
2012高三英語一輪復習課堂掃描 M6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world學案 牛津譯林版

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《2012高三英語一輪復習課堂掃描 M6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world學案 牛津譯林版》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《2012高三英語一輪復習課堂掃描 M6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world學案 牛津譯林版(14頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、Unit 4Helping people around the world Module6熱 點 單 詞1.cooperate v. 合作,協(xié)助 cooperation n合作 cooperative adj.合作的,協(xié)作的2.aware adj.意識到的,知道的 awareness n覺悟,意識3.poor adj.貧窮的 poverty n. 貧困,貧乏4.access n. 通道入口 accessibleadj. 易達到的,易得到的5.collect v. 收集,采集 collection n收集,收藏品 collective adj. 集體的,共同的6.occupy v. 占有,從事

2、occupationn工作,職業(yè)mit v. 犯罪,犯錯,托付,交付 commitment; n. 承諾,義務 committed adj.集體的,共同的8.remind v使想起 Reminder n提醒的東西1.Ladies and gentlemen, I have the honor of introducing our honored / honoured guests this evening.honored / honoured女士們,先生們,我很榮幸介紹我們今晚的貴賓。2.Doctors had to operate on him and only the most skill

3、ed surgeon can perform this operation.operation醫(yī)生不得不給他做手術(shù),并且只有最老練的外科醫(yī)生才能做此手術(shù)。 3.The old man volunteered to do voluntary work providing help for the community.voluntary那個老人自告奮勇地做義工,為社區(qū)提供幫助。4.He gets frustrated when he cant win and its frustration that makes me upset.frustration他贏不了的時候便垂頭喪氣,是那種讓我感到不安的

4、失望。5.She is my comforter when I am upset. Her words make me feel fortable我失意時她安慰我,她的言語使我覺得很舒心。根據(jù)中文填單詞完成句子,每空一詞(記憶時,用下列橫線上的新單詞造句記憶)1.藥物治療終于開始對瘧疾、傷寒和糖尿病顯出效果。 The malaria, typhoid and diabetes is at last responding to medication.2.戰(zhàn)爭爆發(fā)使人們的生活處于混亂狀態(tài)并導致他們失業(yè)。 The outbreak of the war put peoples life in cha

5、os and caused them out of occupation.根據(jù)中文寫出英文短語1. 談及;指稱;參考 refer to2. 給做手術(shù) operate on3. 從一地到另一地 from place to place4. 擔當(某一角色) take on5. 值得做 be worthy doing6. 吸引某人的注意力 draw ones attention7. 在的保護下 under the umbrella of8. 提出,制定出 set out9. 作為的代表 on behalf of10. 出故障;拋錨 break down11. 處于混亂狀態(tài) in chaos12. 得

6、到;抓住 get hold of13. 讓人想起,提醒某人 remind sb. of14. 回想 think back to15. 產(chǎn)生變化,發(fā)生改變 make a difference1. Where there is, there is 哪里有,哪里就有2. I feel very honored to 我感到非常榮幸能3. As you know, 如你所知,4. This will increase peoples awareness of 這會提高人們對的意識。5. Doand youll do 如果你,你將會同義轉(zhuǎn)換1.If there were no water, there

7、would be no life. Without water, there would be no life.2.I didnt know his address, so I didnt write to him. If I had known his address, I would have writtento him.3.It is said that he has invented a new machine. He is said to have invented a new machine.4.The imposter(冒名頂替者) seemed anxious to leave

8、. It seemed that the imposter was anxious to leave.5.We study not only Chinese but also English. We study English as well as Chinese. We study English and Chinese as well. Besides Chinese, we also study English. We study both Chinese and English. We study Chinese, and English,too.1、face v. 面對,面向;應對,

9、大膽面對We feel warmer in winter because our house faces south. 因為我們的房子朝南,所以冬天感覺暖和一點。He faced_the_difficulty with courage. 他勇敢地應對了困難。(1) be faced with 面臨,面對The whole world is_faced_with the economic crisis now.現(xiàn)在全世界都面臨著經(jīng)濟危機。(2) face the music 承擔批評,接受處罰They all ran away, so I had to face_the_music.他們都跑了,

