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1、第 1 頁譯林 6 年級上冊英語期末復習6A Unit 1 The ki ngs new clothes一. Words:magic 有魔力的,神奇的 clever 聰明的 foolish 愚蠢的child孩子through 穿過 laugh 笑大笑 wear 穿 tell 講,敘述 hard 努力地,費勁地 each 每個 say說 sentence 句子 quick 迅速的,快的next 下一個 little 小的,年幼的turn 機會think 想思考二. Phrases:long long ago 很久以前turn into 變成 one day 一天 try on 試穿walk th

2、rough 走過at 看Point at 指著laugh at 嘲笑look after 照顧in the street 在街上on the moun ta in 在山上in the house 在房子里in the forest 在森林里make new clothes 做新衣服三. Sentences:1.L ong long ago,there was a king. 很久以前,有一個皇帝。2.0 ne day,two men visited the ki ng. 天,兩個男人拜訪了皇帝。3.The king was happy. 皇帝很高興。4.What beautiful cloth

3、es!多么漂亮的衣服?。?.The two men showed the ki ng his new clothes.那兩個男人給皇帝展示了他的新衣服。6.Miss Fox and her stude nts are play ing a game.第 2 頁狐貍老師正在和她的學生們玩游戲四 . Grammer:1.概念 在過去某個時間里發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài):過去習慣性或經常性的動作、行為。2.時間狀語ago,yesterday,the day before yesterday,laWeek(year, ni ght,m onth),989,justnow,long long ago,onc

4、e upon a time.3.肯定句主語 +行為動詞(過去式) +其他。例如: I was born in 1998. 我在 1998 年出生。My gran dfather died last year 我(外)祖父去年去世了。4.否定句:主語+didn 行+為動詞(原形)+其他。例如: He didn dto his homework yesterday. 他昨天沒有做他的家庭作業(yè)。I didn ktnow you were here. 我不知道你在這兒。6.一般疑問句Did+主語+行為動詞(原形)+其他?肯定回答:Yes 主語+did.否定回答:No,主語+didn t.例如: -Di

5、d you go to the zoo last week? 你上周去動物園了嗎?-Yes,I did. 是的,我去了。7.動詞過去式的規(guī)則變化和一些不規(guī)則變化第 2 頁構成方法:1)一般在動詞詞尾直接加-ed. help-helped,clean-cleaned, visit-visited,show-showed, walk-walked, look-looked, shout-shouted, poin t-po in ted2)以不發(fā)音的字母 e 結尾的動詞,在詞尾直接加-d.live-lived,move-moved, like-liked,3)以輔音字母加 y 結尾的動詞,變 y

6、為 i,再加-ed. study-studied,cry-cried4)以一個元音字母加一個輔音字母結尾的重讀閉音節(jié)動詞,先雙寫末尾的輔音字母,再力口 -ed. plan-planned,stop-stopped不規(guī)則變化(特殊記憶):am/is-was, are-were, go-we nt, meet-met,see-saw, do-did, get-got, read-read一、選出不同類的一項。(10 分)()1.A.foolishB.cleverC.man()2.A.ki ngB.clothesC.boy()3.A.likeB.wasC.were()4.A.shoutB.lookC

7、.walked()5.A.visitedB.laughC.showed_、英漢互譯。(10 分)1.很久以前_2.想起_3變成 -5. 一個老人-7. laugh at4. 看.6. point at9. make new clothes三、用所給詞的適當形式填空。(10 分)1. Long long ago,there(be) a lion.第 3 頁10. one day 一第6頁2. One day,two(ma n)visited the king.3. She can(make)clothes.4. The king isn wearing(some)clothes.5. There

8、(was) a lot of people in the street.四、用適當的介詞填空。(10 分)1. My fan ther ofte n makes new clothesme.2. Please trythe new clothes.3. He walkedthe city yesterday.4. Alittleboy pointedthe king and laughed.B.with5. The lion turneda prince.五、選擇填空。(20 分))1.Therea lio n and a dog in the forest.A.wasB.wereC.are)

