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1、冀教版六年級英語下冊全冊教案Lesson 1 Ping-pong and Basketball 一、教學目標1.學會這些詞匯:basketball, ping-pong, sport, runners, shorts, T-shirt 2.背會這些詞組:play basketball , play soccer , like best teach sb. to do sth. need to do sth. would like to do 3運用所學句型進行簡單交流。 Badminton ,ping-pong ,soccer and basketball are sports. I like

2、 ping-pong best . Do you have any runners? I dont have a T-shirt either.二教學重難點1.重點:新單詞、重點詞組。 2.難點:用所學簡單句型進行口語交流。三教學用具錄音機、課本配套磁帶。四教學課時一課時五教學過程 Step1.Review. Step2.New Lesson. 1.學習新單詞badminton、ping-pong、soccer、basketball、runners、T-shirt、score。(并讓學生知道:_,_,_and _ are sports.)2.翻譯下面詞組: 打籃球_ 打乒乓球_打網(wǎng)球_踢足球_

3、 3.我會翻譯下面句子: 李明,你玩什么運動?_ 我最喜歡的運動是乒乓球。_ 我最喜歡籃球。_ 你能教我打籃球嗎?_ 你有一些乒乓球嗎?_ 我不這樣認為。_ 我們?nèi)ド痰臧?。_4.我會總結(jié)either 和too 的用法。 例如:I have an English book . He has an English book, too. I can speak English. Danny can speak English ,too. I dont have a T-shirt . He doesnt have a T-shirt ,either.I dont have a pen . Li Mi

4、ng doesnt have a pen ,either. _5.我知道some 和any 的用法: 例如:I have some friends, but Danny doesnt have any friends. Do you have any friends? _ 6.讀課文。 a.師領讀一遍。 b.聽錄音跟讀。7.我能聽課文填空。(聽錄音) What _ do you play,Li Ming? I play badminton and ping-pong .Ping-pong is my _ sport. I like ping-pong_.Do you have a T-shir

5、t ?You need one to play basketball. No,I dont have a T-shirt _. We can buy _ runners and a T-shirt. Do you have _ ping-pong balls?I dont think so. Lets go to the store.Step3.Practise.1.我會填。sp_ _ts(運動) f_v_ _rite(最喜歡的) p_ _ y(玩) b_st(最好的) b_sk_tb_ll (籃球) s_cc_ _ (足球) b_dm_ _ton(羽毛球) l_ _ e (喜歡) p_ng-

6、p_ng(乒乓球) wh_ _ (什么) _ _th_ _ (也) ru_ _ er _(運動鞋)2.我會連。What sports do you play? 乒乓球是我最喜歡的運動。I like ping-pong best. 你喜歡踢足球嗎?I play basketball and soccer. 你進行什么體育運動?Ping-pong is my favourite sport. 我打籃球也踢足球。Do you like playing soccer. 我最喜歡乒乓球。Step4知識拓展。(單詞記憶法)1.basket+ball=basketball(籃球) foot+ball=foo

7、tball (足球) volley+ball=volleyball(排球) base+ball=baseball (棒球)2.bed+room=bedroom (臥室) bath+room=bathroom(浴室)Class+room=classroom(教室) 六、Homework. 1.背誦本課單詞、詞組。 2.熟讀課文,會用簡單句型進行口語交際。 七、板書設計 Lesson 1: Ping-Pong and Basketball badmintonping-pongplay sportsoccer (football)basketball八、課后反思:本節(jié)課是本學期的第一課,學生上課積極



10、師和事先通知準備好的學生演示購物的場景,其他學生認真看,認真聽,認真學。(2)你想買什么東西嗎?到我們的百貨商店里來吧?。ò褜W生分成兩組,一組扮演售貨員,一組扮演購物者.之后,轉(zhuǎn)換角色.老師走到學生當中,對有表達困難的學生加以幫助.)學生匯報自己的購物情況.Ineeda_.Ibought_.三.達標測評:I.根據(jù)漢語提示完成下列單詞或者短語。1. r_ (運動鞋) 2. T_ (T恤) 3. t_ (這些)4. s_ (一些)5. s_ _ (運動用品店) 6. h_ (幫助)7. d_ (美元)8. b_ (買)9. h_ _(多少錢)10. n_ (需要)II.選擇正確答案。1. I ne

