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1、波羅的海白海標準定期租船合同電碼代稱:_。_年_月_日于_(地點)簽訂船 舶說明:茲有_輪,登記總噸_噸,登記凈噸_噸,屬于_級,指示馬力為 _匹,夏季載重_噸(包括燃料,貯存物,伙食與鍋爐用水),根據(jù)造船師之計劃,除_噸之燃料艙外,尚有 _立方尺之袋裝或散裝容積,在天氣良好和水面平靜的情況下,滿載航行每小時可跑約_浬,耗用最好的威爾斯煤約 _噸,或燃原料油_噸。本輪現(xiàn)正航行。本船東_與租船人_,于本日達成下列協(xié)議:注:1因期租船的經(jīng)營由租船人負責,故對船舶的性能和是否適合于航行的范圍和裝運的貨物,否則就會給經(jīng)營帶來困難,并增加經(jīng)營成本。2船級是表示船舶的質(zhì)量,最高級為100AI。3夏季載重噸

2、,海洋上的氣候,對航海來說,只有夏季和冬季之分。夏季時期和區(qū)域。海洋氣候比較平和,故載重噸比冬季高。4袋裝與散裝容積:兩者都是指船艙的容積。因船艙內(nèi)有龍骨,袋裝貨物不能填滿其空隙,故袋裝容積比散裝容積小,一般小5%至10%。第一條租賃時間:船東愿意出租,租船人愿意租用本輪共計_日歷月(CALENDAR MONTHS),從交船并由租船人使用之時起計算。交船必須在平日上午9時至下午6時或星期六上午9時至下午2時進行(星期日和法定假日不得交船)。交船港口:本輪應(yīng)按租船人之指示,在船舶能安全并保持浮泊之_泊位交船。本船必須適于載運一般的貨物。交船時間:本輪應(yīng)于_年_月_日移交就緒。注:租賃時間可規(guī)定縮


4、:租 船人應(yīng)負責供應(yīng)燃煤(包括廚房用煤)、燃油、鍋爐所用的淡水、負擔港務(wù)費、引水費(不論是否強制執(zhí)行)、運河舵手費、駁艇費、照明費、拖輪費、領(lǐng)事費(屬 船長船員和水手者除外)、運河稅、船塢稅、其他稅款和什費、交還船港口的船塢費、碼頭稅、噸稅(交船前和還船后載運貨物所發(fā)生的費用除外)、代理費、傭 金、裝船、平艙、理艙費(包括墊隔艙所需的板蓆,船上已有者除外)、卸貨費、過磅費、理貨費、交貨費、驗艙費和執(zhí)行此項工作人員的正常伙食費、因檢疫所引 起的捐稅和什費、停留費(包括貨物的熏蒸和消毒費)。裝卸作業(yè)中所需的特殊繩索、吊具、絞盤以及因港口慣例所需的特殊設(shè)備(如特殊繩索、大纜、鐵鏈等)均由租船人供應(yīng)。



7、金,市場費率高于本合同所規(guī)定的租金亦不例外。注:在還船時,如有超出自然損耗的損壞,租船人應(yīng)負責賠償。所以交還船手續(xù)特別重要,必須慎重辦理。第八條載貨容積:除留出適當足夠之容積,作為船長、船員、水手、繩索、服物、家俱、伙食和其他儲備之用外,全船所有的載貨容積(包括甲板上的法定容積),均歸租船人使用。第九條船長:船 長應(yīng)以最大努力執(zhí)行一切航行,并取得船員按例之效勞。船長在職務(wù)上,代理上和其他它排上應(yīng)聽租船人的命令。船長、船員或代理人在簽發(fā)提單、其他證件,或按 租船人的指示,對本船的文件或裝載過量等方面的不規(guī)則行為所引起的一切效果與責任,均由租船人負責并賠付給船東。貨物短少、摻雜、標記、件數(shù)不清和因

8、裝載 不良使貨物受損而引起的索賠,船東概不負責。如租船人有理由不滿意船長、船員和輪機長的行為,船東于接到租船人的申請書后,應(yīng)立即進行調(diào)查,如屬實并有必要,船東應(yīng)改變其任命。注:因船長、船員和輪機長仍屬船東的雇員,船舶經(jīng)營好壞,與其關(guān)系不大,所以有些船長、船員和輪機長未能很好地為租船人服務(wù)。我們,作為租船人應(yīng)密切注意其行為,必要時,應(yīng)提出確切的書面材料要求船東更換。這是租船人的一項權(quán)利。第十條方向與航海日志:租船人應(yīng)給船長一切航行指示。船長和輪機長應(yīng)正確和完整地填寫航海日志,并提供給租船人或其代理人查閱。第十一條租金停付:1倘本輪因:進干塢或為保持船舶的效能而采取其他辦法;人員或船東對備品供應(yīng)不