9、2.One day, a manthe king.A.visitB.seeC.visited)3.Foolish people canthe magic clothes.A.seesB.seeC.to see)4.The ki ng walked through the cityhis new clothes.A.onB.atC.in)5.TheTV.A.watchB.watchedC. towatch)6.She livedher pare nts.C.atA.in第7頁some ani mals in the zoo.(A.isB.areC.was()8.Mary likesnice cl

10、othes.(A.weari ngB.wearC.wears)9.This is_ Amreican boy.A.aB.anC./)10.Y esterday after noon,lA.getB.to getC.gotbecome wi ndy and cloudy 變得既有風又有云in the sky 在空中 blackclouds 烏云br ing some dumpli ngs 帶 些餃子the New Year 新年some in terest ing parrot些有趣的鸚鵡some an ts 一些螞蟻hungry and wet 又餓又潮濕)7.Therea card from

11、 my frie nd.一.單詞:sunny 晴朗的weather 天氣cloudy 多云的bee 蜜蜂 meet遇見二. 短語:6A Unit 2show 展覽,展示become 變成,成為high 在高處cloud 云lose 丟失in the moring/ after noon 在上午 / 下go to the park by bike 騎自行車去公園What a day!interesting 有趣的,有意思的windy 有風的honey 蜂蜜drink 飲料ant 螞蟻十工rainy 多雨的rain 下雨know 知道fly kites high 放風箏放的高a parrot sh

12、ow 鸚鵡展覽第 6 頁A. It was sunny in the morning. 早上天氣晴朗。B. What happened? 發(fā)生了什么事?C. Whatsthe matter? 怎么了?(詢問身體狀況)D. We saw ma ny in terest ing parrots.我們看見了許多有趣的鸚鵡。E. But it wasnwtindy in the park.F. What a day! 真是多變的一天!G. Well done! 做得好!3.形容詞可以修飾名詞,一般放在名詞的前面女口: It assunny morning 是一個晴朗的上午。4形容詞用于系動詞(be,g

13、et,look)的后面,用來說明主語的特征女口: It was rainy yesterday 昨天是個下雨天。lose my new kite 丟失了我的新風箏fly high 飛得高near the hill 在小山附近hold onto 抓緊 goswimming 去游泳 have apicnic 野餐 look sad 看起來傷心 三重要句型climb up the hill 爬上小山fly away 飛走 watch a film看電影do the housework 做家務cheer together 一起慶祝但是公園里沒有風四 語法點:1. 表示天氣的形容詞 warmcoolho

14、tcoolrainy snowy2. 形容詞的用法:第 7 頁5.形容詞可以和副詞連用,由于副詞的強調作用,所表達的意思更深一層如: The jacket is too small for me .這件夾克衫對我來說太小了。2. 描述過去天氣的句型 -It was+ 表示天氣的形容詞 +其他。Eg: It was sunny in the morning . 早上天氣晴朗。 在描述天氣時,我們可以用 it來代指天氣。因為描述的是過去的天氣,所以動詞用 was 后面接表示天氣的形容詞。Eg: It was cold in Chan gchu n last wi nter 去年冬天長春很冷。3.

15、動詞過去式的不規(guī)則變化flyflew ,grow-grew,draw-drew,sing-sang,drink-drank,give-gave,sit-sat,begin-began,swim-swam,run-ran,get-got,forget-forgot, read-read,put-put,write-wrote,is/am-was,are-were,do/does-did,have/has-had,eat-ate,go-went,make-made,see-saw,tell-told,take-took,buy-bought,catch-caught, teachtoughtfin

16、d-found,hear-heard,meet-met,say-said,sleep-slept,sweep-swept,stand-stood,steal-stole,think-thought, will-would,speak-spoke,feel-felt,come-came4. 1) be 動詞的過去時的肯定句式,結構為:主語 +was/were+其他。Eg: The girl was in the zoo last Sun day .那個女孩上個星期天在動物園。There were some bananas on the table this mo r n i n g .今天早上桌

