
聚焦新中考英語大一輪復習講義 第8課 八年級上冊 Units 12課件

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1、第8課 八年級上冊UNITS 12 1. health 觀察思考 So you see, I look after my health. 因此你看,我照顧好我的健康。 . but Im pretty healthy. 但是我很健康。 歸納拓展 health名詞,意為“健康”。 healthy形容詞,意為“健康的”。 相關短語:keep healthystay healthykeep fitbe in good health 保持健康。重點詞匯與短語重點詞匯與短語 即學即用1: (1)Eating less meat is good for our . (2)To be in good heal

2、th, we should eat less meat and more vegetables.(改為同義句) We should eat less meat and more vegetables .healthto keep healthy 2. until 觀察思考 I study late every night, sometimes until 2 am. 我每天晚上都學得很晚,有時直到凌晨兩點。 He didnt leave until her family came. 他直到她的家人來了才離開。 I waited till he came back. 我一直等到他回來。歸納拓展u

3、ntil 用于肯定句中,主句中的謂語動詞通常是延續(xù)性動詞,表示主句 的謂語所表示的動作一直延續(xù)到狀語表示的時間為止。not. until 意為“直到才”。主句中的謂語動詞通常是非延續(xù)性動詞,此謂語動詞所表示的動作一直到狀語表示的時間才發(fā)生。注:untiltill, 但用于句首時,只能用until,不能用till。 即學即用2: ( )I wont believe that the fiveyearold boy can read magazines _ I test him myself. A. if B. when C. after D. untilD 3. hardly 觀察思考 I ha

4、rdly ever exercise. 我?guī)缀醪诲憻挕?歸納拓展 hardly副詞,意為“幾乎不”。 hardly 為不含有not 的否定詞,通常位于行為動詞前,系動詞、助動詞或情態(tài)動詞后。 注:hardly 不是hard 的副詞形式。hardly 表頻率(5%)。有關頻率的詞還有:never 0%, sometimes 40%, often 60%, usually 90%, always 100%。 即學即用3: (1)His story is hardly true, it? 他的故事幾乎不是真的,是嗎? (2)I can believe the news. 我?guī)缀醪荒芟嘈胚@個消息。is

5、hardly 4. try 觀察思考 Parents are trying to plan their kids lives for them. 父母們正試圖為他們的孩子計劃人生。 We should try our best to protect the environment. 我們應該盡力保護環(huán)境。 He is trying finishing the work by himself. 他正試著獨自完成這項工作。 Can I try on the dress? 我可以試穿一下這件裙子嗎? I want to have a try. 我想要嘗試一下。歸納拓展try 動詞,意為“試圖,設法,

6、努力”。try to do sth. 意為“試圖去做某事”, try ones best to do sth.盡力去做某事。try doing sth. 意為“嘗試著去做某事”。try on 意為“試穿”,on是副詞,代詞須放在on之前。have a try 意為“嘗試一下”。 即學即用4: ( )(1)Scientists are now trying _ robots look like people. A. making B. to make C. make D. to making ( )(2)Why not _ it in another way? A. try doing B. t

7、ry to doing C. try do D. try doesBA 5. different 觀察思考 New robots will have many different shapes. 新的機器人將會有很多不同的形狀。 Her lifestyle is different from Lucys. 她的生活習慣與露絲的不一樣。 Can you tell the difference(s) between the twins? 你能分辨出這雙胞胎之間的不同嗎? 歸納拓展 different 形容詞,意為“不同的”,后接可數名詞的復數形式。 be different from 與不同,注:

8、前后兩個比較對象應一致。 difference(s) between.and. 與的不同。 即學即用5: (1)The twins are in the same school, but they are in different (班級) (2)The weather in Beijing is that in London. 北京的天氣與倫敦的天氣不一樣。classesdifferent from重點句型 1. How often do you exercise? 典例體驗 How often do you go home? 你多久回家一次? Twice a month. 一個月兩次。 H

9、ow long do you practice English every day? 你每天練習多長時間英語? About an hour. 大約一個小時。 How soon will you come back? 你多久后回來? In two days. 兩天后。歸納拓展how often 表示“多長時間一次”,用來提問在某段時間內進行某個動作的次數,答語通常是表頻率的副詞(sometimes, never等)或短語(once a week, three times a year等)。how long 用來提問“時間的長短”,答語通常是一段時間。how soon 提問的是“多久”,即某一動作

10、要多長時間后才能完成,常用于一般將來時中,答語常用“in一段時間”來表示。 即學即用6: (1) do you visit your uncle? Once or twice a month. (2) has he lived here? Hes lived here for five years. (3) will he finish his work? In three hours.How oftenHow longHow soon 2. Whats the matter? Im not feeling well. 典例體驗 Whats the matter with you?你怎么啦?

