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1、完形填空5( 一 )LastspringI was walkingin a park A shortdistanceher three-year-old 1 The little girl was holding a string (attached to a helium balloonAllof a sudden , a 2 windtook the balloonfrom thewould scream and cryBut, no! As the little girl turned to watch her balloon 3into the sky, she cheerfully

2、shouted,“ Wow!”I didntrealizeitat thatmoment But thatlittleahead oflittlegirlgirlhadme was a momand細繩 ) that was I thoughtshetaught me4 Later that day I5 a phone call from a person with newsof an unexpectedproblem Ifeltlike saying ,“ Oh no,what shouldwe do? ” But6 that little girl I found myself say

3、ing:“ Wow, thats interesting! How canI help you? ” One things for surelifes always going to put us 7 balance withthingswe dontexpect However ,how we respond( 反應 ) tothem isour8 Wecanchoose to be frustrated or fascinated (著迷的)Nomatterwhatthesituationis , a fascinated“ Wow!” willalwaysbeata (n)9“Oh,no

4、”So the nexttimeyou experienceone oflifesunexpected guests ,rememberthatlittlegirland make ita“ Wow!” experience The“ Wow!” response10works1 A sonBcousinCdaughterD sister2 A softBheavyCstrangeD strong3 A walkBriseCjumpD run4 A anythingBnothingC everythingD something5 A tookBreceivedC gaveD accepted6

5、 A thinkingB memorizingC rememberingD discussing7 A offBintoC onD in8 A problemBchoiceC businessD work9 A excitingB differentC frustratedDhelpful10 A sometimesBalwaysCseldomD hardly( 二 )Madison Glinski is young, but she is famous becauseshe often raisesland helps many people in need。Lastyear , Madis

6、on madea NewYearsresolutionto helppoor childrenShe decidedto raise 500 fora childrenshospital 2didshe raisethemoney? She came up withan3 She thought she could play the violin verywell So she planned to raise money by playingtheviolin。 Madison went to the streetand began to 4 there。 Some people passe

7、dby her andasked herwhy she played theviolin there After they knew about her resolution, they 5some money withouthesitation Soon she raised 5006Madisonwantedtoraise 7moneyforpeople inneed。 She triedsome differentways toraise moneyMadison once collectedoldthingsfromher friendsand neighbors ,She made

8、some money 8 sellingthem Withthe money 。 she 9 lots of toys, shoesand clothesforthepoorchildreninAfricaMadisonalsostarteda JustGivingpageon theInternet She10morepeopletodonate money online She believedthat shecould help more people。1 A toysBclothesCshoesD money2 A WhichB WhenC WhyD How3 A opinionBid

9、eaCarticleD exam4 A cryBrunCperformD stand5 A put awayBgave awayCran awayD went away6 A clearlyB successfully C 1oudlyD carefully7 A moreBlessCbetterD worse8 A fromBbyCwithD through9 A soldBboughtC borrowedD collected10 A encouragedBrefusedC stoppedD regretted( 三 )A tired traveler was riding his hor

10、se the whole dayl he saw a shady grove( 小樹林 ) of trees He2thehorseand afterlettingthehorseeat the grassnearby ,he lay down under a shady treeAfter a few hours, the traveler woke up and saw that his horse was3。 Hesearched around the grove butcouldnot 4hishorse He saw a strong sticklyingon theground N

11、ow, he knew that 5musthave stolenhishorse He picked thestickand started walking towards the nearby villageHewent tothevillages 6 Then he waved the stickand shouted “ Who hasstolen my horse? Whoever has done this must 7my horse or I will do what I haddone in the market last time”Byhisloudvoice , thet

12、hiefgot8 He brought the horseand handed itovertothetravelerand asked ina whisper ,“ What did you do lasttimewhen yourhorse9?”The traveler smiled and said,“ Oh! I bought 10horse in the city”1 A sinceBwhenC althoughD while2 A got upBturned offCtook offD got off3 A missingBillChungryD asleep4 A rideBfi

13、ndCfeedD 1eave5 A anybodyBnobodyC somebodyDeverybody6 A marketBbankCschoolD poo17 A sendBreturnCborrowD train8 A scaredB tiredC excitedD annoyed9 A stoleB is stolenC was stealingDwas stolen10 A otherB the otherC anotherD others( 四 )Oncea 1azy rabbit named Monu livedin a forestHe neverdid l workat ho

14、meHewalkedand hopped ( 跳躍 ) slowlyHe never reachedanywherein time 2 hewas slowand lazy His parentsalways 3 him,“ Son, your lazinesswillmake you suffer oneday Please change this bad habit”But Monu never paid attention to their4 He did not change his bad habitof lazinessOne day Monu was 5 under a shad