10、可能在船舶服務(wù)時間內(nèi)進行,如不可能,租船人應(yīng)給船東必要的清洗鍋爐的時間。如本輪船清洗鍋爐的時間超過48小時,則從開始清洗時起至再準備好航行時止,租金停付。第十三條責任與豁免:因 船東或其代理人對本輪的海質(zhì)注意不夠或船東或其代理人或其他個人在航程中的疏忽及失職行為,致造成延遲交船,延遲合同的有效期限和船上貨物的滅失與損壞, 船東均應(yīng)負責。對于其他損失或延遲,不論其性質(zhì)如何,原因如何,即使是船東雇員的疏忽行為所造成者,船東均不負責。因罷工、停工或拘禁(包括船長、船員和 水手)所引起的滅失與損壞,不論部分或全部,船東亦不負責。對于因裝運違犯合同規(guī)定的貨物,或因燃料儲備,裝貨、理艙、卸貨的不當或疏忽,

11、致使本輪或船東的利益遭到滅失或損害,不論全部或部分,均由租船人負責。第十四條墊款:在需要時,租船人或其代理人應(yīng)為船長墊付本輪在任何港口所需的雜項開支,僅收年利百分之六。此項墊款可在租金內(nèi)扣除。第十五條不能駛往港口:本輪不得被命前往或駛?cè)耄?有熱病和傳染病流行或船長、船員、水手在法律上不允許隨船前往之處;2 任何被冰封凍之處;或在本輪到達時因冰凍之故,燈塔、燈船、航標、浮標已撤銷之處;或因冰凍之故,本輪不能到達之處;或裝卸貨物完畢后,有不能開出的危 險之處。本輪無破冰航行的義務(wù)。如因冰凍,船長認為停留在裝港或卸港中,有使本輪被冰封致?lián)p之危險時,船長有權(quán)將船開往另一未被冰封之處,以候租船人的新 指


13、因救助受損的修理費和損耗的燃料等)開支外,其余部分由船東與租船人均分。船東為了救助他船所采取的措施而支付的費用,租船人應(yīng)予同意。第二十條轉(zhuǎn)租:租船人經(jīng)適當通知船東后,有權(quán)將本輪轉(zhuǎn)租,但原租船人仍應(yīng)對本合同及船東負責。第二十一條戰(zhàn)爭:1 未征得船東同意,本輪不得被命前往或繼續(xù)前往下列地區(qū),有戰(zhàn)爭行動、戰(zhàn)爭、兵端、類似戰(zhàn)爭之行動、海盜、敵對行動并因此引起任何個人、團體、國家、革命、 內(nèi)戰(zhàn)、民變或國際公法的干涉,致使本輪、其他船只或貨物有遭遇危險之地區(qū);不得以任何方式使本輪受法律制裁并因此引起風險和刑罰;不得用本輪裝運有使本輪 遭到交戰(zhàn)國、團體、任何政府或流治者扣押、處罰或其他干涉的貨物。2 如本輪

14、接近、被帶或被命前往上述地區(qū),或因任何原因遭受上述之風險,則:1.船東在自認為適合之條件下,對任何因此似將發(fā)生之風險,將本輪與租金進行保 險,租船人見票后應(yīng)即將保險費償還給船東;2雖有第十一條的規(guī)定,但因船長、船只和水手失蹤,減少或水手拒絕前往上述地區(qū)或遭受上述風險而造成的時間損 失,租船人仍須支付租金。3因甲項所述之情況或在此類情況存在之期間,使船長、船員和水手之薪金、伙食費、甲板和機艙之儲備物與保險費有所增加,其增加的數(shù)目應(yīng)列入租金中,船東提出此項費用的賬單后(該項賬單應(yīng)按月開列),租船人應(yīng)即支付。4本輪有權(quán)遵守船旗國政府或船旗國政府授權(quán)的其他政府,任何個人(或團體)或在本輪兵險條件下有權(quán)




