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1、國家開放大學電大本科文學英語賞析2020-2021期末試題及答案(試卷號:1062)Part Literary Fundamentals 30 pointsSectlun Match the works with their writer* (10 point*)tWnrlinJun Eyff 2 A Chrntfnat Car al3. Tht Old Man and ihf Srw . I Haw a Drfam5. EwlineWritenA. Moriin Lulhrr KinwIL JitmcB JoyceC. Charles Dicken*D. Robert Iouib Sfeve

2、nwonE. Harold PinterF. Thornut Hardy(i. Charioitc HronfiII. Krnral liemhigwaySection 2. Decide wbetber the fallowlnt UtcmrnU are True (T) or (F| (10 point*), fl. Ham In in onr al Shukciprarr well knownthe othpr three bringMacbeth. OthUu and King Ltur.1. the novel A CStu E,d chnru the gtowina up of t

3、hr chiirartrr Pip8. Vhr Strung Calf of Dr Jrkyll and Mr flydf i m novel uddrrtninK qucitionR of equal between the blacks and whiter9. Fhe nuvrl Thr Heart u/ Darken cxponcii I he corruption cruelty and grd o( the colonial wyatem in Alnc*.109 Walt Whitmun m a (amouB American poriwStclion 3. Ommmc the

4、correct Bnswrm to complete the foltowlng cntME (10 plnU)eIL A it a four(ccn-linc lyric poem which rhymm in a highly controlled way9A coupletBaonnetG bIUdIIhaiku12. i written io commcmarstc aomeonr who haa died.A A limenckHA BonnetC An elegy以An epicA. ClimaxC FUnhbark13. can be rttabbthed by drncribi

5、ng lhe place where the Action liikca placet i)r situAiion di the urt o( the ntory.K Point of viewD Srt(mg14. All the following were Awarded the Nobel Prur for iJlcrature except John SteinbeckEdwurd LearC. William GoldinKD. Harold Pinter15 Which figure o( Hpeech In uaed in the following line?MSupidon

6、s amongM thoughts arc like bat amongst btrdf they rver (ly by iwili| and the plots and niarhathng of uffairftt enme bcMt from thosr that are lenrned. To spend too much time in studies is slot hi fo ubt them too much fur ornament m affcctAtioni ro rnnke jndgmeni wholly by their rnles and are perfecte

7、d by experiencei for naiurnl nbiliueK are likenaiural plantHi that need proymngtby studyi and nudies themndveB do give forth directtonB too much at Urge, except they be bounded in by experience. Crafty men contemn ncudiCBf simple men admire ihem and wise men use ihemi for they imeh not their awn use

8、i but that ( a wisdom without rhcm and above themi won by obaervanon. Read not to contrndicc and OU8(/tt 的Text 2The drukrtt did not Rluncr at one another nor at the pearl. The man behind the desk mid. I lutve put n vlue on this poirL The owner here doe not think it fair. I will ask you to examine th

9、is thin thing and make an offer. Noticef he Mid to Kino. * I have not mentioned wha! I have offered.Thr (tnrf dealer, dry and Mringyf seemed now to xr the pearl for the first time He took h up. rollhd it quickly between thumb and forefinger And then cast it contemptuously bock into the tray.UK) not

10、include inc in thi diwioru 1 he iiid dryly. a 1 will mftke no offer 訕L I do not want it. Thi i not pcnrl it ia monMroftiiy. Hix thin lip curled.Now the wcond dcnlcr a httle nun with a *hy oh voice took up the penrh nnd he cKamined it cArclully. He took a from his pocket nnd inspected n under miignif

11、icfttiarL Then he laughed “hly.1 Ikttcr pearls arc miidr of pBBtef he &nid9 1 I know thec tbingn. Thin i noft and chalky it will late hi color And die in few monthn Look Hr offered the io Kino, showed him bow to usr it. and Kino* who hud never urcn . pCArTu nurliicc maKinficcL wft shocked at the Atr

12、angrJooking lurfacc.The third drAlcr took the pcnrl from KinoF hand,. 1 One of rny clients likes such thingut1 he aaid. e I will offer five hundred pesos and perhaps 1 can c it to my cJIcnt for six hundreds Kino reached quickly and anfttched the pearl from hi hnnd. He wrApprd il in thr deerskin and

13、thruiit it inside hit ahlrt.rhr man behind the defik mid. f Tm m (ool. I knowt hut my first offer utands. I Mill offer thaun pcrhapii even to thr spiMl. fNow thr deakrt ghneed quickly at one nnothrr angerTest 3I. too.glng AmericaL too* Rin America.I nm ihr darker brother.They send me to eat in the k

14、itchenWhen rompMny comesHui I IniixhtAnd eat welLAnd grow Ntrong.Tomorrow .PH be nt the TableWhen com(Ntny camea.Nobodyll dareSay to mewEat in the kitchen.*ThcnBenldm.They111 tee how Iwautiful 1 amAnd be nhnmcdL foot nm America.f(luingiiton Hughes (1902-1967) 1Qwwtloni 2325 (9 po4nt):23. t he poem i