15、y tree Some other rabbits were playingnearby Just then another rabbit, named Sonu, saw a wolf coming down the path Hewent totheother rabbitsand said ,“ Friends1et us run away The wolfiscominghere He will 6us up”All the rabbits heard him and7 Sonu tried to wake up Monu but he said,“Oh! The wolf is st

16、ill 8from here Let me sleep 9longer”Sonuwent awaySoon the wolfcame to the spot Monu couldnot run away intime Thewolf jumped upon him and killed him So the Monu lost his 10because of hislaziness.1 A someB anyC manyD much2 A becauseBsoC butD and3 A praisedBaskedC warnedDminded4 A ideaBplanC actionD ad

17、vice5 A shoutingBcryingClyingD jumping6 A dressBeatCgiveD put7 A ran offB took offC turned offD fell off8 A differentB oppositeC freeD far9 A 1ittleB fewCa littleD a few10 A wayB1ifeC directionD mind( 五 )Doyou know what“ pay itforward” means? Itsnotpayingforsomething1youbuy it“ Paying it forward” is

18、 to do something2for another person for noreason Then that person can do3nice for someone else,too You may think it doesnt seem like much 4 this kind act can spread reallyfast EarlythisDecember, a womanwas 5 McDonaldsinFlorida US She alsoboughtthe next persons mealWell , that person did the6thing, a

19、nd the next persondid too Soon, 250 people bought meals for7 person!Youcan“pay it forward”by doingsomethingextra nice foranyone aroundyouJust8 little things, like helping your mom clean the9without her asking It canmake a persons dayThen, ask them to do three kind things 10 someone else。In this way

20、, anyone can make the world a better place1 A beforeB afterC whenD while2 A helpfulB kindC niceD happy3 A anythingB somethingC nothingD everything4 A SoB OrC AndD But5 A buyingB sellingC makingD asking6 A 1ittleBsameC bigD different7 A otherBthe otherCanotherD the others8 A 1ook atBcare forCwork out

21、D 1ook for9 A houseBstreetCschoo1D classroom10 A withBforCaboutD without( 六 )A good friend of mine, Gabriel , had a smallfarm ina little town He only hada cow and dreamed about having a large cattle ranch (畜牧場)He once told his father,“ Dad, I would like to have that1 over there 2can I get it?”His fa

22、ther3 him to go and talk to the landowner to see how they could gettheland Gabriel replied,“ But we dont havethe4” His father said,“ Donot worry ; go and talk to him”Severalyearshave passedand rightnow Gabrielnotonly owns thelandbutownsa Theme Park that includes 5 cows, a small zoo, and much more fu

23、n for the wholefamily enjoymentA year ago, when the park was already attracting a huge number of tourists,Gabriels wife Sarah had a dream“ I want to 6 the biggest cow in the world”she saidThey called a friend of mine, Manuel Hernandez, for this task In three dayshe had plans for the whole project Th

24、en they asked,“ How much will it 7?”Manuelsaiditwas a lotofmoney“ 8 willloan ( 貸款 ) us thatmoney tobuilda Cow”, they thought Butthemanager of the bank trustedthem and lent them moneyLastOctober ,La Manuela,thebiggestcow in theworldwas opened to the public Itis9 meterstalland 16 meters long The cow a

25、ctuallyeatsyou and you can travel9the cow learning how grass is turned into milk 10, you come down from theudder ( 乳房 ) of the cow completing a 17 minute magical ride inside the cow1 A roomB 1andC farmD house2 A WhyB WhereC WhatD How3 A encouragedBorderedCstoppedD refused4 A planBplaceCmoneyDwish5 A

26、 several hundred ofB one hundredsC one hundreds ofDseveral hundreds of6 A buyBbuildCfeedD see7 A costBpayCtakeD spend8 A SomebodyBEverybodyC NobodyDAnybody9 A nearBoutsideC byD inside10 A From now onBAt lastC Just henD At first( 七 )Itwas the Christmas of1961 Iwas teachingina smalltown in Ohio , US T

27、here my 27 third graders looked forward to Christmas Day allof them except one little girl Il what would happen to this quiet child, onceso happy , now so sad Ihoped the 2 wouldmake her happy Alterallshe was onlya kid But3didChristmas Day finally cameWe were excited Through it all she sat quietlywat

28、chingI had made a special bag for her, I wanted very much to see her 4,She opened the package so slowly and carefully I waited5she turned awayAfterschoolthe childrenleftinlittlegroups but she walkedalone , watchingthem go outthe door Whenshe came to meshe gave me a smallwhitebox“ For 6 ?”I asked She

29、 saidnothing, butnodded her head I opened itThere was a goldenchain( 鏈子 ) in the box In a flash I knew she had made it for her mother a mother shewould7see again, a mother who would never hold her or brush her hair or sharea funny story with her ever again Her mother8 three weeks agoI held out the c