11、ed some _. A. book B. balls C. runner2. I want _. A. a runner B. a pair of runner C. a pair of runners3. She has a brother _ a sister. A. and B. or C. of4. Do you like red _ blue? A. and B. or C. of5. One of dollar _ an apple. A. of B. for C. on6. _ are they? Thirty dollars. A. How much B. How many

12、C. HowIII. 根據(jù)漢語補全句子。1. She needs _ (一雙) shoes.2. They are _ (三十) dollars.3. Do you like English _ (還是) Chinese?4. Im going to a _ (運動) store.5. I need some _(乒乓球) .四.Classclosing.Letshaveachant.Wearing,wearing,Whatareyouwearing?Shirt,T-shirt.Imwearingashose.Buying,buying,Whatareyoubuying?Runners,bal

13、ls,Imbuyingbasketballs.五、板書設計 Lesson2:AttheSportsStoreIneedsomeping-pongballs. Doyouhaveanyrunners? Doyouwanttheseballsorthoseballs? Howmucharethey?六、課后反思:本節(jié)課,比起上節(jié)課,課堂氣氛活躍了很多,看到孩子們一雙雙渴求知識的雙眼,我信心十足,一定要帶好孩子們走英語之路。 Lesson 3 At the Gym教學目標:讓學生掌握四會單詞:light ,heavy, catch, hit, throw教學重難點:讓學生四會掌握單詞:light ,

14、heavy, catch, hit, throw教學時間:一課時。教具準備:錄音機、卡片等。教學過程:一、復習用游戲來復習learn 和teach這兩個單詞。找兩名自告奮勇的學生。老師悄悄地告訴這兩名學生一名將扮作“教師”,一名將扮作“學生”?!敖處煛痹诮獭皩W生”寫數(shù)字。然后讓全班學生猜他們在表演什么。 教師可用如下問句:Who is the teacher?Who is the student?What is the teacher doing?What is the student doing?二、新授1、用重和輕的實物,如一塊石頭和一片羽毛,演示light和 heavy,用教師帶進課堂的

15、一個ping pong ball,或一個又大又軟的球來向?qū)W生演示throw catch hit,用球來表示這些動作,同時說出這些單詞。2、聽錄音帶,跟讀課文。3、學習新單詞4、復習上節(jié)課剛剛學過的故事, Liming 和Jenny去商店買一些衣物。觀察書上的圖片,并思考下面的問題:a.Where are they ?b.What are they doing ?c.Whats happening ?5、小組自學課文,并回答以上問題。6、全班交流反饋。三、檢查理解情況四、完成配套與檢測Lesson3五、家庭作業(yè) 熟讀課文,記憶單詞。六、板書設計 Lesson 3 : At the Gym lig

16、ht (反義詞) heavy throw (反義詞) catcheasy (反義詞) hard easy (副詞) easilyhit (現(xiàn)在分詞) hitting throw (現(xiàn)在分詞) throwin七課后反思:這節(jié)課的內(nèi)容本身很有趣,同學們都很有興趣,我的興趣更大,是一堂很成功的一課。lesson4:WhereDidYouGo?教學目標:1、能聽說讀寫bought,taught,thought.2、復習鞏固以前所學的四種時態(tài),能能夠正確地進行聽說讀寫。3、學會唱“Whatdidyoudo?教學重點、難點:1.I am throwing the basketball. 2.hitting

17、 and throwing 教具、學具:錄相機,磁帶教學過程: 一、Classopeningandreview.1、投影出示一些單詞,讓學生說出它們的過去時,和將來時。其中包括buy,teach,和think.(由于這三個詞的過去時以前沒有接觸過,所以暫時放到一邊)2、對話練習。老師提問一些問題讓學生回答。(1)Whatdidyoudoyesterday?(2)Whatareyougoingtodotomorrow?(3)Doyouusually.?每個問題找?guī)讉€同學回答。二、NewConcepts.繼續(xù)看復習題1中留下的未知項,即buy,teach,和think三個詞的過去時如何改寫。老師將

