術(以下簡稱GWHP)的提出始于英、美兩國,美國從20世紀30年代即開始應用。1948年俄勒岡州的一位工程師Krocker開創(chuàng)了水源熱泵在商用建筑中的應用。20世紀50年代歐洲出現(xiàn)了利用GWHP的第一次高潮。由于當時能源價格低,這種系統(tǒng)缺乏經濟競爭力,而未得到推廣。隨著近十幾年來,尤其是近五年來,能

6、源價格的提高,GWHP在北美如美國、加拿大及中、北歐如瑞士、瑞典等國家取得了較快的發(fā)展,據1999年的統(tǒng)計,為家用的供熱裝置中,GSHPs所占比例,瑞士為96,奧地利為38,丹麥為27。 中國早在50年代,就曾在上海、天津等地嘗試夏取冬灌的方式抽取地下水制冷,天津大學熱能研究所呂燦仁教授就開展了我國熱泵的最早研究,1965年研制成功國內第一臺水冷式熱泵空調機。目前,國內的清華大學、天津大學、重慶大學、天津商學院、山東建工學院、中國科學院廣州能源研究所等多家大學和研究機構都在對水源熱泵進行研究。其中清華大學經過多年在多工況水源熱泵的研究已經形成產業(yè)化的成果,已建成多個示范工程??梢灶A計,該項技術

7、將會成為21世紀最有效的供熱和供冷空調技術。三、水源熱泵技術在沈陽地區(qū)推廣的優(yōu)越性 1、水文地質條件適宜水源是應用水源熱泵的前提,水源系統(tǒng)的水量、水溫、水質和供水穩(wěn)定性是影響水源熱泵系統(tǒng)運行效果的重要因素。沈陽整個城區(qū)地處渾河沖洪積平原上,含水層主要為粗砂、圓礫及卵石,地下水資源含量豐富,隨著近幾年保護地下水資源力度加大,加上工廠向郊區(qū)遷移,沈陽地下漏斗區(qū)已經基本消除?,F(xiàn)在,地下水水位在50-60m之間,埋深5-13m。水溫冬夏恒定保持在12,PH值在6.5-8.5之間,地下水水質在全國水資源評價中為優(yōu)。沈陽城區(qū)這種獨特的水文地質條件,在全國是絕無僅有的,滿足水源熱泵系統(tǒng)運行時對水源“水量充足

8、,水溫適度,水質適宜,供水穩(wěn)定”的要求,適合水源熱泵系統(tǒng)在沈陽大范圍的推廣。 2、水源熱泵技術在建筑領域中應用的優(yōu)越性水源熱泵作為一種新型的供暖制冷技術,越來越受到國內外的廣泛關注,其在建筑領域中的優(yōu)勢有以下幾個方面: 較低的能量消耗。地源熱泵最大的優(yōu)勢是與常規(guī)供熱和制冷空調系統(tǒng)相比少消耗電能。在適宜的條件下比空氣熱泵系統(tǒng)節(jié)省能源40%以上,比電采暖節(jié)能70%以上。 改善了建筑外觀。由于沒有室外壓縮機或冷卻水塔,因此破壞建筑外觀的可能性大為降低或消除。 較低的環(huán)境影響。比較燃煤鍋爐CO2排放量與用相同燃料產生電驅動所排放的CO2量,可減少30%-50%,在環(huán)保中將發(fā)揮很大的作用。 占地面積少。

9、同燃煤鍋爐房相比,占地面積可減少一半以上,若將熱泵機組放到地下,則不占用地上空間。四、水源熱泵技術在沈陽地區(qū)應用及存在的問題 水源熱泵技術是從1998年引入沈陽地區(qū)的,比較早的有東電宿舍樓、沈陽自動化所、遼寧科技大廈、醫(yī)大二院等,供暖制冷面積大的10萬m2以上,小的只有2000m2。比較典型的是沈陽自動化研究所,該所建筑面積4.6萬m2,1999年引入水源熱泵中央空調系統(tǒng)用以替代原有的2臺燃煤鍋爐。2002年,冬季供暖152天,夏季制冷100天。全年運行費用為21.33元/m2。全年采暖及制冷節(jié)約費用7萬元。 通過考察近幾年來沈陽市水源熱泵的建設和運行情況來看,由于引進的熱泵機組都是比較成型的