18、加油合同安排加油,并墊付油款以及因加油發(fā)生的一切費用于每次加油后,租船人應(yīng)即將船東墊付的費用(包括港口費、跨線費和與加油有關(guān)的其他費用)匯給船東。如船東未在區(qū)域內(nèi)的主要加油港口安排加油時,租船人有權(quán)取消本合同。第二十九條如爆發(fā)牽涉到任何強國的戰(zhàn)爭,雙方均可取銷本合同。第三十條航運商會兵險條款第12.3條、新杰森條款和兩船互撞條款應(yīng)作為本合同不可分割的組成部分。租船人在本合同下所簽發(fā)的一切提單均包含新杰森條款和兩船互撞條款。航運商會兵險條款第123條(THE CHAMBER OF SHIPPING WARRISK CLAUSEl/3)1對任何被封鎖的港口及船長或船東經(jīng)過慎重考慮認為有危險不能駛?cè)?/p>

19、或到達的港口,不能要求船長或船東簽發(fā)提單或承擔簽發(fā)提單的義務(wù)。2甲、如租船合同中規(guī)定的卸港或提單中指定的卸港被封鎖,或;乙、如因戰(zhàn)爭,敵對行為、軍事行為、騷亂、革命或國際法的干涉致使:(1)船長或船東經(jīng)過慎重考慮認為有危險或禁止駛?cè)牖虿荒芮巴陡?。?)船長或船東經(jīng)慎重考慮認為有危險或不可能到達的卸港。因 上述情況的影響,應(yīng)根據(jù)租船人的指示,將全部貨物或部分貨物在原定卸港以外的其他安全港口卸下(新的卸港應(yīng)不是被封鎖的或船長或船東認為是危險的或禁止的 港口),如租船人或其代理未在接到船方發(fā)出請求代替卸港通知后48小時內(nèi)宣布新的卸港,船東有權(quán)將貨物卸在根據(jù)船東和船長認為安全的其他港口,并視為已履

20、行租船合同,另應(yīng)按在原定卸港或提單內(nèi)所列的卸港照付運費,在此情況下所發(fā)生的一切額外費用由租船人或貨主負擔,否則船東對未收運雜費的貨物有留置權(quán)。3船舶有權(quán)遵守船旗國政府,其他政府和地方當局(包括代管的政府地方當局或經(jīng)該政府或地方當局授權(quán)的任何人員或在船舶兵險保險條件上有權(quán)發(fā)布或指示的任何組織或個人)對船舶的離港、抵港、航線、掛港、停航、目的港、地區(qū)、水面、交貨或任何其他方面所發(fā)布的命令和指示。因 遵守上述命令和指示,船舶不能駛至原定卸港或提單中所列卸港時,則可駛至經(jīng)船東和船長慎重考慮后認為可以駛?cè)氲幕蚩汕巴敦浀钠渌劭谛敦?,并視為已履?租船合同,另應(yīng)按在原定卸港或提單所列卸港卸港卸貨照付運費

21、,在此情況下,所發(fā)生的一切額外費用由租船人或貨主負擔,否則船東對未收到運雜費的貨物有留置 權(quán)。新杰森條款(NEWJASON CLAUSE)航 程開始前后,由于任何原因,不論是否因疏忽而造成意外事件、危險、損失或災(zāi)難時,船東對于上述事件及后果,按照法令、合同或其他規(guī)定不負責者,有關(guān)共同海 損所付出之任何犧牲代價、損失或費用等項目,應(yīng)由托運人、收貨人或貨主等與承運人共同分攤,對于貨物的救助費和其他特殊費用亦應(yīng)分攤,若拖救的船舶與本船 屬于同一船東或?qū)偻淮瑬|經(jīng)營者,應(yīng)視為其他船東的船舶照付救助費等,托運人、收貨人或貨主須按船東或其代理估計的貨物救助費和其他特殊費用預付之。注: 本條款的主要精神是,

