
廣東省中考英語 第一部分 教材重點難點梳理 第21節(jié) 九下 Unit 1Unit 2課件 牛津深圳版

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廣東省中考英語 第一部分 教材重點難點梳理 第21節(jié) 九下 Unit 1Unit 2課件 牛津深圳版_第1頁
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廣東省中考英語 第一部分 教材重點難點梳理 第21節(jié) 九下 Unit 1Unit 2課件 牛津深圳版_第2頁
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廣東省中考英語 第一部分 教材重點難點梳理 第21節(jié) 九下 Unit 1Unit 2課件 牛津深圳版_第3頁
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《廣東省中考英語 第一部分 教材重點難點梳理 第21節(jié) 九下 Unit 1Unit 2課件 牛津深圳版》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《廣東省中考英語 第一部分 教材重點難點梳理 第21節(jié) 九下 Unit 1Unit 2課件 牛津深圳版(47頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、第十三節(jié)第十三節(jié)九九年級(下)年級(下)Unit 1Unit 2第一部分第一部分 教材重點難點梳教材重點難點梳理理目錄contents重難點梳理重難點梳理重點單詞重點單詞 重點短語重點短語 重點句型重點句型鞏固練習鞏固練習語法選擇語法選擇 完形填空完形填空 閱讀閱讀理解理解 閱讀填空閱讀填空 單詞拼寫單詞拼寫 完成句子完成句子重難點梳理重難點梳理重點單詞重點單詞重點短語重點短語重點句型重點句型目錄contents重難點梳理Listen attentivelyUnit 1一 重點單詞1.航行_ 2.重復_ 3.美洲的_ 4.大陸_ 5.發(fā)現(xiàn)_ 6.上升_ 7.官員_ 8.發(fā)展_ 9.關系;交往_

2、 10.貿易;以物易物,互相交換_ 11.外國的_ 12.非洲_ voyage repetitionAmericancontinentdiscoveryriseofficial developrelationtradeforeignAfrica 重難點梳理Listen attentively一 重點單詞13.無處;哪里都不_ 14.絲織物;絲綢_ 15.長頸鹿_ 16.除之外(還)_ 17.發(fā)展;壯大_ 18.先鋒;先驅_ 19.民族;種族_ 20.財富_ 21.傳播_ nowheresilkgiraffebesidesdevelopment pioneerpeoplewealthspread

3、重難點梳理Listen attentively一 重點單詞1.文化;文明_ 2.度假營_ 3.國際的_ 4.(常指勉強)承認_ 5.空余的;空閑的_ 6.程度_ 7.失?。晃茨埽ㄗ龅剑 8.完成(困難的事);勉力完成_ 9.習語;慣用語_ 10.每天的;日常的_ 11.校服_ culturecamp internationaladmit sparedegreeUnit 2failmanageidiom everydayuniform重難點梳理Listen attentively一 重點單詞12.任何事物;一切事物_ 13.粉紅色的_ 14.紫色的_ 15.無論如何;反正_ 16.尤其;特別_

4、 17.棒球_ 18.教育_ 19.州_ 20.國家的,民族的;全國的_21.總統(tǒng)_ 22.假期_ 23.日程安排_ whateverpink purpleanyway especially baseball educationstate national presidentvacationschedule重難點梳理Listen attentivelyUnit 1二 重點短語1.開辟_ 2.去旅行_ 3.建設_4.起航_ 5.被稱為_ 6.也;還_open upgo on a tripset up set sail(be) known asas well as 重難點梳理Listen atte

5、ntively二 重點短語7.允許某人做某事_ 8.在結束時,在盡頭_9.第一次_ 10.比如,例如_ 11.如此以至于_12.全世界_allow sb.to do sth.at the end offor the first timesuch assuch . thataround the world重難點梳理Listen attentively二 重點短語1.使(炸彈等)爆炸;出發(fā),動身_ 2.脫下_3.在某人空閑時間里_ 4.在某種程度上_5.習慣于,適應_ 6.略有不適;不舒服_7.要求某人做某事_ 8.除之外;也_9.使某人做某事_ 10.參加聚會_set offtake offin