18、這三個詞的過去時添加上去,教學生如何讀,并反復拼寫,加以識記。并共同找到bought,taught,thought三個詞語在書寫和發(fā)音方面的共同點和不同點,便于學生比較和掌握。2、閱讀練習。要求學生自學課文第一部分,然后回答以下幾個問題:Where didJennyandLiMinggo?WhatdidJennydo?WhatdidLiMingdo?WhatdidJennydo?學生讀完后,共同交流學習成果,老師加以總結(jié).3、根據(jù)課文第二部分的內(nèi)容,設計一些時態(tài)填空,讓學生試著自己填寫。(1)Theyusually_(teach)eachotherasport.(2)Jenny_(go)tot

19、heparktomorrow.(3)Dannyalwys_(think)hecancatchtheball.(4)Thismorning,JennyandLiMing_(buy)somethingsatthestore.(5)They_(teach)eachotherasportyesterday.(6)Danny_(think)hecouldhittheball.4、學唱“Whatdidyoudo?”學會后,將學生分成兩組對唱,一問一答。三、ClassClosing.師生齊唱:“Whatdidyoudo?”結(jié)束課堂。四、板書設計: Lesson4:WhereDidYouGo? Whatdid

20、youdo? teach-taughtbuy-boughtthink-thoughtlesson5:ABasketballGame教學目標1、能聽說讀寫player,game,team,win和lose.學會jumpup等短語。2、能聽明白在比賽中一些簡單的指示,用win和lose.表示比賽的結(jié)果,以及比賽中分數(shù)的表示等。教具學具錄相機一、Classopeningandreview.做游戲“Charades以復習學生在前面已掌握的表示職業(yè)的詞匯。這些詞有:teacher,clerk,cashier,waitress,waiter,busdriver等。二、NewConcepts.1、為學生播放


22、。每組可根據(jù)自己的特長,選取不同的比賽內(nèi)容。本組練習以后,老師組織各組學生在班內(nèi)表演。表演前老師提出要求:(1)介紹本組表演的游戲名稱。(2)介紹本組的隊員分組或分工情況。(3)向大家匯報比賽的比安情況。(4)裁判勝負情況。各組表演完后,大家共同找出表演最好的一組,講解最好的一個同學。并說明他們分別好在什么地方。三、Classclosing.老師向同學們提出希望,希望同學們在課下多做這樣的比賽活動,用于練習鞏固本節(jié)所學內(nèi)容。四、板書設計: Lesson5:ABasketballGame Thisisabasketballgame. Thisisblueteam. Thisisorangetea

23、m.Its78to78! Theblueteamwin!Theorangelose.五、課后反思:本節(jié)課,由于我的聲情并茂,學生對英語的興趣,我們配合的很好,繼續(xù)發(fā)揚。lesson6:WhoWon?教學目標:1、知識技能:能說聽讀寫won和lost。會運用 What did you do ?2、過程與方法:通過學單詞,培養(yǎng)學生口語表達能力。能用語言表達過去已發(fā)生的事情,并能用一段話試著寫出來。通過創(chuàng)設情景,綜合運用所學語言進行交流,培養(yǎng)學生在實際生活中綜合運用語言的交際能力和對語言的應變能力。3、情感態(tài)度:讓每一個學生都能積極主動參與教學活動,發(fā)揮學生主觀能動性,從而使他們更加熱愛英語學習,增

24、強學習英語的信心。培養(yǎng)學生敢于表達自己的勇氣和勇于改錯的精神教學重點:能聽、說、讀、用句型:What did you do ?和單詞won lost.教學難點:學生能根據(jù)具體的情況進行問答。教具學具:錄音機 磁帶教學過程:一、Classopeningandreview.用“Whatswrong?”游戲的形式來復習學過動詞的過去時,進行時和將來時結(jié)構(gòu)。1、Iamwashthedishes.2.Iseehimyesterday.3.Igototheparktomorrow.二、NewConcepts.1.學生自學課文。要求畫出不理解的詞語或句子。學生提出來不懂的地方,老師加以解答,學習win和lo