15、t written in the form of .A onnetB (rec verseC. ballad24. Bui I htitfhi /And cal well# /And urow mron Thre linr, serve to show the .A. strength of Filark AmeriranA despite the poor treatment they sufferB- prkrrf inborn Ability tn find humor in heartacheC damestic rohs of Bieck American* who advanred

16、 Amerira rconomirally25. Which of I hr lollowtriK *uirmrniN i true o( the poem?A. Il mainly cxpoe ihr hypoertty of the injustice ta thr black ptplr.!t eonveyR tirnng proteat Affainiii the col the hope nf bright futurr when equality h arhtevrtLTeal 4Raid the extmcl and give briefIo Ihr quest ions 262

17、9 fhM( follow.Ple&fe n hr wan a doctor and drove a jaded whitr hortt from housr to Houie through the street* ol Winesburg Latrr he nuirncd ffirl who had rtioney. Shr had lyn left a lriU intm when hrr father died, I hr girl wm quiru txIL and darkt and to mny peodr *he termed very beautiluL Everyone i

18、n Wmruburg wondrred why she murrird the doctor, Wnhin a year alter the mnrringc ahr dirtLI he knucklrt of thr doctor s hufids wrrr rxtraordinjirily large. When the hftnd were closed they looked like cluMcrs a( unpamtrd wouden tullfi ar large ns wnlnuta (astened together by itecl rodju Hr mokrd a coh

19、 pig and after his wilcS death at all day in hi* empty ulficc clowr by window fh*i wa covered with coltwebs. He nrver opened the window ()ncr on a hot day in /Xuxuaf he ined but (ounrf if 5tm:k UrI and nfter that hr forgot all obouf it.Winesburg had forgotten the old man but in Doctor Reefy there we

20、re the accds of something very line Alone in hin munry pHicc in the Hcffnrr Hlork above the Pans Dry Guod Company f s n(orrtn)yed. Utile pyramid! of truth hr rrcctrd and after erecting knocked them down gain that hr might Iwvc the triithM to erect other pyrumida.lAoctor Reefy wa a titU man who hnl w

21、orn one tult nf cloths for ten ymnu It waa I rayed the tlervr* mid liltlr hok hud appenred at the kneri unci elbows- In the office he wore rIao linen duntrr with htigc pockrumc wrtki* the Rcrape ol pprr became little hard round Mnd when thr pocket were filled he dumped them oui upon the floor. For t

22、en year he had but one friend another old nun nnnicd John Spnmard who owned a tree nursery. Scimriimcwt in a plnyful noud. old Doctor Reefy took (com hi pockctu d handlul of thr paper bnlh and threw them nt the nurMrry nun. -That is to conlaund you. you blithering old wentimcnulistt0 he cried fihnki

23、nR with lnuRhter.The tary of Dfjctar Rcr(y and hl courtuhip o( the tai! dark n(r who became his wife and Rh her money to him is a very curioun itory. h is magazmea9 furnilurct and people. On the tree nrr only ft few gnarled Applet that lhe pecker:! httvc rejected. They look like the knucklci* of loc

24、tor ReefyhandK Dne nibbles at them and they arc dclictoun Inta a little round phee fit the Hide of thr wpplo Ms hrm gathered ull of ll wretne5. One runs from tree to tree over th (rotitrd ground liukin| thr Krutrlcd# twistrd tipple* nnd filling htn pocket with thenu Only the Irw know thesweelnens of

25、 thr twisted appletThe girl and IXicior Rrr(y hen their courtidiip on a summer afterruxin. Hr waa forty* hvr thru And Already hr had bruti ihr pruvtke of (illing hi. |Kckeli with I hr rrapi ul pap” thn brcumr hard ball* And were thrown nwoyt The huhil hud brrn formed a he mh in his hiixxy behind ihr

26、 pidmi whitr home 41 nd went nlowly nlung cuunrrv roAtli. ()n thr papers were wriTfen ihoutfhi*# end* al then果h beginning* of thouKt*c in hi a mind. The truth t loaded the world. It been me terrible and then faded away ond the little thoughts beHan Again.Thr Mil dark girl rumr to wee Xcior Recly brr

27、/june ahe wmb in rhe hmily way nnd had become fhichtcnccl She w in that condition Inrcauiir u . cnr of nrcurtilantn U ruriouAtThe druth oi her father and mother and ihr rich aerm of land that had come down 10 her had et a trmn ol auitam on her herb. For two yrnm nhc haw nuitorn almam every eveninKe

28、Except two they were al) ltkcuiion and there wan a traiHrd mKcr quality in their voicen and in their cycR whcti they ltx)kcd at her. Thr two who were One of themt a slender younK man with white hand thr wn ol a Jrwrlcr in WlncalHirK. talked continuMlly of virginity. When hr waa with hrr hr never off

