
自考英語筆譯教材lesson PPT學習教案

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1、會計學1lesson 152王一地同志從王一地同志從1957年就當了年就當了中國少年兒童出版社中國少年兒童出版社的編輯的編輯,我們在多次,我們在多次“兒童文學兒童文學”的聚會中早就認識了。如今的聚會中早就認識了。如今,能為他的這本,能為他的這本散文集散文集子作序,子作序,我覺得很榮幸我覺得很榮幸。Comrade Wang Yidi became an editor of the China Children Press as early as 1957 and we came to know each other at the meetings held by “Childrens Liter

2、ature”. I find it a great honor to be asked to write a preface to this collection of his essays.2006/7; 2008/7 漢漢譯英術語譯英術語這是一個很有用的句型,這是一個很有用的句型,一定要記住哦!一定要記住哦!第1頁/共17頁lesson 15342. 原文:原文:如今,能為如今,能為他的這本散文集子作序,我覺得很他的這本散文集子作序,我覺得很榮幸。榮幸。 譯文譯文: Now, to be able to write a preface to this collection of his e

3、ssays, I find it a great honor. 0907 改譯題改譯題改譯改譯: I find it a great honor to be asked to write a preface to this collection of his essays.第2頁/共17頁lesson 1549. 能為他的這本散文集子作序,我覺得很榮幸。能為他的這本散文集子作序,我覺得很榮幸。( ) A. I find it a great honor to be asked to write a preface to this collection of his essays. B. I f

4、ind it a big honor to be asked to write a preface to this collection of his essays. C. I find it a great honor to ask to write a preface to this collection of his essays. D. I find it a big honor to ask to write a preface to this collection of his essays 1107 選擇題選擇題A. I find it a great honor to be a

5、sked to write a preface to this collection of his essays. 第3頁/共17頁lesson 155我必須承認,我的時間和精力似乎我必須承認,我的時間和精力似乎越來越少越來越少了。一地同了。一地同志送來的他的志送來的他的部分稿子部分稿子,我不能仔細地欣賞,但我卻,我不能仔細地欣賞,但我卻充充分感覺分感覺他的文章的魅力。他的文章的魅力。 I must admit that my time and energy seem to be running short. I was unable to read carefully and enjoy a

6、ll the articles he had sent me, but I was fully aware of the charm of his writings. 是一個很地是一個很地道的說法道的說法第4頁/共17頁lesson 156如如海鄉(xiāng)風情海鄉(xiāng)風情寫出了他對童年生活的寫出了他對童年生活的眷戀眷戀。心上的心上的河流河流寫出了他對于小河流水的寫出了他對于小河流水的深情深情,這這使我憶起我所使我憶起我所熱愛熱愛的無邊的大海。的無邊的大海。 In “Episodes in My Homeland near the Sea”, he revealed his love for his chi

7、ldhood life. In “A River at Heart”, he expressed his deep feelings towards the flowing water of a creek, which reminded me of my own love for the boundless, vast sea. 翻譯技法:翻譯技法:省略省略翻譯技法:翻譯技法:增添增添翻譯技法:翻譯技法:動轉名動轉名第5頁/共17頁lesson 157原文:他在國內旅游過的地方,原文:他在國內旅游過的地方,除了井岡山以外除了井岡山以外,都是我,都是我沒有到過的!沒有到過的!A. In Chi

8、na, he has been to many places which I have never visited, with the exception of Mount Tai. B. He had gone to many places in China, which I had never been to except Mount Tai. C. The many places he has been to in China are what I havent been to apart from Mount Tai. D. I have been to Mount Tai. But

9、I havent been to many places which he has been to in China. 2006/7 選擇題選擇題原題為原題為“泰山泰山”A. In China, he has been to many places which I have never visited, with the exception of Mount Tai. 第6頁/共17頁lesson 158如如絲綢之路絲綢之路上的上的阿克蘇阿克蘇,青藏公路青藏公路上的唐古拉、昆侖等上的唐古拉、昆侖等,這又使我十分,這又使我十分羨慕羨慕。 His trips to Aksu on the Silk

10、 Road, the Danggula and the Kunlun Mountains on the Qinghai-Tibet Highway and many other places all aroused my envy. 0204;0707 ; 1004 漢英漢英0507漢英漢英0704 漢英漢英翻譯技法:翻譯技法:增添增添翻譯技法:翻譯技法:動詞轉名詞動詞轉名詞第7頁/共17頁lesson 159這幾年來,我因行動不便,整天過著這幾年來,我因行動不便,整天過著“井蛙井蛙”的無聊生的無聊生活,活,讀了這讀了這游記游記,絢麗生動得如經其境,絢麗生動得如經其境,給了我很大的給了我很大的

11、快樂快樂。 In recent years, unable to move about easily, I have been leading a dull life like that of “a frog at the bottom of a well”. Reading his travel notes gave me great pleasure because they are so colorful and vivid that I felt I was actually there. 翻譯技法:翻譯技法:分譯分譯翻譯技法:翻譯技法:順逆結合順逆結合1007; 1107 術語術語第

