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1、國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大本科《高級(jí)英語(yǔ)閱讀(2)^2023-2024期末試題及答案(試卷代號(hào):1354) Section I Nvw Wonk \ Mutch each viKubulary word on I he lefl with the correct cltfinilion <>n the right. (3 points each) L universal A? ncetissily 2. poverty H? takr aitention away 3. requirement C\ make less 4. livelihood 11 n

2、-nnilv ■ 3; distract fcL conunur to livr or rxisl 6. survive Fa people who ftcll things 7. reduce Ct. the altility 10 remember & grin H. workt job* profession 9. merchants L available to everyone 10.— memory J? being poor :可 Fill in the blanks with words from the b

3、ox below. (3 points each) cumpcihivt? ed|^c enihusiasuc expensive influenced invesl prnfiu slang suddenly survive trend The popularity of tattoos did not 11 into the 20th century; it flowed down nnd c(inlinuc(J only among soldiers and sn)lors< Thr5e nu-n 1 2 each other to get hniooed lo sh

4、ew how strong thry were. As a resulti tin general public^ be^an lo think of people with lattoas ns frnni lhe lower ciasses. However? rn thi Ulr 20th rvrnury# ti new 13 fippeared as young people star ini to "I lattoocd. This body art 11 began to appear in uiiUMial plncp^t noi only on amiSf but also o

5、n legs and hacks. Tuttun began to 15 in new equipment ? ink. and dchigtis. I o keep their [6 ? they opened shops in fasiiianablc places where they could make grenter 17 ? Actors nnil :nunicianH got M raise " nnd n?nny [3 words entne into ust\ Ah people hccamr more 】9 nhout【his form of body an< tano<

6、is benune more 20 hecmisr jinitcrns# or "flush." were more complex^ I Respite this cnthu^Asirif howrvrr> the trend has begun to slow down, nnd soon it may be n thing of the pasi< |A; Read the Section II Kending Cumprehcnsiun passage. Ihcn answer the questions that follow* (5 points each) Carver

7、Chnnjft A Pijoplv who iirr ilnrikiiiM Ahoul chonfflhg rmcrs nrt nhcn nfniid rd wluii will liApprti il lli^y ipiit iheit jnl?. Will thry lind iinothvr onr? Will ihry like* Another hrld hr wrll ip the otir they nir hi now ? Will ihey Ih nh|c tn 乂“>w nml mlvnncr in a nrw orunnunhnn? H /X* ihrsr corm

8、in rnincl. thry ^honhl try to figun out ihv niiBwcrs W) ihry c\in tr-/n h n (IrciMon. Ahliungh th? rt 誼 n high uii? nf tinrniploynirtii in nornr coiin!rir!ict ihrrr nrr untuilly jolz Inr skilled wnrk<*rs who r/iri unr compuirr* or nthrr rqt|iprnrnt< Tho?r who hnv< wp

9、ia cun K(jn

10、 bul no irlrn about how tu tun it biminm it mny be ri^ky for hi!ti to npt n 劣 r< Hr cam rook for hi?(rirnds- on wcckimh Mtnl snn?ly Inti drciirnh nf brmw n chef m lh?t wuy. I) AdoiIht wny Inr n peerm in iimi nui if aIii will br muccck^IuI in ? new fiehl 1、10 try if out an,|Mrt nine iob? B

11、ciuk nti rvriH plnnm r sounds uUnioron%t but hrlpinu (rirudN will) prinir^ or svrcldingfc mi^hl ^hnw her ihnf it1 h ?Im)very uUrtsfiil llowvvcrt if >he hnr ih< ? rmiiviiy jiihI orunriixntlon nm vnftnry (or ?uch a pojitiim.can caniinuti io plan foi Itiemlti uinil she build4 tip n rrpntniinn- Then nhc

12、 c?n hvr rurrrnt)nh to look {nr n |<>!> in rvrrii phiniiitiK knuwnij4 I Ini I >hc *11 hr wceMuI in thin nrm E < )nce ft person hz fountl his or her npccinlty /iml decides an the chnnget ii1 s nrct^wiry tu Mwk with n until the hwine,gcin ell iht grouniL l hl? u>imlly nhnut (ivr y< nr?? II div ruov