22、不論因任何原因(其中包括船長、船員的疏忽或過失)所引起的共同海損,若按法令、合同或其他規(guī)定,船東可以免除責任者,則共同海損的 犧牲和費用,應(yīng)由船、貨雙方共同公攤,如按法令,合同或其他規(guī)定應(yīng)由船方負責者,則應(yīng)由船方單獨負擔。另有引用該條款時,應(yīng)再加兩點說明:(1) “共同海損除按1950年約克安特衛(wèi)普規(guī)則支付外,其理算應(yīng)按美國法律及習慣辦理者,則以新杰森條款為適用依據(jù)”。其用意在于部分地變更約克安特 衛(wèi)普規(guī)則,以減輕船方的責任。按約克安特衛(wèi)普規(guī)則第四條規(guī)定:“共同海損的犧牲或費用,其發(fā)生的原因縱系因海上共同航行之某方的過失所造成者,過失方 仍有享受被補償?shù)臋?quán)利;但因其過失所應(yīng)負之賠償責任,并不因

23、此免除”。按新杰森條款的規(guī)定,共同海損的犧牲或費用雖屬船方責任所造成者,如按法令,合同或 其他規(guī)定船方不負責者,貨方應(yīng)與船方分攤,分攤后,貨方不得因船方的過失而轉(zhuǎn)向船方提出賠償。(2)“按照本合同,租船人須獲得包含本條款的提單”。其目的是船方避免對第三者負賁。兩船碰撞互有過失條款(BOTHTO BLAME COLLISION CLAUSE)若 一船和另一船碰撞,系因?qū)Ψ酱暗氖韬龊捅境羞\人的船長、水手、引水員或雇員在航行方面或船舶管理方面的任何行為,疏忽或過失所造成者,則對方的船或非承 運船或其船東的一切損失,由本承運人擔負者,應(yīng)由承運人所承運的貨物的貨主補償本承運人,此項損失或責任僅限于上述

24、貨主所受的損失或任何賠償要求,已從或 應(yīng)從對方的船或非承運船或其船東得到償付,并從對方的船或非承運船或其船東向本承運船或本承運人提出賠償,而從已得到賠償?shù)牟糠种锌鄢?。除相撞的船舶以外,又碰撞或觸及其他船舶或貨物,而且所有人,經(jīng)營人或管理人有過失時,本條款亦應(yīng)適用。注:本條款的中心內(nèi)容是:甲方的船舶和貨物的損失由乙方的船東賠半數(shù);乙方船舶和貨物的損失由甲方船東賠償半數(shù)。另有租船合同中引用此條款時,應(yīng)加兩點說明:(1)“在履行租船合同時,本船涉及因任何碰撞所發(fā)生的責任需按美國法律裁判者。應(yīng)以本條款為適用。”按一船國家的條例,若兩船碰撞,互有過失,則按彼此過失的大小,各向?qū)Ψ降拇蜇涁撠煹?。而按?/p>

25、國法律,不論彼此過失的大小,均以相等的過失來處理。在 租船合同中所以要列入此條款,主要因非美國籍的船舶若與美國籍的船舶碰撞,而又互有過失,不論在何處碰撞,均須按此條款解決,否則,非美國船籍的船東的任 何其他船只在美國港口時,美國籍船的船東都可采取手段將其扣留。船東不愿放棄美國港口的生意,所以在租船合同中要訂上此條款。(2)“租船人在本合同下所簽發(fā)的提單須包含此條款?!逼淠康氖潜WC船東向貨主索回應(yīng)由貨主負擔的賠償費用。附件IT IS THIS DAY MUTUALLY AGREED between _ Owners of the Vessel called _ of _ tons gross/t

26、ons net Register, classed _ of _ indicated horse power, carrying about _ tons deadweight on Board of Trade summer freeboard inclusive of bunkers, stores, provisions and boiler water, having as per builders plan _ cubic-feer grain/bale capacity, exclusive of permanent bunkers, Which contain about _ t

27、ons, and fully loaded capable of steaming about _ knots in good weather and smooth water on a a consumption of about _ tons bert Welsh coal, or a about _ tons oilfuel, now _ and _ of _ Charterers, as follows:1. The Owners let, and the Charterers hire the Vessel for a period of _ calendar months from

28、 the time into Sunday or a legal Holiday unless taken over the Vessel is delivered and placed at the disposal of the Charterers between 9 a. m. and 6p. m., or between9a, m. and2p.m.if on Saturday,at _ in such available berth where she can safelylie always afloat,as the Charterers may direct, she bei

29、ng in every way fitted for ordinary cargo service.The Vessel to be delivered2. The Vessel to be employed in lawful trades for the carriage of lawful merchandise only between good and safe ports or places where she can safely lie always afloat within the following limits:_No live stock nor injurious,

