
高中英語選修7 Unit1-5 單詞拼寫

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高中英語選修7 Unit1-5 單詞拼寫_第1頁
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高中英語選修7 Unit1-5 單詞拼寫_第2頁
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高中英語選修7 Unit1-5 單詞拼寫_第3頁
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16 積分




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1、高二英語二部 單詞拼寫強化訓練 選修7 Unit11.He has a (殘疾) pension because he lost his legs while he was in the army._2. The library have facilities 設施 for the (殘疾). _3. Her (聽力) is poor but his (視力) is good. _4. He completed all the 10 (圈) although his left foot was badly injured. _5. As is well known, Hitler is an

2、(有野心) man. _6. You did a good job in this (聽寫). _7. The children were playing (吵鬧) upstairs. _8. I think this dress is (不適合) for the party because the color is too dark. _9. The sign says “No (進入)!” _10. Taking exercise regularly is (有益) to your health. _11. I have (受益) a lot from reading a good var

3、iety of books. _12.When it comes to skipping rope跳繩, Im much (笨拙) than Jack. _13. She is optimistic and (外向), so she is popular among her classmates. _14. This movie is (改編) from one of Shakespeares works. _15. All the (長凳) in the park are newly painted. _16. Our school purchased a lot of (顯微鏡) for

4、us. _17. Jack apologized to his teacher for his (缺勤) from school yesterday. _18. Were (同事) workers in the same company. _19. He got very (惱怒) with me about my carelessness. _20. No building can stand without (堅固的) foundations. _21. His father is a famous (軟件) engineer. _22. (鸚鵡) can be trained to co

5、py human speech. _23. There is a nice fish (缸) in the waiting room. _24. Mr. Stone is an expert in child (心理學). _25. (心理上),the students are not fully mature. _26. His words of (鼓勵) did lift up my spirits. _27. We attended a concert (指揮) by Colin Davis. _28. (政治) is one of my favorite subjects. _29.

6、(奴隸制) was (廢除) a long time ago . _30. He was not satisfied with the salary and (辭職) from the company. _31. She shows no interest in (文學). _32. Susan was one of my (伙伴) on the journey. _33. He can walk only with the (協(xié)助) of a cane. _34. (祝賀) on your success! _35. (保齡球) is Lucys favorite pastime. _36.

7、 That was my first job after (畢業(yè)). _37. I lost my bag in which all my (證書) were placed. _38. Not all the (建筑師) can come up with such a novel design. _39. The space available is not (充分) for our needs. _40. The only (通路) to the farmhouse is across the fields. _41. The remote desert is (可進入的) only by

8、helicopter. _42. This screwdriver is very (好用). _43. His left arm was injured and had much difficulty (劃) the boat. _44. He rent a (地下室) to live in since he didnt earn much. _45. The door opens (向外). _46. There are two (出口) on each floor of the building. _47. Seeing his fantastic design, the manager

9、 nodded in (認可). _48. As a teacher, I dont think it is beneath my (尊嚴) to ask a student for help. _49. He made a (利潤) of ten thousand Yuan by selling the house. _50. A new clinic was set up in our (社區(qū)). _選修7 Unit21. I am fond of science (小說) very much. _2. When in trouble, she felt an overwhelming (

10、渴望) to return home. _3. To our teachers (滿意), all of us passed the exam smoothly. _4. All employees received a $100 Christmas (津貼). _5. The (鬧鐘) went off 響at 5:30a.m. _6. She opened the door, wearing a (圍裙). _7. I have no (同情) for Jane, since its all her fault. _8. Eating too much is likely to make

11、you (超重). _9. This is a five-star hotel which is (講究,高雅) furnished. _10. Chances tend to (偏愛) those who are well prepared. _11. Snow was (堆積) up against the door. _12. I (瀏覽) the list quickly for my name but didnt find it. _13. Pictures can be (掃描) into the computer. _14. She had all her (手指甲) paint

12、ed red. _15. The idea of powering the car with water seems to be (荒謬的). _16. You need a (理發(fā)). _17. All of a sudden, the rain came pouring down, (伴隨) by strong winds. _18. You need to change a new set of (鋪蓋). _19. I equipped my car with four new (靠墊). _20. The (項鏈) were decorated with beautiful diam

13、onds. _21. Most (職員) are not satisfied with the new manager. _22. I left my wallet at the (柜臺) of the supermarket. _23. Mr. Stone is an expert on foreign (事務). _24. My grandpa fell asleep in the (扶手椅). _25. Do you know something of the (宣言) of Independence. _26. The hotel restaurant is noted for its

14、 excellent (菜肴). _27. Everybody (忌妒) him because did well in almost everything. _28. I want to buy a (數(shù)字) camera. _29. Youd better check your (信箱) to see if you have received his e-mail. _30. How (雄偉) the Tiananmen Square is! _31. She picked up the (電話聽筒) and said “Hello”. _32. I have a great (喜愛) f

