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1、地質(zhì)英語結(jié)課論文 題目:Theory of the treatment院 系 地球科學(xué)與資源系姓 名 班 級 地質(zhì)學(xué)1104班 學(xué) 號 03211417 指導(dǎo)教師 2013年 12月 1日 Theory of the treatmentAbstract: the landslide is a kind of global natural disasters, huge harmfulness, often to peoples life and property security caused great hidden trouble.Meizhou of guangdong province

2、 in China is located in the southern margin of the five ridges mountains, rocks are mainly quartz sandstone in the devonian strata in the area, Permian limestone has a wide distribution and the Jurassic and cretaceous red sandstone, geological environment fragile, landslide is prevalent.In this pape

3、r, through examples on landslide hazards and control measures were briefly reviewed in this paper, the and the development prospect of prevention and control and control technology is prospected.Key words: landslide loss prevention and controlLandslides refers to the soil or rock mass slopes, by riv

4、ers, groundwater activity, earthquake and artificial slope cutting and other factors, under the influence of gravity, along a weak plane or soft belt, the overall or scattered along the slope slide down the natural phenomenon, commonly known as mountain, mountain, slippery, soil slip, etc. Landslide

5、s often to industrial and agricultural production and peoples lives and property caused great losses, some even is devastating disaster.Landslide is destroying the harm of rural primary farmland, destroy forests, roads, houses, harm human and agricultural machinery equipment and water conservancy an

6、d hydropower facilities, etc., sometimes even to the person of hometown devastating disasters.Located in the town of landslides often hit buried houses, human and animal casualties, damage fields, destroying factories, schools, units, etc., and destruction of facilities, shut down, causing blackouts

7、, water supply and sometimes even destroy the whole town.Landslide occurred in industrial and mining areas, can destroy mine facilities, casualties worker, destruction of plants, is mine to keep factories and workers idle and often causes heavy losses.Meizhou is a prevalent landslide disasters.Accor

8、ding to incomplete statistics, in the past 20 years a total collapse, landslides and other geological disasters in 6280, 171 people were killed and 166 injured, and direct economic loss of 600 million yuan.Geological disaster 317 per year on average, nine people were killed and eight people were inj

9、ured, the economic losses of more than 3000 3000 yuan;Existing 6818 landslides, collapse hazard points, threatened a population of more than 100000 people, the threatened assets of 500 million yuan. In view of the landslide caused great harm, so the landslide prevention and control to carry out the

10、early detection, prevention, find out the situation, the comprehensive control, makes every effort to effect a radical cure, not for the principle of combining the factors of the slope unstability and landslide formation of the prevention and control of internal and external conditions.A major facto

11、r in the production of landslide landslide control is a geological and geomorphic conditions, the second is internal and external motivation and the influence of human impact.Therefore, the landslide regulation mainly from the following several aspects:One, to eliminate or reduce the harm of water1.

12、 Eliminate surface water.The surface water of landslide outside is used more by the interception and guide method discharged;For landslide surface water within the anti-seepage, near together as soon as possible and take measures such as governance.2. Out of groundwater.For groundwater, thin and not

13、 blocked.Main engineering measures: blind ditch of cutoff, used to intercept and landslide area near the periphery of groundwater;Support the blind ditch, drainage and supporting role;Oblique Kong Qun, used to horizontal drilling leads to the groundwater.In addition, there are blind holes, permeabil

14、ity tube, vertical drilling, rule out the engineering measure of landslide in groundwater.3. To prevent the river water and reservoir water on the landslide slope toe scour, the main engineering measures are: the upstream landslide is serious erosion area, build up the mainstream towards the other s

15、ide of the spur dike, in the front of landslide riprap, paving stone cage, reinforced concrete block construction platoon tube in order to make the soil slope from the river erosion.Two. Change the landslide shape, set the anti-sliding structures1. The cutting slope weight loss.Commonly used in gove

