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1、教育資源 Book7 Unit 3 Under the sea單詞一、 重點詞匯1. _n.住所;住宿_v.留宿2._ n.深(度);深處 _ adj.深的 long_n.長度 wide_n.寬度3._vt.催促;驅策_adj.緊急的_n.緊急;急切;強求4._vt.放棄;拋棄_adj.被遺棄的5._n.保存;保護_ v.保存;保護_adj.保存的;守舊的6._ vi. 思考 vt. 反射_ n.思考;映射_n.反射物;反光鏡7._adj.整齊的;勻稱的_adv.整潔地;有序地_n.整潔8._adj.銳利的;敏捷的_ v.(使)變銳利;削尖9._adj好吃的;可口的_n.味覺;味道_adj.無

2、味的;不可口的10._ adj.使人敬畏的_adj.無畏的;大膽的_n.敬畏二、重點短語1. _ 整理2._大叫3._追趕4._在此期間;與此同時5._幫助(某人)擺脫困境或危險6._對知道,明白;意識到7. _ 上下翻轉8._靠近9._阻止某人做某事10._嚇死了三、單詞拼寫1.He was _(拋棄) by his cruel parents when born because of his disability .2.Have you seen the house _(在對面) the railway station ?3.I will do my best to help you fi

3、nd _(住處).4.He made a short _(暫停)and then went on reading .5.No one can _ us _(幫助擺脫困境) of the trouble . We have to depend on ourselves .6. Hearing that the famous star was about to appear , the fans _ (呼喊)and cheered .7.Usually we can read some _(軼事) of famous people in the magazines .8.We hope to ha

4、ve an income of an average _(每年的)growth rate of 10.9. Two _ (目擊者)declared they had seen the UFO when they were working on the farm .10. Most people have come to accept the need for _ (保護)of natural resources .11. The snow is three feet in _. (deep)12. This _between them seemed strange to him. (relat

5、e)13. He was the last writer to appreciate the _ of the England earth. (beautiful)14. What sort of _ can you get in this city? (accommodate)15. The leaves of certain trees are _ to cattle. (poison)16. A passage was cleared through the crowd like _.(magical)17. Leave the boxes in the _ and well carry

6、 them later. (enter)18. You enjoy eating things that are _ even when you are not hungry. (taste)19. The thief got over the wall and _ away. (flee)20. Some_ business took me away from Shanghai. (urge) 四、選詞填空upside down , look down upon , be aware of ,a day of pure magic , close to, on the Internet ,s

7、ort out , help out , have a good feed , hold up 1. What _ ! , I got all the books that I was longing for !2. It was several minutes before I _what was happening .3. The plane turned over and flew _.4.People shouldnt _the disabled .5. There is a bus stop _ the school .6. You can find all kinds of inf

8、ormation _.7. The girl often _ with the cooking when he went out fishing .8.Sorry Im lateI was _at work .9. The goat was bitten to death by the wolves and they _ on it .10. We need to _ our camping gear before we go away .五、短文改錯 Last week my parents and I took a two-days trip to Emei Mountain in Sic

9、huan.As everyone knows, its famous  mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. The weather was fine. It was about noon we arrived at the foot of  the mountain.The three of them were very excited. As we climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys,visiting temples  and told

10、stories. On the way up I was busy taking picture  sincethe scenery was so beautiful. The time passes quickly. Evening came down. We spent the night in a hotel at the top of the mountain. The food was expensive and the service was good. I was so tired that I fell asleep at the mom

11、ent my head touched the pillow.Unit3單詞參考答案:. 重點詞匯1. accommodation ; accommodate 2. depth ; deep ; length ; width 3. urge; urgent ; urgency 其實,任何一門學科都離不開死記硬背,關鍵是記憶有技巧,“死記”之后會“活用”。不記住那些基礎知識,怎么會向高層次進軍?尤其是語文學科涉獵的范圍很廣,要真正提高學生的寫作水平,單靠分析文章的寫作技巧是遠遠不夠的,必須從基礎知識抓起,每天擠一點時間讓學生“死記”名篇佳句、名言警句,以及豐富的詞語、新穎的材料等。這樣,就會在有