15、or New York. _33. Youre (注定) to feel nervous the first time you give a speech in public. _34. Many writers co-authored a (傳記) for that famous lady. _35. She devoted herself to reading the (神圣) Bible when she was 17. _36. I got a (兼職) job at the weekend. _37. On behalf of the teaching (全體員工), the hea

16、dmaster extended a warm welcome to the mayor. _38. His brother is an officer in the (海軍). _39. She is (年幼) to me by 3 years. _40. (生物化學) is a new science which combines two subjects. _41. Jay Chou is a (有天賦的) musician. _42. (理論上), it is possible that he can come here on time, but there might be traf

17、fic jams. _43. The book is made up of 15 (章節(jié)). _44. The bridge is built on a metal (框架). _45. She doesnt get on well with his husband and is going to get (離婚). _46. He was punished for (不服從) orders. _47. Whats your (評價) of the situation? _選修7 Unit31.The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their

18、 state (養(yǎng)老金) . _2. They are all old-age(領取養(yǎng)老金者). _3. Polar bears live mostly on sea ice, which they use as a platform for hunting(海豹). _4. The envelope was firmly(密封). _5. Are you asocial or do you just enjoy living in the(南極洲)? _6. This river forms a natural(分界線)between China and Korea. _7. They cl

19、imbed the(陡峭)mountain inch by inch. _8. On turning the corner, we saw the road descending (陡峭). _9. So (淺)is the lake that no fish can live in it. _10. The dog(恐嚇)a band of (賊) away_11. The most in color this autumn is(灰色). _12. These pancakes made by my mother are really(可口). _13. Strikes will(加劇)t

20、he countrys dilemma. _14. The sign set up by the road alerts drivers to a (敏捷)turn. _15. The baby is(吸吮)its finger. _16. You can use the(閃光燈)when you take a photo indoors. _17.The opening between the rocks was very (狹窄), but the boys managed to(擠)through. 18. I arrived at the airport so late that I

21、(狹窄)missed the plane. _19. The rocks had green(海藻)growing on them. _20. He keeps his office(整齊) and tidy. _21. Compared with Tom, John was always dressed well and (整潔). _22. To be an inventor, one needs profound knowledge as well as a very (生動)imagination. 23. He described our campus(生動). _24.Throug

22、h service learning, students are forced to think beyond their own interests and become (意識)of the needs of others. _25. There is a general(認識)that smoking is harmful. _26. The flu is believed to be caused by viruses that like to reproduce in the(細胞) inside the human nose and throat. _27. Many (純) me

23、tals have little use because they are too soft, rust too easily, or have some other (缺點). _28. My husband likes early American furniture, but I prefer contemporary styles, designs that (反映) todays times._29.Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really(反映)of the reality that they represent

24、. _30. Time is sometimes called the fourth(維). _31. The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the(潮汐). _32. I aimed at the(靶)but hit the wall. _33. The enemys missiles were ( 瞄準)at /on the city. _34. They (網(wǎng))the fruit trees to protect them from birds. _35. The(凈重) _weight of this jar of coffee

25、 is 180 grams. _36. After staying in hospital for long, the patient was advised to go to the _ to pick up his health.(海邊) _37._in the morning is a good way to keep fit.(慢跑)_38. Most people have come to accept the need for_of natural resources.(保存) _39. Research shows that there is no significant _ b

26、etween how much a person earns and whether he feels good about life.(關系)_40. There are many _ in the water.(鯊魚)_41. The parents were found guilty of _ their baby.(遺棄)_42. He sent me a message, _ me to finish the work ahead of time.(督促)_43. Many passengers threw wastes_and they were fined.(船舷外) _44.

27、Id like to tell you what I know but my_(嘴唇)are _(封口). _45. He ventured into the_of the forest.(深處)_46. The ice is ten feet in_.(深) _47. He _the heavy chest across the floor. (拖) _48. Tom was a black slave and he at last _ the cotton farm to join the North Army.(逃離)49. _ into the pocket , he fished o

28、ut a penny.(迅速放入)_50. In football_is even more important than individual skill.(協(xié)作)_51. He bought various _ to observe the animals.(望遠鏡)_52. I made the classic mistake of clapping in a_in the music!(暫停) _53. He _ the video and went to answer the phone.(中止)_54.Why are you _ at me?(喊叫)_55. She hurried

29、 away in the_direction.(相反的) _56. The plane hit the ocean several miles_.(近海) _57. The new tourist hotel will have _ for more than one thousand people.(食宿)_58.The last half of the nineteenth century _ the steady improvement in the means of travel.(見證)_59.Mr. Smith asked his secretary to insert a new

