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1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上題型重組練(三) (建議用時:30分鐘).閱讀理解(2019貴陽高三適應性考試一)Brits(英國人) are extremely bad at languages, with many of us relying on the fact that the rest of the world speak English. Only half(51%) are able to speak a second language to any standard and as more people travel abroad, this is becoming an incr

2、easing regret, according to a new study.Almost twothirds(62%) of UK adults wish they were better at speaking languages. So they can better understand a citys culture(38% of respondents), talk with locals(24%) and go beyond the guide book(21%)Overcoming language barriers can be one of the most diffic

3、ult parts of a holiday, particularly when in unfamiliar surroundings. So stressful in the fact that 10% of respondents said they didnt travel because of the problem.The survey by Hostelworld showed that one in five blamed getting lost on the language barrier, while a similar number had problems orde

4、ring food and one in ten got on the wrong train, plane or other form of transportation.If languages werent an issue then one in eight(12%) Brits would visit Japan. China, Italy and Russia were also popular choices. Despite the communication problem, Japan has seen a 7.5% increase in the number of Br

5、itish visitors between January and April, compared to this time last year.“The number of British travelers to Japan has been growing year on year,”according to Hollie Mantle, marketing and communication manager for the Japanese Tourist Board.“People are realizing that Japan is one of the most hospit

6、able and beautiful countries on earth, with so many new experiences for travelers to try, not to mention worldclass cuisine!”They had this message for Brits thinking about visiting:“Though some travelers worry about language barriers, as soon as you arrive in Japan, youll realize that people will go

7、 out of their way to help you enjoy their country. There really are few barriersroad signs and train stations are in English. Youll find that people speak more English than they let on, and even when they dont, they will go above and beyond to help you out.”1What do we know from the first two paragr

8、aphs?ABrits are poor at languages.BBrits regret what they have done.CBrits like relying on others.DBrits are good at languages. 2.How many Brits cant order food correctly because of language barriers?AAbout 10%.BAbout 12%.CAbout 20%.DAbout 21%.3How is the text mainly developed?ABy analyzing causes.B

9、By giving examples.CBy making description.DBy listing data.完形填空“Love is caring,” Grandma told me as I sat at her bedside. She was in bed and receiving hospice care(臨終關懷護理)As immigrants, Grandmas families were _1_. First, they started a sausagemaking business. Then, they ran a grocery store. As the D

10、epression(經(jīng)濟大蕭條) raised its _2_ head in 1929, many families couldnt _3_ groceries. Her father insisted on helping by extending credit to them. But, his selfless help led to financial disaster _4_ large numbers of the credit extensions went _5_Disaster didnt stop there. After her parents deaths two y

11、ears later, Grandma _6_ the debts, lost the business and _7_ her brothers, looking after and protecting them. She fell sick from sadness, feeling hopeless and helpless. _8_, she finally pulled herself together. She _9_ creditors to give her time to repay them. She found a job in a candy shop. _10_,

12、all of her familys debts were repaid. Her _11_ kept the family from bankruptcy(破產(chǎn))Through her many _12_, Grandma found the strength to give and be _13_ for the smallest things. She never made complaints about the families that _14_ to repay her even after their hardships ended.I remembered the _15_

13、she had told us many times. Her sister Olivia was _16_ hard times. She only had two dollars in cash to get herself through the week then. But after struggling, she _17_ slipped her very last two dollars into an envelope _18_ to Olivia.“Be appreciative of everything, Lauren. And love others. Love is

14、caring,” Grandma _19_Looking at the courage of a woman facing _20_ made me realize I had so much to learn.1.A.unitedBadventurousCreliable Dcautious2A.rigid BbigCugly Dheavy3A.manage BdemandCafford Dsupply4A.although BunlessCbefore Dwhen5A.unpaid BunconfirmedCunknown Dunnoticed6A.took over Bturned ov

15、erCpicked up Dmade up7A.bothered BmotheredCcomforted Dinstructed8A.Therefore BMeanwhileCOtherwise DHowever9A.commanded BremindedCpersuaded Dexpected10A.In turn BIn timeCIn secret DIn surprise11A.intelligence BfortuneCconfidence Ddetermination12A.losses BrolesCattempts Derrors13A.ready BthankfulCresp

16、ectful Dresponsible14A.refused BpromisedCpretended Dintended15A.business BchallengeCactivity Dstory16A.going around Bgoing withCgoing through Dgoing over17A.calmly BhesitantlyCthoughtfully Dgently18A.presented BconveyedCwritten Daddressed19A.continued BrepeatedCresponded Dexplained20A.unfairness Bun

