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1、完形填空丟分題詳解【2019 北京卷】Run for Class PresidentTwo months ago, when our class election(選舉) started, I decided to run for class president. I enjoyed speaking in public and got along well with people, so I felt it easy to win. But I was _13_ that people would feel bad for me if I lost.I was busy preparing

2、in the following week. My plan wasnt to make promises to do things I couldnt _14_ but to show my class why I wanted to be president. I put up my posters in hallways and in the classroom. I also spent three hours writing my speech, saying that I was the one they could turn to whenever they had a prob

3、lem. Since I was _15_prepared, I felt that my chances of winning were strong.However, when I gave my speech on Election Day, the response(反應) wasnt what I had _16_. Few people actually listened. When it was my opponents(對手的) turn, everyone was screaming his name. His speech was short, but all to the

4、 point. By then, I realized I should have made mine shorter and clearer.It was obvious who would _17_. For the rest of the day, I felt like it was over. I wanted to just go home and cry, but I made it through.My _18_ was right: I didnt win.The next day, people were still talking about the election.

5、I just pretended(假裝) not to hear. But later, things got better. People _19_about the election and talked to me just as they did before.I dont regret putting time and energy into the election because Ive learned that things arent always going the way I expect. And moments of failure like this build _

6、20_ since then Ive learned to face disappointment and grown stronger.13. A. boredB. afraidC. excitedD. hopeful14. A. compareB. rememberC. manageD. repeat15. A. fullyB. quicklyC. freshlyD. physically16. A. fearedB. facedC. mentionedD. pictured17. A. insistB. returnC. waitD. win18. A. suggestionB. pre

7、dictionC. directionD. introduction19. A. forgotB. wroteC. caredD. discussed20. A. trustB. prideC. characterD. support【文章大意】這篇短文中作者記敘了兩個月前他參加競選班長的經歷,他為了這個競選做了充分的準備,以為勝券在握,但事實并非如此,他的競爭對手最后贏得了競選。通過這件事作者學到了很多,他并不后悔為此付出的精力和時間,經歷失敗會讓他變得更加堅強。13. B【解析】句意:但是我害怕如果我輸了,人們會為我難過??疾樾稳菰~辨析,bored感到無聊的;afraid害怕的;excit

8、ed興奮的;hopeful有希望的。根據上句話I enjoyed speaking in public and got along well with people, so I felt it easy to win.和句中that people would feel bad for me if I lost.可知,作者自己感覺沒什么,但是害怕人們會為他難過,故應選B。14. C【解析】句意:我的計劃不是承諾去做我無法做到的事情,而是向全班展示我為什么想要成為班長。考查動詞辨析,compare對比;remember記得,記??;manage設法做到,管理;repeat重復。根據句意My plan

9、 wasnt to make promises to do things可知,作者不承諾去做自己做不到的事情,故應選C。15. A【解析】句意:既然我做了充分的準備,我感覺我獲勝的機會非常大??疾楦痹~辨析,fully充分地;quickly快速地;freshly新近,氣味清新地;physically身體上地。根據上文I put up my posters in hallways and in the classroom. I also spent three hours writing my speech, saying that I was the one they could turn to

10、 whenever they had a problem可知,作者為競選做了充分的準備。故應選A。16. D【解析】句意:然而,當我在選舉日那天做演講的時候,得到的回應與我想象的不同??疾閯釉~辨析,feared畏懼,害怕;faced面對;mentioned提到,提及;pictured想象。根據句意可知,現場的反應與作者想象的是不同的。故應選D。17. D【解析】句意:誰會贏是很明顯的。考查動詞辨析,insist堅持;return歸還,回來;wait等待;win贏。根據文意和下文My . was right: I didnt win.可知,作者在參加一個班長的競選,因此這里應表示贏得競選,故應選

11、D。18. B【解析】句意:我的預測是對的:我沒有贏??疾槊~辨析,suggestion建議;prediction預測;direction方向;introduction介紹。根據上文It was obvious who would. For the rest of the day, I felt like it was over. I wanted to just go home and cry, but I made it through.可知,作者已經猜到了誰會贏得這次競選。故這里應表示我的預測是對的,選B。19. A【解析】句意:人們忘記了選舉的事,像以前一樣和我說話。考查動詞辨析,fo