13、r Ims bwn (tarn ant conipnny io itiuuhrr. ihr |jrrMo?i should Rtny until if is rliMr he i? doing a good |pb and cun mlvnnvf? in n higher pomliojl EollowinR thin nilvicv will niukr the irrtn^Hion ^uionthcr nn

14、aiding passage. Write \t B9 C or D on your Answer Sheet. 2L Acmrchng io lh< reading# people who think tiboui dunging careers generally _ ■ A. quit ihrir jobs R drr nfrnid o! quitting lherr jobs (\ find another one right away 【). grow and advance in n new organixauon 22. rh-m m a high nite p(

15、initniploynirnt in ?atur cnuntnc^t but nkdlcd workrtb A. In^r I heir John B. try io reach a dcciMon C\ u?4t computers Ih with trnining rnn ttill get jobh 23. 1( n person drennm about daitiu nnothex iobt . A. hr i% nuitrd (or u Il br erm tun n (\ hr Afill ftiay hfit lir able to do it LX he

16、will be Mtisflvd ? rhrl 21. IlnvmM n pan hmc)nl>? Ai M n go? r?nnenreer 25. You nhonld sUy in a nrw cnrecr nt five yenr5 beeou^? A. n f* ynur rtpecinhy IL ynu rnoveil (rorn one cnni|uiny in nnot her C?

17、 you C4H do n good jnh nnil mlvnnrr in ihnt time 11 the ttansiition will be smoother B Ibuid the (HISSUK^ 12" mzur I he q ursth>n^ Ihnt billow, |3 points r:ich) rckcomniulinu A A、< ntr% Ixminr tnorr rxi.ivnsivr inil ciowdriL wnrkvm ohrn luivc t(i rnow hirther nwuy frnm ihrtr ciIIh vi in i>r

18、 (ititi nffnnhlilr hnu-ting in dr^irrthlr ririKhbiirliiWhl^ Siiniriiinr ilu y h^vi tu trnvcl an hoin or niort? h, work inwl bm k nnd a hn o( ttnflic. ( Im* pofiulAr nhmwinvr to the (ruMruiinK morniriK rnTiiniuir ih ickcuiiinnitiKtf I elcconiiniifin? itivolve^ wcuknut from hnrnr mid KtcnfMiniicMiirig

19、 with ?ui rfiiplnycr hy pluHjr? Iax> ur ( linn^iriu trchnnlojty m/ikr5 ickcomnuitinK incrcHHiniily r/u^y

20、 pct)|)lr iclrconiintnc in the t 'nurd SiMicMt mid brt wern L 6 und 2 inilhori prnpli trlri onitnuir tn hath ,hr? IL K. nrul (irniiAtiy. And the niinibrift urc ?rowit)M Why nrr nn nuiny p< oplc irIvcornmiitifi^? WhiH nr< ilw ami do they outwt i^h thr di5A

21、lvsnldgr^a hi Hdiluion to peoplr from I he Slr< ,I , :川甲 roniinuiis H /iho allows for ih 「 M \ihility in ih「 workplace. I rle0ninnnjirr!i nnrii/r thrir work rnvirunrnfiil^i .itid ihry inn work (rorn nnywhrrr. O(h ri. pt opb with < hililrcn hki- ro ivlcc

22、onirnutr brcai^v h mrnf^ hulhhnH n work schedule around Intnily tlcrnunrh mihI rnriirnHnirtitR. Addiiinfinllyt home officii c/in provide ^ocxl tnx (nr uJe nnirnun#r*< Finally, (or rnding rnrrtiiH:5. trlreonitnuting edit provide n rclc

23、a?c> rclrconwriuting n(>l only provitlo ro ihe woikrr? il Im nrfits th<- cnvirofinivnt g well It coninbuh 5 lu rh.tnrr nir Ht、、pnllution finiiti(I frnm t :irb)>