11、I have a toothache. 我牙疼。 歸納拓展 Whats the matter with you? Whats the trouble with you? Whats wrong with you?意為“你怎么啦”? well 形容詞,意為“身體好”。fine / healthy / fit 即學即用7: ( )(1)I hope you can feel _ soon. A. wellB. badC. badlyD. good ( )(2)_? I have a sore throat. A. Whats matter B. Whats the wrong C. Whats t

12、he matter D. Whats trouble AC 3. Its important to eat a balanced diet. 典例體驗 It is necessary that students learn to help each other. 學生學會互 相幫助是非常必要的。 It is important to be careful with fire. 謹慎對待煙火是很重要的。 It is important not to give fish too much food. 不要給魚喂食太多,這一點很重要。 He is so smart, its easy for him

13、 to work it out. 他很聰明,對他來說解出這道題很容易。歸納拓展表達對某事的看法或感受的句式有:It isadj.that從句 意為“怎么樣?!盜t isadj.(not)to do sth. 意為“(不)做某事怎么樣”。表達對某人做某事的看法用:It isadj.for sb.to do sth. 意為“對某人來說做某事是”。 即學即用8: (1)參加游泳俱樂部是很有趣的。 It is to join the swimming club. (2)你總是遲到是不對的。 It is not that you are always school. (3)對學生們來說學會怎樣面對困難是

14、必要的。 necessary students how to face the difficulty. interestingrightlate forItsforto learn易混辨異 1. maybe, may be 觀察思考 Maybe Im not very healthy. 可能我不是非常健康。 It may be in your inside pocket. Maybe it is in your inside pocket. 也許在你里邊的口袋里。 歸納拓展 maybe副詞,意思是“可能”,常位于句首,相當于另一副詞perhaps。 may be是“情態(tài)動詞may be”構成的

15、謂語部分,意思是“也許是”,“可能是”。 即學即用9: ( )(1)I cant find my CDs. _ you put it in that bag. A. Must B. May be C. Maybe D. May ( )(2)John _ in the office, but Im not sure. A. maybe B. may be C. must be D. can be CB 2. ago, before 觀察思考 It started three days ago. 它是三天前開始的。 I got there before five hours. 我五小時前到達那里。

16、 Ive never read such an interesting book before. 我以前從未看過這么有趣的書。歸納拓展ago置于“時間段”后,只用于一般過去時,表示從現在算起的一段時間以前。before置于“時間段”前,可用于一般過去時或過去完成時。before后接“時間點”可用于任何時態(tài)。before可單獨使用,置于句尾。 即學即用10: ( )(1)He came back to his hometown five years _. A. before B. after C. ago D. later ( )(2)He always sleeps late, he neve

17、r goes to bed _ nine oclock. A. before B. after C. ago D. later ( )(3)They have ever been there _. A. before B. after C. ago D. laterCAA 3. sometimes, some times, sometime, some time 觀察思考 I sometimes go to school in my fathers car. 我有時坐我爸的車上學。 I have seen the movies some times. 這部電影我已經看了幾次了。 He will

18、 come sometime next week. 他下周某個時候會來。 The boy sat there and waited for you for some time. 這男孩坐那兒等你一會兒了。歸納拓展sometimesat times為頻率副詞,意為“有時”, 表動作發(fā)生的不經常性。some times 意為“幾次”, time此處為可數名詞,意為“次數”。sometime 副詞,表“在某時;有朝一日”,指將來或過去的一個不確定的時間。some time 指“一段時間”,time此處為不可數名詞,意為“時間”??谠E:有s是有時,有時分開好幾次;無s是某時,某時分開是一段。 即學即用

19、11: (1)Try your best, your dream will come true in the future. (2)The telephone has rung , why not answer it? (3)They had discussed the problem for , but they still couldnt solve it. (4)Usually I ride to work, but I walk.sometimesome timessome timesometimes 4. much too, too much, too many 觀察思考 Its m

20、uch too hot. 天太熱。 There is too much water on the floor. 地板上有很多水。 Some old people think the little kids get too many gifts. 一些老人認為小孩子得到的禮物太多了。歸納拓展much too意思是“太”。much是用來加強too的,后接形容詞或副詞。too much意思是“太多的”。too是用來加強much的,后加不可數名詞。too many后接可數名詞復數形式,同義于too much。 即學即用12: (1)The young man drove fast. Its dange

21、rous. (2)Playing computer games is bad for your eyes.much tootoo much 5. problem, question 觀察思考 My problem is to learn how to get on well with others. 我的問題是學會如何與別人相處。 We can solve a problem by learning to forget. 我們可以通過學習忘記來解決問題。 The question is too easy for me to answer. 這問題對我來說太容易回答了。歸納拓展都是名詞,意為“問

22、題”。problem常和困難聯(lián)系,前面的動詞常為solve或短語think about。question常和疑問聯(lián)系,多與動詞ask, answer連用。 即學即用13: ( )(1)Can I ask you some _ about yourself? A . questions B. problems C. difficulties D. hard ( )(2)I have a _ getting to the top of the Mountain Tai. A. question B. problem C. difficulty C. trouble AB對點訓練. 用所給詞的適當形