26、sClosing.要求學生把自己寫的短文交上來,老師課下批改。四、板書設計: Lesson6:WhoWon? win-wonlose-lost Whatdidyoudoyesterday?Lesson7 Are you ready for a quiz ?一、教學目標1、知識目標帶領學生復習本單元的重點內(nèi)容:重點詞匯:any, heavy, lightorbought, taught, thoughtsport, basketball, ping-pong, runners, shorts, T-shirt, game, player, team catch, throw, hit, need

27、, win, lose 重點句型:What did you do? I/We _.過去時的應用。2、能力目標要求學生能夠靈活運用所學知識談論與運動相關的話題。3、情感目標使學生明白體育運動的好處和重要性,鼓勵學生積極參加體育運動。二、教學重點、難點:1、教學重點:回答本課問題。 2、教學難點any, heavy, light,or,bought, taught, thought,sport, basketball, ping-pong, runners, shorts, T-shirt, game, player, team ,catch, throw, hit, need, win, los

28、e What did you do? I/We _.過去時的應用。三、教具準備:磁帶、錄音機四、教學過程1、Class opening and review2、Play a game “Whats missing?”(規(guī)則:把詞匯卡片豎放在教室前面,告訴學生看1分鐘的卡片后閉上眼睛,然后教師移開一張卡片。讓學生睜開眼睛,設法指出教師移走了哪張卡片。提問每個學生讓其說出移走的卡片的名稱,直到猜對正確答案為止。讓學生重新看到那張移走的卡片,并把它放回原處。那名猜對正確答案的學生可以在移走另一張卡片,讓大家接著猜。)3、討論lesson 7: 的這幾幅圖片。(這幾幅圖片和問題都是本單元的重點知識,讓

29、學生討論根據(jù)圖片來描述不僅鍛煉了孩子的口語表達能力,同時也復習了前面的知識。)4、聽課文錄音。因為聽力對于學生來說也很重要,安排這樣一個練習,不僅強化了學生的知識,同時聽力也得到了鍛煉。5、練習 Student book:Lesson 7Homework:Activity Book 五、練習題(一)選擇題:1 What sport do you like best ? I like to ( ) best .a , play the badminton b , play badminton c, play the guitar d, play the ping-pong2 would like

30、 to learn to play ping-pong ? ( ) a ,Yes ,I do b, No , I donot c ,Yes , I would . d , Yes , I can 3. Jenny and Li Ming ( ) something at the store yesterday morning. A. bought B. thought C. buy(二)寫出相對應的過去式:play have go teach hit hurt want think buy Lesson 8 Again,please!教學目標知識目標帶領學生復習本單元的重點內(nèi)容:重點詞匯:an

31、y, heavy, light orbought, taught, thoughtsport, basketball, ping-pong, runners, shorts, T-shirt, game, player, team catch, throw, hit, need, win, lose 重點句型:What did you do? I/We _.過去時的應用。能力目標要求學生能夠靈活運用所學知識談論與運動相關的話題。情感目標使學生明白體育運動的好處和重要性,鼓勵學生積極參加體育運動教學重、難點any, heavy, lightorbought, taught, thoughtspo

32、rt, basketball, ping-pong, runners, shorts, T-shirt, game, player, team catch, throw, hit, need, win, lose What did you do? I/We _.過去時的應用。教學過程一、Class opening and review盡量采用游戲的方式帶領學生復習。二、New concept1以討論話題的方式引入本課Talk about your favourite sports to the class.在話題討論的過程中涉及到的本單元的重難點知識有條理的進行板書,如幫助學生總結(jié)歸納單詞的記

33、憶方法:heavy-light sport(s):basketball ping-pong catch-throw name-game many-any lose-win play-player short-shorts2對話的方式復習三種時態(tài)師:What sports do you like to play?Ss: I like to playT: Guess What sports I like to play?(師做出相應的動作)Ss: You like to play ping-pong.T: I am playing ping-pong.Yesterday I played ping