30、 paragraph in the _ report she was typing.(年度) _60. He preceded his lecture with a humorous_.(軼事) _選修7 Unit41. The letter was sent by _(航空郵件). _2. The letter took a _(兩周)to arrive. _3. All the _(屋頂)were covered with snow. _4. The other day, our car got stuck in(陷入)a_(泥濘的)road. _5. All our _ (教科書) ar

31、e burned to ashes in the fire. _6. As an idle(懶散的) student, he lacks the _(觀念) of time. _7. We take a test on a _(每周) basis. _8. Youd better have all the_(相關的)documents ready. _9. People in this _(偏僻的)village even have no access to fresh water. _10. I have been busy _ (除雜草)in the garden. _11. He fol

32、ds his newspaper into a neat _ (長方形), which looks _like a small _(長方形的)room. _12. I made a few minor _(調節(jié)) to the seating plan(座次表). _13. He was coming by train, so I waited on the _(月臺) _14. These _(掃帚) sell well. _15. The boy caught a cold and couldnt help _(吸鼻子). _16. All the _(參與者) in the debate

33、 have a chance to speak. _17. His ideal is to become an _(口譯者) in the future. _18. The rent is high, but _ (其他方面) the house is fine. _19. Senior citizens in the city enjoy many special _(特權) _20. As a secretary, she just does some _ (文書工作). _21. The _(布置,安排) of the furniture in our new house is like

34、ly to take a long time.22. Lets drink a _(敬酒) to your success. _23. _(梳理) the hair often takes her several minutes. _24. Several _(宇航員) were invited to attend the opening ceremony. _25. These novels reflect life in todays Japan from various _(角度). _26. You can choose from the _(目錄) a gift for your f

35、ather. _27. She made a _(捐贈) of $5,000 to the Childrens Hospital. _28. The young man often helps the old couple _(無償). _29. If you are not satisfied with your _(購買的東西),well give a full refund(退款).30. 2011 is the 60th _ (周年紀念日) of the our school. _31. The money is used to buy some _(種子). _32. The sho

36、es were _(縫制) by hand. _33. _(拖拉機) are very useful in farming. _34. Shopping online is just a matter of _(點擊) the mouse(鼠標). _35. He had his dress made by a Paris _(裁縫). _36. That country is _(政治) stable (穩(wěn)定). _37. They are busy _ (分發(fā)) leaflets(傳單) to the passers-by. _38. They could not agree about

37、the _(分配) of the profits_39. Luckily, the _(手術) is successful. _40. It is often less expensive to see a doctor in a _ (小診所)than in a hospital. _選修7 Unit51. She succeeded in getting a _ (簽證)for Poland. _2. They are _(排隊) up to see a film. _3. There are three _(自主餐廳) in our school. _4. One of the _(演講

38、者) was a middle-aged man. _5. What are the _(資格) for an airline pilot? _6. He is well / fully _(資格) for the job? _7. Every student keeps busy from dawn to dusk in _(準備) for the coming mid-term test.8. I bought the dictionary on your _(推薦). _9. He took writing novels as an _(職業(yè)) _10. The majority of

39、us have trouble in understanding English_(成語). _11. After a hot bath, he went to sleep _(舒適地). _12. Mary is ill and Laura is to _(代替) her. _13. Electricity is a good _(替代品) for petrol. _14. I used to work as a _(家庭教師)when I was in my college. _15. He meets all the _(要求) for promotion. _16. He spent

40、5 hours _(起草) the report. _17. My fingers were _(麻木) with cold. _18. As far as English study is _(就而言),he is second to none. _19. The boss will not tolerate any _(反駁). _20. There are some _(自治) regions in China. _21. He was scolded for lack of the spirit of _(事業(yè)心). _22. You owe me an _(道歉). _23. A _

41、(研討會) on environmental protection was held in our school. _24. The car is equipped with four _(可視電話). _25. At last, he failed to get his _ (學士) degree. _26. Jack is still a _(未婚男子). He is still single. _27. Getting up at 5:30a.m. is my daily _(常規(guī)). _28. Certain courses are compulsory, while others a

42、re _(選修的). _29. A good variety of _(鳥籠) are on sale in the store. _30. The dog kept _(吠叫)all the night, making me really annoyed. _31. Both of the _(電池) are dead, so I have to charge them. _32. Last year, the villagers _(鉆) several wells for water. _33. This country is famous for a large number of _

43、(油田). _34. His father works as a travel _(經(jīng)紀人). _35. These two lines are _(平行). _36. Actually, there is an _(充裕)supply of salt in our country. _37. Many foreign _(政府) have shown their concern for the victims in the earthquake. 38. Beijing is our final _(目的地) _39. We visited the _(墓) of Shakespeare. _11

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