6、 ones spare timeto a certain degree get used to under the weather require sb.to do sth. Unit 2as wellmake sb.do sth. go to a party重難點梳理Listen attentively三 重點句型1.They were big enough to carry 25,000 people as well as very large quantities of goods.他們足夠大,不僅能裝載大量的貨物,也能搭載25,000人。句型:(be)+adj./adv.+ enoug

7、h + to do sth.意為“足夠來做某事”。翻譯:這小女孩足夠大來挑選自己的衣服了。The girl is _ _ _ _ her own clothes.old enough to choose重難點梳理Listen attentively2.It seemed that nowhere was too far for him to visit. 對他來說,似乎沒有什么地方遠到不可抵達。句型1:It seems/seemed that+從句。意為“似乎”。(1)翻譯:他似乎不滿意比賽的結果。_ _ _ he wasnt satisfied with the result of the

8、race.句型2:too+adj./adv.+(for sb.)+to do sth.意為“對于(某人)來說,做某事太”。It seemed that重難點梳理Listen attentively(2)翻譯:這件毛衣太小了,我穿不了。The sweater is _ _ _ me _ _.(3)翻譯:這個男孩太小了,不能自己穿衣服。The boy is too young to dress himself.=The boy is _ _ enough _ _ himself.too small forto wearnot oldto dress 重難點梳理Listen attentively3

9、.1)However,his voyages were such a huge achievement that people still remember him as a pioneer in opening up culture contacts between different peoples around the world.然而,他的航海取得了如此巨大的成就,以至于人們在開創(chuàng)世界不同民族間的文化聯(lián)系中仍然把他視為先驅來紀念他。2)His travels were so important that they are still studied today.他的航行如此重要以至于人

10、們現(xiàn)在仍然在研究它們。 重難點梳理Listen attentively句型:such . that 與so . that 都可引導結果狀語從句。so后面接形容詞或副詞,而such后面接名詞或名詞性詞組,結構如下:such+ a/an+ adj.+單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞+that .There was such an interesting party that everyone took part in it.這個派對如此有趣以至于每個人都參加了。such+形容詞+復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞+that .They are such lovely boys that we all like them.他們是如此可愛的男

11、生以至于我們都喜歡他們。重難點梳理Listen attentivelysuch+形容詞+不可數(shù)名詞+that .It was such good weather that we all wanted to go out for riding.天氣這么好以至于我們都想去騎車。注意:such . that 與so . that兩個句型可以進行轉換。It is such an expensive dress that I cant buy it.可以轉換為:The dress is so expensive that I cant buy it.裙子太貴了,我買不起。重難點梳理Listen atte

12、ntively4.1)They organized a lot of activities for me in my spare time so that I wouldnt miss home or feel lonely.他們在我的業(yè)余時間為我組織了許多活動,以便我不會想家,也不會感到孤獨。2)I failed to understand much in the first few weeks because everyone spoke so fast.在開始的幾周里,我能聽懂的很少,因為大家說得太快了。重難點梳理Listen attentively3)Though I soon man

13、aged to get used to it,I still had problems because they used a lot of idioms.盡管我很快設法習慣了,但是我仍然有許多問題,因為他們使用大量的方言。4)For example,they often say they are “under the weather” when they are ill.例如,他們經(jīng)常在生病時說他們是“在天氣之下”。 5)If they do well,they can then go on to study at university.如果他們考得好,他們就能夠在大學繼續(xù)學習。重難點梳理L

14、isten attentively句型:以上幾句均為狀語從句。歸納如下:狀語從句的類狀語從句的類型型連詞連詞例句例句條件狀語從句條件狀語從句if(if(如果如果),unless),unless(除(除非)非)She will never pass She will never pass the math exam unless the math exam unless she studies hard.she studies hard.時間狀語從句時間狀語從句beforebefore(在(在之之前)前),after,after(在(在之 后 )之 后 ) , w h i l e, w h i