12、rgot忘記;wrote寫;cared關心,在乎;discussed討論。根據語境But later, things got better. and talked to me just as they did before.可知,后來人們就慢慢忘記了競選的事,又和以前一樣了。故應選A。20. C【解析】句意:像這樣的失敗的時刻會塑造性格從那以后,我學會了面對失望,變得更加堅強。考查名詞辨析。trust相信,信任;pride驕傲;character性格;support支持。根據空后since then Ive learned to face disappointment and grown st

13、ronger.可知,經歷失敗,作者變得更加堅強,所以失敗的經歷能塑造性格。故應選C。丟分探因一、完形填空的做題誤區(qū)很多學生說,他們做完形填空時,往往采用翻譯法和代入法,即做題時翻譯文章內容,感覺哪個合適選哪個,看看劃橫線處有沒有一些固定搭配,然后作選擇或者填空。其實這樣做是很危險的: 在實際考試中,翻譯很容易受母語影響,進行錯誤選擇; 并不是所謂固定搭配一定是正確選項,完形填空是考查單詞在語境中的運用。如果這個搭配或短語是不符合語篇、段落邏輯的,即便是固定說法,也是不合適的,在閱卷的時候這樣的答案一定是錯誤的。二、考查重點及解題思路縱觀這幾年中考真題、一模、二模試卷,以及一些學校的月考、期中、

14、期末試卷發(fā)現,完形填空重點考查單詞,短語在句子、段落、篇章中的含義,而并非單詞本身的認知含義。這就為什么一些同學其實單詞量并不缺乏,但完形卻得分率不高的原因。完形填空非常強調邏輯對應,請大家注意以下幾點:1. 首句重點讀首句很多情況是topic sentence(主題句),告訴你文章的背景和主旨。首句一般不設空,如果首句設空,請重點讀后面的例子,例子里面會提供線索?,F在很多考題都是用后面的例子印證首句。【例】These days, it is _ for children as young as Sammy to be so good at computers. Many Children u

15、se computers at home or at school and some schools even have their own websites.A. hard B. unusualC. common D. dangerous【解析】如果教師或者學生去分析這四個詞用法,那就和這道考題背道而馳了,首句設空,我們重點讀后面的那句話很多孩子在家里,學校使用電腦,甚至一些學校有他們自己的網站,說明對電腦的使用是持肯定意見的,選項C為正確答案, A、B 、D 都為否定意見,故不選。2. 重點關注例子與例子之間的關系幾個例子聯(lián)合起來都是去證明本文中心的,但例子與例子有時候會有正反對比或者是平

16、行關系?!纠縄f the test taker answers _, the next item will be more difficult. If he or she answers incorrectly, the next question will be easier.A. briefly B. smartlyC. correctly D. thoroughly【解析】 more difficult與后面easier形成對比,incorrectly 對應的顯然是correctly。3. 選詞請重視具體表達、最佳適用原則我曾經給學生舉過這個例子,如果這樣出題。這位男士很_, 每次和女

17、生一起出去逛街的時候都會為女生拉開商場大門,直到身邊所有的女生都通過。假設選項如下:A.good,B.nice,C.gentle,D.handsome你會如何選?很多學生會選good,覺得good是萬能用詞,什么都可以說好,但這里錯了,完形填空一定要基于語境,選擇一個最適合,最具體,不是最寬泛的詞語。因而C.gentle(很紳士)便是最佳答案。4. 選詞之場景原則【例】Sammy Liu, a six-year-old boy from Kowloon, has become a hero recently . One day he used the familys_ to stop a ro

18、bbery.A. radio B. computerC. recorder D. telephone【解析】后文都在說關于電腦使用,這里選擇A、C、D顯然不合適,文章里根本就沒有提到收音機,錄音機和電話, 雖然電話也能用來報警,但是一定要基于原文的場景。5. 平行原則的運用完形填空文章很多時候是圍繞一個話題展開,每個段落有的時候發(fā)展模式都是差不多的,前面提到如果首句設空,除了關注到后面的例子,還不妨可以關注下一段首句或者再下下段首句。類似的如果某段末句設空不妨也可以關注一下下面一段的末句。例如有一篇文章是討論積極態(tài)度給生活、工作、健康帶來的好處,其中第二段末句這么寫:With an activ

