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1、附錄 外文原文及翻譯 Three Gorges Dam, ChinaPublished: August 10, 2010Edited: August 10, 2010Lead Author: Cutler ClevelandThree Gorges Dam, China (304418 North, 1111627 East), crosses the Yangtze River at Sandouping, Yichang, Hubei province, China. The dams name refers to the majestic limestone cliffs of the

2、Qutang, Wu, and Xiling gorges, which stretch for about 200 kilometers (124 miles) from Fengjie, in Sichun province, to Yichang, in Hubei province, in Chinas heartland. The Yangtze is the longest river in Asia and the third longest in the world, running 6,211 kilometers (3,860 miles) from Qinghai Pro

3、vince in the Tibetan Plateau to the East China Sea near Shanghai. The rivers watershed is massive, spanning 1,722,155 sq.km (1,070,147 sq. miles) with nearly 400 million inhabitants. On April 3, 1992, the National Peoples Congress of China approved the construction of the worlds largest and most con

4、troversial hydroelectric facility at Three Gorges. The reservoir began filling on June 1, 2003, and construction is scheduled to be finished by May 2006. Full power generation will be reached in 2009. There are 26 power generating units planned, each with generating capacity of 700 megawatts (MW), w

5、hich should produce an average of 84.7B kilowatt-hours per year (kWh/yr) from 2008 from a total generating capacity of 18,200 gigawatts (GW). Three Gorges would then surpass the 14,000MW Itaip dam located on the Paran River at the Brazil/Paraguay border. The latest government figures have put a pric

6、e tag of US$25 billion on the project, although other estimates put the actual cost much higher. The reservoir is 630km long and an average of 1.3km wide, while the dam wall is 185m high and almost as deep, stretching 2.3km across the valley. About 27 million cubic meters of concrete have gone into

7、the structure since work began; thats more than eight times as much as has been poured into the Hoover dam on the Colorado River and twice the amount of concrete in the Itaip dam. The Three Gorges project has been engineered to store over 5 trillion gallons of water and to withstand an earthquake of

8、 7.0 on the Richter scale. There about 50,000 other dams on the Yangtze River, mostly along tributaries of the main river, that were built in the past 50 years to create freshwater reservoirs. The freshwater storage capacity has skyrocketed from 0.06 cubic kilometers in 1950 to 180 cubic kilometers

9、in 2002. When the reservoir behind the Three Gorges Dam is full, it will add up to 40 cubic kilometers to that total. Benefits from the Three Gorges Project To Chinas leaders, the Three Gorges dam will provide a foundation for the nations future economic prosperity. The power will also help meet Chi

10、nas rapidly growing energy demand. Just as important, the transmission lines that are being developed to transport electricity from the project to the rest of the country will help to create a national grid, with the Three Gorges at its heartTransportation of people and goods will be greatly enhance

11、d. The reservoir will allow 10,000-ton freighters to enter the nations interior, which currently limits access to boats under 1,500 tons. Vessels will be able to navigate from Shanghai up to Chongqing, around 2000km from the sea. It could become an even more important transport artery if sufficient

12、facilities are put in place to integrate cargo transport on the river with major rail and road intersections. The government and companies involved in the development of the Three Gorges dam are also keen to promote the project by developing it as a tourist attraction. Tour boats now offer trips on

13、the reservoirs in order to allow foreign and domestic tourists to appreciate what are being advertised as lofty gorges projecting peaceful lakes. The dam is also intended to provide major flood control benefits. Historically, the population in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River suffer

14、ed tremendous losses from flooding both in human lives and property. For example, the massive flooding of the Yangtze River in 1931 caused more than 3 million deaths from flooding and starvation. The government also notes that the dams power generation potential of 84.7BkWh/yr is the energy equivale

15、nt of burning 50 million tons of coal or 25 million tons of crude oil. Thus, the switch to cleaner hydroelectric power would have the effect of cutting 100 million tons of carbon dioxide, up to two million tons of sulfur dioxide, ten thousand tons of carbon monoxide, 370,000 tons of nitrogen oxide,

16、and 150,000 tons of particulates annually from the atmosphere. Social and Environmental Concerns Critics of the Three Gorges project argue that the projects costs may outweigh the benefits, the latter of which have allegedly been exaggerated by the government. The Three Gorges Dam project has become

17、 a symbol of national unity and strength for the ruling communist party. As a result, critics charge that many of the controversies surrounding the project are glossed over or ignored. In an address to the engineers of the dam, then Premier Li Peng, himself a power engineer by training, said the sca

18、le of the project was proof to the world of Chinas newfound strength. The damming of the Yangtze is of great political and economic significance . It proves to the whole world the Chinese peoples capability of building the worlds first-rate hydroelectric project. The construction of the dam has thus