17、子上有一些香蕉。2)be 動詞的過去時的一般疑問句式,結構為:was/were+主語+其他+ ?be第 7 頁Eg: Was the girl in the zoo last Sun day?那個女孩上個星期天在動物園嗎?Were there any bananas on the table this morning?A. toB. forC. with5. Ia parrot and played with it.C. sawA. seeingB. see1二.It用所給單詞的正確形式填空 y hot last month.2. I(bring ) some apples to the pa

18、rk yesterday.第 8 頁今天早上桌子上有一些香蕉嗎?3)be 動詞的過去時的否定句式,結構為:主語 +was/were+not+其他。Eg: The girl was nt in the zoo last Sun day.那個女孩上個星期天沒在動物園。There werenatny bananas on the table this morning.今天早上桌子上沒有一些香蕉。6. 實義動詞的過去時的肯定句式,結構為:主語+動詞的過去式 +其他。Eg: We saw many in terest ing parrots.我們看見了許多有趣的鸚鵡。We watered flowers

19、 this morning. 我們今天早上澆花了。He climbed the mountains yesterday 他 昨天爬山了。單項選擇)O1. It_s_today.A. 20 SeptemberB. 20st September C. 20thSeptember2. Jackto schoolbike .C. goes; inA. goes; byB. go; by3. Theresome honey on the bread.A. wereB. wasC. are4. Itesleven thirty . Ittismelunch.3. It _s(wind ) today.第

20、9 頁4.Well _ ( do ) , Lily.5.Let _s_ (cheer ) together.6A Unit 3 Holiday fun1.四會:star 星星Bund 外灘bottle 瓶子2. 短語:come back to school 回到學校National Day 國慶節(jié)visit his aunt 探望他的阿姨go to the Bund 去外灘visit the Shanghai Museum 參觀上海博物館great fun 十分有趣many interesting things 許多有趣的事物go to the farm 去農場pick some orange

21、s 摘橙子go fishing 去釣魚live in 居住在catch a big fish 捉了一條大魚Palace Museum 故宮Great Wall 長城Summer Palace 頤和園Tian anmSenquare 天安門廣場the Easter holiday 復活節(jié)假期the Summer holiday 暑假the Christmas holiday 圣誕假期come home late 回家晚了go well 進展順利at first 起初 heavy rain 大雨fashion show 時裝秀慣用表達:Holiday 假期 call 打電話excited(某人 )

22、感到興奮的interesting(某事或某物)有趣的paper 紙ask 問第 11 頁2.Oh, that toso bad! 哦,那太糟糕了!3.What great fun! 多么有趣 !4.want to do sth = would like to do sth 想要去做某事5.call + 人稱賓格(me/ him/ her/ you/ us/ them)打電話給.6.人稱+ be excited about +事物 表示某人對. 感到興奮。3 . 動詞過去時:規(guī)則變化: call -called visit -visited pick -picked want -wanted不規(guī)

23、則變化:come -came do -did be -vas / werego -went see -sawcatch -caught eat -atewear -woreget -got did not = didnt4. 句型:1 )What did you do for the holiday? 你假期都做了些什么?I visited the Shanghai Museum. 我參觀了上海博物館。2)Where did you go for the holiday? 假期你去了哪里?3I went to Shanghai and visited my a u nt .我去上海探訪了我的阿

24、姨。4)Where did he go for the holiday? 他假期去了哪里?56)Wadtgoufdonth e 他去你農在那邊都做了些什么?We went to the Bund. 我們去了外灘。) How was your holiday? 你的假期過得怎么樣?It was great fun. 十分有趣。) Did you go fishing? 你去釣魚了嗎?Yes, I did. / No, I didn t.1. That csool. 那很酷。第 14 頁7) Why did you call me?你為什么打我電話?Because I wan ted to giv

