
On English Writing Teaching in Junior Middle School英語畢業(yè)論文

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1、On EnglishWritingTeachinginJuniorMiddle SchoolAbstract: The teaching of English writing is the emphases and difficulties in junior middle school English teaching , a lot of students feel confused when writing an English composition, and there often exists serious difficulties in their English expres

2、sions. When to write a composition but they do not know how to start it, and some errors, Chinese style English sentences are everywhere. Therefore, how to effectively carry on English composition teaching has become the English teachers exploration and research topic. So we teachers should carry ou

3、t the training for the teaching writing process, and gradually improve students English writing skills. This article is based on the new curriculum requirements, the importance of writing, the current status of the junior middle school English teaching, a number of ways on how to strengthen junior s

4、econdary English teaching. Keywords: A new challenge; To imitate; The importance of the whole teaching situation; Writing comments1.A new curriculum on the new challenges of teaching English1.1 The new curriculum for the teaching of writing requirementsThe newly English Curriculum Standard for junio

5、r high school students made specific provision for writing, Level3 (Grade7) writing goal is to write simple greeting cards or a short story according to the pictures; Level4 (Grade8) writing goal is to write brief instructions, simple and easy logs; Level5 (Grade9) writing goal request are can draft

6、 the simple report, the short note, the short written work independently or can simply describe the person or event etc. 1.2 Years of English writing exam in Taizhou also put forward new requirementsUnder the new curriculum ideas, the request of English writing test in Taizhou is improving all the w

7、ay. Since 2009, the English writing test in Taizhou Senior High School Entrance examination has enhanced from 15 points to 20 points. These changes reflect the new curriculum aims to develop students thinking and communication skills in English obviously, that is students should pay attention to the

8、 comprehensive language ability. Therefore, we teachers should carry out the training in writing in the teaching process, and gradually improve their English writing skills. 2. The importance of writing teaching Li Funing, Western Language and Literature master, the famous educator, translator profe

9、ssor of linguistics in international conference was told, only through the creative practice exercises (creative students can), methodical and clearly express ideas coherently. The writing ability is understanding ability, thinking and writing skills of the comprehensive reflection. To make the lang

10、uage input and output of the most efficient, converting input and output as much on. So, language communicative functions can be realized.For junior middle school students, they begin to form the outlook for all things they have their own views gradually, English has certain basis, so they are usefu

11、l for the students English writing needs. If not keeping up with writing instruction, students will not be able to meet this desire. If teachers do a good job at this critical period, it can train students thinking in English and improve their ability to express in English and increase their writing

12、 interest,which can lay a good foundation for their further improving English in the future.3. The situation of junior middle school English writing teaching at present3.1 Many teachers take insufficience for English writing teaching The new curriculum teaching is based on knowledge training and the

13、 importance of reading and writing has also increased, which has the corresponding guidelines. But many teachers are busy catching up with schedule in teaching and have no time to care about writing teaching. They often just to focus on teaching language points and grammar. Thus the students are lac

14、k of interest in English writing, lack of knowledge of English writing guidance and training, which caused many students written powers of expression not to be able to achieve the middle school program of instruction the request to new English Curriculum Standard.Regarding the writing training, the

15、teachers mostly give the students the topic and some hints according to the test pattern to let them complete a composition in class or in the extracurricular stipulation time, then deliver to teacher to mark. This kind of educational model causes the student to lack the writing enthusiasm and the i

16、nitiative, simultaneously make the teacher busier. And some teachers simply issue the students a amount of model compositions and let the students go back to recite instead of writing teaching. Such students may soon get the structure, but the specific expression is lack of training and full of mist

17、akes as usual. Therefore, students writing level cannot have the radical enhancement, and they cannot get interested in writing.3.2 Junior middle school students abilities of writing are weakTake my school grade9 students as an example, in a module examination, the “written expression” perfect score

18、 20 points, but the average score of the students is less than 12 points, which cannot achieve the passing level. But this kind of situation does not limit in our school, the public ones in our district get the same thing. All these reflect the junior middle school students English writing ability i