19、 become as much a celebration of Chinese nationalism and its political leadership as it is a massive power and engineering feat. Foreign perception of the project has suffered from the reputation of its principal proponent in Beijing, Li Peng. Li, whom some historians hold responsible for the 1989 m

20、assacre in Tiananmen Square, championed the idea of the dam to guarantee Chinas energy supply amid the internal political repression and international isolation that followed Tiananmen. Li was the driving force behind the approval of the project in 1992 by the National Peoples Congress despite no vo

21、tes or abstentions from a third of the delegatesa rare display of dissent in the Congress. Resettlement is a major source of controversy. More than 1.2 million will have to be resettled before the Yangtze valley is submerged. Entire villages and parts of major cities have been relocated. Critics cla

22、im that those forced out of the area have not been adequately compensated, particularly as the land they lost was highly fertile. But the government insists that the scale of its compensation package demonstrates its commitment to helping those affected improve their standard of living. Upwards of 1

23、,000 archeological sites will be submerged beneath the reservoir. Ancestral burial grounds and centuries-old temples, fossil remains, and archeological sites dating as far back as the Paleolithic Age risk being lost from public access and scholarly pursuit if they are not unearthed and relocated bef

24、ore the waters rise. The government has taken measures that it claims will mitigate these losses. There is also concern about the impact the project will have on biological diversity. The baiji dolphin, the ancient river sturgeon and the finless porpoise depend on the Yangtze for their survival. The

25、 population of Siberian cranes in Poyang Lake will also be affected by the dam. Sedimentation of the reservoir is also a serious challenge. The flow of the Yangtze carries with it the fifth-largest sediment discharge of any river in the world, equivalent to about 4 percent of all river-borne sedimen

26、t discharged to all the oceans of the world. Sediment buildup behind the dam and throughout the reservoir would effect the overall storage capacity of the reservoir. The loss of storage capacity would directly result in a decrease in projects flood control capability. The high rate of sediment depos

27、it has already affected the diversion channel and is expected to compromise operation of the dam sooner and more seriously than had been anticipated. The Yangtze River branches out into a broad estuary that stretches 655 kilometers into the East China Sea, and forms one of the largest continental sh

28、elves in the world. Over half of the Yangtzes annual sediment load is deposited in the estuary. The health of the estuary depends on the delivery of this sediment because a significant relationship exists between intertidal wetland growth rate and riverine sediment supply. Yet, due to the Three Gorg

29、es project and other dams, the sediment accumulation rate in all reservoirs on the river has increased from close to zero in 1950 to more than 850 * 106 tons per year in 2003. This is causing erosion of the wetland habitat there, which provides nurseries for fish and resting areas for migratory bird

30、s and is considered one of the worlds most important wetland ecosystems. A similar effect was seen on the Nile River after the Aswan Dam in Egypt was completed. 譯文:中國三峽大壩發(fā)表于:8月10日,2010年編輯于:8月10日,2010年首席作者: 約翰克利夫蘭中國三峽大壩 (北緯3044 18”、東經(jīng)1111627”), 在中國湖北宜昌三斗坪穿越長江。大壩的名字代表的是雄偉的石灰?guī)r山崖渾然一體的瞿塘、巫、和西陵三峽,從四川奉節(jié)到湖北

31、宜昌綿延約200公里(124英里),處于中國的腹地。長江是亞洲最長的河流同時(shí)也是世界上第三長河,從青藏高原的青海到上海附近的東海,全長6,211公里(3,860英里)。這條河的流域是巨大的,跨越1722、155 平方公里(1070、147平方英里)與近4億居民。1992年4月3日,中國全國人民代表大會(huì)批準(zhǔn)在三峽建設(shè)世界上最大和最具爭議的水力發(fā)電設(shè)施。在2003年6月1日開始填充水庫,施工預(yù)計(jì)將于2006年5月完成,到2009年將達(dá)到全部發(fā)電。計(jì)劃發(fā)電能力有26個(gè)發(fā)電機(jī)組,每一個(gè)都有700百萬瓦, 從2008年總發(fā)電量的18,200千兆瓦中機(jī)組應(yīng)該生產(chǎn)平均每年84.7B千瓦時(shí)(千瓦時(shí)左右)。三峽