19、e _, you can overcome all the difficulties. 需要我們填空。在第三段末句出現了with an active attitude, you can be healthy. 如果學生在閱讀的時候關注到這句,使用了平行原則,自然就能填出attitude。三、完形填空答題四遍法正確的答題步驟應分四步:1. 首先跳過空格,快速通讀全文,了解短文大意及體裁,同時將一眼就看出幾道題能直接做出答案;2. 第二遍是答題的關鍵,應一個個地去推敲空,切忌按題號順序答題,不能確定的先跳過去,先易后難是答題原則;3. 第三遍是通篇考慮,把一些上下文聯(lián)系很強,甚至牽涉到段與段之間邏

20、輯關系的困難空缺填好;4. 第四遍是檢查,做完后再通讀一遍全文,從整體把握文章的意思,修正與全文不相稱的選項。查漏補缺一、解題步驟 1. 通讀全文,了解大意。 通讀全文時,要跳過空格快速閱讀,弄清文章的基本含義??梢韵瓤焖匍喿x全文,這樣我們對文章的整體結構和中心思想有個基本的了解。有利于進一步把握全文所講內容、篇章結構及時態(tài)語態(tài)的變化,為后面的答題創(chuàng)造條件。 2. 重視首句的開篇啟示作用。 完形填空所采用的短文一般不給標題,但短文的首句通??梢渣c明短文的性質,如敘事、議論等,這是我們探索短文全貌的窗口??梢砸允拙涞臅r態(tài)、語態(tài)為立足點進行思考,判斷文章的體裁,推測全文的大意及主題。所以應該重視首

21、句的啟示作用。 3. 抓住關鍵詞,根據上下文解題。 解題時,要遵循忠于全文大意和主題這一原則,聯(lián)系上下文展開邏輯推理分析,要迅速找出那些在短文中起重要作用的關鍵詞,了解所提問題的特定語境,語篇中的內在關系。 在解題過程中,應遵循先易后難的原則,遇到個別難題不易判斷時,可先跳過去,先去解決那些靠上下文能確定的、比較直接明確的問題。隨著下文的展開和文章的深入,或許在前面難以判斷的題,下文就有暗示,甚至有明確的暗示。因此,在選擇答案時,應特別注意聯(lián)系前后句,充分利用上下文為確定答案提供的有用信息。 4. 重讀全文,驗證答案。 在全部空格補全以后,一定要根據填好的答案重讀全文,看文章是否流暢,前后是否

22、矛盾,語法結構是否無誤。如果發(fā)現哪些地方讀起來不流暢,這就說明那里有毛病,就要進行仔細推敲、訂正。二、技巧點撥 1. 充分利用首句作為解題的突破口。 完形填空的首句往往是完整的、不設空的。而首句又常常是全文的中心句,因此,應充分重視完形填空的首句,通過它大致把握全文的大意和作者的意圖,利用它作為解題的突破口。依據首句的提示,捕捉文中關鍵信息,通覽全文,了解文章的題材、體裁、結構、背景、內容大意、前因后果、情節(jié)發(fā)展、論點論據等基本信息。同時,可以對有些空格要填的詞做試探性猜測,為下一步選擇最佳選項做好準備。 2. 根據上下文的邏輯意義確定答案。 文章是一個具有內在聯(lián)系的整體,而上下文則是營造語境

23、的基礎,也是邏輯推理的依據。通讀全文,理順大意,根據上下文找出信息詞,是做好完形填空的技巧之一。完形填空的命題設計正朝著深層化和語境化方向發(fā)展,逐漸淡化單純的語言分析考查,而越來越側重對邏輯推理判斷的考查。詞語在特定語境中所表達的隱含信息大都無法從字面或個或幾個句子的表面理解傳達出來,這就大大增加了干擾項的迷惑性,從而提高了試題難度。因此,要想解決這類題目,只有借助上下文乃至全文語境的提示。 3. 從詞匯的意義和用法方面考慮。 做好完形填空必須具備較大詞匯量,并結合上下文確定詞義。完形填空在命題過程中,淡化基礎句型結構,語法規(guī)則和短語搭配,側重詞匯的活用。應該加強對詞匯合乎情景需求的判斷的訓練