25、e you the fish因為我想把魚給你。5語法(含實意動詞的一般過去式四種句式)A.肯定句:主語+動詞的過去式+其他I played football in the park yesterday.2)否定句:主語+助動詞(didn t+動詞原形+其他3The boy didn flya kite last week.4)一般疑問句:助動詞(Did) +主語+動詞原形+其他Did you watch TV at home last ni ght?)特殊疑問句:特殊疑問詞+助動詞(did) +主語+其他Where did you go yesterday? What did he do th

26、ere?一)英漢互譯2. go to the Bund_4.長城_6._最初_ 8. Summer Palace_10. visit his aunt_12 在家_14. 捉魚_二)按照要求寫單詞I.國慶節(jié)_3天安門廣場_55進展順利_7.大雨_9.Palace MuseumII. some in terest ing thi ngs13.摘橙子_15. call me_第 11 頁1._ do (過去式)_ 2.go(三單)_3.were(原形)_第 16 頁3. () What did you doyour holiday?4. (A. toB. withC. for5. () We _

27、in the cinema yesterday.6. (A. wasntB. areC. werent7. () I _ a film last week.C. watchingA.watched B. watch) _ there _ fruit trees on the farm now?.A.Were) - What _ you do last week?-I went to the park _ my parents.A. do, and B. did, and C. did, with8. () The children came back _ school _ the holida

28、y.A. to, atB. to, after C. on, after. () What _ he _ last week?C. did, doA. did, didB. do, did4. catch 過去式)_ 5.wore(原形)_ 6.go (過去式)_7._eight (同音詞)三)選擇題1. () I called _ yesterday afternoon.A. yourB. himC. he2.() -_ did you call me?-Because I wanted to play table tennis with you.A. WhatB. WhyC. Where第

29、 17 頁10.() -Did you visit the Sha nghai Museum? -_A. yes, I am. B. Yes, you did. C. Yes, I did.11.() Sam wants _ swimming with you.四)用所給詞的正式形式填空1. Did you _ (catch) any fish?2. Because I wanted _ (give) you the fish.3. Last Sunday Jim _ (get) home at 4:00.4. They _ (be) happy last holiday.5. I _ (we

30、ar) new clothes yesterday.6. I see a lot of _ (bottle) on the table.7. There _ (be) a heavy rain yesterday.8. The film is _ . Im_in it. (interest)9. _ you _ (have) eggs for breakfast this morning?10. We _ (catch) some fish yesterday.五)用適當的介詞填空。1. Please catch a fish _ me.2. She is excited _ the show

31、.3. It was wonderful _first.12.(13.(A. to goB. goC. went) Did the show goA. goodB. badC. well) Last Saturday wea big fish.A. ateB.eatC. to eat第 14 頁4.1 want an apple_in the tree.5. It he first day_ the holiday.六)按照要求改寫句子。1.1 watched TV last night.(改為一般疑問句)_TV last night?2.We picked lots of apples on

32、 the farm.對劃線部分提問)_ you_ lots of apples?3.There were some cows on the farm.改為一般疑問句并作否定回答)4一_there_ cows on the farmNo,_ .My holiday was great fun.(對劃線部分提問)holiday?6A Unit 4 The n and now二短語:make friends 交朋友 write letters to .寫信給。liste n to the radio 聽收音機buy things from shop 從。買東西_ was.四會:ago 以前use使用

33、teleph one 電話office 辦公室any where 到處隨處radio 收音機n ewspaper 報紙newswatch 觀看(動詞)e-book 電子書 TV 電視still 仍然spell 拼寫,拼讀with 用(介詞) yesterday 昨天the n and now 過去和現在make a sentence 造句子write emails 寫電子郵件tall over the world 全世界第 19 頁do shopp ing 購物call people any where至U處打電話給人們look out f.向。夕卜看read newspaper for ne