17、certaintyCdeath Ddanger.語法填空Most of us are familiar with the “Silk Road”, a network of land trading routes which connected northwestern China to Europe since the Han dynasty. With its recent 1._(popular), you may have heard of the “Ancient Tea Horse Road” as well, another network of land trading rou

18、tes that connected China to various 2._(part) of Asia and Europe before sailing became common. Historically, the “Ancient Tea Horse Road” is no less 3._(value) than the “Silk Road”. And because of their respective locations(位置), sometimes the “Ancient Tea Horse Road” 4._(refer) to as the “Southern S

19、ilk Road”The “Ancient Tea Horse Road” got its name as Chinese tea and horses were the main products 5._(buy) and sold along the route. Historians have traced the origins of the “Ancient Tea Horse Road” back to the Tang dynasty, 6._ tea was being transported out of Yunnan to Beijing, Tibet , and othe

20、r places. The “Ancient Tea Horse Road” was 7._(far) developed during the Song and Ming dynasties, and remained 8._ busy trading route all year round until the Qing dynasty.The “Ancient Tea Horse Road” served 9._ not only a trading route, but also a bridge connecting different racessuch as Han and th

21、e Tibetan people. It is located near the “Roof of the World”, and is where many minority groups are located, 10._(make) it a spot of many attractions.題型重組練(三).閱讀理解【解題導語】本文主要說明了語言障礙成為英國人出國旅游的一大顧慮。1A解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)第一段第一句“Brits(英國人) are extremely bad at languages, with many of us relying on the fact that t

22、he rest of the world speak English.”點題,并結合對前兩段的整體理解可推知,英國人的語言能力比較差,故選A。2C解析:細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四段中的“The survey by Hostelworld showed that one in five blamed getting lost on the language barrier, while a similar number had problems ordering food”可知,1/5即20%的英國人因為語言障礙不能正確訂餐,故選C。3D解析:寫作手法題。根據(jù)對文章的整體理解可知,本文列舉了大量的數(shù)據(jù)

23、來論證作者的觀點,由此可推知,本文是通過列舉數(shù)據(jù)來發(fā)展的,故選D?!鹃L難句分析】Brits(英國人) are extremely bad at languages, with many of us relying on the fact that the rest of the world speak English.分析:本句是一個復合句。that引導同位語從句,在從句中不作句子成分,對fact的內容進行解釋說明。譯文:我們許多人基于這樣一個事實,即世界其他地方的人都說英語,由此得出英國人語言能力特別差。.完形填空【解題導語】本文是一篇記敘文。文章講述了作者在祖母臨終前探視她時,對她堅強、富

24、有愛心的一生作了追憶,并告訴我們“愛就是關懷”這一人生真理。1B解析:根據(jù)下文中的“First, they started a sausagemaking business. Then, they ran a grocery store.”可知,作者的祖母一家作為移民,他們先后開辦了香腸制作店和食品雜貨店,這說明他們很有冒險精神。adventurous“有冒險精神的”,符合語境。united“團結的”;reliable“可靠的”;cautious“小心的,謹慎的”。2C解析:根據(jù)文中的“As the Depression(經(jīng)濟大蕭條) . groceries.”可知,此處應用“ugly”來形容

25、經(jīng)濟大蕭條,暗含了人們對經(jīng)濟大蕭條的痛恨之情。ugly“丑陋的,險惡的,令人不快的”,符合語境。rigid“僵硬的”;big“大的”;heavy“沉重的”。3C解析:由于經(jīng)濟大蕭條,人們買不起食品雜貨。afford“支付得起”,符合語境。manage“經(jīng)營”;demand“需要,要求”;supply“供應”。4D解析:根據(jù)上文中的“Her father insisted on helping by extending credit to them.”和“his selfless help led to financial disaster”可知,在經(jīng)濟大蕭條的形勢下,作者祖母的父親堅持為人們提

26、供信貸服務。但是當人們不能償還信貸時,他無私的關愛給他的家庭帶來經(jīng)濟災難。when“當?shù)臅r候”,符合語境。5A解析:參見上題解析。下文中的“repay them”亦是提示。unpaid“未償還的”,符合語境。unconfirmed“未經(jīng)證實的”;unknown“未知的”;unnoticed“被忽視的”。6A解析:根據(jù)上文中的“After her parents deaths two years later”和下文中的“She found a job.repaid.”可知,祖母的父母去世后,她承擔了那些債務。take over“接管,接手”,符合語境。turn over“使翻轉”;pick up

27、“撿起”;make up“構成,組成”。7B解析:父母都去世了,她承擔起照顧弟弟們的重任。mother“給以母親的關愛,像母親般地照顧”,符合語境。下文中的“l(fā)ooking after and protecting them”是提示。bother“使煩惱”;comfort“安慰”;instruct“指導”。8D解析:根據(jù)上文中的“She fell sick.helpless.”和下文中的“she finally pulled herself together”可知,但是,她最終振作起來了。前后句之間存在語義上的轉折關系,故however“但是”符合語境。therefore“因此”;meanwh