24、,加深對基本詞匯的感受能力和應用能力,提高完形填空題的解題技能。4. 積累習慣用法和固定搭配。 完形填空題中考查習慣搭配和固定用法的題目也占有一定比重,這就需要平時記憶和積累,做到脫口而出。這類題屬于較容易的,一般在初選時就能確定。 5. 依據作者的態(tài)度和觀點。 作者寫一篇文章必有他的意圖和目的,作者在表達情感時總是選擇特定的詞匯,因此文章字里行間不可避免地滲透了作者的情感。做完形填空時,應該留心捕捉作者的情感信息。 6. 注意分析句子結構。 通過句法、語法,能把復雜的句子變得簡單,使得意義清晰,信息透明。 7. 依據生活經驗和常識。有些空涉及到我們應該具備的常識,是否合乎情理是我們選擇的依據

25、。中考題演練Cloze 1【2019 山東濱州中考】Do you like playing football? It is so popular among boys nowadays. Johnny, a twelve-year-old boy, _16_ likes it very much. He used to _17_ it in his room. His parents were very angry and told him several _18_ not to play football at home because he could break _19_, but he

26、 never listened.Last Sunday, his _20_ went out for a walk and Johnny couldnt help playing football again. He was enjoying his game in the living room _21_ his parents came in and saw him. Oh, my God, Johnny, you know that playing with your ball at home is not _22_. We are very _23_ about you and are

27、 going to give your ball to another kid. You should obey(遵守)the rules _24_ you are at home. Johnnys father said.Johnny felt very sad. He _25_ that it was his mistake. He decided to obey the rules later, not only at home, but also at school.16. A. badlyB. wiselyC. trulyD. carefully17. A. catchB. play

28、C. leaveD. act18. A. timesB. daysC. monthsD. years19. A. nothingB. anythingC. somethingD. everything20. A. friendsB. parentsC. teachersD. classmates21. A. whereB. whyC. whichD. when22. A. allowedB. askedC. affordedD. avoided23. A. disappointedB. pleasedC. interestedD. relaxed24. A. because ofB. so t

29、hatC. rather thanD. even if25. A. managedB. remainedC. realizedD. examined【短文大意】短文講述了愛踢足球的男孩約翰尼的轉變。約翰尼喜歡踢足球,常在房間里玩,父母怕他弄摔東西禁止他在房間里玩。上周日,約翰尼忍不住又在房間踢足球,父母很失望,決定把他的球給別的孩子。約翰尼認識到這是他的錯誤,決定在家里和在學校里都要遵守這些規(guī)則。16. C【解析】考查副詞。句意:約翰尼,一個12歲的男孩,真的非常喜歡它??疾楦痹~辨析。A. 糟糕地;B. 明智地;C. 真正地;D. 小心地。根據句意語境,可知ABD三項意思都不合句意,故選C。1

30、7. B【解析】考查動詞。句意:他過去常在房間里玩??疾閯釉~辨析。A. 接住;B. 玩;C. 離開;D. 行動。根據開頭Do you like playing football?可知選B。18. A【解析】考查名詞。句意:好幾次告訴他不要在家里踢足球??疾槊~辨析。A. 次;B. 天;C. 月;D. 年。根據told him several _not to play football at home可知several times符合句意,故選A。19. C【解析】考查不定代詞。句意:好幾次告訴他不要在家里踢足球,因為他會打碎東西,但是他從來沒有聽過??疾椴欢ù~辨析。nothing沒有東西;a

31、nything任何東西,用于否定句、疑問句;something某物,表示不確定;everything每件東西。本句是肯定句,could表推測;根據句意語境,可知ABD三項意思都不合句意,故選C。20. B【解析】考查名詞。句意:上周日,他的父母出去散步,約翰尼忍不住又踢足球了??疾槊~辨析。A. 朋友;B. 父母;C. 老師;D. 同學。根據and Johnny couldnt help playing football again.可知他父母不在家,parents父母,故選B。21. D【解析】考查連詞。句意:當他父母進來看見他時,他正在客廳里玩游戲??疾檫B詞辨析。where在哪里,表地點;

32、why為什么,表原因;which哪一個,表事物;when當的時候,表時間。本句是時間狀語從句,根據句意語境,可知前面三項意思都與句意不合,故選D。22. A【解析】考查動詞。句意:你知道不允許在家里玩球??疾閯釉~辨析。A. 允許;B. 要求;C. 給予;D. 避免。根據前文His parents were very angry and told him several times not to play football at home. 可知不允許在家里踢足球,allow符合句意,故選A。23. A【解析】考查形容詞。句意:我們對你很失望,打算把你的球給另一個孩子??疾樾稳菰~辨析。A. 失望