30、 inflammable or dangerous goods (such as acids, explosives, calcium carbide, ferro silicon, naphtha, motor, spirit, tar, or any of their products) to be shipped.3. The Owners to provide and pay for all provisions and wages,for insurance of the vessel,for all deck and engine - room stores and maintai

31、n her in a thoroughly efficient state in hull and machinery during service.The Owners to provide one winchman per hatch. If further winchmen are required,or if the stevedores refuse or are not permitted to work with the Crew, the Charterers to provide and pay qualifiedshore - winchmen.4. The Charter

32、ers to provide and pay for all coals,including galley coal, oil - fuel, water for boilers, port charges, pilotages(whether compulsory or not), canal steersmen, boatage, lights, tug - assistance, consular charges(except those pertaining to the Master, Officers and Crew), canal, dock and other dues an

33、d charges,including any foreign general municipality or state taxes, also all dock,harbour and tonnage dues at the ports of delivery and re - delivery unless incurred through cargo carried before(delivery or after re- delivery), agencies, commissions, also to arrange and pay for loading, trimming,st

34、owing(including dunnage and shifting boards, excepting any already on board), unloading, weighing,tallying and delivery of cargoes, suveys on hatches, meals supplied to officials and men in their service and all other charges and expenses whatsoever including detention and expensee through quarantin

35、e (including cost of fumigation and disinfection).All ropes, slings and special runners actually used for loading and discharging and any special gear, including special ropes, hawsers and chains required by the custom of the port for mooring to for the Charterers account. The Vessel to be fitted wi

36、th winches, derricks, wheels and ordinary run- hers capable of handling lifts up to 2 tons.5. The Charterers at port of delivery and the Owners at port of re - delivery to take over and pay for all coal or oil - fuel remaining in the Vessl s bunkers at current price at the respective ports. The Vess

37、el to be re - deliverde with not less than _ tons and not exceeding _ tons of coal or oil- fuel in the Vessels bunkers.BAL TIME FORM6.The Charterers to pay as hire:_ per 30 days,commencing in accordance with clause luntil her redelivery to the Owners.Payment of hire to be made in cash,in _ without d

38、iscount, every 30 days,in advance.In default of payment the Owners to have the right of withdrawing the Vessel from the service of the Charterers,without noting any protest and without interference by any court or any other formality whatsoever and without prejudice to any claim the Owners may other

39、 - wise have on the Charterers under the Charter.7. The Vessel to be re - delivered on the expiration of the Charter in the same good order as whet deliverde to the Charterers(fair wear and tear excepted)at an ice- free port in the Charterers option in _ between 9a.m. and 6p.m., and 9a.m. and 2p.m.

40、on Saturday,but the day of redelivery shall not be a Sunday or legal Holiday.The Charterers to give the Owners not less than ten daysnotice at which port and on about which day the Vessel will be re - delivered.Should the Vessel be ordered on a voyage by which the Charter period will be exceeded th

41、Charterers to have the use of the Vessel to enable then to complete the voyage, provided it could be reasonably calculated that the voyage would allow re - delivery about the time fixed for the termination the Charter, but for any time exceeding the termination date the Charterers to pay the market

42、rate if higher than the rate stipulated herein.8. The whole reach and burthen of the Vessel, including lawful deck - capacity to be at the Charterersdisposal ,reserving proper and sufficient space for the Vessels Master, Officers, Crew, tackle, apparel, furniture, provisions and stores.9. The Master

43、 to prosecute all voyages with the utmost despatch and to render customary assistance with the vessels Crew.The Master to be under the orders of the Charterers sa regards employment agency, or other arrangements.The - Charterers to indemnify the Owners against all consequences or liabilities arising

44、 from the Master, Officers or Agents signing Bills of Lading or other documents or otherwise complying with such orders, as well as from any irregularity in the Vessels papers or for overcarrying goods.The Owners not to be responsible forshortage, mixture, matks, not for number of pieces or packages

45、, nor for damage to or claims on cargo caused by bad stowage or otherwise.If the Charterers have reason to be dissatisfied with the conduct of the Master, Officers, or Engineers,the Owners, on receiving particulars of the complaint, promptly to investigate the matter, and, if necessary and practicab

46、le,to make a change in the appointments.10. The Charterers to furnish the Master with all instructions and sailing directions and the Master and Engineer to keep full and correct logs accessible to the Charterers or their Agents.11. (A)In the event of drydocking or other necessary measures to mainta