34、-pong.Tomorrow I am going to play ping-pong. What about you ? Ss imitate the teacher.3針對本單元的重點知識出一個小型的測試卷對學生進行檢測。寫出下列的過去式buy _teach _ think _ win _lose _ play _ watch _ 寫反義詞。win _ lost _ light _ catch _選擇填空。( )1. This ball is_, I can throw it easily. A. light B. heavy C. hard( )2. Jenny and Li Ming_

35、 something at the store yesterday morning. A. bought B. thought C. buy( )3. Do you like this T-shirt_ that T-shirt? A. and B. as C. or按要求完成句子。1. What did you do yesterday?(回答問題) 2What is Jenny doing now?(用打籃球回答)四板書設計Lesson 8 :Again,please! heavy-light sport(s):basketball ping-pong catch-throw name-g

36、ame many-any lose-win play-player short-shorts What did you do?I /we _.Lesson 9 Always eat breakfast!一、教學目標:(一)知識:1. 鞏固內(nèi)容:always, sometimes, usually, never等表示頻度的詞匯。2. 掌握四會詞匯和句型:healthy, strong, weak, weekHow often do you _?_ times a _.(二)能力:學生能用所學詞匯句型說出有關健康的句子。(三)情感:幫助學生明白早餐的重要性,培養(yǎng)學生關注健康、關心他人的品質(zhì)。二、教

37、學重點、難點:重點:四會詞匯和句型難點:How often do you _? _ times a _.句型的理解和運用。三、教具、學具:圖片、錄音機、四、教學過程:Class Opening and Review Greeting.Play a game: Never, NeverKey Conceptshealthy, strong, weak, weekHow often do you _?_ times a _.IntroduceUse puppets to role-play “healthy”, “strong”,” weak”and “sick”.P1: (Sad, coughi

38、ng.) I feel sick. Sick. Say it, please, class.C: Sick.P2: (Happy, energetic.) I dont feel sick. I feel healthy! Healthy. Say it, please.C: Healthy.P1: I am weak. Look! ( Try to carry a chair, but cant.) This chair is too heavy. I am weak. Weak. Say it, please.C: Weak.P2: Not me. I am strong. (To Pup

39、pet 1.) May I help you with that chair? ( Carry it.) There! The chair is heavy, but I am strong. Strong. Say it, please.C: Strong.Show the pictures and introduce these words.Write “healthy”, “strong”,” weak”and “sick”on the blackboard. Ask the students try to translate them.DrillAsk the students to

40、say who is strong/ healthy/ weak/ sick.Student book No.1IntroduceT: Everyone wants to be strong and healthy. Do you? Lets learn what to do. First, always eat breakfast. Because its good for you! Do you always eat breakfast? Lets look. Here is a chart. This is a week. There are seven days in a week.

41、What are they? (Say Monday, Tuesday)T: When did you eat breakfast last week?SundayMondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFridaySaturdayStudent 1Student 2Introduce How often did you eat breakfast last week? Once/ Twice/ Three times/ a week.Student book and audiotapePlay the audiotape and answer the questions

42、:How often did Danny/ Kim/ Li Ming eat breakfast last week?PracticeT: We can say other things. For example: How often do you play ping-pong?Ask the students to say some sentences.Ask the students to make up appropriate sentences about how often and make up a chart.Ask the students to introduce their

43、 charts. Activity book. Class closing. 五、 板書設計 Lesson 9: Always eat breakfast!圖片 Strong and healthy圖片 Weak and sick How often do you _?_ times a _. (Once a week; Twice a week.)六、練習:(一)填空:1. I always eat breakfast. I am _ and _ .2. Liu Hong never eats breakfast. She is _ and _ .(二)寫句子:Write three sen

44、tences with How often _ ?Lesson 10 Always Brush Your Teeth !一、教學目標A.知識目標1Review and use the keywords : before and after .2Students can read ,listen , say and write the vocabulary: teeth ,brush your teeth ,face ,wash your face , comb( your hair ).3.Important sentence :What do you do before / after _?