33、的B. 高興的;C.感興趣的;D.放松的。根據下文and are going to give your ball to another kid可知父母對Johnny很失望,故選A。24. D【解析】考查連詞。句意:即使在家,你也應該遵守規(guī)則。考查連詞短語辨析。A. 因為,表原因;B. 以便于,為了,表目的;C. 而不是,表轉折;D. 即使,表讓步。本句是讓步狀語從句,根據句意結構和語境,可知選D。25. C【解析】考查動詞。句意:他意識到這是他的錯誤。考查動詞辨析。A. 管理;B. 保持;C. 意識到D. 檢查。本句是賓語從句,根據it was his mistake可知ABD三項意思都不合句

34、意,故選C。Cloze 2【2019 江蘇淮安中考卷】 Wishing to encourage her young sons progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a pianists concert on a summer holiday evening. After they found their _16_, the mother saw two friends in the hall and walked to _17_ them.It was the boys first time to come to the hall.

35、He thought it was a good _18_ for him to explore the wonders of the concert hall. He _19_ and walked around. He walked _20_ a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE"(禁止入內).When the hall lights dimmed(變暗) , the _21_ would begin. The mother returned to her seat and discovered that her son was _22_. The

36、mother was _23_ worried at that at the moment that tears(眼淚) were in her eyes.The concert began, and the lights focused on (聚焦于) the wonderful piano on stage. The mother was _24_ to see her little boy sitting at the keyboard, playing the song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star _25_ he did at home. At that

37、 moment, the great pianist came, quickly moved to the piano and _26_ in the boys ear, "Dont stop. Keep playing. " He leaned over (俯身) and began filling in a bass part (低音) with his left _27_, then added a running obbligato (伴奏) with his right hand. They played the piano together _28_. The

38、old pianist and the young novice (初學者) changed a frightening situation into a wonderful creative experience. The audience (觀眾) stood up and _29_ them. An artists achievements and charm depend on not only his perfect skills _30_ his good qualities.16. A. desksB. stageC. seatsD. piano17. A. greetB. fe

39、edC. noticeD. search18. A. useB. chanceC. seasonD. culture19. A. flewB. satC. fellD. rose20. A. throughB. acrossC. aboveD. over21. A. filmB. concertC. conversationD. meeting22. A. sleepyB. missingC. tiredD. excited23. A. soB. veryC. muchD. such24. A. seriousB. sadC. patientD. surprised25. A. whenB.

40、ifC. asD. before26. A. calledB. shoutedC. whisperedD. cried27. A. handB. shoulderC. footD. leg28. A. badlyB. carelesslyC. terriblyD. happily29. A. fought withB. laughed atC. shouted atD. cheered for30. A. orB. butC. andD. so【文章大意】本文講述的是一個小男孩無意中走上了舞臺,在鋼琴家的鼓勵下和鋼琴家一起演奏了曲子,而使音樂會獲得異常的成功。從中作者總結出人的一生中需結合鼓勵

41、和合作才能成功。16. C【解析】句意:他們找到座位后,母親看見大廳里有兩個朋友,走過和他們打招呼。A. desks桌子;B. stage舞臺;C. seats座位;D. piano鋼琴。根據上文a mother took her boy to a pianists concert on a summer holiday evening.可知這里是找到他們的座位之后。故選C。17. A【解析】句意:他們找到座位后,母親看見大廳里有兩個朋友,走過和他們打招呼。A. greet問候;B. feed喂;C. notice注意;D. search搜尋;根據上文the mother saw two fr

42、iends in the hall and walked to可知這里是走去過打招呼。故選A。18. B【解析】句意:他認為這是一個探索音樂廳奇觀的好機會。A. use使用;B. chance機會;C. season季節(jié);D. culture文化。根據下文to explore the wonders of the concert hall.可知上文是說對于他來說是一個好機會。根據題意,故選B。19. D【解析】句意:他站起來四處走動。A. flew飛;B. sat坐下;C. fell落下;D. rose上升;根據下文He walked . a door marked "NO ADMI

43、TTANCE"(禁止入內).可知上文是說他站起來。根據題意,故選D。20. A【解析】句意:他穿過一扇標有不準入內的門。A. through通過,內部通過;B. across橫穿;C. above以上;D. over在上方;根據文中a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE"可知這里是說通過,內部通過用through,根據題意,故選A。21. B【解析】句意:當大廳燈光變暗時,音樂會就開始了。A. film電影;B. concert音樂會;C. conversation對話;交談;D. meeting會議;根據上文When the hall ligh