34、ws 看報紙獲得新聞make a sentence 造句an e-book 一本電子書a mobile phone 一部手機a newspaper 一張報紙a teleph one部電話 use the telepho ne to call people 用 手機打電話給某人 aradio 一臺收音機wait for 等待 go on 繼續(xù)in the office 在辦公室on the Internet 在網上at home 在家get angry 變得生氣三 動詞過去時:1) am/is -wasare -werecan -could 能,會get -got 取得,獲得2) do-did

35、做 go -went 去 eat -ate 吃see-saw 看見3) fly-flew 飛 take -took 拿走 read-read 讀write-wrote 寫4)use-used 使用listen-listened 聽 buy -bought 買四 句子:1)Six years ago, Mike could read and draw ,but he could not write .六年前麥克能夠讀書畫畫,但他不能寫字。2)-What day is it today ?今天星期幾?-Its Wednesday . 星期三3)What date is it today ? 今天幾

36、號? Its 8th July .是七月八號。4)Can you spell it ?你會拼寫它嗎? Yes I can . No I cant.五 語法 :1)主語+could/couldnt +動詞原形+其他:某人過去能做某事/不能做某事2)Can you + 動詞原形:你能。?on Monday / Tuesday /Wednesday /Thursday / Friday /Saturday /Sunday) 7.He often _ a blue T-Shirt.A. wearB. woreC. wears) 8.I _a pencil from the shopping centr

37、e three days ago.一,英漢互譯1,二十年前 _3.全世界 _55.寫信給_7.tell a story_9.buy things from shops2._ 在辦公室里 _4._ 向.外面看 _6. point at the king _8. look after him _二,選擇題)1.Iten years old six years old .A.wereB. amC.was) 2. Hesing five years ago .A.canB. couldntC.cant) 3.I often write lettersmy friend .A.toB. withC. o

38、f) 4.Look !JackA. Had_ a new mobile phone .B. Have C. Has) 5.Letsthis afternoon .A.B.C.) 6. They didntkites in the park yesterday.A. flyB. flewC. flyingA. boughtB. buyedC. buy第 16 頁第 23 頁( ) 9. He _ sing five years ago .A. can B.couldnt C. cant() 10. I am waiting _ my mother now .A.of B. for C.with

39、三,用所給單詞的適當形式天空。1. Ten years ago, I couldnt_( walk ).2. Now he can _(write ) letters .3. Now Tom _ (have ) e-friends from all over the world .4. Last year , Mary was eleven _(year ) old .5. I _ (buy ) some fish yesterday .四,用適當的介詞填空。1. She bought things _ shops.2. My father listened _the radio .3. Mi

40、ke often does shopping _ the Internet .4. Bobby is looking out _ the window .5. Mr Smith often writes letters _his friends .6A Unit 5 Signs一 Words:sign標識careful 小心,當心mean 意思是floor 地面litter 亂扔垃圾restaurant 飯店,餐廳someone 某人smell 聞到smoke 吸煙 ,抽煙outing 外出游玩,遠足around 在周圍第 24 頁Phrases: shopping centre購物中心tak

41、eint(帶入三.Sentences:1. -What does it mean? 它是什么意思?-It means the floor is wet. 它的意思是小心地滑。2. No eating or drinking. 請勿飲食。3. No littering. 請勿亂丟垃圾。4.No parking. 請勿停車。5. No smoking. 請勿吸煙。6. Danger! 危險!7. Wet floor. 小心地滑。8. You cantatke your juice into the shop, Helen. 你不能把你的果汁帶進店里 ,海倫 .四 . Grammer:1.詢問公共標

42、識含義的句型及其答語-What does it mean? -It means. 注:當我們想詢問公共標識的含義時,可以使用句型“What does it mean?”詢問是由 what 引導的疑問句,作主語的 it 為第三人稱單數,所以助動詞要用 does,且后接動詞原形。如果主語為復數,要將助動詞does 變?yōu)?do.2.祈使句的類型類型 結構肯定句 否定句Do 型 : 動詞原形 +其他 .Clean the blackboard, Dontclean the blackboard,please. 請不要擦黑板 No 型:No+其他No parking.請勿停車。go in 進入,走進wa