45、B.能力目標1、學生能夠正確運用短語brushteeth , washface ,combhair ,并知道人稱的變化。2.能夠掌握before ,after 的用法。C. 情感目標 通過學習,學生能對本課內(nèi)容產(chǎn)生興趣,主動參與教學活動,認真理解短文內(nèi)容,并養(yǎng)成講究衛(wèi)生的好習慣。二、重難點 after , before , teeth ,face , brush , comb三、教學準備Objects (toothbrush , comb ) word-cards , clock 四、學具準備paper , clock , marker五、教學過程(一)Class Opening and Re

46、view1.Greeting :Good morning ,class !How are you ?Hows the weather today ?2.Review :Look at some pictures and actions ,ask several questionsHow often do you _? What do you do _?設計意圖:在游戲中復習已經(jīng)學過的單詞,避免枯燥乏味的單純記憶,讓學生自己主動的記憶。3.Sing a song :In the Bathroom .(Review the names about body )(二)New conceptsStep

47、 1: Introduce :Show the cards to remember “teeth , face ”T: Do actions to introduce “brush your teeth ” and “comb your hair”設計意圖:用實際動作演練介紹單詞,學生既愛學,又學的快,理解的容易。T: Look , its 6:30 , I often brush my teeth . Then , I wash my face .T: What do you do ? What are you doing ?Step 2 : Play a game : GuessRevie

48、w the phrases such as “eat breakfast , get up , wash hands , wash face , brush teeth , comb hair ”Step3 : Demonstrate: Draw three clocks to show :6:45 7:00 7:157:00 I want to eat breakfast at 7:00.6:45 Before I eat breakfast , I brush my teeth .7:15 After I eat breakfast , I go to school .設計意圖:通過出示圖

49、片,創(chuàng)設情境,讓學生在意義的、生動有趣的情景中接觸所學的新內(nèi)容。T : Lets repeat ,before and after .Can you say some sentences with these two words ?Practice in groups . Show設計意圖:通過小組中的互相練說,克服學生一個人怕說錯的思想,在集思廣義中說出自己能想到的句子,同時不限定于一個句型,培養(yǎng)學生的發(fā)散思維。在小組練習中,提高了學生發(fā)言的積極性,說的機會也增多了,加上教師或基礎好的學生的及時指導,學生的表達能力也會有所提高。Play the audiotape and read the

50、dialogue , check up understanding .Show the exercises : Listen and order( ) Jenny wakes up .( ) Jenny brushes her teeth .( ) Jenny eats breakfast .( ) Jenny washes her face and hands .( ) Jenny combs her hair .( ) Jenny goes to school .設計意圖:在聽的過程中為孩子預留了任務,符合英語課標中提倡的任務型教學,并且能引導學生注意聽得重點內(nèi)容,為他的學習提供了方向。(

51、三)Class closingActivity Book : No 2 Listen .Answer the questions .Exercise寫出下列單詞的反義詞1、weak- 2. sick- 3. this- 4. that-5.near- 6.quiet- 7.fast- 8. before-回答問題1 How often do you go to school ?2 How often do you wash your face ?3、 What do you do before you eat breakfast ?4、 What do you do after you eat

52、 supper ?寫出下列短語1洗臉 2、刷牙 3、梳頭 4、吃早飯Lesson 11:This Is Good for You一、教學目標:1、知識技能:(1)學生能夠聽、說、讀、寫單詞:bones, muscles ,skin 并能用英語進行表達。(2)學生能復習掌握并實際做對話:Whats your favourite fruit? My favourite fruit is 。(3)學生能夠聯(lián)系舊知結(jié)合新知掌握課文中的重點單詞和句子。2、過程與方法:通過師生、生生間的問答練習、游戲等活動,使學生在輕松、活躍的課堂中獲得知識。3、情感態(tài)度:通過學習本單元的前三篇課文,學生知道什么是對身體健康有好處的,培養(yǎng)學生養(yǎng)成良好的衛(wèi)生習慣。二、教學重點:(1)學生能掌握四會單詞:bones, muscles ,skin。(2)并且能夠運用句型 Whats your favourite fruit? My favourite fruit is 。做對話。三、教學難點:學生能夠理解運用身體健康的句子。四、教具準備:實物水果、食物卡片、CAI課件等。五、教學過程:教 學 設 計設 計 意 圖(1)Class Opening and ReviewaGreeting :Good morning ,everyone !.b Review words :apple , banana , grap

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