12、恒定,三口井間要保證足夠距離,通常為100m以上。若三口井布置為如下圖所示邊長為100m的等邊三角形,抽、灌水量為100m3/h,按熱泵機組運行時,供暖(制冷時需水量要少)10000m2需水量100m3/h計算,則在此場區(qū)內用地源熱泵供暖、制冷的建筑面積為10000m2。 三口井布置圖我公司根據沈陽地區(qū)的水文地質條件,參考國內外有關研究成果,通過具體工程實踐,認為抽、灌井間距縮短到60m是完全可行的,如國府肥牛熱泵抽灌井間距為50m,運行情況良好,未出現(xiàn)抽灌井“熱貫通”現(xiàn)象。地王國際花園抽、灌井群最小間距為60m。這樣同樣是在邊長為100m的等邊三角形區(qū)域內,可以布設取水井2眼,回灌井4眼,能



15、98%的電能或7090%的燃料內能轉化為熱量,供用戶使用,因此水源熱泵要比電鍋爐加熱節(jié)省三分之二以上的電能,比燃料鍋爐節(jié)省二分之一以上的能量; 環(huán)保在中國的傳統(tǒng)的空調系統(tǒng)概念中,由于國家的經濟發(fā)展狀況和政策的影響,在相當長的時期中,北方一般以燃煤鍋爐解決冬季取暖問題。水源熱泵在運行時,只是通過地下水的抽取與回灌提取熱能,在整個抽灌過程中,管道是全封閉的,不會對地下水造成污染。比較燃煤鍋爐CO2排放量與用相同燃料產生電驅動所排放的CO2量,可減少30%-50%,在環(huán)保中將發(fā)揮很大的作用。2、推廣水源熱泵技術的應用前景強調節(jié)能環(huán)保,是沈陽市供暖結構調整,逐步替代燃煤鍋爐房其實可行的方式。供新隨著可


17、取的。而水源熱泵抽取的水可以在回灌之前創(chuàng)造一個水文景觀后,通過處理技術達到回灌水標準后再灌入地下,就很好的解決了這一問題。按目前的技術來看,這是切實可行的。水源熱泵技術的推廣需要政府從可持續(xù)發(fā)展的角度,綜合能源環(huán)保和資源的各方面的考慮,調整水源熱泵水源使用的政策,從新確定水源如何管理,才能促使其大規(guī)模的發(fā)展。我們將利用公司的技術優(yōu)勢,通過與政府有關部門密切合作,為相關行政主管部門在制定行業(yè)標準時提供技術咨詢。為推動全市經濟、社會發(fā)展貢獻自己的力量。參考文獻 1居住建筑節(jié)能設計標準DBJ14-037-2006. 2公共建筑節(jié)能設計標準DBJ14-036-2006. 3地面輻射供暖技術規(guī)程JGJ1

18、42-2004.本文摘譯自 2011年第8期暖通空調雜志目次Water source heat pump central air conditioning recharge technology promotionDescription: In the next few years, China faces huge energy pressure. On the one hand, Chinas economy to maintain a high rate of growth, on the other hand, it must consider environmental protec

19、tion and sustainable development issues. So for greater energy efficiency, requiring adjustment of energy structure.In the next few years, China faces a huge energy pressure. On the one hand, Chinas economy to maintain a high rate of growth, on the other hand, it must consider environmental protecti

20、on and sustainable development issues. So for greater energy efficiency, requiring adjustment of energy structure. With the current housing market-oriented reforms in China, the rapid development of new commercial residential area, with increasing emphasis on urban environmental issues and energy st

21、ructure adjustment, new district general in Shenyang will no longer run by coal-fired boiler room heating, the manner in which can be economical and clean way to solve these problems the new district heating become a major issue in residential construction. On the other hand, in recent years Chinas

22、rapid growth rate of residential air-conditioning installation. Shenyang has a residential rate of over 20% of air-conditioning, home air conditioners and currently has a rapid growth rate is still very likely to be the refrigerator, color TV and after a rapid spread of home appliances. This environ

23、ment is no longer just a residential heating problems, but to consider uniform heating and air conditioning needs. To this end, the use of deep well recharge water source heat pump method may be to meet this demand for residential heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mode.First, the concept o

24、f water source heat pump technology and principle Water source heat pump technology is the use of the Earths surface shallow water such as groundwater, rivers and lakes in the absorption of solar energy and geothermal energy and the formation of low temperature heat resources, and heat pump principl

25、e, by a small amount of high energy input, low heat to achieve high heat transfer a technology. Earths surface shallow water depth of 1000 meters, such as groundwater, surface streams and lakes and oceans absorb the suns radiation into the Earths considerable energy and water temperatures are genera

26、lly very stable. Water source heat pump working principle is the building in the summer heat transferred to the water, because water temperature is low, so it can effectively take the heat in winter, the energy extracted from water by the heat pump principle set out by air or water as refrigerant te