33、180立方公里。當(dāng)三峽大壩后的水庫滿了,它合計(jì)將增加到40立方公里。 受益于三峽工程的觀點(diǎn)對(duì)于中國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人來說,三峽大壩將提供了國家未來經(jīng)濟(jì)繁榮的基礎(chǔ),。能量也將幫助滿足中國快速增長的能源需求。同樣重要的是,正在研究開發(fā)用來從工程到國家其余部分運(yùn)輸電力的輸電線路,將有助于創(chuàng)造一個(gè)以三峽為心臟的國家高壓輸電線網(wǎng)。乘客和貨物的運(yùn)輸將會(huì)大大增強(qiáng)。三峽將會(huì)允許10,000噸級(jí)貨輪進(jìn)入其內(nèi)部,目前限制進(jìn)入船在1500噸。能夠駕駛船舶將從上海到重慶,從海上算起大約2000公里。它可能成為一個(gè)更重要的交通動(dòng)脈如果足夠的設(shè)備都是在河上與主要的鐵路和公路的十字路口來整合貨物運(yùn)輸。政府和有關(guān)涉及三峽大壩開發(fā)的公司的

34、也渴望到促進(jìn)這一項(xiàng)目,發(fā)展它作為一個(gè)旅游勝地。游船現(xiàn)在提供旅行在水庫為了使國內(nèi)外游客欣賞被稱為崇高三峽投影靜湖”。大壩也會(huì)有重大的防洪效益。歷史上,長江中下游地區(qū)的人們都從洪水在人類的生命和財(cái)產(chǎn)安全遭受了巨大的損失。例如,1931年長江大洪水造成了超過300萬人死于洪水和饑荒。政府也指出,三峽大壩84.7B千瓦時(shí)每年的發(fā)電潛能等效于燃燒的50萬噸煤或25萬噸原油的能量。因此,改用清潔的水電會(huì)每年從大氣中減少1億噸二氧化碳,2萬多噸的二氧化硫,10萬噸一氧化碳、37萬噸氮氧化物、150,000噸的微粒。 社會(huì)和環(huán)境問題三峽工程的反對(duì)者認(rèn)為,項(xiàng)目的成本可能超過其收益, 政府部門涉嫌被夸大了后者。三

35、峽工程對(duì)黨來說已經(jīng)變成了一種國家統(tǒng)一和強(qiáng)度的象征。結(jié)果批評(píng)家指責(zé)說,許多圍繞項(xiàng)目的爭論都是一些論戰(zhàn)掩蓋或忽略。在一段在工程師的演講中,當(dāng)時(shí)李鵬總理本人也是一位高級(jí)工程師說,工程的規(guī)模對(duì)于世界來說是中國新生力量的證明?!伴L江筑壩有極為重要的政治和經(jīng)濟(jì)意義它證明整個(gè)世界中國人民的能力,他們能建造世界最高的一流的水電工程”。大壩施工中因此也一樣成為中華民族以及中國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)階層的慶典, ,因?yàn)樗且粋€(gè)巨大的能力和工程的壯舉。對(duì)于項(xiàng)目外國的獲知已經(jīng)遭受了北京主要建議者李鵬的聲譽(yù),一些歷史學(xué)家持有他應(yīng)當(dāng)負(fù)責(zé)在1989年天安門廣場屠殺的觀點(diǎn),他支持建壩來保證我國的能源供應(yīng)在內(nèi)部政治鎮(zhèn)壓與國際孤立之中。1992年


37、取措施,將會(huì)減少這些損失。這其中也要考慮到該項(xiàng)目將對(duì)生物多樣性涉及的影響。長江白冀豚,古河鱘和江豚都依靠長江來維持他們的生存。在鄱陽湖西伯利亞鶴的種類也會(huì)被大壩影響。水庫的沉降問題也是一項(xiàng)嚴(yán)峻的挑戰(zhàn)。長江的流動(dòng)攜帶世界上河流第五大輸沙量,相當(dāng)于世界海洋約4%的以河流傳播的泥沙量。泥沙在水壩后和整個(gè)儲(chǔ)層的累積會(huì)影響整體水庫的存儲(chǔ)容量。存儲(chǔ)容量的損失會(huì)直接導(dǎo)致這個(gè)降低工程的防洪能力。高速率的泥沙存儲(chǔ)已經(jīng)影響了引水渠道,并且不久大壩運(yùn)行比預(yù)料的更嚴(yán)重。長江分出一個(gè)延伸到中國東海655公里廣闊的河口,并形成世界上最大的大陸架之一。超過一半的長江一年輸沙量沉降在河口。河口的好壞取決于傳遞的沉積物,因?yàn)樵诤恿鳚竦厣L速度、潮間帶沉積物供給之間存在顯著關(guān)系。然而,由于三峽大壩工程及其他的大壩,在所有水庫中沉積物積累率都從1950年接近零提高到2003年每年超過850 * 106噸。這是導(dǎo)致濕地生境侵蝕的原因,濕地能為魚類提供照顧、為候鳥提供休息區(qū)域,更被認(rèn)為是世界上最重要的濕地生態(tài)系統(tǒng)。正如在尼羅河上埃及阿斯旺大壩建成后相類似的效應(yīng)。

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