10、所以我不得不挨罰。(3) face up to 敢于面對You should face up to your responsibility. 你應該敢于承擔你的責任。(4) face n. 臉,面容,面孔make a face 做鬼臉save (sb.s) face 保全(某人的)面子lose (ones) face 有失面子to ones face直接地,當著某人的面 _ with the problems of my telephone addiction, I went to have a talk with a doctor.A. To face B. FacedC. Facing D

11、. FaceB本題考查了過去分詞短語充當原因狀語,可補充為Because I was faced with the problem2、 remind vt.(1)“使想起”,后面可以跟從句,也常跟of引起的短語。What he had done reminded_me_of_the_days when I was in the army.他所做的一切使我想起了我在部隊的那些日子。They reminded me that they had promised to buy me a car. 他們使我想到,他們承諾過給我買車。(2)“提醒”,跟帶不定式的復合結(jié)構(gòu);也可以跟about或者of引起的

12、短語。Be sure to remind her to come back early. 你一定要提醒她早點回來。We must send a letter to remind him of the deadline of the task. 我們必須寫信提醒他任務的最后期限 。 He got a letter from his mother, which _ him of his home.A. remembered B. forgotC. thought D. remindedD 根據(jù)句意和賓語him后的of his home,只有動詞remind后跟of引起的短語。3 、 辨析 appr

13、oach, means, way, method(1) approach方法,方式;通常指抽象意義上的方法。結(jié)構(gòu)為:approach to n. / doing。(2) means (單復數(shù)同形)可以指人或物,其含義為“手段”或“工具”;這個詞不僅用于具體的東西,也可以用于抽象的意念。(3) way 是個通用的詞。由于way常出現(xiàn)在許多固定的詞組中,way往往是指可能性,而不是說明用什么方式;另外do sth. in this way 中的 way 即 method 的意思,但并不用 method。(4) method 所表示的“方法”可以指做某件事的具體步驟或程序,也可以指抽象概念“條理”,

14、多與with搭配。 with this method in this way by this means 用這種方法There is no good approach to the problem. 在這個問題上沒有什么好方法。Radio and television are important means of communication. 無線電和電視是重要的通信手段。She showed them the_way_to_do it. 她向他們示范做這件事的方法。The_teaching_method marked a new epoch in education. 這種教學方法標志著進入

15、教育的新時代。(1)mean to do (plan / intend to do) 計劃做,打算做(2)mean (doing) 意思是,意味著(3)be meant / intended to do 本意是做(4)mean adj. 低劣的;刻薄的;簡陋的;吝嗇的 I have been meaning to phone you all the week. 一個星期來我一直想給你打電話。Refusing to fill in the form means giving up the chance. 拒絕填表就意味著放棄這次機會。The project is meant to help th

16、ose who lost their homes in the earthquake. 本項工程是要幫助那些在地震中失去家園的人。Dont be so mean to your brother. 不要對你弟弟如此刻薄。The workers had to live in a small mean house. 工人們住在一個很小很破舊的房子里。4、 lack n. 缺乏,沒有 (常與介詞of連用)Many people cant afford to buy a house because of lack_of_money. 因為缺錢,許多人買不起房子。vt. 缺乏,缺少,沒有 (不用于被動語態(tài)

17、) vi. 缺乏(in); 需要 (for)The plants lack_water;_please water them, or theyll die. 這些植物缺水;請澆水,否則它們會死的。He is young; he_is_still_lacking_in_experience. 他年輕,還缺少經(jīng)驗。1、 go wrong (機器)出故障;犯錯;遇到困難,出現(xiàn)問題。其中g(shù)o為系動詞,后接形容詞,表示“變得”。go deaf / blind / pale / sour, etc. 變聾 / 瞎 / 蒼白 / 酸等。The relationship started to go wrong