12、8頁/共17頁lesson 1510他到過的國外地方,我在半個世紀以前就到過了,如倫他到過的國外地方,我在半個世紀以前就到過了,如倫敦、巴黎、羅馬、佛羅倫薩等歐洲城市。敦、巴黎、羅馬、佛羅倫薩等歐洲城市。Overseas, he has been to places such as London, Paris, Rome and Florence in Europe, which I had visited half a century ago. 第9頁/共17頁lesson 1511原文:原文:雖然時代不同,我想雖然時代不同,我想歷史古跡歷史古跡總該是依舊的吧。總該是依舊的吧。 譯文譯文:

13、Although times are different, but the historic sites, I presume, must have remained the same. 0707 改譯題改譯題改譯改譯: Times are different, but the historic sites / Although times are different, the historic sites 0904 英漢英漢第10頁/共17頁lesson 1512如同舊夢重溫一般,我回憶起如同舊夢重溫一般,我回憶起1936年在倫敦的年在倫敦的3個星期個星期,在晝夜看不到日、月、星,在晝夜看不

14、到日、月、星三光三光的的濃霧濃霧之中,之中,參觀參觀了了大大英博物館英博物館、敏納斯特教堂敏納斯特教堂訪問訪問了一些英國朋友。了一些英國朋友。 Just like going through old dreams, I remembered the three weeks I had spent in London in 1936. During that time, when the sun, the moon and the stars were hidden behind the thick fog day and night, I visited the British Museum

15、and the Westminster and called on my English friends. 翻譯技法:翻譯技法:分譯分譯翻譯技法:翻譯技法:增添增添翻譯技法:翻譯技法:省略省略第11頁/共17頁lesson 1513使我喜歡的就是在這個國家到處都是使我喜歡的就是在這個國家到處都是綠茵茵的綠茵茵的,比解放,比解放前的北京看去舒服多了。前的北京看去舒服多了。 What I liked best was the refreshing green which could be seen all over the country. It was much more pleasant to

16、 the eye than Beijing before liberation. 翻譯技法:翻譯技法:增添增添翻譯技法:形翻譯技法:形容詞轉名詞容詞轉名詞翻譯技法:分譯翻譯技法:分譯第12頁/共17頁lesson 1514提到巴黎,我永遠忘不了我在那里逗留的提到巴黎,我永遠忘不了我在那里逗留的100天。我住天。我住在第在第7區(qū)以意大利詩人馬利亞區(qū)以意大利詩人馬利亞希利達命名的一條街的希利達命名的一條街的7層層樓上(我在樓上(我在關于女人關于女人里寫的里寫的我的房東我的房東說的就說的就是是我在巴黎那一段我在巴黎那一段生活生活中的一部分)。中的一部分)。 Speaking of Paris, I

17、could never forget the hundred days I had spent there. I lived on the sixth floor of a building in a street named after the Italian poet Maria Hilida in District 7 (“My Landlady” included in my book About Women was based on some of my experiences in Paris at the time). 第13頁/共17頁lesson 1515因為住處離因為住處離

18、羅浮宮羅浮宮很近,我就整個上午很近,我就整個上午“泡泡”在在羅浮宮羅浮宮里。里。蒙娜麗莎蒙娜麗莎的畫像是的畫像是懸掛在懸掛在一條長案的上面,在兩根一條長案的上面,在兩根綠色蠟燭的中間。綠色蠟燭的中間。 As I was very close to the Louvre, I would loiter in the palace the whole morning. The portrait of Mona Lisa was hung above a narrow, long table with two green candles on either side. 翻譯技法:翻譯技法:主動轉被動

19、主動轉被動第14頁/共17頁lesson 1516我常常立在這長案旁邊,吃我的簡單早餐我常常立在這長案旁邊,吃我的簡單早餐一包巧克一包巧克力糖!力糖!吃過早餐,吃過早餐,就出來就出來坐在宮門臺階上,欣賞宮門口坐在宮門臺階上,欣賞宮門口那一座大花壇,那一座大花壇,花壇里栽的花壇里栽的是紅、黃、白、紫是紅、黃、白、紫四色四色分明分明的盛開的郁金香的盛開的郁金香! I would often stand at the table, having my simple breakfast - a bar of chocolate. After that, I would come out and sit

20、 on the steps at the entrance of the palace, enjoying the big flower beds near the gate filled with blooming tulips of distinctive red, yellow, white and purple. 2003/4漢譯漢譯英術語英術語翻譯技法:翻譯技法:省略省略第15頁/共17頁lesson 1517原文:我坐在宮門臺階上,欣賞宮門口那一座大花壇,花原文:我坐在宮門臺階上,欣賞宮門口那一座大花壇,花壇里栽的是紅、黃、白、紫四色分明的盛開的郁金香壇里栽的是紅、黃、白、紫四色分

21、明的盛開的郁金香。 譯文譯文: I sat on the steps at the entrance of the palace, enjoying the big flower beds near the gate filled with blooming tulips of distinctive red, yellow, white and purple. 2008/7 改譯題改譯題改譯改譯: I sat on the steps at the entrance of the palace, enjoying the big flower beds near the gate filled with blooming tulips of distinctive red, yellow, white and purple. 第16頁/共17頁

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