23、式填空 hardlysizemaybedifferentago 1. Look! The kites in the sky are in different . Some are big and some are small. 2. Life in the countryside is quite from that in modern cities. 3. His eyesight is too poor. He can see anything. 4. I came to Canada two years . 5. Ben will visit China with his parents

24、 next week.sizesdifferenthardlyagoMaybe . 單項選擇 ( )1. Do you often go to the gym? No, _. I dont like sports at all.(2011濱州) A. always B. never C. sometimes D. usually 解析:考查副詞辨析。下文:我根本不喜歡運動。判斷 “never從不”為正確選項。B ( )2. The sweater is very nice. Ill take it. But youd better _ first. I think it is a little

25、 large for you.(2011濱州) A. pay for it B. put it on C. put it off D. try it on 解析:考查動詞短語辨析。下文:對你來說,它可能有點兒 大。判斷應“try on試穿”。D ( )3. _ do you go to the English club? Once a week.(2011溫州) A. How old B. How often C. How much D. How many 解析:考查疑問副詞。答句“Once a week一周一次”表示 頻率。故選B。B ( )4. Youd better not eat to

26、o much salt. Its bad for your health. _.(2011寧波) A. Not at all B. Youre welcome C. It doesnt matter D. Thanks for your advice 解析:考查交際用語。上文句意:你最好不要吃太多鹽, 它對你的健康有害處。對別人的關心要表示感謝。 故選D。D ( )5. She _ know the answer, but Im not sure. (2011長沙) A. maybe B. may be C. may D. must 解析:考查副詞?!癐m not sure我不確定”判斷“她可

27、能知 道”。may表示可能推測,后接動詞原形。故選C。C ( )6. You look worried. Whats your _? I have trouble learning English. A. name B. question C. problem D. job 解析:考查名詞辨析。下文:我在學英語方面有困難。 判斷:你有什么問題(需要解決)嗎?question指用來 回答的問題,problem指用來解決的問題。故選C。C ( )7. _ will you come back? In an hour. A. How soon B. How often C. How far D. H

28、ow long 解析:考查疑問副詞。對于“In an hour一小時后”的詢問 通常用how soon。A ( )8. We are going to have a party _ next week. A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times 解析:考查短語辨析。句意:下周的某個時間我們打算開 個晚會。sometime某個時刻。故選D。 A ( )9. Do you enjoy traveling by air? No, its _ expensive. A. too much B. more much C. much D. mu

29、ch too 解析:考查詞義辨析。much too修飾形容詞。意為“太”。D ( )10. You look a bit green, Ann. Whats wrong? _. Im sorry to hear that. A. Im pleased B. Im happy C. I feel sick D. Im bored 解析:考查習慣用語。green綠色,You look a bit green指 人的氣色不好。A、B不對;下文Im sorry to hear that. 判斷應選C。 C ( )11. Many students didnt realize the importanc

30、e of study _ they left school. A. when B. until C. as D. after 解析:考查連詞。固定句式not.until. 直到才。 B ( )12. What do you think of the football match we will have tomorrow? _difficult for us _ the match. A. Were;to win B. Were; winning C. Its;to win D. Its;winning 解析:考查固定句式。Its形容詞for sb.to do sth. 對某人來說做怎么樣。故

31、選C。C寫作訓練 感悟提升 (2011廣州)最近,你班就“你的理想職業(yè)”展開了一次調查。下表是你們小組的情況,請根據表格內容寫一篇英語短文,向英語??陡濉=M員組員理想職業(yè)理想職業(yè)原因原因MaryMary時裝設計師時裝設計師(fashion designer)(fashion designer)喜歡漂亮衣服,擅長繪畫喜歡漂亮衣服,擅長繪畫Kate Kate 園藝工園藝工(gardener)(gardener)喜愛植物,想讓城市更美喜愛植物,想讓城市更美Mike Mike 作家作家愿意與別人分享精彩故事愿意與別人分享精彩故事TomTom廚師廚師為別人煮健康美味的食物為別人煮健康美味的食物你你?

32、注意:1. 詞數80左右(短文的開頭和結尾已給出,不計入詞數);2. 不得透露學校、姓名等任何個人信息,否則不予評分。 Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students ideal jobs. Heres a report about my group members ideas. . Hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future.思路點撥 這是篇有關未來職業(yè)的調查。短文開頭與結尾已給出。正文部分只須進行逐一介紹。介紹可分兩部分。第一

33、部分介紹同學們的理想職業(yè)是什么;第二部分說明原因。注意要用不同的句式表達。 參考句式 be good at make.more beautiful share.with sb. cook.for others want to be would like to be/do. like doing. 參考答案 Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students ideal jobs. Heres a report about my group members ideas. Mary wants to be a

34、 fashion designer because she likes beautiful clothes and is good at drawing. Kate wants to be a gardener. She likes plants. She wants to make the cities better. Mike would like to be a writer. Hed like to share his wonderful stories with others. Tom would like to be a cook. Hed like to cook delicious food for others. I would like to be a policeman. I want to protect the people from danger. Hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future.完成考點跟蹤訓練 8

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