28、ile“與此同時”;otherwise“否則,要不然”。9C解析:她說服了債主們延長還債期限。persuade“說服”,符合語境。command“命令”;remind“提醒”;expect“期待”。10B解析:過了一段時間之后,她家的債務終于還清了。in time“經(jīng)過一段時間之后,最后”,符合語境。in turn“輪流,轉而”;in secret“秘密地”;in surprise“驚訝地”。11D解析:根據(jù)上文她說服債主延長還債期限,找到工作并還清債務的內容可知,祖母有很大的決心和毅力。determination“決心,毅力”,符合語境。intelligence“智慧”;fortune“運氣

29、”;confidence“信心”。12A解析:經(jīng)歷了許多的挫折,祖母發(fā)現(xiàn)了給予的力量。loss“損失,失利”,此處可理解為“挫折,逆境”,符合語境。role“角色”;attempt“嘗試”;error“錯誤”。13B解析:祖母經(jīng)歷了許多挫折,卻沒有對生活心生怨恨,反而感激生活賦予的一切。下文中的“Be appreciative of everything”亦是提示。thankful“感激的”,符合語境。ready“準備好的”;respectful“尊敬的”;responsible“負有責任的”。14A解析:即使是對那些已度過困難時期卻拒絕償還信貸的家庭,作者的祖母亦不曾有過抱怨。refuse“

30、拒絕”,符合語境。promise“承諾”;pretend“假裝”;intend“打算”。15D解析:根據(jù)語境可知,此處指祖母多次講述的一件往事(story)。business“商務,公事”;challenge“挑戰(zhàn)”;activity“活動”。16C解析:祖母的妹妹正經(jīng)歷困難時期。go through“經(jīng)歷,經(jīng)受(困境、痛苦等)”,符合語境。go around“傳播,流行”;go with“附屬于”;go over“仔細考慮,仔細檢查”。17A解析:根據(jù)下文中的“into an envelope _ to Olivia”可知,盡管祖母只剩下兩美元來度過那一周,但經(jīng)過一番掙扎之后,她還是把這僅有


32、用“death”呼應文章開頭的“hospice care(臨終關懷護理)”。unfairness“不公平”;uncertainty“猶豫”;danger“危險”。.語法填空【解題導語】本文是一篇說明文,主要介紹了茶馬古道的相關情況。1popularity解析:考查詞形轉換??涨笆切稳菰~,且形容詞前是形容詞性物主代詞its,后面應接popular的名詞形式。popularity“受歡迎”。2parts解析:考查名詞復數(shù)??涨坝衯arious修飾,且part“區(qū)域,地區(qū)”為可數(shù)名詞,故填parts。3valuable解析:考查詞形轉換。根據(jù)空前的the “Ancient Tea Horse Roa

33、d” is no less和空后的than可知,空處應填形容詞。根據(jù)語境可知,此處表示茶馬古道的重要性并不低于絲綢之路,故填valuable“很重要的”。4is referred解析:考查動詞時態(tài)和語態(tài)。此處描述的是現(xiàn)在的客觀情況,應該用一般現(xiàn)在時,主語與refer to之間是被動關系,故要用被動語態(tài)。注意:refer的過去式和過去分詞應雙寫r再加ed。5bought解析:考查非謂語動詞。動詞buy與前面的名詞products構成邏輯上的動賓關系,故應用過去分詞形式作后置定語,表示被動。and后的sold也是暗示。6when解析:考查非限制性定語從句。when為關系副詞,在此引導非限制性定語從

34、句,修飾前面表示時間的先行詞the Tang dynasty,并在從句中作時間狀語。7further解析:考查副詞比較級。根據(jù)語境可知,此處說的是茶馬古道的進一步發(fā)展情況,而far的比較級有兩種形式:farther和further。在指距離的遠近時,兩者都可用,但是當用來表示“進一步”的意義時,只能用further。8a解析:考查冠詞。根據(jù)語境可知,此處說的是直到清代為止,茶馬古道都是一條全年繁忙的貿(mào)易路線。此處表泛指,且busy的發(fā)音以輔音音素開頭,故填不定冠詞a。9as解析:考查介詞。serve as sth.表示“可用作,可當使”,故填介詞as。as表示“作為”。10making解析:考查非謂語動詞。分析句子結構可知,此處的非謂語動詞短語作結果狀語,表示自然而然的結果,故用現(xiàn)在分詞making。專心-專注-專業(yè)

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