18、 when they moved abroad. 移居國外后,他們的關系開始出現(xiàn)問題了。As years pass by, my mothers hair has gone grey. 隨著歲月的流逝,我媽媽的頭發(fā)變得灰白了。表示“變得”的系動詞還有: become, turn, get, grow, fall, come等。It is getting dark; lets stop working. 天黑了,我們停止工作吧。Its already spring! You see, the leaves are turning green. 已是春天了!你瞧,樹葉都變綠了。 All the p

19、eople attending the victory ceremony _ wild with excitement at the speech by Obama.A. become B. were turnedC. grew D. had goneC 注意本題所用的時態(tài),根據(jù)句子的意思與語境,可知應該用一般過去時,選C。系動詞沒有被動語態(tài),所以B項不正確。 2、work on 繼續(xù)工作,從事It is known that this scientist has been working on this problem for about ten years. 人們知道,這位科學家研究這一問

20、題已達10年之久。work on 還可表示“奏效”、“激起”、“努力說服”等意思。Wine will work on his emotion. 酒會使他情緒激動。(2) work out 算出,解答出;健身;結(jié)果等。I believe that you can work_out this problem by yourself. 我相信你能自己解答這道難題。We hadnt expected that our evening party could work out so well. 我們從沒想到我們的晚會會是如此的成功。He goes to the gym to work_out every

21、 other day. 他每隔一天去體育館健身一次。 Susan decided not to _ the program at home because she didnt want her parents to know what she was doing.A. work at B. work outC. work on D. work forC 本句的意思是“蘇珊決定不在家里做這個方案”,即work on 從事;做3、look up 查找,抬頭He looked up, but didnt see anything.他抬頭,卻什么也沒有看到。Can you look up the ti

22、me of the next train?你查一查下一班火車的時間好嗎?與look有關的詞組:look after 照管,照料look at 看望,注視look back 回顧,回頭看look down on 看不起,輕視look for 尋找,尋求look forward to 盼望,期待look in 順便看望look into 調(diào)查,觀察,過問,窺視look on 旁觀,觀看;看待;視作look out (for) 留神,注意,提防,警惕look over 檢查,查看,調(diào)查look through 瀏覽,溫習look up 查閱;尋找(某人)look up to 尊敬,敬仰 Is it

23、good to _ every word when I come across it in reading? No, you dont have to because you are likely to guess the meaning from the context.A. look into B. look outC. look up D. look overC 查找,查閱。4、force sb. to do 強迫某人做Nobody can force me to do anything. 沒有人能強迫我做任何事。He forced the little boy to open the

24、door. 他迫使這個小男孩打開門。(1) 表示“使某人做”的表達方式還有:force sb. into doing; make sb. do; have sb. do; doby force等。同時,force sb. into / out of / onto等,其后可直接跟名詞。I managed to force the truth out of him. 我設法迫使他說出了真相。Two young men forced_me_into_their_car. 兩個年輕人迫使我上了他們的車。(2) political / economic forces 政治 / 經(jīng)濟力量 the forc

25、es of nature 大自然的力量 the force of gravity 地球引力5、辨析 if only, only if(1)if only 如果多好,要是就好了。常用虛擬語氣。If only one had an unlimited supply of money.要是能財源不斷就好了。(2)only if 只有當,只有在的時候。引導的是客觀條件狀語從句,若這個從句位于句首,主句需要用部分倒裝語序。Only if I get a job in the summer will_I_have enough money to go on my education next term.