16、rnance in a state of top-heavy and in the front and there are no reliable anti-sliding lots of sliding body, reduce sliding body shape improvement, center of gravity, thus improve the stability of the landslide mass.2. Construction retaining engineering.Sliding of the landslide due to loss of suppor

17、t or steep, sliding bed may be faster landslide, adopted the practice of construction retaining engineering, can increase the equilibrium condition, the gravity of the landslide sliding body quickly restore stability.The types of retaining structures against sliding flaky crib, anti-slide pile, such

18、 as anti-sliding retaining wall.3. Improve the earth-rock properties of sliding zone.General roasting method, blasting grouting method is used to the chemical and physical methods, such as the landslide.Due to the complexity of landslide causes, influence factors, so we need the above several method

19、s using comprehensive treatment, and at the same time to achieve a goal.Third, strengthen public awarenessGeological hazards, our country is a country, but the weak consciousness of common people disasters.A lot of people when disaster comes, dont know to take necessary measures to cope with the sit

20、uation, dont even know the gravity of the disaster.Only let people know the seriousness of disaster, people will be positive to learn knowledge about disasters, make the correct response.Our country and the government there is also a lot of dereliction of duty, to the people to the consciousness of

21、its root cause lies in the countrys propaganda is not enough.In the hill country of landslides and other disasters incidence, relevant government departments should strengthen the public awareness of disaster.In order to reduce the mountain disasters and the damage to the society, country and the go

22、vernment should increase for mountain hazards such as landslide area of investment, strengthen the screening and monitoring for these areas.Historical experience tells us that in natural disasters at present, in the persons subjective dynamic limited, this time we need, comprehensive management prev

23、ention first and prevention &treatment combination of prevention and control measures, in the face of natural disaster, we cant control and change our only avoid disaster reduction .Disaster before some false rumors and cause people to take some irrational behavior of important information, in the f

24、ace of this situation we only to strengthen the public understanding of the disaster itself to make the right judgments.When disasters occur, people should learn the necessary treatment measures, in a concerted effort to reduce the hazards to a minimum. Landslide disaster prevention and control tech

25、nology development prospects: landslide disaster formation mechanism is complex, its prevention and treatment of many factors that affect the technology selection, how to correctly select landslide, landslide characteristics, types and development strength, advanced, economic and effective measures

26、still need we blend step research and deep.The main research direction outlook is as follows:(1) to adopt new technology and new method for prospecting and forecasting the landslide and its stability, such as remote sensing, geophysical prospecting method, GPS technology, big dipper and modern test

27、methods;(2) drainage to further study the mechanism of the landslide stability;(3) establish a landslide disaster prevention and control of engineering database and expert fuzzy decision system;(4) the development and application of new materials and components, such as biological chemistry corrosio

28、n resistance stiffened new materials, corrosion resistance to tensile anchor cable, high strength and high durability can provide larger resistance against sliding slope protection components, etc.;(5) the development and application of new technology and new methods, such as construction, easy, and

29、 can provide larger resistance sliding force of anchoring method of high strength prestressed concrete structure, with high strength prestressed anti-slide pile and anchor anti-slide pile as big thickness high thrust retaining structure of the sliding body, used for inside the landslide reinforcemen

30、t of various new grouting method, etc.;(6) research and development in harmony with the environment, combined with the land use, and the social benefits associated governance approach, all kinds of governance engineering design should be able to do to fully consider the reclamation and beautify the

31、environment, the governance after the land resources to rational development and utilization of anti-sliding retaining structures may as bearing structure, etc.conclusion Through the forming conditions and influencing factors of landslide characteristics analysis and research, I summarized the above

32、 many of the super-large geological disaster prevention and control measures, but also how to use more advanced methods and measures for the future improvement made a simple description.Therefore, in the face of such serious situation, each one of us should have awareness of landslide and the respon

33、sibility of the landslide control, benefit for our children and grandchildren.References:Mountain flood prevention and cure of debris flow and landslide disaster 1, science press, 1994-32 Ye Zhengwei history along the Yangtze river new landslide analysis, trend prediction and enlightenment journal d