43、lk on 繼續(xù)走路第25頁Be 型:Be+表語(名詞或形容詞)+其他Be quiet 保持安靜Don be noisy 不要吵鬧Let 型:Let+賓語 + 動詞原形 + 其他 Let the girl have a rest.Don let the girl have a rest 不要讓這個女孩休息3.如何表達某人不能做某事 主語+can t 動詞原形+其他。句型結構:主語+can動詞原形(swim,sing,danee ) +其他。can 是 cannot 的縮寫形式,意為“不能;不可以”,后接動詞原形,表示不能做某事。它的肯定形式是 can,后接動詞原形,表示“能做某事”。;許可”之

44、意,用來詢問對方是否允許自己做某事。有時可以與may 互換,但 can 多用于口語中,而 may 較為正式。例如:Can I sit here?我可以坐在這里嗎?Can I read your newspaper?我可以看一下你的報紙嗎?除了 can,情態(tài)動詞還有 must,could,may,might,shall,should,will,would 等。A.meansC. meant)4.You can take any food、選擇填空。(20 分)I.The sig nyou can litter here.)2.-Whatthis sig n mean?-It means you

45、can smoke here.A.doB.isC.does)3.-can we put it?Here!.A.HowB.WhereC.Whatcan 還有其他請求法B.meanthe bookshop.第26頁A.aboutB.intoC.for第27頁()5.Pleasestop here.A.cantB.dontC.doesnt二、按要求完成下列各題。(10 分)1.I can see that sign 變成一般疑問句)2.Wet floor.(譯成漢語)345hooking for my bananas.就戈 H 線部分提問).There are on an outing in the

46、 forest 變成一般疑問句 ).You can smoke here.變?yōu)榉穸ň洌?6A Unit 6Keep our city clea n單詞:keep 保護clean 干凈的,整潔的make 使變得air 空氣dirty 臟的smoke 煙霧rubbish 垃圾messy 骯臟的dead 死的bin 垃圾桶plant 種植more 更多的mUseUm博物館throW扔 時果皮 slip 滑倒 fall 摔倒短語:these pictures of our city 這些我們城市的圖片black smoke 黑煙霧第28頁messy andwalk to school 步行上學第 29

47、 頁after school 放學后 clean and beautiful 又干凈又漂亮pick up 拾起,撿起 too late 太晚keep our city clean 保持我們的城市干凈take the bus and the metro to scho o 乘公共汽車和地鐵上學move factories away from our city 把工廠從我們的城市搬走throw a banana ski n on the gro und 把香蕉皮扔在地上重要句型:1. What makes the air /streets dirty?什么使空氣 /街道變臟?-Smoke /Rub

48、bish makes the air /streets dirty 煙霧/垃圾使空氣 /街道變臟。解析:What makesdirty?是用來詢問“.使.變臟了?的句型,回答時視具 體情況而定。2. What can we do to make our city clean ?我們可以做什么保持我們的城市干凈-We can take the bus and the metro to schoo 我們可以乘公共汽車和地鐵上學。3. You shouldn dotthat. 你不能那樣做。4. You should put your rubbish in the bin. 你應當把垃圾放在垃圾桶里

49、。put rubbish in the bin 把垃圾放在垃圾桶里plant more trees 多種樹keep the air clean 保持空氣干凈make the air dirty 使空氣變臟walk home 步行回家 live inthe city 住在城市里make thego to hospital 去醫(yī)院第 30 頁語法點:1. 系動詞 系動詞也稱聯(lián)系動詞,它本身有詞義,后面可直接加形容詞或加上賓語再加形容詞。如: Let kseep our city clean. 讓我們保持我們的城市干凈。Smoke makes the air dirty. 煙霧使空氣變得很臟。It