29、 thr NubjrcL The other a bluckUtaiml buy with larRc sn Mid nothing At all but alwayw mAngr| to get her intn the darkncM* where hr begun to kiM hrrtFor ji time: rhe tH dark tliuiiKht ,hr would marry the jrwrlrrS wn. Eor hourn whe fun in nilencr huteninic its he ulkrd to her nnd then nhe beRnn to be n

30、lrAid ol numcthinM HrnvAth htik talk of virginity nhc bcAn (a think there wan lujit urrnter thnn tn mH thr othrrn. At timrh it nrrmed to hrr that a he talked he was huldiriH her body in Ihr hhnein. She imAKinrd him turning it wlowly about in lhe white hnndu nndnt it. Al night he dreamed thut he had

31、bitten into hrr body Mnd that hin |wb were dripping. Shr hnd thr drram ihrrr limrn* thrn she bcciimc tti thr (nmily wuy to the unr who Mid nothing iH all but who in the moment of hiw pAMton actiuilly did bite her houlder M)(ht lor d/iy the marks of hi teeth MhowrtLAfter the IaII dark Rirl enmr to kn

32、ow Doctor Reefy it ncenicd to her thMT nrverwanted to lertVr him 叫小血 She went into hi office one niorning and without her Aayinn anything he srrrncd 0 know what had happened to hrr.In the office of the doctor there was a womnDi the wife ol thr man who kepi the book*rore in WineMburjCa Likr all ohhfs

33、hianrd country practiiionefSt Doctor Reefy pulled tcrih *nd the womnn who waited held a handkerchief to her teeth and Mmnrwd. Her hunband wmb with her nwcctnc!i of the twinfcd npplcRi the could not get her mtnd fixed upon i hr round perlcct fruit thwt i cnicn in I hr city piir!nientRockct to bcctimc

34、 round hard b/d)n.QtiewtlofiA 2629 (20 |NinU)26. What is the condition thm brought the girl to (kictor Reefy?21. Why do you think the ull (Urk girl murrird Doctor Rrrfy?28. Whnl dctailw did the writer pravlc to tnAtill n o( Doctor Rrcfy f lonebncun?29. Whui (unction do the twintrd opplr phy in the n

35、ovel?Part HI WritinK 20 Points30. Summuriir the wtory MPnprr PllhH In nliout 100 words.試題答案及評分標準(僅供參考)Part | iJtcniry Eundanicnlab 30 pointsSection L Match the worits with their wrilem (2 point*l.G2.C3. H4. AS.BSection 2. Decide whether Ihr following tlalrmcnlt ire True (T ) or False (F) . (2 points

36、 rach) 6, T7.F. F0. T10. TScctlmi 3. Chnowc the correct aniiwmi to complelr I be follnwinR tcnCrnan (2 points each) . 0 B12. C13. D14. B15. APurl |Rcodlnt ComprrbraBlon 50 point*Trit 1330(oinU for qtxnthinii U25 (3 points rmli).16. C17. A18. A19. C20. B2L B2Z C23. B24. A25. CTell 4 (20 po4n() Idrai

37、mul be correct. Wording am br diffrrrnL PnlntB tboold be gkm when Ideas arv Bimllar or wtnnd to nMunn. & polnu each for qnoitiont 262S Kwy 5 mhtukoi In grammart pelHns or of nny other kind will Irnd Io thr reduction nf imr point26. She became pregnant / in thr family way / *hr toet her virginity to

38、thr black haired hoy with larger crt have felt safe and protectccl by the essential kindness and humunity of this older man28. Award 5 points for ANY TWO of the follow Ing( Hr in iMihted tn hin muty office. Wigburg had forgotten the aid man. He tend* to a dying medical practice olonecl( with othrni.

39、29. Any Ideas similar lo the following.The twiMed npplc nre miahapcn but sweeter than rhe mont perfect They crvc n nyrnkil of ihr Doctor in the storyt hm hciol and body fettiures arc ugly but there is sweetness in hm character i he? is not hftndRome or Mylish but he m drrply rwcc! tnndr 1 his symbol

40、 playa an important role in giving the novel on extended dimensioru Jn the novel as the unwanted twisted apples* arc left on the tree 10 rotten so i Doctor Reefy left to waste awny. The writer howa deep nympathy / respect to people who arc twisted appletH in society.Part fl Writing 20 Points30. 科祎停分參考標凌作攵滿分為20分,分為內(nèi)壽(懈分為R分為10分)和&中滴分為2分)三部 分三部分分值相加即為作文的總分各部分考考評分璃目下8部分怦分項目分值內(nèi)容內(nèi)容充實.切略,篇藉適當.8分里舌的有得體.行文漁鎖,句于話構有變化.常用沿法結構無優(yōu)俱.I。分書寫拼埒及怵點符&使用正確.朽可使治,易于隊讀.2分

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