27、mperature after upgrading to the buildings. The figure below shows the basic principle of water source heat pump system. Groundwater extraction from the deep into the plate heat exchanger 1, 3, and the building of the water heat exchanger circulating water system, then discharged through the deep un

28、derground 2. Residential building by circulating water system pipe network into the households of all households by water source heat pump to produce hot water (winter) or cold (in summer) into the terminal devices, to meet the heating or air conditioning requirements.Deep recharge water source heat

29、 pump schematicDesign conditions while the figure marked throughout the winter (summer) temperatures. Can be seen from the figure, this approach is indirect in the winter use of groundwater as the medium, taking deep underground sand, stone and heat as heat source for all households to the indoor he

30、at pump heating, while cooling capacity building in the row to obtain into the ground. In the summer, as the media through the water to all households as a cooling water pump, while the building heat into the ground. This winter, heat from the ground to take the cold storage, cold storage to take th

31、e summer heat, if the building in winter and summer cooling for the amount of heat is similar to the mainland next year, the basic heat balance, heat is not removed or deposited, the heat will not cause ground contamination. Also, because water temperature in winter than outdoor air temperatures are

32、 high, so the efficiency of heat pump in winter than air - water heat pump high, and there is no condensation and other issues. Summer Zeyi 12 26 cooling water for the refrigerator, can be very high COP, and even in some cases, this water can be directly used for air conditioning for cooling instead

33、 of open water source heat pump. Because groundwater heat transfer through the heat exchanger 3, the rear back underground, only the use of groundwater cooling (heat), without consuming a drop of water resources, groundwater is not in contact with air the entire process, and therefore will not cause

34、 groundwater resources pollution.Second, the water source heat pump central air conditioning technology developments at home and abroad Water source heat pump technology (hereinafter referred to as GWHP) The proposal began in Britain and the United States, the United States 30 years from the 20th ce

35、ntury began to apply. Oregon in 1948, an engineer Krocker created a water source heat pump applications in commercial buildings. 50 years of the 20th century occurred in Europe for the first time using GWHP climax. At that time, lower energy prices, lack of economic competitiveness of such systems,

36、but have not been promoted. With the last decade, especially in the last five years, energy price increases, GWHP in North America such as USA, Canada and the Nordic such as Switzerland, Sweden and other countries have made rapid development, according to 1999 statistics, the household heating devic

37、e, GSHPs proportion of 96% in Switzerland, Austria, 38%,27% in Denmark. China Back in the 50s, once in Shanghai, Tianjin and other places try to take winter irrigation way summer of extraction of groundwater cooling, Tianjin University, Institute Professor Lv Canren energy has carried out the earlie

38、st studies of heat 1965, successfully developed Chinas first water-cooled heat pump air conditioners. At present, Tsinghua University, Tianjin University, Chongqing University, Tianjin, Shandong Institute of Technology built, the CAS Guangzhou Institute of Energy and many other universities and rese

39、arch institutions in the study of water source heat pump. Tsinghua University, which after years of working conditions in a multi-source heat pump industry has formed the research results of several demonstration projects have been completed. Can be expected that the technology will be most effectiv

40、e in the 21st century heating and cooling air conditioning technology. Third, the water source heat pump technology in the region to promote the superiority of Shenyang 1. hydrogeological conditions are suitableWater is a prerequisite for application of water source heat pump, water system, water, w

41、ater temperature, water quality and water source heat pump system stability is a run effects of important factors. Shenyang is located in the city on the Hun River Alluvial Plain aquifer is mainly coarse sand, gravel and pebbles, abundant groundwater resources, with the protection of groundwater res

42、ources in recent years intensified, with factories migrate to the suburbs, Shenyang underground funnel area has been basically eliminated. Now, the groundwater level between the 50-60m, depth 5-13m. Summer and winter water temperature maintained at a constant 12 , PH value of between 6.5-8.5, ground

43、water quality, water resources assessment in the country was excellent. Shenyang City this unique hydrological and geological conditions is unique in the country to meet the water source heat pump system is running on the water, adequate water, moderate temperature, the water is suitable, stable wat

44、er supply requirements, water source heat pump system for large-scale promotion in Shenyang . 2. the water source heat pump technology in the construction field advantage in the application As a new water source heat pump heating and cooling technology, more and more attention at home and abroad, an

45、d its advantages in the construction field in the following areas: lower energy consumption. The biggest advantage of ground source heat pump heating and cooling with conventional air conditioning systems consume less power compared. Under the proper conditions of air heat pump system than the 40% e

46、nergy savings compared to electric heating energy saving over 70%. to improve the building appearance. Since there is no outdoor compressors or cooling towers, so the possibility of damage greatly reduced the appearance of the building or eliminated. low environmental impact. Comparison of CO2 emiss