44、ts dimmed (變暗)可知下文是說音樂會將開始。根據句意,故選B。22. B【解析】句意:那位母親返回她的座位,發(fā)現她的兒子消失了。A. sleepy困倦的;B. missing想念;消失;C. tired累人的;D. excited激動的;根據下文The mother was . worried at that at the moment that tears (眼淚) were in her eyes.可知上文是說她的兒子消失了。根據題意,故選B。23. A【解析】句意:母親當時如此擔心,眼睛里含著淚水。A. so因此;B. very很,非常;C. much許多;D. such如此。

45、So+形容詞或副詞,表示如此,so worried表示如此擔心的。根據句意,故選A。24. D【解析】句意:母親很驚訝地看到她的小男孩坐在鍵盤前,像他在家里那樣彈著歌,閃爍著小星星。A. serious嚴肅的;B. sad悲傷的;C. patient有耐心的;D. surprised吃驚的。根據下文to see her little boy sitting at the keyboard, playing the song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star . he did at home.可知母親看到他在彈奏非常吃驚的。根據題意,故選D。25. C【解析】句意:母親很

46、驚訝地看到她的小男孩坐在鍵盤前,像他在家里那樣彈著歌閃爍著小星星。A. when當時候;B. if如果;C. as當;就像D. before在之前;根據下文he did at home可知這里是說就像他在家里彈奏的。根據題意,故選C。26. C【解析】句意:那一刻,偉大的鋼琴家來了,很快地移到鋼琴前,在男孩的耳邊低聲說:不要停下來。繼續(xù)玩。 A. called打電話;B. shouted大喊;C. whispered耳語;低語; D. cried哭;根據下文"Dont stop. Keep playing. " He leaned over (俯身) and began f

47、illing in a bass part (低音) with his left ., then added a running obbligato (伴奏) with his right hand.可知上文是在男孩的耳邊低聲說,根據題意,故選C。27. A【解析】句意:他俯身開始用左手填充低音部分,然后用右手加上一個連續(xù)的伴奏。A. hand手;B. shoulder肩;C. foot腳;D. leg腿;根據下文then added a running obbligato (伴奏) with his right hand.可知上文是說用左手。根據題意,故選A。28. D【解析】句意:他們一起

48、高興地彈奏了鋼琴。A. badly壞得;B. carelessly粗心的; C. terribly糟糕地;D. happily高興地;根據下文The old pianist and the young novice (初學者) changed a frightening situation into a wonderful creative experience. The audience (觀眾) stood up and . them.可知上文是一起高興地彈奏。根據題意,故選D。29. D【解析】句意:觀眾站起來為他們歡呼。A. fought with與戰(zhàn)斗;B. laughed at嘲笑

49、;C. shouted at朝喊;D. cheered for為歡呼;根據上文They played the piano together . The old pianist and the young novice (初學者) changed a frightening situation into a wonderful creative experience.可知下文是為他們喝彩。根據題意,故選D。30. B【解析】句意:一個藝術家的成就和魅力不僅取決于他完美的技藝,還取決于他的優(yōu)良品質。A. or否則,要不然;B. but但是;C. and和,又;D. so因此。根據上文not onl

50、y his perfect skills可知這里是不但而且。短語not onlybut表示不僅而且。根據題意,故選B。Cloze 3【2019 河北省中考卷】I have invented robots which improve the work of cars. My love of making things began _36_ I was a kid. I really became excited about inventing after I learned about Thomas Edison.One day in fourth grade, our_37_gave us a

51、 project in class. We had to write to a company and learn about the products. I thought and thought. _38_ I chose the Thomas A. Edison Company. Soon after, the company sent me a book about the life of Thomas Edison. How I enjoyed reading and re-reading about his _39_! I like the recorded sound and t

52、he electric light most. The inventions were clearly printed on my brain.My dad noticed my interest in inventing and_40_me. He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things. Once, I surprised my dad_41_a model plane I made. Later, we found a_42_model plane in a store. I learned t

53、hat different inventors often invent similar things. It is not unusual for this to happen. I also learned that not all great ideas_43_. Failure is a common part of the inventing.As my father and I worked together, I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself. He was always_44_a bette