34、isaster - 2000-63 YanKunLong Zhang Guirong, etc.Landslide disaster risk analysis M. Science press, 2010. Beijing4 Yang Junming, liu, etc.Landslide governance method J open-pit mining technology, 2005, (5) : 35 375 meizhou network論滑坡整治摘要:滑坡是一種全球性的自然災(zāi)害,危害性巨大,常給人們的生命財產(chǎn)安全造成極大隱患。我國廣東梅州地處五嶺山脈南緣,區(qū)內(nèi)巖層主要有泥盆系

35、石英砂巖、二疊系的石灰?guī)r和分布較廣的侏羅系、白堊系紅色砂巖,地質(zhì)環(huán)境脆弱,是滑坡的多發(fā)區(qū)。本文通過實例對對滑坡危害及整治措施進行了簡要闡述,并對防治技術(shù)的發(fā)展前景進行了展望。關(guān)鍵字:滑坡 損失 防治 展望滑坡是指斜坡上的土體或者巖體,受河流沖刷、地下水活動、地震及人工切坡等因素影響,在重力作用下,沿著一定的軟弱面或者軟弱帶,整體地或者分散地順坡向下滑動的自然現(xiàn)象,俗稱“走山”、“垮山”、“地滑”、“土溜”等?;鲁3=o工農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)以及人民生命財產(chǎn)造成巨大損失、有的甚至是毀滅性的災(zāi)難?;聦︵l(xiāng)村最主要的危害是摧毀農(nóng)田、房舍、傷害人畜、毀壞森林道路以及農(nóng)業(yè)機械設(shè)施和水利水電設(shè)施等,有時甚至給老鄉(xiāng)造成


37、主,查明情況,綜合治理,力求根治,不留后患”的原則,結(jié)合邊坡失穩(wěn)的因素和滑坡形成的內(nèi)外部條件進行防治。治理滑坡產(chǎn)生滑坡的主要因素一是地質(zhì)條件與地貌條件,二是內(nèi)外動力和人為作用的影響。因此,滑坡的整治主要從以下幾個方面入手:一、消除或減輕水的危害1.排除地表水。滑坡以外的地表水多采用攔截和旁引方法排走;對滑坡以內(nèi) 的地表水采取防滲、盡快匯集和旁引等措施治理口。2.排除地下水。對于地下水,可疏而不可堵。主要工程措:截水盲溝,用于攔截和旁引滑坡區(qū)外圍的地下水;支撐盲溝,兼具排水和支撐作用;仰斜孔群,用近于水平的鉆孔把地下水引出。此外,還有盲洞、滲管、垂直鉆孔等排除滑坡體內(nèi)地下水的工程措施。3.防止河





42、理方法,各類治理工程設(shè)計應(yīng)能做 到充分考慮到環(huán)境復(fù)墾和綠化美化,治理后土地資源能合理開發(fā)與利用抗滑支擋結(jié)構(gòu)有可能作為建筑物承重結(jié)構(gòu)等。結(jié)語通過對滑坡的形成條件以及影響因素等特征的分析研究,我總結(jié)出了以上許多目前對滑坡這種特大地質(zhì)災(zāi)害的防治措施,同時也對未來如何用更先進的手段和措施整治做了簡單的說明。因此,面對這種嚴(yán)重的現(xiàn)狀,我們每一個人都應(yīng)該有預(yù)防滑坡的意識和治理滑坡的責(zé)任,為我們的子孫后代造福。參考文獻:1山洪泥石流滑坡災(zāi)害及防治,科學(xué)出版社1994-3 2葉正偉 長江新灘滑坡的歷史分析,趨勢預(yù)測與啟示 【期刊論文】災(zāi)害學(xué) 2000-6 3殷坤龍張貴榮等?;聻?zāi)害風(fēng)險分析M.北京科學(xué)出版社2























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