47、ions from coal-fired boilers and electric drive with the same fuel amount of CO2 emissions can be reduced by 30% -50%, in environmental protection will play a significant role. area are few. Compared with coal-fired boiler house, the area can be reduced by half or more, If heat pump into the ground,

48、 the floor space is not occupied.Fourth, water source heat pump technology applications in the Shenyang region and the problems. Water source heat pump technology is introduced in 1998 in Shenyang, the relatively early with Tokyo Electric Power dormitory, Shenyang Institute of Automation, Liaoning S

49、cience and Technology Building, Medical School sophomore, etc., heating and cooling large area of 100,000 m2 or more, only a small 2000m2. Typical is the Shenyang Institute of Automation of the construction area by 4.6 million m2, 1999 the introduction of water source heat pump central air condition

50、ing system to replace the existing two coal-fired boilers. 2002, 152 days in winter heating, summer cooling 100 days. Annual operating cost of 21.33 yuan / m2. Heating and cooling cost savings throughout the year 7 million. Shenyang City in recent years by examining the construction and operation of

51、 water source heat pumps as far as the introduction of the heat pump units are relatively molding technology, in terms of operating efficiency and maintenance requirements are able to reach. But as a heat pump system is a key component of the well group, the recharge process and as well there are st

52、ill many problems, mainly in the following areas: First, in the design of pumping and injection wells spaced ground source heat pump is usually the manufacturer with reference to the experience of value, ignoring the different geomorphological units hydrogeological factors, design of well spacing is

53、 too large, for high-density residential district or city commercial construction applications deep recharge water source heat pump system, because the availability of building land area restrictions, well group can not be arranged, seriously affecting the water source heat pump system in promoting

54、the use of Shenyang. Such as medical sophomore distance between water source heat pump wells is too large, the number of recharge well below standard, unit operation, the water recharge does not continue. Shenyang Institute of Automation is also due to recharging wells can not be cloth to open, caus

55、ing part of the construction can not use water source heat pump heating. There are some users to solve problems recharge directly to water into the sewer pipe, did not return poured into the ground, wasted a lot of groundwater resources. Second, as well backward technology, poor quality as well, not

56、 only affect the life of wells, and recharge water also affects the results, and ultimately affect the water source heat pump to work and heating or cooling effect. Shenyang is now well into the process has continued the practice of many years ago, injection well package by wrapping steel skeleton n

57、et-filter tube. The filter tubes in use for some time, as seriously corroded wire wrapped around wire, tube well is blocked, resulting in the recharge coefficient of recharge wells, life has declined, limiting heat pump technologies.Fifth, I solve the water source heat pump into the well recharge an

58、d process issues of 1. pumping, irrigation group spacing of wells As compared to the ground water recharge difficult, therefore, play a viable solution for the three wells, one water, two recharge, pumping wells and recharge wells that the number of 1:2. In the recharge, in order to avoid the inject

59、ion well to the pumping well hot linking effect, maintaining a constant temperature of pumping wells, three wells to ensure an adequate distance between, usually more than 100m. If the arrangement of three wells are shown for the side length of equilateral triangles 100m, pumping, irrigation capacit

60、y of 100m3 / h, according to pump Unit operation, the heating (cooling water required is less)10000m2 water demand 100m3 / h terms, the land area in this field source heat pump heating and cooling of the construction area of 10000m2. According to my company in Shenyang hydrogeological conditions, re

61、fer to the relevant research results at home and abroad, through the engineering practice, that pumping be reduced to 60m spacing of injection wells is feasible, such as the national government fattened pump pumping irrigation wells spacing 50m, operation well, irrigation well pumping does not appea

62、r hot linking phenomenon. International Garden pumping to the king, the minimum spacing of injection wells group 60m. This is also in the side length of 100m within a equilateral triangle, you can get laid two wells, recharge wells, 4 eyes, able to 20000m2 building area of heating, cooling. That is,

63、 in the same venue, the maximum increase in the number of laid well to address the causes due to space constraints the problem can not be applied heat pump system. At the same time, because the pumping, irrigation reduced well spacing, increasing the amount of single well recharge. 2. as well new ma

64、terial and new technology research and development According to my company in Shenyang hydrogeological conditions, developed a package of plastic plates reinforced skeleton wrapping package net-filter tube into a well of new technology, the advantages of this type of filter tubes are corrosion-resistant, can extend the service life of tube wells, light weight, its specifications and performance can meet the coarse and fine particles into the aquifer by wells. Filter pipe and rigid plastic than the biggest advantage

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