26、我只有在暑假打到一份工,下學期才會有足夠的學費(上學)。The company will succeed only_if it can have sufficient backing. 只有當這家公司獲得足夠的資助,它才會成功。 _ a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter the classroom.A. If only B. Only ifC. As if D. Even ifB 根據(jù)后面的主句is a student allowed to運用了倒裝句可知,且全句的意思也是“只有當學生得到了老師的準許后才可以進

27、入教室”。6、break down 出毛病,不運轉(zhuǎn);(身體)垮掉;瓦解,破除;中止,分解The workers are having a rest, as the machine is broken_down. 由于機器出了故障,工人們暫時在休息。You will one day break down if you are always working so hard. 如果你總是如此辛勤地勞動,總有一天會病倒的。break away 突然離開break away from sb. 脫離,離開,背棄break forth 迸發(fā),爆發(fā),發(fā)泄break in 闖進,打斷break in/with/

28、on 打斷某人的談話break into 闖入,侵占breakinto pieces 打碎break off 折斷,突然中斷;脫落;斷絕;解除breakopen 撬開break out (戰(zhàn)爭、火災等)突然發(fā)生,爆發(fā);叫嚷;使做準備,取出,倒空break through 突破break up 開墾,破碎,解散,分解break with sb. 與某人斷交break sb.s heart 使某人心碎 Plastics and other similar rubbish that doesnt _ may be thrown into the sea anywhere.A. break down

29、B. break awayC. break off D. break throughA 根據(jù)短語的意思以及句中的意思“那些不易分解 / 打碎的垃圾”可知break down 為最佳答案。 7、refer to 提到;涉及;描述;參考;歸功于 to是介詞,后接名詞、代詞或動名詞。refer過去式、過去分詞和現(xiàn)在分詞形式是referred, referred; referring。When I said someone was not so clever, I didnt refer to_you. 我說某人不夠聰明,我不是指你。I would like to comment on the asp

30、ect referred_to in your article. 我想就你文章中提到的那個方面作一評論。Some people refer all the troubles to bad luck instead of lack of ability. 一些人把所有的問題歸因于運氣不好而不是能力不足。He never refers_himself_to_us when he has difficulties. 他有困難時從不求助于我們。Once a decision has been made, all of us should _ it.A. direct to B. stick toC.

31、lead to D. refer toB “決定一旦做出,我們所有人都應該堅持?!眃irect to“把(注意力、精力)貫注在上”;stick to“堅持、忠于”;lead to“通向、導致”;refer to“指;涉及;查閱;針對;提交作處理/決定;(把)歸因/歸功于;向求助”。根據(jù)句意,選B。The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notes.A. bringing up B. referring toC. looking for D. trying onB 句意:總統(tǒng)沒有看稿

32、在商業(yè)會上演講近一個小時。句中的refer to是“參考”的意思。8、under the umbrella of 在的保護下;在的管理下 The action was taken under the umbrella of the government.這個行動是在政府的保護下進行的。under 表示“處于狀態(tài)”under way 在進行中under construction 在建設中under repair 在維修中under control 在控制中_ the silence for the pauses, we could hear each others breathing and c

33、ould almost hear our own heartbeats.A. In B. ForC. Under D. BetweenA 介詞的固定搭配,意為“在短暫的沉默中”。1、The UN is an international group made up of countries that want to increase peace, and I am very happy to have been chosen to be a Goodwill Ambassador for them. 聯(lián)合國是一個國際組織,由所有愿意促進和平的國家組成,我很高興入選聯(lián)合國的一名親善大使。此句是一個

34、由and連接起來的兩個并列分句構(gòu)成的復合句。第一個分句的主句是the UN is an international group, made up of countries是動詞過去分詞作定語,修飾前面的international group; that want to increase peace是定語從句,修飾countries。 I am very happy to have been chosen to be a Goodwill Ambassador for them是第二個分句。to have been chosen為不定式的完成式的被動式。當主語與不定式動詞有被動關系,且不定式所表

35、示的動作又先于謂語動詞動作發(fā)生時,動詞不定式就要用完成體的被動式。The book is_said_to_have_been_translated_into many languages. 據(jù)說這本書被譯成很多種語言。He is very sad to have lost four bikes in less than one year. 他因不到一年就丟了4部自行車而感到很傷心。 Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) _ birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free. A.