15、l e(當(當時)時),when,when(當(當時)時),since,since(自從)(自從),until,until(直(直到 )到 ) , a s s o o n , a s s o o n as(as(一一就就) )It has been 10 years It has been 10 years s i n c e I s t u d i e d s i n c e I s t u d i e d English.English.重難點梳理Listen attentively比較狀語比較狀語從句從句as . as as . as (和(和一樣)一樣)He will do as we

16、ll as He will do as well as we do.we do.原因狀語原因狀語從句從句becausebecause(因為)(因為),as,as(因(因為)為),since,since(因為,既然)(因為,既然)Since you are busy,I Since you are busy,I wonwont trouble you.t trouble you.讓步狀語讓步狀語從句從句a l t h o u g ha l t h o u g h ( 盡 管 , 雖( 盡 管 , 雖然)然),though,though(盡管,雖然)(盡管,雖然)Although he said

17、he Although he said he wasnwasnt hungry,he ate t hungry,he ate up all the noodles.up all the noodles.結果狀語結果狀語從句從句so . thatso . that(如此(如此以至以至于)于),such . that,such . that(如(如此此以至于)以至于)The runner ran so fast The runner ran so fast that he won the first that he won the first prize.prize.目的狀語目的狀語從句從句so

18、thatso that(以便)(以便)You should finish all You should finish all your homework so that your homework so that you can have a good you can have a good time on Christmas Eve.time on Christmas Eve.重難點梳理Listen attentively5.Brad found it hard to understand American idioms.布拉德發(fā)現(xiàn)美國方言很難懂。句型:sb.+find+it+形容詞+to

19、do,此固定句式意為“某人發(fā)現(xiàn)做某事是的”。it 是形式賓語,真正的賓語是 to do 部分。用于此種結構的動詞還有think,make,feel,believe,consider等。重難點梳理Listen attentively6.其他好用的常用句型:1)Do you know the story of Columbus and the egg?I beg your pardon.What story? Did you say Christopher Columbus?你知道哥倫布和雞蛋的故事嗎?我請你再說一遍。什么故事? 你是說克里斯托弗哥倫布嗎?2)He loved Hangzhou s

20、o much that he described it as “the finest city in the world”.他非常喜歡杭州,他把杭州描述成“世界上最美好的城市”。鞏固練習Listen attentively一、語法選擇China launched the Shenzhou XI manned spacecraft(載人飛船) _1_ Monday morning to transport two astronauts to the Tiangong space laboratory.The spacecraft _2_ skyward at 7:30 a.m. on the t

21、op of a Long March 2F rocket (長征二號F遙十一運載火箭) from _3_ Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China._4_ carried two male astronauts,49-year-old Jing Haipeng and 37-year-old Chen Dong.鞏固練習Listen attentively_5_ the launch,the spacecraft will travel two days before connecting with the Tiangong (天宮二

22、號),which was lifted from the Jiuquan center in mid-September.Then the astronauts _6_ the space lab and stay there for 30 days,which _7_ the longest space stay by _8_ astronauts. Prior to(在以前) the Shenzhou XI,China had sent five spacecrafts and 10 astronauts to space _9_ 2003,when it lifted the Shenz

23、hou V to carry the _10_ first astronaut Yang Liwei,_11_ is now a senior space official,into space. 鞏固練習Listen attentivelyChina is _12_ country in the world that has independently(獨立地) finished manned spaceflight following the former Soviet Union(前蘇聯(lián)) and the United States.Chinas manned space program

24、,a source of national pride(民族自尊心),aims to _13_ a permanent(永久的) manned space station,which _14_ of three parts a core (核心的) module attached to two labs,_15_ weighing about 20 metric tons into service around 2022,according to the manned space agency.鞏固練習Listen attentively( ) 1.A.in B.on C.at D.of( )

25、 2.A.send B.sent C.was sent D.was sending( ) 3.A.a B.an C.the D./( ) 4.A.It B.He C.She D.One( ) 5.A.Before B.When C.After D.While( ) 6.A.enter B.will enter C.entered D.have entered( ) 7.A.is B.was C.be D.will beBCCACBD鞏固練習Listen attentively( ) 8.A.Chinese B.China C.Chinas D.Chineses( ) 9.A.since B.a