47、in the efficiency of the Vessel, deficiency of men of Owners stores, breakdown of machinery, damage to hull or other accident, either hindering or pre venting the working of the vessel and continuing for more than twentyfour consecutive hours, no hire to be paid in respect of any time lost thereby d

48、uring the period in which the Vessel is unable to perform the service immediately required. Any hire paid in advance to be adjustde accotdingly.(B)In the event of the Vessel being driven into port or to anchorage through stress of weather, trading to shallow harbors or to rivers or ports with bars o

49、r suffering an accident to her catgo, any detention of the Vessel and/or expenses resulting from such detention to be for the Charterers account even if such detention to be for the Charterers account even if such detention and/or expenses,or the cause by reason of which either is incurred, be due t

50、o, or be contributed to by ,the negligence of the Owners servants.12. Cleaning of boliers whenever possible to be done during service, but if impossible the Charterers to give the Owners necessary time for cleaning. Should the Vessel be detained beyond 48 hourshire to cease until again ready.13. The

51、 Owners only to be responsible for delay in delivery of the Vessel or for delay during the currency of the Charter and for loss or damage to goods onboard , if such delay or loss has been caused by want of due diligence on the part of the Owners of their Maneger in making the Vessel seaworthy and fi

52、tted for the voyage or any other personal act or omission or default of the Owners or their Manager in making the Vessel seaworthy and fitted for the voyage or any other personal act or omission or default of the Owners or their Maneger. The Owners not to be responsible in any other case nor for dam

53、age or delay whatsoever and howsoever caused even if caused by the neglect or default of their servants .The Owners not to be liable for loss or damage arising or resulting from strikes,lockouts or stoppage or restraint of labour (including the Master, Officers or Crew) whether partial or general.Th

54、e Charterers to be responsible for loss or damage caused to the Vessel or to the Owners by goods being loaded contrary to the trems of the charter or by improper or careless bunkering or loading,stowing or discharging of goods or any other improper or negligent act on their part or that of their ser

55、vants.14. The Charterers or their Agents to advance to the Master, if required, necessary funds for ordinary disbursements for the Vessels account at ant port charging only interesr at 6 per cent p.a., such advances to be deducted from hire.15. The Vessel not to be ordered to nor bound to enter:a) a

56、ny place where fever or epidemics are prevalent or to which the Master, Officers and Crew by law are not bound to follow the Vessel. b) any ice - bound place or any place where lights,lightships, marks and buoys are or are likely to be withdrawn by reason of ice on the Vessels arrival or where there

57、 is risk that ordinarily the Vessel will not be able on account of ice to reach the place or to get out after having complered loading or discharging. The Vessel not to be obliged to force ice. If on account of ice the Master considers it dangerous to remain at the loading or discharging place for f

58、ear of the Vessel being frozen in and/or damaged, he has liberty to sail to a convenient open place and await the Charterers fresh instructions.Unforeseen detention through any of above causes to be for the Charterers account.16. Should the Vessel be lost or missing,hire to cease from the date when

59、she was lost. If the date of loss cannot be ascertained half hire to be paid from the date the Vessel was last reported until the calculated date of arrival at the destinaton. Any hire paid in advance to be adjusted accordingly.17 .The Vessel to work day and night if required. The Charterers to refu

60、nd the Owners their outlays for all overtime paid to Officers and Crew according to the hours and rates stated in the Vessel articles.18. The Owners to have a lien upon all cargoes and sub - freights belonging to the Time Charterers and any Bill of Lading freight for all claims under this Charter, a

61、nd the Charterers to have a lien on the Vessel for all moneys paid in advance and not earmed.19. All salvage and assistance to other vessels to be for the Ownersand the Charterers equal benefit after deducting the Masters and Crews proportion and all legal and other expenses including hire paid unde

62、r the charter for time lost in the salvage,also repairs of damage and coal of oilfuel consumed. The Charterers to be bound by all measures taken by the Owners in order to secure payment of salvage and to fix its amount.20.The Charterers to have the option of subletting the Vessel, giving due notice

63、to the owners, but the original Charterers always to remain responsible to the Owners for due performance of the Charter.21. (A)The Vessel unless the consent of the Owners be first obtained not to be ordered nor continue to any place or on any voyage nor be used on any service which will bring her within a zone which is dangerous as the result of any actual or threatened act of war ,war hostilities,warlike operations, acts of piracy or of hostility or malicious damage against this or any other vessel or its cargo b

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