19、s generally low, lack of writing, the lack of the cultivation of the written expression ability and effective training system. So, in the new curriculum on how to effectively in English writing teaching and how to scientifically and effectively train students writing skills and ability to junior mid

20、dle school English teaching have become a problem to be solved.4. How to strengthen the junior middle school English writing teaching4.1Teaching “wordsentence” transition, training students the ability to write sentences Any language has the inherent links. English is no exception, nothing more than

21、 this link: word - phrase - sentences. Many students are unable to write, one of the causes is poor vocabulary or phrases, and English expressions are really different, so it really is beyond its capability of students to write sentences. To overcome this difficulty, teachers on the one hand is to s

22、trengthen the supervision of the students remember the word; On the other hand pay attention to teaching in word-sentence transition to help students remember the words, understanding phrases, and learning to write sentences. For example, when teaching the word “country”, we can show a map of China

23、to the students to arouse their interest in learning, then teach “wordphrase” to write sentences from the transition. ( country-the worlds largest country-one of the worlds largest countries in the world- -China is one of the worlds largest countries in the world.). So through the continuous accumul

24、ation, the students slowly wont be afraid to write sentences, English writing can also be more standardized and more accord with Anglo-American expressive habits.4.2 Enhance the reading training and improve students sense of English linguisticsAccording to the requirement of English syllabus, listen

25、ing, speaking, reading and writing is the middle school English teaching aim, and English writing is one of the comprehensive ability trainings, which is also the difficult one. But only to strengthen the write training is not enough. For “l(fā)istening, speaking, reading and writing” are mutually influ

26、enced, which are aiso the interaction of the organic unity. A veteran of English industry in his monograph “The Writing of English” talking about solving the difficulties of writing in English, said: You ought to read very carefully. Not only very carefully, but also aloud, and that again and again

27、till you know the passage by heart and write it as if it were your own. This is another clear illustration of how important reading is. Therefore, despite the usual language utilization environment is limited, regardless in class or after class, the teachers must create the opportunity for the stude

28、nts and encourage them to read more. 4.3 Taking the model essay to lead the way and enhancing English writing abilityCopy writing essays, namely, guide by imitating and creation. Writing is like building a house, when you have materials, you should take them in some form of piled together to form ho

29、uses. How to put them together to form sentence writing has become the key to success. To solve this problem, the teacher must compile generally from easy to difficult to write a composition from imitation. At the same time it also improve English writing skills in an effective way. In imitation of

30、writing, format, conception and expressions etc all can be imitated, but we must require students to avoid being flexible, not being applied mechanically, and the statement should be fluent in line with expression.4.4 Using integral method to strengthen the teaching of writingThe western scholar Goo

31、dman believed that language is an integral whole, listening, speaking, reading and writing is a function of the whole structure of language integrated organic component. They should not be divided. In ESL (English as a second language) teaching of the United States, the overall language teaching met

32、hod nearly occupies the dominant status. The teachers request the students to start with reading and writing from the first day to school. Students will prepare a diary to write every day. Write from the meaningless alphabets to the meaningful simple sentences and write their language in the develop

33、ment process of growth. The teacher gave some commonly used words written on the card, the simple sentence written in the note in the classroom and hung on the wall. The low level of English major students, with his writing content is his own experience. Then students read their initial drafts to th

34、e teachers and students to let them correct , and finally copy into the final drafts. The teachers request the students to hand in their most satisfied compositions every week. At the end of the semester, the teacher will bind each students most self-satisfied works and give them out to the students

35、 to bring them big sense of pride and the sense of achievement. In actual teaching, we can take the following ways to carry on: (1) Encourage students to write English diaryWriting is training thinking. We ought to encourage students to write English diary every day, they can write something happens

36、 around them, they can also choose the interesting topics from books or newspapers. In the Beginning theyd better start with imitation. Either is OK to imitate its structure or the ways of expressions. The imitation materials may be the studied texts which they have read, or may also be New Concept