26、fter C.before D.when( ) 10.A.nation B.nations C.nations D.nations( ) 11.A.which B.whose C.who D.whom( ) 12.A.third B.three C.the third D.the three( ) 13.A.place B.placing C.placed D.be placed( ) 14.A.consist B.is consisting C.will consist D.consisted( ) 15.A.both B.either C.neither D.eachAABCCACD鞏固練

27、習Listen attentively二、完形填空Some day you may go to the moon.A tall rocket will take you into space.The rocket _1_ a long way to a space station.You will stop there for a short time.Then a big _2_ will take you to the moon.About three days later,the ship _3_ goes down and gets on the moon.You are now on

28、 the moon,but you can not _4_ your spaceship.You must put on a space suit because the moon is very _5_ in the day and very cold at night.If you dont _6_ the space suit,you cant live there.You jump out of the spaceship and begin to _7_.鞏固練習Listen attentivelyThe moon is much smaller than the earth.The

29、 things on the moon are much _8_ than those on the earth.You jump high in the air every time you take a step.The moon moves slowly,so one day on the moon is as long as two weeks on the earth and one night is just as long as two weeks on the earth.It never rains on the moon,and everything on the moon

30、 is _9_.There are no trees or other living things of any kind.There is nothing to do there.The earth is a better place to live on,but scientists are _10_ to make the best use of the moon.鞏固練習Listen attentively( ) 1.A.walks B.flies C.jumps D.runs( ) 2.A.airplane B.rocket C.satellite D.spaceship( ) 3.

31、A.quickly B.slowly C.quietly D.loudly( ) 4.A.look B.enter C.leave D.find( ) 5.A.cool B.warm C.cold D.hotBDBCD鞏固練習Listen attentively( ) 6.A.buy B.wear C.make D.find( ) 7.A.walk B.run C.jump D.climb( ) 8.A.lighter B.heavier C.smaller D.bigger( ) 9.A.dirty B.wet C.good D.dry( ) 10.A.trying B.working C.

32、learning D.goingBAADA鞏固練習Listen attentively三、閱讀理解The Vieira family moved to the United States in 1981.At that time,they decided to stop speaking Spanish at home and only communicate in English.This was because they were now living in an English-speaking country. Now the Vieira children are adults,an

33、d they sometimes travel to Spain to visit their family and friends.But they cannot communicate with them.Unfortunately this is common.When people move to new countries,they often leave their own customs and mother language behind.鞏固練習Listen attentivelyThis is a mistake because there are many benefit

34、s to knowing more than one language.One advantage of speaking more than one language is that you can communicate directly with more people around the world.You do not have to depend on others to talk for you,so youre more independent.People who know only one language must use others to help them com

35、municate.Furthermore,speaking a second language also allows people to experience other cultures and customs more effectively.Local expressions,vocabulary,and even jokes can have a powerful effect on a persons understanding of another culture.鞏固練習Listen attentivelySo,knowing more than one language in

36、creases your knowledge of other cultures.Finally,having more multi-language speakers improves relationships between countries.If people from different countries can communicate well,the world can become closer.Countries will then have more respect for each other and better understand each others pro

37、blems.The benefits of knowing more than one language are clear.In fact,there are no disadvantages.It is very sad that many people dont try to learn another language.It is even worse when people let themselves forget their mother language and become silenced.鞏固練習Listen attentively( ) 1.What is the pa

38、ssage mainly about?A.The benefits of learning other languages. B.The reasons why people come to America.C.The importance of learning English. D.How to learn another language.( ) 2.The passage begins with the experience of the Vieira family in order to _.A.discuss the need for teaching a new language

39、B.introduce the passages main characters to the readersC.describe the advantages of moving to another countryD.show the problems of speaking only one languageAD鞏固練習Listen attentively( ) 3.The underlined phrase “multi-language speakers”(Paragraph 5) means “people who know _.”A.their mother language B