54、r way to do a simple job. His guiding hands, together with my_45_ in inventing, led me to become an engineer and an inventor. Of course, I also thank Thomas Edison. He is my hero.36. A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. until37. A. parentB. teacherC. inventorD. engineer38. A. EasilyB. FinallyC. SafelyD. Quick

55、ly39. A. lightsB. projectsC. suggestionsD. inventions40. A. mistookB. refusedC. choseD. encouraged41. A. withB. aboutC. intoD. from42. A. differentB. similarC. largeD. small43. A. workB. failC. comeD. end44. A. looking atB. looking forC. looking afterD. looking through45. A. habitB. storyC. interest

56、D. plan【文章大意】文章講述了作者從對發(fā)明感興趣,到最終獲得成功的勵志故事。作者在四年級時讀了一篇關于愛迪生的故事,便開始對發(fā)明感興趣,他爸爸注意到這一點,并教他將想法付諸行動,在他和爸爸一起致力于發(fā)明時,他發(fā)現爸爸從不言棄,這種精神對他有很大的影響,最終他成了一名工程師。36. C【解析】句意:當我是個孩子時,我開始喜歡發(fā)明東西??疾檫B詞。根據My love of making things began和I was a kid.之間的關系,可知是當我是個孩子時;before在之前; after在之后,when當時候,until直到;故選C。37. B【解析】句意:我們的老師在課堂上給我

57、們一個話題??疾槊~辨析和語境。根據One day in fourth grade,和in class.可知是老師;parent 父母,teacher老師,inventor發(fā)明家,engineer工程師;故選B。38. B【解析】句意:最后我選擇了愛迪生的公司。考查副詞和語境。根據I thought and thought.可知是最后,選擇了愛迪生的公司;Easily容易地,Finally最后,Safely安全地,Quickly快地;故選B。39. D【解析】句意:反復讀他的發(fā)明??疾槊~辨析和語境。根據I like the recorded sound and the electric li

58、ght most. The inventions were clearly printed on my brain.可知是反復讀他的發(fā)明;lights燈,projects主題,suggestions 建議,inventions發(fā)明;故選D。40. D【解析】句意:我爸爸注意到我對發(fā)明感興趣,就鼓勵我??疾閯釉~辨析和語境。根據He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things.和語境,可知是鼓勵我;mistook錯誤,refused拒絕,chose選擇,encouraged鼓勵;故選D。41. A【解析】句意

59、:我做的一個飛機模型使我爸爸感到驚訝。根據surprise sb with sth 用讓某人吃驚;with用,about關于,into到里面,from從;故選A。42. B【解析】句意:我們在一家商店發(fā)現了一個類似的飛機模型。考查形容詞辨析和語境。different 不同的,similar 相似的,large大的, small小的;根據I learned that different inventors often invent similar things.可知是相似的飛機模型;故選B。43. A【解析】句意:我也了解到不是所有偉大的想法都成為現實??疾閯釉~辨析和語境。根據Failure i

60、s a common part of the inventing.和語境,可知是不是所有偉大的想法都成為現實;work產生效果,fail失敗,come來,end結束;故選A。44. B【解析】句意:他總是尋找一個更好的方法來做簡單的工作??疾閯釉~短語和語境。根據I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself.和a better way to do a simple job可知是尋找一個更好的方法;looking at看,looking for尋找,looking after照顧,looking through瀏覽;故選B

61、。45. C【解析】句意:在他的引領下以及我對發(fā)明的興趣,讓我成為了一名工程師和發(fā)明家??疾槊~辨析和語境。根據My love of making things和ones interest in某人在上的興趣;habit習慣,story故事,interest興趣,plan計劃;故選C。Cloze 4【2019 湖北省孝感中考卷】At a dark night, a man came to a lonely village. When he walked slowly, a yellow light suddenly 16 at the end of the road. It came from

62、 a 17 which was carried by a man. A villager near him said, "Here Blind Sun comes.""Blind?" the man said, "Thats too 18 . A blind man has no idea of day and night, cant 19 the beauty of nature, or even doesnt know what the light is. Wasnt he funny to carry a lantern?"As

63、 the lantern was coming near, the yellow light moved gradually to the man. The man asked, " 20 , may I ask you whether youre really blind?"The blind man answered, "Yes, the moment I stepped into the world, I cant see 21 ".The man asked, "In that case, 22 do you carry a lantern?" The blind man smiled, "At night all the people without light are just as blind 23 me, so I light a lantern."The

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