12、限的時間、空間里給學生的腦海里注入無限的內(nèi)容。日積月累,積少成多,從而收到水滴石穿,繩鋸木斷的功效。4. abandon ; abandoned 5. conservation ; conserve; conservative 6.reflect ; reflection ; reflector7.neat ; neatly ; neatness 8.sharp ; sharpen 9.tasty ;taste ; tasteless 10.awesome ; aweless ; awe 重點短語1. sort out 2. yell out 3. race after 4. in the m

13、eantime 5. help out 6. become aware of 7. upside down 8. get close to9. stop sb. from doing 10. (be) scared to death . 單詞拼寫拾貝殼閱讀答案1. abandoned 2. opposite 3. accommodation 4.pause 5. helpout 6. yelled 材料科學概論試題7. anecdotes 8. annual 9. witnesses 10.conservation 11.depth 12.relation 時間像小馬車教學反思13.beaut

14、y 14.accommodation 武漢牛津英語15.poisonous 16.magic 17.entry love87421|755EF1B1ED57422C18.tasty 19. fled 20. urgent 新課改的教師觀選詞填空楊浦區(qū)高三英語一模答案20181. a day of pure magic 2. was aware of 3. upside down 4.look down upon 5.close to 6. on the Internet挫折 作文 材料7. helped out 8. held up 一般說來,“教師”概念之形成經(jīng)歷了十分漫長的歷史。楊士勛(唐

15、初學者,四門博士)春秋谷梁傳疏曰:“師者教人以不及,故謂師為師資也”。這兒的“師資”,其實就是先秦而后歷代對教師的別稱之一。韓非子也有云:“今有不才之子師長教之弗為變”其“師長”當然也指教師。這兒的“師資”和“師長”可稱為“教師”概念的雛形,但仍說不上是名副其實的“教師”,因為“教師”必須要有明確的傳授知識的對象和本身明確的職責。9.had a good feed 10. sort out 昆蟲記片段閱讀題及答案短文改錯:“教書先生”恐怕是市井百姓最為熟悉的一種稱呼,從最初的門館、私塾到晚清的學堂,“教書先生”那一行當怎么說也算是讓國人景仰甚或敬畏的一種社會職業(yè)。只是更早的“先生”概念并非源于

16、教書,最初出現(xiàn)的“先生”一詞也并非有傳授知識那般的含義。孟子中的“先生何為出此言也?”;論語中的“有酒食,先生饌”;國策中的“先生坐,何至于此?”等等,均指“先生”為父兄或有學問、有德行的長輩。其實國策中本身就有“先生長者,有德之稱”的說法??梢姟跋壬敝夥钦嬲摹敖處煛敝猓故桥c當今“先生”的稱呼更接近??磥恚跋壬敝驹春x在于禮貌和尊稱,并非具學問者的專稱。稱“老師”為“先生”的記載,首見于禮記?曲禮,有“從于先生,不越禮而與人言”,其中之“先生”意為“年長、資深之傳授知識者”,與教師、老師之意基本一致。第一行:two-days 改為two-day 第二行:mountain 前加a 教科版五年級下冊科學連線題第三行:noon后加when 第四行:them改為us 要練說,得練看??磁c說是統(tǒng)一的,看不準就難以說得好。練看,就是訓練幼兒的觀察能力,擴大幼兒的認知范圍,讓幼兒在觀察事物、觀察生活、觀察自然的活動中,積累詞匯、理解詞義、發(fā)展語言。在運用觀察法組織活動時,我著眼觀察于觀察對象的選擇,著力于觀察過程的指導,著重于幼兒觀察能力和語言表達能力的提高。第五行:visiting 改為visited 第六行:pictures;passed 第七行:去down 第八行:and改為but 第九行:去at教育資源

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