36、is said to be buying B. is said to have boughtC. had said to buy D. has said to have boughtB 句意:據(jù)說列奧納多達芬奇將關在籠子里的鳥買下來,將鳥釋放從而獲得樂趣。不定式的完成式所表示的動作,通常在謂語動詞所表示的動作之前發(fā)生。2、Watch any TV report on places where there is a war, and you will see soldiers wearing blue berets. 在發(fā)生戰(zhàn)爭的地方看電視報道,你會看到戴藍色貝雷帽的士兵。這是一個“祈使句and

37、陳述句”的句型;這個結(jié)構(gòu)中,前面的“祈使句”相當于if 引導的條件句,表示“要是,(就會)”,表示該條件一旦實現(xiàn),必須出現(xiàn)某一結(jié)果。Think hard and/ then/ and then youll have a good idea.If you think hard, youll have a good idea.好好想想,你就會有好主意的。(1)如果表示“該條件實現(xiàn)不了,會出現(xiàn)其他結(jié)果”時,則用“祈使句or/ otherwise 陳述句”。Hurry up, or/or else/otherwise youll be late again. Unless you hurry up/I

38、f you dont hurry up, you will be late again. 快點!否則你會再次遲到的。(2)“名詞and陳述句”的結(jié)構(gòu),名詞等于狀語從句,表示條件或時間。A word, and he would lose his temper. 說一句,他就會發(fā)脾氣的。 _ the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you will learn a lot about firefighting. A. Having searched B. To searchC. Searching D. SearchD 句意:在你們

39、市消防部門的網(wǎng)站上搜索,你就會學到很多消防知識。根據(jù)and連接兩個并列分句可知,and前面應該為一個祈使句,用動詞原形。 _ and Ill get the work finished.A. Have one more hourB. One more hourC. Given one more hourD. If I have one more hourB 此題是“名詞and陳述句”句式,One more hour相當于If you give me one more hour。3、It seems that many people here just need to talk, so I am

40、 finding that my job is not limited to being a nurse. 看起來這些人好像只需要說話,因此我發(fā)現(xiàn)我的工作不只局限為一名護士。 seem的基本意思是“似乎;好像;仿佛;看來”等,可作不及物動詞或系動詞。seem句型歸納如下:(1) seem可與形容詞、名詞、不定式(短語)、分詞及介詞短語搭配。She seems quite happy today. 今天她似乎很高興。That seems a good idea. 那似乎是個好主意。He seems_to_be_thinking_about something.他似乎正在考慮某事。He seeme

41、d_pleased at what I said.聽了我的話,他似乎很高興。They seemed in high spirits. 他們似乎情緒高漲。(2) seem常用于it作形式主語的結(jié)構(gòu),即It seems / seemed that 表示“看來,似乎”。It seems that nobody knew what had happened.似乎沒人知道發(fā)生了什么事。(3) seem常用于由as if / though引導的從句中。在as if / though引起的從句中,如果說的是非真實的情況,從句謂語用虛擬語氣;如果所述的情況實現(xiàn)的可能性較大,則從句的謂語常用陳述語氣。It se

42、ems as if somebody is calling you. 好像有人在叫你。(陳述語氣) It seems as though he were very stupid.看來他似乎很笨。(虛擬語氣)(4) 用于There seems / seemed to be n(主語)中。在這一結(jié)構(gòu)中,seem表示“似乎有;看來有”。There_seems_to_be a lot of things to do.It seems as if there were a lot of things to do.似乎有很多事情要做。 這一結(jié)構(gòu)的否定形式為“There seems / seemed to

43、be no n”或“There doesnt / didnt seem to be n”。There doesnt seem to have been any difficulty on this question.在這個問題上似乎沒出現(xiàn)什么困難。 _ seems to be a strong competition in China for senior high students to be admitted into colleges or universities.A. There B. ItC. What D. ThatA 考查句子結(jié)構(gòu)。此句將其簡化之后,就顯現(xiàn)出there be句型。在it seems to be 句型中,it是形式主語,而此句中沒有做真正主語的成分。句意:在中國高中學生錄取上大學似乎有很大的競爭。- 14 -用心 愛心 專心

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