37、English. When reviewing, we can give an overall evaluation, instead of circling spelling and grammar errors. The main purpose of diary writing is to cultivate their interest in English writing so that let students realize a sense of using English to express their own ideas of fun, rather than indivi

38、dual words and grammatical error correction, otherwise, it will devastate the enthusiasm of students English writing. If discoving some mistaks quite common, the teachers may concentrate in the classroom explaining.(2) Daily reportpresentation in each classThree minutes before each class, we can arr

39、ange students take turns to make an English report which the teacher told him a them in advance for writing, and through it, let the students and teacher evaluate. I think it is a very good form. when doing Presentation, students creativity and ability of thinking not only bring bursts of laugh, but

40、 can bring a lot of surprises frequently. In this way students ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing can be trained well. 4.5 Emphasis the excellent comment and evaluation exercises combined with surface-based marking approved way to enhance the timeliness of correction English writing

41、 needs to start thinking in English and repeated practice using English thinking. But writing is full of skills after all, when the students have good habits of thinking and a certain amount of writing exercises, the teachers should seize the opportunity, combined with an excellent compositions comm

42、ent, according to a certain order to gradually teach students how to examine the topic, rules and layout and the interface between writing strategy of discourse. Because there is already a solid groundwork, students combine their own experience of writing with immense interest, and those skills will

43、 naturally go into the normal course of writing, so that teaching effectiveness has been realized.To do better in English teaching, we also have to do auxiliary work intensively. The students can be aware of the mistakes in their compositions clearly and know how to improve through face-to-face corr

44、ection. By this way the teachers can also deeply understand the inner world of the students and their thinking process. The teachers can take some actions according to the different degrees of each student to improve their writing ability rapidly. For example, If a student wrote We should do more pr

45、actise. in his composition. For the poor level students, the teachers only need to tell him “practise” is a verb, here we should the form of its noun (uncountable nouns), so this sentence should be We should do more practice. But top students, the teachers can also tell them that the sentence can be

46、 changed to we should practise more. Through face to face, the teacher carefully correct the students coposition word by word, the student can think deeply while listening. And he must pay more attention easily at the same time than in class, the mistakes that the teacher pointed out will be long re

47、membered. If time is limited in class and the teacher cannot do face-to-face correcting, he can record typical and universal mistakes which can prepare for the composition comment while reviewing students compositions after class. For the students of better class can also take the form of class inte

48、raction. The students can correct the compositions for each other, they can discuss in pairs while correcting, and mark where they are puzzled. Then discuss with each other till the correction consensus. If having difficulties, they can ask teacher for help. In this way the students will have fun wi

49、th writing successfully, and their interest in writing will also naturally improve.4.6 Insist on praise and encouragement to boost the confidence of students writing Students are the main body of teaching, in order to be effective teaching, students must play the initiative. Therefore in the writing

50、 teaching, teachers should avoid some unsuitable word , such as “Little progress, continue! ” instead of “poor writing.” Thus the students will be more confident to write and to practice. And the writing problem will be also easily solved.5. ConclusionIn brief there are also many other English writi

51、ng teaching methods, the above are only my immature views. In fact English writing is not easy, it will take the students a long period of time to improve. Therefore in usual English teaching, the teacher should carry on researching various methods so that students can master the basic knowledge and

52、 skills to form the rigorous logical thinking ability. Im sure that in this kind of long-term unremitting training, the students writing ability will have greatly enhanced. References 1呂中舌,羅承麗.清華外語教育論叢(第二輯),清華大學出版社,1999年.2托瑪斯克拉爾.英語教學新思路,廣西教育出版社,1996年.3李賦寧,陶潔,胡壯麟.英語學習指南,世界圖書出版公司,1999年.4文秋芳.英語學習的成功之路,上海外語教育出版社,2002年.5王篤勤.英語教學策略論,外語教學與研究出版社,2002年.6鐘心 初中英語寫作教學的幾點思考7鮑承模.“美國中小學英語為第二語言現(xiàn)代教學法介紹”,中小學英語教學與研究,1999年第5期

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