50、tastes sweet. 它嘗起來真甜。can 的用法 :can 是情態(tài)動詞,沒有人稱和數的變化,它后面的謂語動詞必須用原形。1.肯定句:主語+ can +動詞原形+其他。女口: He can make a kite.他會做風箏。2.否定句:主語+can+動詞原形+其他。女口: She can rte a bike.她不會騎自行車。3. 一般疑問句:Can +主語+動詞原形+其他?其肯定回答是:Yes,can 否定回 答是:No,can t.如:一 Can you play the pia no?你會彈鋼琴嗎? 一 Y es,I can ./No,lcan 是的,我會。/不,我不會。4. 特

51、殊疑問句:特殊疑問句+can + 主語+動詞原形+其他?如:What can you do?你 會做什么?一 選出與其余單詞不同類的選項。()1. A. makeB. dirtyC. clean()2. A. waterB. deadC. airB. moveC. more第 31 頁() 3. A. plantB. fallC. slip() 4. A. bin) 5. A. museumB. skinC. cinema按要求寫單詞第 32 頁I._ clean (反義詞) _2.mess (形容詞)_3._many (比較級)_4.this (復數)_factory(復數)_三英漢短語互譯

52、。1 .一個亂七八糟的房間 _ 2. 保持城市干凈 _3. 步行上學 _4. make the street dirty _5. go to hospital _ 四 單項選擇()1.1 can see smokecars .2. There _ a lot of rubbish in the river.A. isB. areC. was3. -_ , Lily . - Thank you !A. Well doingB. Well done4. I like _ in te big house.C. to livingA. livingB. live5. The book is on th

53、e ground . Please _.A. pick them up B. pick up it6A Unit 7 Protect the EarthWords:四會:A. ofB. forC. fromC. Good doneC. pick it up第 33 頁coal 煤炭earth 地球oil 石油 paper 紙plastic 塑料第 34 頁5.use a lot of energy 使用大量能源7.use wood to make tables 使用木頭做桌子91.use too much plastic 使用太多的塑料 10.many otherthings 很多其他東西11

54、. help keep the air clean 幫助保持空氣清新I3.use paper bags and glass bottle 使 用紙袋子和玻璃瓶14;de bad,cfjeC?做課題有害be good for對 有益.make a poster 做一張海報 17.put itat the school gate 把它放在學校大門上18.save energy節(jié)約能源19.tell sb. about sth. 告訴某人關于某事 20. most of the energy 大多數能源21.reuse sth. to do sth:reuse a plastic bottle to

55、 make a toy 再 利用塑料瓶做一個玩具reuse paper to make a box 再 利用紙做一個盒子wood 木頭 ,木材protect 保護save 節(jié)約useful 有用的energy 能源drive 開車,駕駛gate 大門waste 浪費reuse 再利用三會:much 很多most 大部分other 其他的glass 玻璃project 課題poster 海報Phrases:e from = be from 從來,來自2.in many places 在許多地方4.on earth 在地球上3.cut down too many trees 砍伐太多的樹木6.us

56、e water to clea n tings 用水洗東西8.waste water 浪費水資源12.Earth Day 地球日第 35 頁22et sb. do sth: let me draw some bananas 讓我畫一些香蕉23.collect some plastic bags 收集一些塑料袋Sentences:1,there be 句型There is not much water. 水資源匱乏。There are trees and flowers on earth 地球上有樹和花。2.Wood comes from trees.木材來源于樹木。3.We drink wat

57、er and use water to clean things every day.我們每天都要喝水,用水清洗東西。4.We should not waste water.我們不應該浪費水資源。We should protect the Earth. 我們應該保護地球。5,They put it at the school gate.他們把它張貼在學校門口。6,What a nice poster!二How nice a poster is!多么漂亮的一張海報!7,Most of our energy comes from coal and oil. 我們大多數能源來自煤炭和石油。8,Let

58、 make a poster and tell them about it.我們做張海報告訴他們關于這。Grammar:1.use, want, reuse, come, go, leaver 后跟不定式作目的狀語。Eg: use sth. to do sth.用某物做某事want to do sth. 想做某事come to do sth. 來做某事2,情態(tài)動詞的用法情態(tài)動詞有:can (could), may (might), must, have to, shall (should), will (would),第 36 頁need (needed), ought tc 等。情態(tài)動詞無人