24、Eor instrtnrr> nnntr wnrkcrji may nut out ol < huirr hui bcrntiM* tin- vruployrr (lor%u f 1 wi- h to pmviih: office fipnri . n wnrkor ih< bmrliiH nn oilc rtiiplayrr* rrrrivir> Afintht-r ilrnwhnrk 1, that nut rvrrynnc enn tclernnirninv- ( rrtnm ehpu Riirh 時(shí) rnfilui /mil |jiihh^hing? cnn^uhingt

25、zhr? >n4 irlrniHrkvthi^ Irnd thrmsrlwt hrttfr to (rlrrornrniilit>M thnn others Shim penph? I)ri4 it very ihlfimli Hi w(nk ni Imiiiiv. I hr TV. iht rc(iigrniior t 1 hr ht(L v rnniL utul I In htlrpluiiic cun he Iiik ilibif irrion> far trh vonifniiirr < )11 I hr (iihvr ImiiiI ? *6rni? haln urnniuirr*

26、rmt1 I Work Irniu hrum hh! h.ivr n

27、uL Mnrin^vrM miuhl (rrl powvrh in conirnl ctiiployvPh wliri nren a I nn mhs bi mil lye i( workiun from hornr rnnkrh ynu f< tl r^r lonely? then trIrroriithiihfiH lb prnhnlilv not (or yn? 1> Jrlf nrnl Nrtticy luiiHil n w?y to nsr trlci rinirnuiinw io chriDRc their livrs. "N(h only dn we hnvr c brnrr

28、 lilrwtylt ? wr hii\ r n better lift .H Muncy# I y??/ir、the couple snlrl th

29、nnciliAh ly> But befnrr celling mir Nrw \ ork upmtmrntt w,“ei I hr yc^r m/tking vniinrrticm^ nnd rcMCnrrhinM chh optKHm lor work lhal Wi coiihl <1o# " \nrjry d《)g work lor a piiblnhcr ? nnd .|r(f warkn nn inci< pemlrtn ron^ulbinu Umh nivt ^tfil in InpInpH .tini mv iIimi t<*rlinok>My we It 心 W??b Mu

30、n?,,and(?II(ihnn< - help iheni when penfthy cnl?loR5 ?nrl Web sites. MThruu^h telccDmrnutnu^ w< nrt? ;di!r nittkr njoucy !n Mirvivc wilhnui illppirij: inhi mr rir^t ;md wv hnv< rrt given u

31、p any(J il.r Hung - wc rnjnv> 1 clccmnmuling is oik Itvclihood |{ ArrurdinH E the mnnbiT nl h In? tninuirtb in th< Stnti > ”頑 by 3 million briwien 1999 nml 2000. Will the numbvr^ cotninuv io ri" nc quickly/ VS ill ickcornniuiinR i nnunut to -rew? If ivrlinolnKy convuuvs ro irnprnvi t pt-rhAp* t \r

32、rvotir will R working in Mvmuij| titul thr irddmnhiil ciffic* wJI di nppeur. enu Im sure, but \vr enn h< err lain ihnt idectmimuting h not a hid. h m i pniciicnl nlr^rnnuvr in ih* irndnintuil oilier joht ?tn*miiiivf which i、hrrn tn,靜y. Decide whether (he r(ilhiv*int! xlatcnwnls nrr true or Write M

33、 l M fur 1 rue and MKn for Eulsr on the Answer Sheet 26. Prnplr who like working in an nfficr will probnbly like trlrcoiJunutinR. 27. Telecommutifig tn possible lot people in nil |”。1”心心 28. relrcommutiriK h心 helped |rf( .ind Nuncy rhmy llnir hfriityle. 29. Telrcnmniuting i、mon- llexiblc ihon t


35、 L survive influenced 13. trend 】4. suddenly 15. invest 】6. competitive edge slnng 19. rnthasiastic 20. rxpenMvr Section II Rending ( omprchcrision |A) For each question, choose the best answer based on the rending passage. (5 points each) 2LB 22. D 2L A 25. C 1|<| Dcchlc whether the following ^tutcinente hfc Inir or false. Write " I " for I rtie und MFH for Kuhc on thr Answer Sheet. (3 point% ciich) 26> r 27, F 30e E

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