40、.a new languageC.more than one language D.body language( ) 4.According to the passage,if you can speak more than one language,you can _.A.find a better job B.make more friendsC.better understand history D.communicate more independentlyCD鞏固練習Listen attentively( ) 5.Based on the last paragraph,which o

41、f the following is the worst?A.Not knowing another language. B.Forgetting ones mother language.C.Refusing to learn another language. D.Failing to communicate with others.B鞏固練習Listen attentively四、閱讀填空Humans Greatest AchievementsThe Earth is 4.5 billion years old,but the human race has lived on it for

42、 just 200,000 years.In that short time,we have achieved some amazing things.1._ The list is almost endless.The invention of the airplane has changed our lives.The discovery of antibiotics(抗生素) has saved the lives of millions of people.Can you imagine living without electricity? What about the printi

43、ng press (印刷術)? C鞏固練習Listen attentivelyWithout the printing press,you wouldnt be reading this.In the last 50 years,there have been great achievements in communication,such as radio,TV,computers,the Internet and smartphones(智能手機). 2._What about the arts? The arts have brought pleasure to many people,

44、but are the Beatles and Bach more important than antibiotics? 3._ CE鞏固練習Listen attentivelyFinally,we must not forget humans early achievements.4._ We cant imagine modern life without cooked food and cars.What are humans greatest achievements? To answer the question,we need to decide what we mean by

45、“great”. 5._ Or is it just something that makes us say “Wow”, like the Great Wall? What do you think?BA鞏固練習Listen attentivelyA.Is it something that makes us rich or A.Is it something that makes us rich or happy or save lives?happy or save lives?B.They used fire for cooking and heating B.They used fi

46、re for cooking and heating and invented the wheel.and invented the wheel.C.Many of humansC.Many of humansgreat achievements are great achievements are in science and technology.in science and technology.D.And is Mickey Mouse as important an D.And is Mickey Mouse as important an achievement as going

47、to space?achievement as going to space?E.We could probably live without themE.We could probably live without them,but life wouldnbut life wouldnt be as t be as interesting.鞏固練習Listen attentively五、單詞拼寫1.We have to wear school u_ every day at school.2.He likes all the sports at school,e_ basketball.3.

48、W_ happens,never give up!4.His good e_ experience helped her a lot.She once studied in one of the best universities in China.5.He went n_ but to stay at home during the holiday.niformsspecially hateverducationowhere 鞏固練習Listen attentively6.Which do you think is more important,health or w_?7.In A_,th

49、e problem of hunger in some areas is serious.8.The r_ between the two boys is getting worse and worse.9.We should try our best to help her.A_,she is one of our classmates.10.The foreigners should go to visit Beijing to know more about Chinese c_.ealth frica elationshipnyway ulture鞏固練習Listen attentiv

50、ely六、完成句子1.在我空閑的時候,我喜歡聽聽音樂。I like to listen to the music _ _ _ _.2.在學期結束時,他背完了這本書中所有的新單詞。He recited all the new words _ _ _ _ the term.3.昨天圖書館要求我還這些書了。The library _ _ _ _ these books yesterday.in my spare timerequired me to returnat the end of鞏固練習Listen attentively4.父母親通常不允許我看電視太晚。Usually parents _

51、_ _ _ _ TV too late.5.這是如此精彩的演講,我們都不愿意錯過。This is _ _ wonderful speech _ we wont miss it.6.為了保持健康,他每天都運動一小時。He takes exercise every day _ _ he can keep fit.7.除非受邀請,否則我不會自己去參加明天的聚會。I wont go to tomorrows party _ _ _.dont allow me to watchsuch aunless Im invited thatso that鞏固練習Listen attentively8.我覺得很有必要關心那些留守兒童的教育。I think _ _ _ _ about the education of the left-behind kids.9.自從我離開這個學校已經(jīng)有10年了。It has been 10 years _ _ _ the school.10.我沒有去看那場表演是因為我太累了,走不動了。I didnt see the show _ I was _ tired _ walk.It necessary to care tobecause toosince I left謝謝觀看!

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