30、hain“ Maria it is so beautiful She would have loved it”Neither of us could stop the9 She stumbled (蹣跚 ) into my arms And for thatmoment Ibecame her 10, forshe had givenme thegreatestgiftsof all: hertrustand love1 A knewBthoughtC 1earnedD wondered2 A festivalB giftC gameDstory3 A nothingB everythingC

31、 anyoneDsomething4 A gradeB giftC smileD surprise5 A andBorC ifD but6 A meBherChimD you7 A alwaysB sometimesC neverDseldom8 A went byB passed away C set offD moved away9 A storyB happyC timeDtears10 A friendB sisterC motherD teacher( 八 )Iwas drivingby myselfon a hot summer day when therewas somethin

32、g wrong withmy car I knew I was in 1 Luckily , I was on the top of a hill and rolled downinto a small village I stopped there and thought,“ Wow, what am I going to donow?” It was 11 pm, dark , and I was 2Rightwhen Iwas startingto panic( 恐慌 ) , a truck pulledup and thedriverasked3theproblemwas I told

33、him whathad happened and he said,“ Dont worry, my brother owns aparts store I11 get him to4the store for you”“ No,itstoo5,” Isaid ,“ Hes probablysleepingand I dont want to6him up for a stranger in need of acar partTheman said ,“ Come on, he wont 7 .” Hisbrother, who had been sleeping,immediatelyjump

34、ed outofbed, gotinthe truckwithus, opened thestore, and foundthe part for meItriedtopay them8theirhelp buttheyrefused “ ThatsOK Glad we couldhelp! Maybe you can help 9somedayIll10forget those wordsThese two men are “ everyday heroes”1 A peaceB troubleC dangerD need2 A happyB nervousC boredD worried3

35、 A whereB howC whatD who4 A sellB openC buildD 1ock5 A 1ateB darkC earlyD bad6 A bringB takeC wakeD give7 A careB standC hearD mind8 A withB forC onD at9 A someone elseBelseanyone C else someoneDanyoneelse10 A everB alwaysC hardlyD never( 九 )Which word do you like can or cant 7 Whatever my mother to

36、ld or asked me todo was always1by my words“ I cant ” Very few tasks or goals that I2 todo were ever completed“ Iwant you toreadthisarticle”Mother began“ Itsabout Marlo Thomas She tells 3 a simple poem changedherlife She went fromsaying I cant to4 Accordingto thisarticleshe was able to5herlife,and he

37、r career,by learning the lessons in the poemIthoughtitmust be greattobe Marlo!Beside her photo was the poem my motherhad spoken of, a simple poem called“ I can”“ I want you to6that poem” Mother said“ Mom” I complained“ I cant learn that poem Its too 7!”“ Its not too long and yesyou can learn it I wa

38、nt you to know it perfectlyby this time tomorrow?!盜dropped my shoulders, turnedand made my way back to my bedroom 8 the magazinein my hand With a heavy heart I lay on my bed and began my task“ Cant is a word thatisthe9ofambition( 雄心 ) ,” I began Irepeated thesentence I repeated it again and again un

39、til I memorized it“ An enemy waitingto jump on your strength of will ” I10until the following eveningwhen Iproudly recited the poem that has continued to be my motto (座右銘)Ms Thomas did not know me, but her story changed my life forever1 A refusedB completedC followedDforgot2 A went backB set outC we

40、nt onDset up3 A howBwhenC whatD that4 A I willB I doC I canD I may5 A trainB. holdC reachD change6 A memorizeB readC forgetDmanage7AdifficultBlongCboringDmeaningless8 A withoutB atC onDwith9 A enemyB friendC teacherD father10 A readB stoppedC continuedD finished( 十 )InChina , Teachers Day is on Sept

41、 10 Itis a day to showrespectand appreciation( 感謝 ) to teachers Inthe USA,thereis also a day which is set1 teachers Its called TeacherAppreciationDayIn fact,US schoolsappreciatetheir 2thewholefirstweek inMay Teacher AppreciationDay fallson theTuesday of that weekDuring the whole week, American schoo

42、ls3host (主辦 ) special parties fortheirteachersThey giveteachers giftsand snacks They also 4 some“ Thank you ”signs on the school wallsAmerican students usually give small gifts to their teachers They want to5their appreciation to them They also want to tell their teachers how great6are Itisa good id

43、eatogivesome 7orsnacks to teachers For example , an appleisOKAnotherpopulargiftis a thank-youcard US teacherslove such a smallcard8its heartfelt (真誠的 ) and meaningful Whats more, the card is 9 tomake Every student can make it Students dont need to 10 much money for thethank-you card Do you want to make a thank-you card ? Just try1 A forB withC underDas2 A parentsB teachersC studentsD relatives3 A

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