59、稱和數的變化;不能單獨使用,必須與其后的動詞原形構成謂語一、 can, (could 過去式)1)表示能力(體力、知識、技能)。Can you lift this heavy box?(體力)Mary can speak three Ian guages.知識)Can you skate?(技能)Can 只有一般現在時和一般過去式;2)表示請求和允許。-Can I go now? - Yes, you can. / No, youcant.3) 表示客觀可能性(客觀原因形成的能力)。This hall can hold 500 people at least.4) 表示推測 (驚訝、懷疑、不相

60、信的態(tài)度 ),用于疑問句、否定句和感嘆句中Can this be true? How can this be true?This canbte done by him.二、 shall,1) shall 用于第一人稱,征求對方的意見。What shall we do this evening?2)shall 用于第二、三人稱,表示說話人給對方的命令、警告、允諾或威脅。1.You shall fail if you dont work hard.(警告)2.He shall have the book when I finish it.(允諾)3.He shall be puni shed.威

61、脅)三、 should,1) should 表示應該勸告、建議和命令。1. I should help her because she is in trouble.第 37 頁2. You should go to class right away.第 27 頁3. Should I ope n the win dow?3)表示推測should (客觀推測),must (主觀推測)。He must be home by now.斷定他已到家)He should be home by now 不太肯定)3.介詞 in, on, at 在表示時間時的用法區(qū)別1in 時間范圍大(一天以上)如:in

62、Jan uary, in win ter, in 1999; 泛指在上午,下午,晚上,如: in the morning(afternoon, evening). 習慣用法:in the daytime在白天。2on 指在某具體的一天或上午,下午,晚上,如:on Mon day, on Su nday afternoo n, on July 1, 19993at 時間最短,一般表示點時間,如 at six o clockat three thirty. 習慣用法:at night, at noon, at this time ofyear.一、用正確的介詞填空。1,We use water d

63、rink.2,Mike comes _ the UK.3,There is not much energy - Earth.4, Reading in bed is bad_ our eyes.5,Can you tell me something_ _ you school?二、英漢短語互譯。1.- 浪費能源2. 再利用水_ _3.- 砍伐太多的樹木4._ 使用木頭做桌子_ _5. 幫助保持空氣清新 _6把它放在學校大門上-7. ma ny other things-8. collect some plastic bags_ _g.most of the en ergy _0et me dr

64、aw some banan as11 .reuse paper to make a box12._use too much plastic二、用所給單詞的適當形式填空。1,Energy is very(use).2,We use wood(make) desks.3,Therenst(many) energy on Earth.4,We shouldn t(waste) water.5-(keep) the air clea n.,Trees help6(they) about Christmas?Can you tell(be) much(en ergy).8,Tboke Bobby and

65、 Sam(do) a project.9,Lets(make) a poster now.0, Linda starts- (sing).四、單項選擇。()1,We should_the ani mals.A. protect ingB. protects第 28 頁C. protect第 42 頁A. makesB. to makeC. making)4,Look! TheyB. are doing theyB. do their)5,Lily)6,My birthday isA. on 22 JuneB. in 22ndJuneC. on 22ndJune)7,Can you tellab

66、out animals.B. protectingC. to protect)9,We startB. reading6A Unit 8 Chinese New Year Words:)2,My mother is tellingthe film.H. us aboutB. we aboutC. us to)3, I can reuse papera box.A. start dancingB. starts dancingC. starts to dancingA, myB. meC. I)8,We shouldthe animals.)10,Letthe flowers first.A, me to drawB. me drawC. me drawingexcited 激動地 ,興奮的food 食物fireworks 煙花表演firecrackers 鞭炮rich 富有的plan 計劃 ,打算homC. are doing theirA,proteC. readA, read第 43 頁Phrases: on the second day of Chinese New Yea 在中

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